RNchat Transcript For February 3, 2011

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Healthcare Hashtag Twitter Transcript

From: Thu Feb 03 18:07:00 PST 2011
To: Thu Feb 03 19:05:00 PST 2011

Learn more about #RNchat at The Healthcare Hashtag Project

RNchat T1 Nursing Impact of the Credit Crisis: Since 2008, have you seen a noticeable uptake in re-
entry of nurses (r/t layoffs, etc.)? #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:07:32 PST 2011

s_eller @PracticalWisdom - Welcome Lisa - of course you are not too late #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:07:44 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @s_eller: Thanks Susan. #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:08:20 PST 2011

RNchat @PracticalWisdom Just in time! And good to see you. See @RNchat for the topic. #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:08:30 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @holisticnurses: Thanks, you all are very welcoming. #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:08:45 PST 2011

holisticnurses T1 I have some nurses delay retirement b/c economy changes. Still seeing open RN positions
in my org but the NY market is BIG. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:09:30 PST 2011

learae LeaRae, Nurse Entrepreneur here at #RNChat #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 18:09:42 PST 2011

Ashleigh_RN @LeaRae welcome! #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:10:07 PST 2011

EllenRichter @LeaRae Welcome, LeaRae! :) #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:10:34 PST 2011

holisticnurses T1 Correction: Nurses delaying retirement bc economic crisis. #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 18:10:48 PST 2011

learae Hi Ellen, Still here on the desert, but decided to join in tonight. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:11:20 PST 2011
RNchat @kathydelps Welcome here, Kathy! Any questions, just @ reply this account or
@PhilBaumann - good luck! #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:11:21 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @Ashleigh_RN: T1 Agree In NC Furniture, Tobacco, Textiles so many are going into
Healthcare or Biotec #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:11:33 PST 2011

holisticnurses @LeaRae @kathydelps Hey there, ladies! #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 18:11:36 PST 2011

Trybarefoot Lurking around the corner at #RNchat and #lrnchat (Gerard in Nova Scotia!)
Thu Feb 3 18:11:48 PST 2011

EllenRichter T1 I work in a very busy ICU and about 35% of our staff are 50+ yrs old and its a higher % in
other slower areas of the hospital #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:12:14 PST 2011

DerekWWade @Trybarefoot #lrnchat is up now? Doh! Thanks for the reminder! #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:12:52 PST 2011

EllenRichter @LeaRae Glad you decided to bring the chat to the desert! :o) #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:13:30 PST 2011

s_eller T1 - Like Ellen, I have seen many nurses delay retirement - had a friend working in the ED at
age 70 #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:14:09 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @derekwwade~Another Groovy Chicago Person. Hi! #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:14:51 PST 2011

EllenRichter T1 Yet we cant fill our night vacancies & are going to hire a hand-picked new grad RN & use
an internship program #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:15:33 PST 2011

holisticnurses T1 Take that back, I do see some newer nurses in the nurse internship programs, but limited
spots. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:15:46 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @s_eller Susan I would think ED could be very challenging on the body. Perhaps more
physical than most? Is this your expereince? #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:15:48 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN Hello everyone, Just joining...interesting discussion topic tonight. #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:16:24 PST 2011

holisticnurses @Reach4MoJOYRN JOY! :) #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 18:16:46 PST 2011
PracticalWisdom @Reach4MoJOYRN: Glad to see you. Welcome #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:16:48 PST 2011

s_eller @PracticalWisdom - definitely - ED is physical work - she stayed because of insurance

reasons #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:17:05 PST 2011

holisticnurses @EllenRichter Seems the nurse internship programs need an expansion across the board. T1
Thu Feb 3 18:17:53 PST 2011

learae T1 - I too have seen more nurses delaying retirement than re-entering. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:17:54 PST 2011

learae I think getting skills back up to speed is a significant issue in re-entry. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:18:02 PST 2011

s_eller @derekwwade @PracticalWisdom & @trybarefoot - doing double chat duty - both interesting
topics - hard to choose #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:18:13 PST 2011

