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Operation plan

come out with a apply business licenses

register business
business idea and permit

study more about the open a business bank

choose business name
business idea account

propose this idea to

conduct market come out with business
Samsung or any watch
research structure

come out with the

write a business plan fund your business

1. First of all, we decide to come out a business with a smart watch. This is because now
have a lot of dementia people and elder people that have some memory problems so we
hope that these smart watch can bring convenient and easy to them.
2. This smart watch is a new product for dementia people and elder people that have
memory and physical problems. Smart watch also help the medical research and
development and improving the existing services. This product is focused on innovation
because it can help our business grow efficiently in the future.
3. Besides that, we have also doing some conduct market research for the demands of the
market and also the practicable of the product for people daily usage.
4. We have written a business plan for the smart watch and looking for the part supplier.
6. Moreover, we are coming out a business structure that is partnership. This is because we
are set up with five people and we are sharing our idea with each other. From other side,
partnership can help us to reduce the liabilities and we are not taking big risks for starting
7. We have discussed and choose the Dementia Siri as our product’s name. This is because
name of dementia siri related with our target people and it can attract people in the first
8. We also register our company at Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) and Dewan
Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) for apply the business licenses and permit. This is due
to the reason that every business must register their company and get the licenses to start
their business, if they start business without licenses will fine by Dewan Bandaraya Kuala
Lumpur. Not only that, when we register our business at SSM our copyright and profile
will be protect. Therefore, other people cannot copy our idea and do it. This is a very
important thing for register our business.
9. Next, we have to open a business bank account for dementia siri. It is because of bank is
significant for transaction money to a business.
10. Furthermore, we decide to propose this idea to Samsung or any watch shops. This is
because dementia siri can connect with smart phone and we can also use phone to control
it. For example, in the smart phone will show the condition of dementia siri and know
about the health status and tracking the location of the smart watch.
11. After the proposal successfully adopt, the assembly proses of the Dementia Siri watch
will be started and ready to produce and prepare to sales in the market.

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