Batch 2 Sept 22

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Batch 2: Succession Cases for September 22, 2020 The party challenging the will bears the burden

ll bears the burden of proving

the existence of fraud at the time of its execution. The
burden to show otherwise shifts to the proponent of the will
G.R. No. 157451, 16 December 2005, 478 SCRA 247 only upon a showing of credible evidence of fraud.

FACTS: Omission of some relatives does not affect the due

execution of a will. Moreover, the conflict between the
Two years after the arrival of Placido from the United States dates appearing on the will does not invalidate the
and at the age of 80 he wed Josefina who was then 28 years document, “because the law does not even require that a
old. But in a little more than two years of wedded bliss, notarial will be executed and acknowledged on the same
Placido died. Placido executed a notarial last will and occasion. The variance in the dates of the will as to its
testament written in English and consisting of 2 pages, and supposed execution and attestation was satisfactorily and
dated 15 June 1983¸but acknowledged only on 9 August persuasively explained by the notary public and
1983. The allowance to probate of this will was opposed by instrumental witnesses.
Leticia, Placido’s sister. According to the notary public who
notarized the testator’s will, after the testator instructed 2. BALTAZAR vs. LAXA | G.R. No. 174489 | April 11,
him on the terms and dispositions he wanted on the will, the 2012 | Del Castillo, J.:
notary public told them to come back on 15 August 1983 to
give him time to prepare. The testator and his witnesses FACTS: Paciencia was a 78 y/o spinster when she made her
returned on the appointed date but the notary public was last will and testament in the Pampango dialect on Sept. 13,
out of town so they were instructed by his wife to come back 1981. The will, executed in the house of retired Judge
on 9 August 1983. The formal execution was actually on 9 Limpin, was read to Paciencia twice. After which, Paciencia
August 1983. He reasoned he no longer changed the expressed in the presence of the instrumental witnesses
typewritten date of 15 June 1983 because he did not like the that the document is her last will and testament. She
document to appear dirty. thereafter affixed her signature at the end of the said
document on page 3 and then on the left margin of pages 1,
Petitioner’s argument: 2 and 4 thereof.
1. At the time of the execution of the notarial will Placido
was already 83 years old and was no longer of sound mind. Childless and without any brothers or sisters, Paciencia
bequeathed all her properties to respondent Lorenzo Laxa
2. Josefina conspired with the notary public and the 3 and his wife Corazon Laza and their children Luna and
attesting witnesses in deceiving Placido to sign it. Deception Katherine. Lorenzo is Paciencia’s nephew whom she treated
is allegedly reflected in the varying dates of the execution as her own son. Conversely, Lorenzo came to know and
and the attestation of the will. treated Paciencia as his own mother.
ISSUE: Six days after the execution of the Will (Sept. 19, 1981),
Paciencia left for USA. There, she resided with Lorenzo and
1. W/N Placido has testamentary capacity at the time he
his family until her death on Jan. 4, 1996. In the interim, the
allegedly executed the will.
Will remained in the custody of Judge Limpin.
2. W/N the signature of Placido in the will was procured by
fraud or trickery. More than 4 years after the death of Paciencia or on Apr.
HELD: 27, 2000, Lorenzo filed a petition with the RTC of Guagua,
Pampanga for the probate of the Will of Paciencia and for
1. YES. Despite his advanced age, he was still able to identify the issuance of Letters of Administration in his favor.
accurately the kinds of property he owned, the extent of his
On Jun 23, 2000 one of petitioners, Antonio Baltazar filed an
shares in them and even their location. As regards the
opposition to Lorenzo’s petition. Antonio averred that the
proper objects of his bounty, it was sufficient that he
properties subject of Paciencia’s Will belong to Nicomeda
identified his wife as sole beneficiary. The omission of some
Mangalindan, his predecessor-in-interest; hence, Paciencia
relatives from the will did not affect its formal validity. There
had no right to bequeath them to Lorenzo. Also, one of the
being no showing of fraud in its execution, intent in its
petitioners, Rosie Mateo testified that Paciencia is in the
disposition becomes irrelevant.
state of being “mangulyan” or forgetful making her unfit for
2. NO. Fraud is a trick, secret devise, false statement, or executing a will and that the execution of the will had been
pretense, by which the subject of it is cheated. It may be of procured by undue and improper pressure and influence.
such character that the testator is misled or deceived as to
Petitioners also opposed the issuance of the Letters of
the nature or contents of the document which he executes,
or it may relate to some extrinsic fact, in consequence of the Administration in Lorenzo’s favor arguing that Lorenzo was
disqualified to be appointed as such, he being a citizen and
deception regarding which the testator is led to make a
certain will which, but for fraud, he would not have made.
resident of the USA. Petitioners prayed that Letters of Marcelina because the latter was illiterate so much so that