EllenRichter T1 The new RN graduates must really do lots of preparation to create an impressive resume.
School activities & externships help #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:19:00 PST 2011

s_eller T1 - the hospital I work at did not hire new grads for 2 years from 2008 -2010 - costs more to
orient them #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:19:14 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN @PracticalWisdom @LeaRae -Agree especially with the advances in technology. #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:19:21 PST 2011

DerekWWade @s_eller Tweetgrid -- and a workflow -- is your friend. #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:19:57 PST 2011

tobemcb ...In my mothers generation, women did so much to hide their age... #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:20:09 PST 2011

holisticnurses Harumpf. :) RT @s_eller: T1 - the hospital I work at did not hire new grads for 2 years from
2008 -2010 - costs more to orient them #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:20:15 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @EllenRichter: I teach job search/Job retention and always suggest Vol. to make sure they
are cut out for your field. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:20:19 PST 2011

EllenRichter T1 Some hospitals provide an extended orientation program for new grad RNs in exchange for
a few years work requirement #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:20:24 PST 2011
nursingpins Hi all - at work but monitoring. #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:20:29 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @nursingpins: Another great one to add to the chat tonight. Welcome@ #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:21:13 PST 2011

Ashleigh_RN @nursingpins great to see you #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:21:42 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN T1-according to #AACN_nurses in their 50s are expected to become the largest segment of
the nursing workforce. #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:22:17 PST 2011

s_eller T1 in follow up to earlier new grad statement - they have hired about 150 new grads since
July -trend is reversing #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:22:19 PST 2011

EllenRichter @nursingpins Howdy! Keep your eyes on those monitors!! :) #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:22:37 PST 2011

ER_Nurse_Joy @EllenRichter T1 We have 3 new grad programs ER,ICU and med-surg ..they do sign
contracts. We still have vacancies #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:22:56 PST 2011

holisticnurses T1 How active are nurse educators these days in helping students find jobs, I wonder? It may
help if they put in a good word. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:23:40 PST 2011

SSannerPhDRN i just got here sorry #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:24:09 PST 2011

holisticnurses @WillowRN Hey there! Also, Hi Vernon! @nursingpins #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 18:24:52 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN @SSannerPhDRN good evening...welcome! #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:24:53 PST 2011

EllenRichter @ER_Nurse_Joy Well that is such a shame! Where is your facility? Lets plug them here!
Maybe theres a new grad RN who will see it! #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:24:56 PST 2011

learae One of the primary reasons for the coming nursing shortage is a shortage of nursing
instructors. Lot on their plates. Little pay, #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:25:04 PST 2011

tobemcb I spoke to a student nurse, finishing this year saying students are actually failing classes.
Nurse Educ is said to be hard #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:25:25 PST 2011
GerryWiederRN Wow you can actually chat on Twitter? #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:25:28 PST 2011

nursingpins Trend here has been to hire new grads - but mostly part time. Has affected continuity, quality
and morale - hi Ellen and all :) #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:25:44 PST 2011

EllenRichter @Reach4MoJOYRN @SSannerPhDRN @WillowRN You guys snuck in! :) #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:25:53 PST 2011

DerekWWade @PracticalWisdom And how do you feel about fixation error? ;) #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:26:06 PST 2011

nursingpins There are now more PT nurses in New Orleans than FT! #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:26:26 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @nursingpins: Part time hiring to save $ on benefits, etc? #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 18:26:30 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN @EllenRichter @Reach4MoJOYRN @SSannerPhDRN @WillowRN_yep got my nursing

sneakers on tonight ;-) #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:26:38 PST 2011

EllenRichter @nursingpins T1 How terrible! How can a new grad really learn if they only work part time? I
swear...I just dont get it #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:26:57 PST 2011

holisticnurses Another interesting point. Strategy or work-life balance? RT @nursingpins: There are now
more PT nurses in New Orleans than FT! #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:27:23 PST 2011

SSannerPhDRN @holisticnurses in the MSN program, we are trying to grow our own and hire our new grads to
be clinical faculty. #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:28:20 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom Part-time is choice of RN=Good. If Part-time to save institution/Hospital to save $=Bad.

