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本次写作要求根据 Tony 写给 Daming 的邮件,以 Daming 的身份给 Tony 写一封回
注意:1. 主要人称为第一人称;2. 主要时态为一般现在时。

I'm glad that we both have a family time these days.
Deeply touched by their love, I try to do something to show my , too.
所做的事情 I
often help Mom with , such as sweeping, washing and so on. My
parents are to see I'm growing.
As for the common time with the family together, I think the best way is to do
最好的方式 something . Last time Dad and I enjoyed a wonderful film , and
then shared our feelings.

Hi Tony,
I'm glad that we both have a wonderful family time these days. Deeply touched by their love,
I try to do something to show my love, too. As you know, I'm a lazy boy. ①But now things
change a lot. ②I often help Mom with housework, such as sweeping, washing and so on. Can
you believe I can cook now? ③My parents are proud to see I'm growing.

④As for the common time with the family together, I think the best way is to do something
alike. Last time Dad and I enjoyed a wonderful film together, and then shared our feelings.
⑤What a brilliant time!
Hope this helps!

1. However, things change a lot now.
2. I often help Mom to do housework, like sweeping, washing and so on.
3. Both of my parents feel so proud when seeing I’m growing.
4. As for the common time with the family together, in my opinion, it is the best way to
do something alike.
5. How brilliant the time we had was!

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