Administration be instead issued in favor of Antonio. she merely thumbmarked the will, (d) the notary public who
notarized will admitted that Marcelina never appeared
RTC denies the petition for probate of the will and
before him and that he notarized the said will merely to
concluded that when Paciencia signed the will, she was no
accommodate the request of a lawyer friend but with the
longer possessed of the sufficient reason or strength of
understanding that Marcelina should later appear before
mind to have the testamentary capacity. On appeal, CA
him but that never happened.
reversed the decision of the RTC and granted the probate of
the will. The petitioner went up to SC for a petition for Honrado still continued with the probate despite the
review on Certiorari. opposition until testamentary proceeding closed and the
property transferred to Marilyn Sy. Nenita then filed this
administrative case against Honrado on the ground of
ISSUE: Whether the authenticity and due execution of the misconduct.
will was sufficiently established to warrant its allowance for
Whether or not Honrado is guilty of misconduct for
admitting into probate a void will.
HELD: Yes. A careful examination of the face of the Will
shows faithful compliance with the formalities laid down by
law. The signatures of the testatrix, Paciencia, her Yes. Despite the valid claim raised by Nenita, he still
instrumental witnesses and the notary public, are all continued with the testamentary proceeding, which
present and evident on the Will. Further, the attestation showed his wrongful intent. He may even be criminally
clause explicitly states the critical requirement that the liable for knowingly rendering an unjust judgment or
testatrix and her instrumental witnesses attested and interlocutory order or rendering a manifestly unjust
subscribed to the Will in the presence of the testator and of judgment or interlocutory order by reason of inexcusable
one another. In fact, even the petitioners acceded that the negligence or ignorance.
signature of Paciencia in the Will may be authentic although
The will is written in English and was thumb marked by an
they question of her state of mind when she signed the
obviously illiterate Marcelina. This could have readily been
same as well as the voluntary nature of said act.
perceived by Honrado that that the will is void. In the
opening paragraph of the will, it was stated that English was
a language “understood and known” to the testatrix. But in
its concluding paragraph, it was stated that the will was read
A.M. No. 2026-CFI, 19 December 1981, 110 SCRA 388 to the testatrix “and translated into Filipino language.” That
could only mean that the will was written in a language not
FACTS: known to the illiterate testatrix and, therefore, it is void
because of the mandatory provision of Article 804 of the
In 1973, Marcelina Suroza supposedly executed a notarial
Civil Code that every will must be executed in a language or
will bequeathing her house and lot to a certain Marilyn
dialect known to the testator.
Suroza. In 1974, Marcelina died. Marina Paje was named as
the executrix in the said will and she petitioned before CFI Had Honrado been careful and observant, he could have
Rizal that the will be admitted to probate. The presiding noted not only the anomaly as to the language of the will
judge, Honrado admitted the will to probate and assigned but also that there was something wrong in instituting to
Paje as the administratrix. Honrado also issued an ejectment Marilyn Sy as sole heiress and giving nothing at all to Agapito
order against the occupants of the house and lot subject of who was still alive.
the will. Honrado was fined by the Supreme Court.
Nenita Suroza, daughter in law of Marcelina (her husband,
son of Marcelina was confined in the Veteran’s Hospital),
learned of the probate proceeding when she received the 4. ABANGAN V. ABANGAN, 40 Phil 476, AVANCENA
ejectment order (as she was residing in said house and lot). On September 19, 1917, CFI of Cebu admitted to probate
Nenita opposed the probate proceeding. She alleged that Ana Abangan’s will executed July, 1916. From this decision
the said notarial will is void because (a) the instituted heir the opponents appealed.
therein Marilyn Suroza is actually Marilyn Sy and she is a The will consists of 2 sheets. The first contains all the
stranger to Marcelina, (b) the only son of Marcelina, Agapito disposition of the testatrix, duly signed at the bottom by
Suroza, is still alive and is the compulsory heir, (c) the Martin Montalban (in the name and under the direction of
notarial will is written in English a language not known to
the testatrix) and by three witnesses. The following sheet testatrix, which made writing difficult and a painful act.
contains only the attestation clause duly signed at the Thus, upon the insistence of the attorney, Gabina
bottom by the three instrumental witnesses. Neither of attempted to sign, but since it was so painful she just
these sheets is signed on the left margin by the testatrix and managed to thumbmarked the foot of the document and
the three witnesses, nor numbered by letters. These the left margin at each page. The parties opposing the
omissions, according to appellants’ contention, are defects probate of the will contended that the will was void due to
whereby the probate of the will should have been denied. the irregularities in the execution thereof.

