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第一学期第一周 日期:2-1-2018 (星期三)

English (2A) 21 pupils Time: 7.40am-8.40am

Theme : Word of Self, Family and Friends Focus Skills : Listening

Topic : PHONICS CCE : Creativitiy and Innovation

Content Standard : 1.1 - Recognise and reproduce target language sounds

Complementry C.S. : 3.1-Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
Learning Standard
1.1.1- Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency target language phonemes

Complementary L.S. : 3.1.1-Identify and recognise the shapes of the letters in the alphabet
3.1.2-Recognise and sound out with support beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:-
    Listen to and recognize the sound /s/ (s), /æ/ (a), /t/ (t), /p/ (p)
Complementary Obj : Recognize and sound out the sound.
Teaching Aids : Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets HOTS: Application
Activities : 1. Sing the Phonics Song (audio).
    2. Listen to the sounds and do the actions.
    3. Listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
    4. Listen and circle the correct pictures.
    5. Match the pictures to the correct words. 6. Word search.
Reflection : /21 of the pupils able to archived the learning objectives. pupils
are given personal guidance.

华语(4A) 32 人 时间:9.40am-10.40am
课题 : 单元一 美,就在你身边
学习标准 : 2.1.8 认识所规定的汉字,做到认清字形,读准字音,理解字义。
3.1.5 熟练地书写正楷。做到字体规范端正、整洁美观,并有一定的速度。
学习目标 : 1. 学生能够写出完整的句子和正确的生字。
教学步骤 : 1. 学生跟着教师的指导进行书空。
增值元素 : 创造与革新
教材 : 课本、活动页、笔顺、电脑、投影机
教学评价 : 写出端正、正确的生字与完整的句子
反思 : /32 位学生能写出完整的句子和正确的生字, 位学生需个别辅导。

English (5B) 20 pupils Time: 11.00am-12.00pm

Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1: Feel Good About Yourself
Learning 1.1.3 Able to listen to and respond to a given stimulus by using appropriate words, phrases and expressions
Standard with guidance.
1.1.4 Able to speak on related topics with guidance.
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by: (d) predicting.
Objective At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
1. Pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
2. Listen to and respond to a given stimulus.
3. Participate in guided conversation with peers.
Activities 1. Teacher guides pupils to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and
2. Teacher guides pupils to listen to and respond to a given stimulus.
3. Pupils participate in guided conversation with peers.
4. Teacher guides pupils to complete exercises.
CCE Creativity and innovation
HOTS Recognizing, understanding
Teaching Aids Textbook, activity book, exercise book
Assessment Observation, question and answer, homework
Reflection /20 of the pupils able to archived the learning objectives. pupils are given
remedial activities.

第一学期第一周 日期:3-1-2018 (星期四)

华语(4A) 32 人 时间:7.40am-8.40am
课题 : 单元一 美,就在你身边
学习标准 : 2.6.5 阅读与理解记叙文,主要注意游记。要求了解文中的人物、 时间、地点和事情。
学习目标 : 1.学生能够说出自己观察到的美好事物。
教学步骤 : 1. 学生仔细聆听同学观察到的美好事物。
6. 学生回答教师所提问的问题。
增值元素 : 创造与革新
教材 : 课本、词卡
教学评价 : 聆听故事后口头复述、观察
反思 : /32 位学生能说出自己观察到的美好事物及故事大意, 位学生需个别辅导。

道德(4A) 32 人 时间:9.40am-10.10am
道德价值 :信奉上苍
课题 :(一)快乐讲礼仪
内容标准 :1.1
学习标准 :1.1.1 1.1.2
学习目标 :在教学活动后,学生能够:
1. 尊重邻居各宗教的膜拜仪式与信仰。
跨课程元素 :创造与革新元素
教具 :课本
教学活动 :1. 教师提问学生邻居的宗教信仰,说一说所看到的膜拜仪式。
2. 说出如何尊重邻居各宗教的膜拜仪式与信仰。
3. 教师范读课文,学生跟读。
4. 说出尊重邻居各宗教的膜拜仪式与信仰的重要性。
反思 : /32 位学生能达成学习目标, 位学生需个别指导。

