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Mamuad 1

Noah Mamuad

Ms.Terry/ Ms.Lindsey


September 29,2020

Imi Pono Project Details

1. What is the problem you are trying to solve? Be specific. (150 words)
There are so many problems in the community/economy today and we can’t fix
them all, but at least we can try to fix one. The problem my partner and I are trying to
solve is how we can help the economy during this tough time as well as helping our
environment at the same time. We would like to plant certain plants that we know would
do well here on Maui in the areas where wildfires have occurred to bring back life to
these areas. Since this pandemic has started some people in the community don’t have
their regular paying jobs. Which leaves some without money, a home, and food on their
tables. Which Is a very big problem because this means that the prices for everything are
rising and we have nothing to do about it. With these problems going on around the
world, even the prices of food industries are also going up, which in turn means that the
food people need will cost more as well.

2. What is the innovative solution you are proposing to address the problem? (300 words)
The solution that my partner and I have come up with to solve our problem, is that
we would like to plant trees and other small plants that produce food in areas that have
been affected by wildfires. We believe that the plants that will be grown in these areas
will just make Maui an even more beautiful island. Some of the plants we were thinking
of are corn, pineapples, orange trees,apple trees, and many more vegetables and fruits.
We concluded with deciding to plant these plants in the areas where the wildfires are
because it will just bring life back to these areas. We have also chosen these spots so that
the county/community can get to it to collect the produce from these trees.
We have come up with this idea because we notice that these areas that were
burnt could one use some greenery and also as pointed out could bring life back to these
spots. With the trees they can provide many different things for the community besides
its fruits. For instance, Trees produce clean and better air for the people on the island to
breathe in. The trees also produce the fruits that everyone can take part of and have to eat.
These fruits would provide food for everyone even those who don’t have jobs and for
those who can’t afford to buy food. We believe this can really have a big impact on the
Mamuad 2

community because of the current situation we are all going through. We definitely think
that this process can really help the islands in Maui county.

3. Outline your execution plan and include an estimated timeline and budget. List specific
resources and strategies. (No word count limit.)
We plan to have a schedule to show how we believe that the project will go. Of
course we also will be showing our outcome budget of the project. The profits that we
could make and also the price of everything. For starters here is how we see this project
moving forward.
a. Our first step to execute our plan is to find plants that will produce vegetation for
the island, the cost of the land, and the profits of the project(what the county can
get back for the project).
i. With the understanding of the vegetation this could mean any fruits or
vegetables. Such as pineapples, apples, cherries, lettuce, tomatoes,
potatoes, corn, cabbage, cucumber, zucchini, and ect.
ii. The cost of land. Here is a rough idea of the cost of the project

Name Price Amount Total

Average land (per acre) $3,160.00 1 $3,160.00

Apple tree (per one tree) $25.00 10 $250.00

Orange tree (per one tree) $20.00 10 $200.00

Avocado tree (per one tree) $60.00 3 $180.00

Carrot (per ten plant) $3.00 20 $60.00

Cucumber (per one plant) $35.00 5 $280.00

Total price $4,130.00

iii. Step two would be to start by advertising to the community to show our
reasoning on the problem. Which is brought to be making the island of
maui a cleaner and sustainable place for the locals. We would use a
website and also an Instagram account to further advertise our plan. The
website would further
iv. Another thing we must take into consideration is the timeline of this
project. How long it takes to grow the plants and how long it will take to
grow the fruit itself. If we start in o\October this is what a timeline would
Mamuad 3

Date Activity
10/1/2020 plant seeds/ Saplings/ Small trees
10/2/2020 plant seeds/ Saplings/ Small trees
10/5/2020 plant seeds/ Saplings/ Small trees
10/6/2020 plant seeds/ Saplings/ Small trees
10/7/2020 plant seeds/ Saplings/ Small trees
10/8/2020 plant seeds/ Saplings/ Small trees
10/9/2020 plant seeds/ Saplings/ Small trees
10/12/2020 plant seeds/ Saplings/ Small trees
10/02/2021 plants grew and now we can pick fruit

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