Whether or not the will was duly admitted to probate. One of the points raised by the oppositors was that the
finger mark can not be regarded as the decedent’s valid
YES. In requiring that each and every sheet of the will be
signed on the left margin by the testator and three signature as it does not show distinct identifying ridgelines.
witnesses in the presence of each other, Act No. 2645 And since the finger mark was an invalid signature, there
evidently has for its object the avoidance of substitution of must appear in the attestation clause that another person
any of said sheets which may change the disposition of the wrote the testator’s name at his request.
testatrix. But when these dispositions are wholly written on ISSUE:
only one sheet (as in the instant case) signed at the bottom
by the testator and three witnesses, their signatures on the W/N the will was valid.
left margin of said sheet are not anymore necessary as such
will be purposeless.

In requiring that each and every page of a will must be YES. As to the clarity of the ridge impressions, it is so
numbered correlatively in letters placed on the upper part dependent on aleatory requirements as to require
of the sheet, it is likewise clear that the object of Act No. dexterity that can be expected of very few persons;
2645 is to know whether any sheet of the will has been testators should not be required to possess the skill of
removed. But, when all the dispositive parts of a will are trained officers.
written on one sheet only, the object of the statute
And as to the validity of the thumbprints as signature, the
disappears because the removal of this single sheet,
SC held that it has been held in a long line of cases that a
although unnumbered, cannot be hidden.
thumbprint is always a valid and sufficient signature for the
In a will consisting of two sheets the first of which contains purpose of complying with the requirement of the article.
all the testamentary dispositions and is signed at the bottom
Furthermore, the validity of thumbprints should not be
by the testator and three witnesses and the second contains
limited in cases of illness or infirmity. A thumbprint is
only the attestation clause and is signed also at the bottom
considered as a valid and sufficient signature in complying
by the three witnesses, it is not necessary that both sheets
with the requirements of the article.
be further signed on their margins by the testator and the
witnesses, or be paged.