English (5B) 20 pupils Time: 11.00am-12.00pm

Class / Time 5B English / 08:10 – 09:10
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1: Love Yourself
Learning 2.2.4 Able to apply dictionary skills: a) locate words, b) meaning of base word.
Standard 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling. a) sentences
Objective At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
1. Apply dictionary skills.
2. Read and demonstrate understanding of texts by predicting.
3. Write in neat legible print.
Activities 1. Teacher guides pupils to apply dictionary skills to find the meaning of base word.
2. Teacher guides pupils to read and understanding the content of texts by predicting.
3. Teacher guides pupils to write in neat legible print with correct spelling.
4. Teacher guides pupils to complete exercises.
CCE Creativity and innovation
HOTS Recognizing, understanding
Teaching Aids Textbook, activity book, exercise book
Assessment Observation, question and answer, homework
Reflection /20 of the pupils able to archived the learning objectives. pupils are given
personal guidance.

第一学期第一周 日期:4-1-2018 (星期五)

体健(5B) 20 人 时间:7.40am-8.10am
模组 : 生理健康
内容标准 : 1.1 认识与了解成长期间健康的身体发育
学习标准 : 1.1.1 认识男性和女性生殖器官的部位和名称。
跨学科元素 : 道德价值
活动 : 1. 引起动机。
2. 教师引导学生通过图片认识男性和女性生殖器官的部位和名称。
3. 学生练习。
4. 结束。
反思 : _________名学生可以达到目标。_______名学生须要课外辅导。 _________名学生须要特别关注。

华语(4A) 32 人 时间:9.40am-10.40am
课题 : 单元一 美,就在你身边
学习标准 : 5.4.5 通过阅读,了解关联词语的功能,正确解读句子。在表达时能准确地应用关联词
学习目标 : 学生能够根据关联词语说一句话。
教学步骤 : 1. 学生朗读句子范例。
4. 学生根据关联词语说一句话。
增值元素 : 创造与革新
教材 : 课本、电脑、投影机
教学评价 : 说出关联词语的句子、观察
反思 : /32 位学生能根据关联词语说一句话, 位学生需个别辅导。

English (2A) 21 pupils Time: 12.00pm-1.00pm

Theme : Word of Self, Family and Friends Focus Skills : Listening

Topic : PHONICS CCE : Creativitiy and Innovation

Content Standard : 1.1 - Recognise and reproduce target language sounds

Complementry C.S. : 3.1-Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
Learning Standard
1.1.1- Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency target language phonemes

Complementary L.S. : 3.1.1-Identify and recognise the shapes of the letters in the alphabet
3.1.2-Recognise and sound out with support beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:-
    Listen to and recognize the sound /s/ (s), /æ/ (a), /t/ (t), /p/ (p)
Complementary Obj : Recognize and sound out the sound.
Teaching Aids : Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets HOTS: Application

Activities : 1. Sing the Phonics Song (audio).

    2. Listen to the sounds and do the actions.
    3. Listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
    4. Listen and circle the correct pictures.
    5. Match the pictures to the correct words. 6. Word search.
Reflection : /21 of the pupils able to archived the learning objectives. pupils are given
personal guidance.      

第一学期第二周 日期:7-1-2018 (星期一)

道德(4A) 32 人 时间:8.10am-9.10am
道德价值 :信奉上苍
课题 :(一)快乐讲礼仪
内容标准 :1.1
学习标准 :1.1. 1.1.2
学习目标 :在教学活动后,学生能够:
1. 尊重邻居各宗教的膜拜仪式与信仰。
跨课程元素 :创造与革新元素
教具 :课本
教学活动 :1. 引导学生说出各族邻居所信仰的宗教。
2. 邻居的宗教的膜拜仪式与信仰。
3. 提醒学生必须认识和尊重各族邻居的信仰和宗教的膜拜仪式,以避免产生误会。
4. 鼓励学生身体力行,实践尊重邻居宗教礼仪的好行为。
反思 : /32 位学生能达成学习目标, 位学生需个别指导。

华语(4A) 32 人 时间:12.00pm-1.00pm
课题 : 单元一 美,就在你身边
学习标准 : 3.3.4 针对所经历的事情写自己的感想。根据表达的需要,适当 扩展句子。
学习目标 : 学生能够书写段落 。
教学步骤 : 1. 学生回答教师引导的问题。
4. 学生将所搜集的意见书写段落。
增值元素 : 创造与革新
教材 : 课本、电脑、投影机
教学评价 : 写出段落、观察
反思 : /32 位学生能书写段落, 位学生需个别辅导。

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