Thu Feb 3 18:28:23 PST 2011

s_eller @holisticnurses - Yes Amy, maybe work-life balance or viable option for childcare as well
Thu Feb 3 18:28:27 PST 2011

Ashleigh_RN @PracticalWisdom @nursingpins I agree that it is probably a money-saving option.

Organizations think it saves ++ $ but does it? #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:28:34 PST 2011

tobemcb Over the past 30 yrs I have noticed a lack of nurses q 5 yrs #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:29:05 PST 2011
EllenRichter T1 Many of the senior RN students who do clinicals in the ICU with me say they want to go
right back to school for RN Practitioner #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:29:06 PST 2011

holisticnurses T1 Our nurse internship program partners with a visiting md program. Great environment for
new docs and new nurses. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:29:31 PST 2011

SSannerPhDRN @EllenRichter same here. When they interview for the program they say that is their ultimate
goal. #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:29:52 PST 2011

DerekWWade @PracticalWisdom http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixation_(visual) #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:30:04 PST 2011

NurseTeeny Had to move for my first job last year. #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:30:16 PST 2011

s_eller @holisticnurses - like the sound of your internship program - we work in teams good to have
team internship #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:30:18 PST 2011

holisticnurses @EllenRichter A handful of fellow #MSN students have come directly from #BSN program.
Pros and cons, I suppose. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:30:20 PST 2011

EllenRichter @holisticnurses Your work situation sounds wonderful! #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:30:23 PST 2011

Ashleigh_RN @EllenRichter that is interesting! re: nurses wanting to go back to become NPs right away
Thu Feb 3 18:30:40 PST 2011

SSannerPhDRN @EllenRichter they indicate that they are just out getting one year practice so they can apply
to grad school #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:30:41 PST 2011

holisticnurses Yep RT @Reach4MoJOYRN: RT @PracticalWisdom: Part-time is choice of RN=Good. If Part-

time to save institution/Hospital to save $=Bad. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:30:43 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @Ashleigh_RN @PracticalWisdom @nursingpins: Would be interesting to see in the long

term if it saves $. # factors in cost. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:31:00 PST 2011

EllenRichter @holisticnurses I definitely feel that an RN graduate should NOT go right back for nurse
practitioner. There should be 2 yr minimum #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:31:11 PST 2011
SSannerPhDRN @EllenRichter @holisticnurses agree!!! #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:31:48 PST 2011

Ashleigh_RN @EllenRichter I thought in most programs 2 years experience was required for NP programs.
Thu Feb 3 18:31:56 PST 2011

Trybarefoot Two thumbs UP! RT @Wanderer_RN: #RNCHat Forgot about the chat and went to happy
Thu Feb 3 18:32:06 PST 2011

EllenRichter @Wanderer_RN LOL we will take that into consideration. We still want to hear from you! :)
Thu Feb 3 18:32:09 PST 2011

GerryWiederRN @Wanderer_RN Just a different perspective is all. #RNCHat

Thu Feb 3 18:32:12 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @EllenRichter @holisticnurses: Agree. Think this wisdom holds true for most advanced
degrees. Get the real stuff first then add on. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:32:30 PST 2011

s_eller @Wanderer_RN - sometimes Happy hour is the equalizing factor -we are nurses here, no one
judges #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:32:35 PST 2011

nursingpins I agree Ellen - takes time for experience to catch up with knowledge (2 yr min) #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:33:07 PST 2011

NurseTeeny @EllenRichter agree you should get experience but what about accelerated MSN programs?
Thu Feb 3 18:33:35 PST 2011

dorameulman @s_eller I seem to be busy on Thurs night a lot. Glad to catch a little tonight:) #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:34:11 PST 2011

Wanderer_RN @nursingpins #RNchat Funny, our internship program claims that their 18 week internship will
make the new grad as good as a 2 year nurse.
Thu Feb 3 18:34:20 PST 2011

holisticnurses no argument here. :) RT @s_eller: @Wanderer_RN - sometimes Happy hour is the equalizing
factor -we are nurses here, no one judges #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:34:36 PST 2011