The object of the solemnities surrounding the execution of 6. GARCIA V. LACUESTA

wills is to close the door against bad faith and fraud, to avoid
G.R. L-4067 November 29, 1951
substitution of wills and testaments and to guaranty their
truth and authenticity. Therefore the laws on this subject FACTS:
should be interpreted in such a way as to attain these
primordal ends. But, on the other hand, also one must not 1. The CA disallowed the probate of the will of Antero
lose sight of the fact that it is not the object of the law to Mercado dated Jan 1943. The said will was written in Ilocano
restrain and curtail the exercise of the right to make a will. dialect.
So when an interpretation already given assures such ends, 2. The will appears to have been signed by Atty. Florentino
any other interpretation whatsoever, that adds nothing but Javier who wrote the name of the testator followed below
demands more requisites entirely unnecessary, useless and by 'A ruego del testador' and the name of Florentino Javier.
frustative of the testator’s last will, must be disregarded. In effect, it was signed by another although under the
express direction of the testator. This fact however was not
recited in the attestation clause. Mercado also affixed a
L-10751, 23 June 1958
cross on the will.
3. The lower court admitted the will to probate but this
The CFI denied probate of the will of Gabina Raquel. It must order was reversed by the Court of Appeals on the ground
be noted that Gabina Raquel was suffering from herpes that the attestation failed to recite the facts surrounding the
zoster that afflicted the right arm and shoulder of the signing of the testator and the witnesses.
to sign his own name as it can when he actually signs. To
hold a will invalid for the lack of the signature of the person
Issue: Whether or not the attestation clause in the will is
signing the name of the principal is, in the particular case, a
complete abrogation of the law of wills, as it rejects and
HELD: NO the attestation is fatally defective for its failure to destroys a will which the statute expressly declares is valid.
state that Antero or the testator caused Atty. Javier to write
the former's name under his express direction as required
by Sec. 618 of the Civil Procedure. Finally, on the cross G.R. L-5971 February 27, 1911
affixed on the will by the testator, the Court held that it is
'Test of Presence'
not prepared to liken the mere sign of a cross to a
thumbmark for obvious reasons- the cross does not have Facts:
the trustworthiness of a thumbmark so it is not considered
as a valid signature. 1. At the time the will was executed, in a large room
connecting with a smaller room by a doorway where a
curtain hangs across, one of the witnesses was in the
outside room when the other witnesses were attaching
their signatures to the instrument.
G.R. No. L-6285, 15 February 1912, 21:461
2. The trial court did not consider the determination of the
FACTS: issue as to the position of the witness as of vital importance
in determining the case. It agreed with the ruling in the case
Barut applied for the probate of the will of deceased, Maria of Jaboneta v. Gustillo that the alleged fact being that one
Salomon. The testatrix stated in the will that being unable of the subscribing witnesses was in the outer room while
to read or write, the will was read to her by Ciriaco the signing occurred in the inner room, would not be
Concepcion and Timotea Inoselda and that she had sufficient to invalidate the execution of the will.
instructed Severo Agayan to sign her name to it as testatrix.
The probate was contested by a number of the relatives of 3. The CA deemed the will valid.
the deceased on various grounds. Issue: Whether or not the subscribing witness was able to
The probate court found that the will was not entitled to see the testator and other witnesses in the act of affixing
probate because “the handwriting of the person who it is their signatures.
alleged signed the name of the testatrix to the will for and HELD: YES
on her behalf looked more like the handwriting of one of the
other witnesses to the will than to the person whose The Court is unanimous in its opinion that had the witnesses
handwriting it was alleged to be. been proven to be in the outer room when the testator and
other witnesses signed the will in the inner room, it would
ISSUE: have invalidated the will since the attaching of the
Was the dissimilarity in handwriting sufficient to deny signatures under the circumstances was not done 'in the
probate of the will? presence' of the witnesses in the outer room. The line of
vision of the witness to the testator and other witnesses was
HELD: blocked by the curtain separating the rooms.
No. The name of a person who is unable to write may be
signed by another by express direction to any instrument
known to the law. There is no necessity whatever, so far as The position of the parties must be such that with relation
the validity of the instrument is concerned, for the person to each other at the moment of the attaching the
who writes the name of the principal in the document to signatures, they may see each other sign if they chose to.
sign his own name also. As a matter of policy it may be wise
that he do so inasmuch as it would give such intimation as
would enable a person proving the document to In the Jaboneta case, the true test of presence is not
demonstrate more readily the execution by the principal. whether or not they actualy saw each other sign but
But as a matter of essential validity of the document, it is whether they might have seen each other sign if they chose
unnecessary. The main thing to be established in the to doso considering their physical, mental condition and
execution of the will is the signature of the testator. If that position in relation to each other at the moment of the
signature is proved, whether it be written by himself or by inscription of the signature.
another at his request, it is none the less valid, and the fact 9. TABOADA V. ROSAL,
of such signature can be proved as perfectly and as
completely when the person signing for the principal omits G.R. No. L-36033, November 5, 1982.
14AUG YES. The inadvertent failure of one witness to affix his
signature to one page of a testament, due to the
simultaneous lifting of two pages in the course of signing, is
In the petition for probate filed with the respondent court, not per se sufficient to justify denial of probate.
the petitioner attached the alleged last will and testament Impossibility of substitution of this page is assured not only
of the late Dorotea Perez. Written in the Cebuano-Visayan the fact that the testatrix and two other witnesses did sign
dialect, the will consists of two pages. The first page the defective page, but also by its bearing the coincident
contains the entire testamentary dispositions and is signed imprint of the seal of the notary public before whom the
at the end or bottom of the page by the testatrix alone and testament was ratified by testatrix and all three witnesses.
at the left hand margin by the three (3) instrumental The law should not be so strictly and literally interpreted as
witnesses. The second page which contains the attestation to penalize the testatrix on account of the inadvertence of a
clause and the acknowledgment is signed at the end of the single witness over whose conduct she had no control,
attestation clause by the three (3) attesting witnesses and where the purpose of the law to guarantee the identity of
at the left hand margin by the testatrix. the testament and its component pages is sufficiently
attained, no intentional or deliberate deviation existed, and
ISSUE the evidence on record attests to the full observance of the
Whether or not the will is void for failure to state the statutory requisites.
number of pages used in writing the will.


