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Submitted By: - Submitted To: -

Prachi Jain Dr. Vijay Kulkarni

1.Before Lockdown: -

Assignment Date of Submission Marks Obtained

Case Study (class test ) 31 Jan 2020 9 marks

Presentation: - 25th Feb 2020 13 marks

 Human Resource Management
 Strategic Planning for Human
Resource Management
 Performance Appraisal and
 Career Planning and Development
 Employee Training and
 Selection and Recruitment Process

Udemy Certificate: -
a. Stacked Career
b. Stress Management
c. Leadership Influencing 24th Feb 2020 (via
Behavior mail)
Class Activity:-
1. Brain Storming:-
 Industrial Relationship
 Job Satisfaction and Evaluation
 Human Resources Development
 Training and Development
 Employee Training
 Management and Organisational
 Compensation Management
 Benefits and Incentives
 Trade Union and Employers
 Grievances and Discipline
 Collective Bargaining
 Industrial Conflicts
 Performance Appraisal and
2. Individual Presentation:-
o Human Resource Management
o Strategic Planning for Human
Resource Management
o Performance Appraisal and
o Career Planning and Development
o Employee Training and
o Selection and Recruitment Process

2. After Lockdown: -

Assignment Date of Submission Marks Obtained

Udemy Certificate’s with solved
Question and Answer: -
a. Stacked Career 23rd March 2020
b. Stress Management
c. Leadership Influencing

Recruitment and Selection 23rd March 2020

Grievances 6th April 2020

Attendance: - 94.74 % (Before Lockdown)

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