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23, 2020

Subject: THE CHILD AND ADOLESCENT Time: 5:30 TO 7:00 Rating: _____ (20 POINTS)

Instructor: Ryan M. Mahilum, MST-Science



From the module on Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory, I learned that…………………………………….

From the module on Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory personality is important due to many
reasons and thoughts. My conclusive opinion about his theory is pretty much based on or influenced
by how we make decisions. Our personality is based on our foundational bring up from our parents
and friends. Then proceeds into whether we could make good decisions that are not powered by
Now, Freud’s Theory is thought out and very simple. He simplifies the way we decide on things
which is based on our id, ego, and superego. Our id is sought out in the infant or newborn stages of
life. A child is born and has needs that are not based on how others feel. When the child is hungry,
uncomfortable, or not feeling well it cries unaware of how the parent is feeling at the time. Its wants
are pretty selfish and self-centered, but a newborn cannot identify this at this stage of life. Now, as the
child gets older its actions are based on the ego stage of life or doing things from a realistic point of
view. Both ego and id stages of life are co-parts.
One feed two, two proceeds to grow, and then three is developed which is called the superego
stage of personality and can be defined as our beliefs, morals, and attitudes. This stage in my opinion
is developed by our parents and what they install in us. It can also include our cultural background
and knowledge. This stage of personality teaches us how to maintain ourselves in the world and how
to make rational decisions in life. Yes, Sigmund’s Freud theory does not work for all people, but when
you really sit down and read it, it gives you a better understanding.
The implications that I can draw on Freud’s Theory on education are learn about your
students’ experiences, preconceptions, or misconceptions by using pre-tests, background knowledge
probes, and written or oral activities designed to reveal students’ thinking about the topic. Organizing
information into a conceptual framework helps students remember and use knowledge. Students
must learn factual information, understand these facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual
framework, and organize knowledge in ways that facilitate retrieval and application in order to develop
competence in a new topic.
Help students become more metacognitive aware by modeling your thinking as you solve a
problem, develop an argument, or analyze written work in front of the class. Teach metacognitive
strategies, such as setting goals, making predictions, and checking for consistency. Focus attention
on metacognition by having students write in a learning journal or develop explanations of their
problem-solving processes.
Support students by using concept maps, flowcharts, outlines, comparison tables, etc., to make
the structure of the knowledge clear.


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