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oaeL25 20 Micheal Lee of the Family Ward (Real Man)* c/o 9518 203 Ave. E. Bonney Lake, Washington republic, usA NON DOMESTIC [98391] -NOTICE AND DEMAND- REVOCATION OF POWER OF ATTORNEY TO: OFFICERS OF THE COURT, Or ANY CORPORATION x ‘TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: “The purpose of this LETI'ER and the attached AFFIDAVITS incorporated herein is to give you, your office, and your Principles constructive LEGAL NOTICE of my election to: I. REVOKE ALLPoversof Attomey granted knowingly or unknowingly to variousagencies ofthe County, Stateand {federal de fasiogovernment; by Nunct Pro Tunct. 2. REVOKE ANY and ALL CONTRACTS entered into with agents or agencies ofthe government knowingly or a and Unienonal ly waiving rights for privi or benefits, Past present or future; by Nunct Pro Tunct ee REVOKE my signature or authorization on ANY and ATL. contracts, documents or things inthe possession, custody and /or control.of either Agent or PRINCIPLE; 4, ‘RESERVE AIL MY UNALIENABLE SOVEREIGN RIGHTS by virtueof the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Treaty of Paris, the Articles of Confederation (1777}, the Constitution for the united states of America, the Bill ‘of Rights (1791) and 225 years of positive American law; 5, REPUDIATEany presumed obligation to py a fraudulent debt on a declared yet undisclosed Stale and federal py implemented by foegn rinciples/creditors to overthrow the de jure republican government ofthe united states of America; 6: REVEAL the weasonhighsrmes and misdemeanors of ele and appointed agen, poitians pbc oc ‘Judges, attorneys and police officers acting under ‘color of law,’ violating their oaths of office andallegiance tothe Cotten forthe und sites of Amerie, ‘while acting knowingly and unknowingly as the express agents of foreign rinciplesereitors eration Monetary Fund IMF andthe fren pots Knowingly seizing propery fom te ‘American government Reserve System and international banking cartels; Fn fal es io soverei 7. SUPPOR iials and statesmen/women with the courage tostand upto this injusticeand rights and property of all the people ofthe united states of America (Gacluding blacks, women, minorities and indigenous people) and the de jure government of the republic,a ‘government ofby and for the people: 8, Exercise my natural right toREMOVE MYSELF from the jurisdiction of the federal corporate United Sates 2s 8 Usscitizen and REPATRIATE asa sovrgn American national and sat Citizen, ‘and upbold the ‘separation of powers'doctrines;9. RESTORE andREINHABIT a lawful, constitutional, epublican form of government with Everelgnty vested in Wethe People, includinga lawful money system tendered onthe ‘paymentof golive for debs, debt-based Federal Reserve Notes (i.e. Corporation Notes of Undetermined Value). This is LEGAL NOTICE. to all elected, appointed or employed officials including police officers, agents, or representatives of the City, County, State and/or federal government, including corporations and attorneys. That you ean no longer presumeto act oti my behalf or take ANY action without my consent, without TRESPASS upon my natural person or private property: That any action involving a citation or ticket, extortion, confiscation, impoundment or illegal search and seizure of my private property by a police officer or ‘ANY other public servant or employee will be considered a willful act to deprive me of my constitutionally protected rights as an American National OR estate Citizen; That ANY action by a police officer, officer of the Legal Notice: RevocationofPower of Attorney Pogt! 1 of3 sfcatog Aawsony fo soma fo uomeroany ‘290K 87] 40 nok yor sBunp pue (syeszeA “3'2) swuawnsop [Te pue Aue Jo “ynBjap Aq opeur swuowEpns yo; ‘syuELTE A, ‘suonetD ouyesy, mous sammwudis pordiuy (je pue Aue WAGNTM PUC TAINO “AHOATY 449304 | “sou—pia a100f oupid se waiey paqwiodsood; SEIAVGLAAY POOUIE OM PUL AOLLON SRA Aq aiojaroq “suouiue pasn oq youueD NSS Hons “(NSS) J9quMN AyuNd9g TEPOS om ‘se UAoUY JuoUNNSU Mp FIA WORENSTURUPY AUND9g [eos ap YSnoNY uosied Aut uodn psowd suopoUseL puE ‘Suons8tiq0 om Woy LNAWLINIOddY JO ASVA TAA * JO AOLLON OST sip s9pisuo> ‘5192p 40 sI1JoU0q som 403 9191849 298u9] ou ure | pur ‘uonesodioo ywourUaAC saIBIg PeHUN [eEpES om Jo AuTeTUSUMNSU! 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