Kelompok 1

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Kelompok 1
Faurizal Limansyah 09211750024003
Tika Dwi Septiani 09211750024008
Ruli Ayu 09211750024010
Risk Management

Salah satu bagian

dari Poject
Management Plan Dapat diterapkan
disegala bentuk
Meningkatkan peluang Ada resiko baik dan proyek
dan untuk mengurangi resiko buruk yang besar
ancaman terhadap kemungkinan terjadi
tujuan proyek selama proyek
Plan Risk Management

Identify RIsk

Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

Plan Risk Responses

Risk Management Is an Iterative Process

Business Probability Expected

Risk Kemungkinan besar risiko
itu terjadi dalam suatu Timing
proyek Selama proyek berlangsung,
risiko positif atau negatif itu
pasti bisa saja terjadi
Pure Dampak jika risiko itu

terjadi dalam suatu Frequency
Risk of The Event
Berapa kali risiko mungkin
terjadi selama masa proyek
Project Management Process
Planning Processes
• Determine how you will do planning- • Determine critical path • Prepare procurement documents
part of all management plans • Develop schedule • Finalize the “how to execute and control”
• Finalize requirements] • Develop budget parts of all management plans
• Create project scope statement • Determine quality standards, processes & metrics • Develop final PM plan and performance
• Determine what to purchase • Create process improvement plan
measurement baseline that are realistic
• Determine team • Determine all roles and responsibilities
• Gain formal approval of the plan
• CreateWBS and WBS dictionary • Plan communications
• Create activity list • Perform risk identification, qualitative amd • Hold kickoff meeting
• Create network diagram quantitative risk analysis and risk responses planning
• Estimate time and cost • Go-back iteration

Initiating Processes
• select project manager Initiating Processes
• Determine company culture & existing systems • Confirm work is done to requirements
• Collect processes, procedure and historical information • Complex procurement closure
• Divide large projects into phases • Gain formal acceptance of the product
• Understand the business case • Complete final performance reporting
• Uncover initial requirements and risks • Index and archive records
• Create measurable objectives • Update lessons learned knowledge base
• Develop project charter • Hand off completed product
• Identify stakeholders • Release resources
• Develop stakeholder management strategy

Executing Processes Monitoring & Controlling Processes

• Execute the work according to the PM • Perform quality audits • Take action to control the project • Approve or reject changes
plan • Acquire final team • Measure performance against the • Inform stakeholders of approved changes
• Produce product scope • Manage people performance measurement baseline • Manage configuration
• Request changes • Evaluate team aud project performance • Measure performance against other • Create forecasts
• Implement only approved changes • Hold team-building avtivities metrics determined by the project • Gain acceptance of interim deliverables
• Ensure common understanding • Give recognition andrewards manager from the customer
• Use the work authorization system • Use issue logs • Determine variances and if they warrant • Perform quality control
• Continuously improve • Facilitate conHlct resolution a change request • Report on project performance
• Follow processes • Send and receive information • Influence the factors that cause changes • Perform risk audits
• Perform quality assurance • Select sellers • Request changes • Manage reserves
• Perform integrated chage control • Administer procurement
Organizational Process Assets
risk • All e-mails and meeting minutes from
Corporate Priority of this project
compared to all others before the project was approved,
objectives policies or including
procedure • Those from the customer
• Technical and project management
Answers from management literature or articles
and the customer to as
data for
• Copies of contracts, standards, or
many of your questions
about The project as management' regulations related to the project
possible so that you are
clear about the project
s time or cost Experts • Technical drawings and specifications
charter, constraints, and
objectives (if • Organizational charts
issues related to the project • Resumes of potential team members
• Marketing or sales reports
issues and
Articles or suggested Review of
protocol, documentation
publications language relevant to the
on risk barriers, and project
Project Charter
A project charter rather a high level directive from management outline the overall objectives of the
project. It authorize the existence of e project (the completion of work), gives the project manager the
authority needed to complete the project, and provides some extremely important direction of a project.
A project charter should be issued by management for every project It should be no more than two sides
of a page long, and contain the following information:

Project Title & Description Stakeholder Requirements as known

Product Description
Project Manager Assigned
Measurable Project Objectives
Bussines Case
Project Approval Requirements
Resources Preassigned
High Level Project Risks

Stakeholders Signature
Output from Project Planning for
Project : Stakeholder Register
Stakeholders are individuals and organizations who are actively involved in the project or may affect or be
affected by the project.
The names, skills, abilities, and needs of the individual stakeholders are determined early in the project and
documented in a stakeholder register. This document is updated throughout the project, as more information
about the stakeholders and their preferences becomes known.

Project sponsor, Management, Project

manager, Project team, Project People within the performing
manager's boss, Team members‘ bosses,
Procurement department, Marketing
department, Salespeople, Quality
assurance/quality control departments,
Manufacturing, Legal counsel, Other
departments, Project managers of
previous / similar projects, Project
managers who have worked with the
customer before
Customer, Customer's
people from outside the competition, End users,
performing organization
Suppliers and vendors, Experts,
Public, Funding sources
Output from Project Planning for Project
: Project Scope Statement
• Project Scope Statement as the approved
project and product scope for the project. To
perform risk management, it is important to
have a finalized project scope statement that
describes the complexity of the project.
• The Scope Statement is an agreement among
the project team, the project sponsor and key
stakeholders. It represents a common
understanding of the project for the purpose
of facilitating communication among the
stakeholders and for setting authorities and
limits for the project manager and team. The
scope statement includes relating the project
to business objectives, and defining the
boundaries of the project in multiple
dimensions including approach, deliverables,
milestones, and budget
Output from Project Planning for Project : Project Constraint
The customer satisfaction rating throughout
the project should be at least 8.0 on a 1 to 10
07 01 Complete the project byJune 15.