EllenRichter @Ashleigh_RN I really dont know that answer. I got my MA in nursing education way before
NP role ever existed! :( #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:34:47 PST 2011
s_eller T2 - thanks for clarifying- yes having more new grads on the floor - it should impact number of
admissions #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:35:11 PST 2011

nursingpins @Wanderer_RN smiling - you can learn in 18 weeks everything a hospital expects of a
nurse - #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:35:41 PST 2011

holisticnurses T1 I would not have excelled in an MSN program directly from BSN. Needed the hands on
exp. ok, moving onto T2. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:35:55 PST 2011

Ashleigh_RN @EllenRichter hmmm... I was looking at programs in Canada recently and all the ones I saw
required clinical experience. Not sure #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:35:58 PST 2011

ER_Nurse_Joy ER_Nurse_Joy @EllenRichter We are in NC one of the busiest in the state, always in need of
nurses. we are filling with agency #RNCHAT
Thu Feb 3 18:35:58 PST 2011

EllenRichter @Ashleigh_RN But senior students DO talk of going right back to school again for NP, so it
may be an option #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:36:27 PST 2011

NurseTeeny Recently read a nasty post by a nurse educator about second degree grad nursing programs.
Thu Feb 3 18:36:35 PST 2011

GerryWiederRN #RNCHat@nursingpins This is true. You could probably put that on 2-3 file cards. #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:36:38 PST 2011

Ashleigh_RN @EllenRichter interesting. #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:36:55 PST 2011

s_eller T2 - or were you asking about number of nurses being accepted into hospital? I think that
back up of new grads has impact either way #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:37:07 PST 2011

EllenRichter Oh no! As usual, I cant find T2~ LOL~ #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:37:13 PST 2011

holisticnurses @rnchat: T2 Long-term Impact: If theres "backup", what affect might it have on adoption of
new tech? What abt quality of new nurses? #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:38:00 PST 2011

Ashleigh_RN @HelenA_Hamilton hey Helen! make sure you write #RNChat so we all know you are here!
Why not try checking in with the group again? :)
Thu Feb 3 18:38:17 PST 2011
holisticnurses @EllenRichter LOL. Same instinct to rt T2. :) #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:38:24 PST 2011

EllenRichter T2 We are adopting new technology despite working with older generation RNs. I think RNs in
general adapt to anything! #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:39:12 PST 2011

nursingpins @Wanderer_RN hospitals no longer expect critical thinking from a nurse - it is all about
numbers - RR team make up for it. #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:39:47 PST 2011

SSannerPhDRN @nursingpins @Wanderer_RN Interesting!! #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:40:30 PST 2011

EllenRichter @nursingpins But, when it comes to nursing litigation, THEN the nurses are expected to have
used critical thinking. Its double edged #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:40:43 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN @EllenRichter -I think nurses were the creators of the ability to pick up and adapt! #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:41:00 PST 2011

ER_Nurse_Joy @Ashleigh_RN Are nurses in Canada having problem finding jobs? #RNCHat
Thu Feb 3 18:41:04 PST 2011

DerekWWade @nursingpins Seriously about critical thinking? Watched new RNs learn it - on my dad. #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:41:43 PST 2011

Ashleigh_RN @EllenRichter re: "RNs adapt to anything" is right. My #eHealth group is all ages & very eager
hence r on chat tonight 4 1st time #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:41:53 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @nursingpins @Wanderer_RN: Same sad story MSW/Counselors/Addiction Field. #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 18:41:59 PST 2011

Ashleigh_RN @ER_Nurse_Joy absolutely- in Toronto there is a hiring freeze right now at our major hospital
group. Really hard for nurses now! #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:42:37 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom Now in so many helping fields they even call it productivity~like we are making widgets!
Thu Feb 3 18:42:53 PST 2011

holisticnurses T2 Perhaps the ease of new tech adoption is more personality of the org than the workforce
itself. Nurses who adapt will do better. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:43:14 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @EllenRichter: Thanks wondered the same. #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 18:43:32 PST 2011
GerryWiederRN @SSannerPhDRN Whole new meaning for nursing "practice"? #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:43:42 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN A person better know how to think critical before stepping into any patient care setting.
Thu Feb 3 18:43:48 PST 2011

