(I) Table For Entreprenuership

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Core Strategy

Business Mission Basis of Differentiation

Our company mission is to provide the  Tracking system 24/7
quality, safety, reasonable price of product for  Battery last up till 14 days
customer and to maximize the profit to  Heartbeat rates
develop our company in the future. Customers  BP rate
safety is our priority.  Voice interaction
 Emergency contacts and also important
family members contact.
 Has app for the family members or
guardian to monitor them.
Target Market Product/Market Scope
Our target market are mainly the Alzheimer - Direct selling
and dementia people and also elder people
We will approach to the watch shops, health
with memory problems. Even older people
cares, pharmacies, home cares, clinics and
who are not a dementia disease patient could
hospitals and sell our Memory Zen.
purchase this smart watch.

Core Competency Key Assets
In order to make our product ‘Memory Zen’ to
standout, compare with the competitors are:
1. Battery last up till 14 days
The battery will last long up to 14 days.
This is super easy since the Alzheimer,
Dementia and memory loss people as
some might stay alone or their family
members has a busy schedule to keep
an eye on them. This memory Zen
provides an application for the family
members or guardians so that they can
keep a track on the patients. Moreover,
they don’t have to worry about the
battery’s percentage.

2. Voice interaction
This voice interaction comes in various kinds
of languages such as Malay, Chinese and
Tamil. This voice interaction is installed in the
watch because certain cases as memory loss or
mild dementia patients they can talk and ask
any questions such as “where did I went just
now?’, “what should I do or did I eat?” this
voice interaction is a part of the features but
our main focus is on tracking system.

Cost Structure Financing/Funding

Fixed costs

Variable Cost
Raw materials
Monthly salary
Marketing expenses
Product/Service Production Channels
Product (100%) Direct selling through:

 Promotions and discounts.

 Guerrilla marketing
 Website
 Promote in person.
 Social Media Marketing-
Facebook, twitter and blog.
Key Partners

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