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Practice Two – Second Term Name: _Zaidy Yurani Ortiz Rivas_

REVISED BY __________________________________ TOTAL SCORE %_____ (17)

1. Listen and mark with X according to what you hear. Score ( ) 7

Where were they?

Peter Diana Molly Gina Jason Laura Kate Trig

Theatre x
swimming pool x
Zoo x x
Park x x
Football stadium x
Circus x

2. Listen and answer the questions. Make a question when its necessary.

2.1 Where was he? __ He was washing is clothes at the Laundromat _________

2.2 ___ What was she doing? ___? She was eating dinner

2.3 What was she doing? _____ She was visiting a friend in the hospital ________

2.4 She was watching TV. True ( ) False (X)

2.5 Where were they? ___ They were having a picnic at the beach ______

2.6 __ What was he doing when he was in the park? ____? He was playing tennis.

2.7 What was he doing? ___ he was cooking ________________________

2.8 What was he doing when he was at home? __He was watching DVDs____

2.9 What was she buying at the mall? ____ she was buying speakers ___

2.10 He was studying at the library. True ( ) False ( x )

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