DerekWWade @EllenRichter Very good. I personally learned how to tell that a feeding tube isnt in lungs ;)
Thu Feb 3 18:43:58 PST 2011

Trybarefoot True! RT @Reach4MoJOYRN: A person better know how to think critical before stepping into
any patient care setting. #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:44:15 PST 2011

SSannerPhDRN @derekwwade @EllenRichter did you learn to troubleshoot I.V. pump too? #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:44:41 PST 2011

GerryWiederRN Can you think critically and still follow best-practice? #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:45:00 PST 2011

DerekWWade @derekwwade Instructor kept emphasizing "diff between nurse and crit-thinking nurse" I as
pat. advocate appreciated. #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:45:05 PST 2011

DerekWWade @SSannerPhDRN No, but instructor was surprised I knew why high PEEP was for
oxygenation ;) #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:45:35 PST 2011

EllenRichter @DerekWWade Yes, we hate feeding tubes in lungs! Thats great how your dad had a good
experience w/ new RN grads. Some are excellent! #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:45:35 PST 2011

s_eller @Trybarefoot @Reach4MoJOYRN how are we teaching critical thinking nursing school? sim
geek here, so I believe in deliberate practice #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:45:52 PST 2011

SSannerPhDRN @derekwwade @SSannerPhDRN LOL!!! #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:45:56 PST 2011

EllenRichter @GerryWiederRN Hopefully "best-practice" is ALL about critical thinking! Right? :) #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:46:36 PST 2011

Wanderer_RN In theory. In reality? Maybe. RT @EllenRichter: @GerryWiederRN Hopefully "best-practice" is

ALL about critical thinking! Right? :) #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:47:03 PST 2011
PracticalWisdom @s_eller @Trybarefoot @Reach4MoJOYRN: Also called Best Practice/Patient Centered
Practice? Are these the same? #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:47:04 PST 2011

GerryWiederRN @Reach4MoJOYRN Best answer - not either-or but both-and #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:47:08 PST 2011

Visiting_Nurse 2nd that! RT @EllenRichter @GerryWiederRN Hopefully "best-practice" is ALL about critical
thinking! Right? :) #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:47:22 PST 2011

GerryWiederRN @Visiting_Nurse True. #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:47:40 PST 2011

EllenRichter @visiting_nurse Thanks! :) #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:47:52 PST 2011

Trybarefoot Another Q me thinks! RT @PracticalWisdom: @s_eller @Trybarefoot @Reach4MoJOYRN:

Best Practice/Patient Centered Practice? Same? #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:47:58 PST 2011

s_eller @PracticalWisdom @Trybarefoot @Reach4MoJOYRN - EBP & patient centered practice not
considered exactly the same - but they should be #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:48:14 PST 2011

RNchat T3 Advice to Prospective Nurses: If job prospects are dimmer for new nurses, what would you
advise those considering nursing? #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:48:15 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @dorameulman @NurseTeeny: Also expensive for the organization to have them trained and
leave. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:48:32 PST 2011

EllenRichter OK I will be watching for the last topic ....I wont miss it! #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:48:45 PST 2011

NurseTeeny @dorameulman Speaking as a recent new grad who left her 1st job in 6 months there are
often deeper reasons... #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:49:42 PST 2011

s_eller T3 we seem to have drifted away from topic a bit - but think that job prospects ebb & blow
over time #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:50:02 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom Great QuestionRT @rnchat: T3 If job prospects R dimmer 4 new nurses, what would U advise
those considering nursing? #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:50:07 PST 2011
Wanderer_RN Amen to that. RT @PracticalWisdom: @dorameulman @NurseTeeny: Also expensive for the
organization to have them trained and leave. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:50:13 PST 2011