Only three resources from the marketing
06 02 COST
Complete the project for less than US
department may be used.

The risk score for the project should be no
Complete all the work listed
more than 60 on a 0 to 80 scale.
There should be no more than three bugs per
Output from Project Planning for Project :
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

A work breakdown structure (WBS)

is one of the key outputs of project
management planning. It’s an input
to other processes and is essential
for all projects. The work
breakdown structure decomposes
the project into smaller, more
manageable pieces, called work
packages. Those work packages
then are managed by the project
manager. A work breakdown
structure can be created using
many tools, but is often created
using sticky notes with the project
Output from Project Planning for Project : Network Diagram
A network diagram is a dependency-sequenced organization of the project's activities. These activities are
derived from the decomposition of work packages in the work breakdown structure. The network diagram
shows the flow of activities to be completed from project beginning to end, based on the dependencies
between the activities. This tool can be used to decrease project duration by organizing the activities into
parallel activities (activities that can be done concurrently).
Estimate for Time and Cost
Estimasi waktu dan biaya Proses management resiko
didasarkan pada 3 perkiraan:
dapat mempersingkat jadwal
proyek dan mengurangi biaya
Optimistic proyek.
Most Likely


Hasilnya adalah indikasi resiko

yang terlibat dalam estimasi
Human Resource Plan
Beberapa contoh pertanyaan mengenai
human resource plan yang perlu
dipertimbangkan saat mengidentifikasi
Rencana dalam
mengidentifikasi kapan Apakah ada stakeholder yang bermasalah terlibat
dan bagaimana sebuah dalam proyek?
tim dan stakeholder
lain akan dilibatkan Apa tingkat pengetahuan dan keahlian dari para
dalam proyek dan stakeholder? Apakah mereka membutuhkan
pelatihan tambahan?
peran yang mereka
Communications Management Plan

Communications Beberapa contoh pertanyaan mengenai

management plan dibuat communication management plan yang
oleh manager proyek dan perlu dipertimbangkan saat
menjadi bagian dari mengidentifikasi resiko:
manajemen proyek.
Tujuannya memberitahu
para stakeholder Dimana kemungkinan besar ada masalah
bagaimana dan bentuk komunikasi?
komunikasi apa yang akan
ditangani dalam proyek.
Bagaimana mengetahui metode komunikasi yang
paling efektif untuk para stakeholder dan situasi?
Organizational Process Assets
Risk Management Policies, Procedures, and Templates

Template dan prosedur umum meliputi:

Prosedur untuk manajemen • Melaporkan bentuk-bentuk resiko
resiko, formulir yang akan • Probabilitas standar dan skala dampak
• Prosedur untuk stakeholder dalam
digunakan, proses yang
manajemen resiko
harus diikuti, definisi peran • Kebijakan yang mengidentifikasi siapa
dan tanggungjawab. yang menyetujui risk response plans
• Standart peringkat resiko
• Prosedur untuk audit resiko
Organizational Process Assets
Historical Records from previous Projects

Catatan sejarah dapat mencakup informasi berikut dari proyek sebelumnya yang
• Konteks historis dari proyek dan fase proyek
• Output dari perencanaan proyek
• Output dari manajemen resiko (daftar kategori berbahaya, probabilitas dan
dampak resiko, risk respon plans, metode untuk mengukur efektifitas uapaya
manajemen resiko)
Organizational Process Assets
Lessons Learned from Previous Projects
Beberapa contoh pertanyaan mengenai
Catatan sejarah merupakan bagian dari Organizational Process Assets yang perlu
pelajaran yang dapat dipetik, hal ini dapat dipertimbangkan saat mengidentifikasi
membantu dalam mengidentifikasi dan resiko:
mengelola resiko pada proyek. Karena hal
tersebut mengandung informasi apa yang
Resiko apa yang terjadi dimasa lalu (proyek
sudah berjalan dengan baik, apa yang
salah, atau apa yang seharusnya dilakukan
dapat membantu mencegah kesalahan Apakah proyek serupa telah berhasil
yang sama tidak dilakukan. diselesaikan di organisasi?

Bagaimana kebijakan dan prosedur yang ada

dapat membantu mencegah masalah dalam
Organizational Process Assets
Risk Tolerance Areas

Toleransi resiko biasanya dinyatakan

dalam batasan proyek. Hal ini
ditinjau setelah resiko diidentifikasi
untuk membantu tim dalam
memprioritaskan resiko yang
Organizational Process Assets
Risk Thresholds

Risk Thresholds merupakan “pendamping” dari konsep risk tolerance area. Kata
“threshold” (ambang) menunjukkan batas.
Contohnya : lebih dari 2 hari keterlambatan dalam instansi x tidak dapat
Terima Kasih

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