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Globalization is the inter-relatedness of people and businesses around the world which

will eventually lead in the political, economic, and global cultural integration. The ability to
communicate and work with the people all over the world in order to conduct and make
businesses internationally. Since there was an increasing demand for high tech and well
developed industry around the world, business industries have great potential to gain huge profits
globally. Studying globalization is important as it helps us to develop understanding and
awareness of the contemporary, international, political, and economy which is an essential part
of being an informed citizen. It plays a very significant part on learning about human
involvement with the environment and society. 
With the current situation of our world, it is clear that most of the important social
problems have an international feature that is recognized through an integrated, interdisciplinary
study that draws on different tools and perspectives. Global Studies does not aim to alter the
separate social science disciplines, it unites them, better to serve the needs of our society which
is caused by the pressures of globalization. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Globalization makes
use of the subject globalization to familiarize students with International Studies.  It will
cultivate your awareness of the past and present problems of the world.

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