GerryWiederRN @RNchat T3. Do it anyway. More opportunity in nursing, all tolled, than in many other
professions. #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:50:14 PST 2011

s_eller T3 - oops should be ebb & flow #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:50:27 PST 2011

holisticnurses T3 Prospective Nurses, work as a HHA or Nurse Tech if you can. The experience will be
invaluable and enhance yr resume. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:50:40 PST 2011

EllenRichter T3 Gosh, hopefully HCR measures will improve options for RNs to participate in preventive &
restorative health as well as acute care #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:50:47 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom Agree 100%RT @GerryWiederRN: @RNchat T3. Do it anyway. More opportunity in nursing,
all tolled, than in many other professions. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:50:55 PST 2011

NurseTeeny @PracticalWisdom agree which is why residency contracts usually come with service
agreements #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:51:08 PST 2011

DerekWWade @s_eller Or maybe you meant what you wrote the first time? :D #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:51:16 PST 2011

tobemcb To get them a mentor like a big sister/brother as there should be enough of us in the different
settings #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:51:20 PST 2011

Ashleigh_RN k, got 2 go 2 bed- goodnight tweeps :) great chat tonight! #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 18:51:41 PST 2011

Wanderer_RN Yup. RT @GerryWiederRN: @RNchat T3. Do it anyway. More opportunity in nursing, all
tolled, than in many other professions. #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:51:44 PST 2011

Visiting_Nurse T3 b willing 2 get general exp 1st anyway they can nights weekends #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:51:44 PST 2011

Wanderer_RN Nothing wrong with nights and weekends! RT @Visiting_Nurse: T3 b willing 2 get general exp
1st anyway they can nights weekends #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:52:27 PST 2011
s_eller @GerryWiederRN agree with your T3 point, should do it anyhow.Nurse residencies,
mentoring opportunites,need to develop future nurses #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:52:49 PST 2011

holisticnurses @Ashleigh_RN Goodnight. Feel better! #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 18:52:50 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom Different Cultures=Different Shifts. Good Experience #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 18:53:05 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN @Ashleigh_RN night Ashley!!! #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:53:25 PST 2011

EllenRichter T3 We have a shortage of good nurse educators. If education was more attractive to
seasoned RNs, they could vacate jobs for new RNs #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:53:59 PST 2011

RNchat @Ashleigh_RN Goodnight, feel better! Cheers. #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:54:36 PST 2011

Esme_SageFemme @Visiting_Nurse Nursing is so specialized, recommending generalist experience may be

unrealistic & lead to new grad burnout. #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:54:36 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom Surprised there is a shortage of Good nurse educators? What are the reasons? #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:55:14 PST 2011

Visiting_Nurse T3 and think abt alternative options there are positions outside of the hospital - pharma, med
devices, clinical trials, edu comp. #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:55:31 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @Trybarefoot: Good NIght. Nice to meet you. #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 18:55:31 PST 2011

Trybarefoot And you too! :) RT @PracticalWisdom: @Trybarefoot: Good NIght. Nice to meet you. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:55:51 PST 2011

DerekWWade @NurseTeeny: T3 Exactly. If you do what you love, you will find some way to make it work.
Nothing is recession proof. #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:55:58 PST 2011

s_eller @holisticnurses - you are so right, when I went back to school,mentor told me not to tell my
salary since educators make no money #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:56:01 PST 2011

holisticnurses Lack of advanced degree nurses. RT @PracticalWisdom: Surprised there is a shortage of

Good nurse educators? What are the reasons? #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:56:07 PST 2011
GerryWiederRN Academia is almost as Byzantine as the current healthcare system. #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:56:24 PST 2011

tobemcb all nrse educ jobs r asking for masters or +. I love teaching but unable to apply. Expertise does
cut it. #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:56:32 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN @visiting_nurse -agree-opportunities for nurses to use their skill set are endless. #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:56:38 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @holisticnurses: Thank you. #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 18:56:53 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom I thought this was true.RT @Reach4MoJOYRN: @visiting_nurse -agree-opportunities for nurses
to use their skill set are endless. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:57:09 PST 2011

learae So true!RT @Reach4MoJOYRN: @visiting_nurse -agree-opportunities for nurses to use their

skill set are endless. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 18:57:24 PST 2011

EllenRichter Unfortunately I tend to agree with U! We must change! RT @GerryWiederRN Academia is

almost as Byzantine as current healthcare system #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:57:46 PST 2011

GerryWiederRN Is love of teaching enough? #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:57:59 PST 2011

dorameulman “ Reach4MoJOYRN: @GerryWiederRN I think you can do both-think critical and follow best
practice multitasking is what we do best :) #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:58:24 PST 2011

s_eller @holisticnurses @PracticalWisdom - lack of advance nursing degrees - & PhD in nursing
emphasizes research vs education most times #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 18:58:46 PST 2011

Wanderer_RN Funny! Pay my rent? RT @GerryWiederRN: Is love of teaching enough? #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 18:58:55 PST 2011

GerryWiederRN Ran into an interesting concept in my MBA course -- "blinded by the mission". May be part of
the answer. #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 18:59:01 PST 2011

EllenRichter @LeaRae I think many realize we need to change. Its just so hard to push a mountain an inch.
Thu Feb 3 18:59:24 PST 2011
EllenRichter @GerryWiederRN "Blinded by mission" is like being "unable to see the forest thru the trees"
Thu Feb 3 19:00:10 PST 2011

DerekWWade @s_eller @holisticnurses - Would be interesting to see nsg model yield to same forces as prof
training model. #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 19:00:37 PST 2011

GerryWiederRN @learae There are numerous studies now that indicate exactly that. Multitasking = many things
done poorly. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 19:00:54 PST 2011

s_eller @GerryWiederRN - I love to teach & have interesting wonderful job - but not all nurse educators
have my opportunities #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 19:01:17 PST 2011

GerryWiederRN @RNchat Sorry my cat picks are in the laundry. Maybe next week? #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 19:01:31 PST 2011

RNchat @GerryWiederRN No problem, yes next week! #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 19:02:11 PST 2011

DerekWWade QWrap: http://icanhascheezburger.com/2009/02/08/funny-pictures-give-blood/ #rnchat

Thu Feb 3 19:02:13 PST 2011

learae parting wisdom RT @GerryWiederRN:There are numerous studies now that indicate exactly
that. Multitasking = many things done poorly. #RNChat
Thu Feb 3 19:02:15 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom Parting Gift? http://bit.ly/h9MiFy #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 19:02:32 PST 2011

GerryWiederRN @RNchat Nite all. #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 19:02:48 PST 2011

EllenRichter @RNchat Great topic tonight! Lots of food for thought. Lots of good conversations w/ wonderful
#nurses & other great folks! #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 19:02:51 PST 2011

PhilBaumann Snooky versus the Metronome http://youtu.be/kdmd5fenroU #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 19:03:11 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @LeaRae @GerryWiederRN: One of my areas of study. Distracted brain. #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 19:03:11 PST 2011

EllenRichter @PracticalWisdom LMAO! For all of us? Thanks! :) #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 19:03:24 PST 2011
s_eller Good night to all my tweeps - #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 19:03:52 PST 2011

RNchat Nice! Thank you. RT @PracticalWisdom: Parting Gift? http://bit.ly/h9MiFy #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 19:04:05 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN Parting words from a nurse colleague. Nurses are the heart of healthcare. ~
#DonnaWilkCardillo #RNchat
Thu Feb 3 19:04:19 PST 2011

GerryWiederRN @PracticalWisdom :) Mine too. #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 19:04:20 PST 2011

EllenRichter @Wanderer_RN LOL dont spill it! :) #RNchat

Thu Feb 3 19:04:23 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @s_eller: so great to see you tonight. #RNChat

Thu Feb 3 19:04:25 PST 2011

NurseTeeny Allergic to cats but great to be here as always! And great to be a nurse! :-) #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 19:04:31 PST 2011

s_eller @PhilBaumann - thanks as always for moderating - @derekwwade - the year of the
rabbit? When did that start? #rnchat
Thu Feb 3 19:04:51 PST 2011

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