NO. This would have been a fatal defect were it not for the 544 SCRA 393
fact that, in this case, it is discernible from the entire will
that it is really and actually composed of only two pages duly
signed by the testatrix and her instrumental witnesses. Complainant, Manuel L. Lee, charged respondent, Atty.
[T]he first page which contains the entirety of the Regino B. Tambago, with violation of Notarial Law and the
testamentary dispositions is signed by the testatrix at the Ethics of the legal profession for notarizing a will that is
end or at the bottom while the instrumental witnesses alleged to be spurious in nature in containing forged
signed at the left margin. The other page which is marked as signatures of his father, the decedent, Vicente Lee Sr. and
“Pagina dos” comprises the attestation clause and the two other witnesses. In the said will, the decedent
acknowledgment. The acknowledgment itself states that supposedly bequeathed his entire estate to his wife
“This Last Will and Testament consists of two pages Lim Hock Lee, save for a parcel of land which he devised to
including this page”. Vicente Lee, Jr. and Elena Lee, half-siblings of complainant.

The will was purportedly executed and acknowledged

before respondent on June 30, 1965.Complainant, however,
pointed out that the residence certificateof the testator
G.R. No. L-18979, June 30, 1964. noted in the acknowledgment of the will was dated January
5, 1962.Furthermore, the signature of the testator was not
the same as his signature as donor in a deed of
[REYES, J.B.L., J.] donationwhich supposedly contained his purported
signature. Complainant averred that the signatures of his
deceased father in the will and in the deed of donation were
Witness Natividad who testified on his failure to sign page “in any way entirely and diametrically opposed from one
three (3) of the original, admits that he may have lifted two another in all angle[s].”
pages instead of one when he signed the same, but affirmed
Complainant also questioned the absence of notation of
that page three (3) was signed in his presence.
the residence certificates of the purported witnesses
Noynay and Grajo. He alleged that their signatures
had likewise been forged and merely copied from their
respective voters’ affidavits.
Whether or not a will can be probated if one of the witness
inadvertently failed to sign one of the pages thereof. Complainant further asserted that no copy of such
purported will was on file in the archives division of the
Records Management and Archives Office of the National
Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA).
Was the will spurious?

HELD: 2. The appellants insisted that the will is defective because

the attestation was not signed by the witnesses at the
Yes, thus Tambago violated the Notarial Law and the ethics bottom although the page containing the same was signed
of legal profession. by the witnesses on the left hand margin.
The law provides for certain formalities that must be
followed in the execution of wills. The object of solemnities
surrounding the execution of wills is to close the door on 3. Petitioner contended that the signatures of the 3
bad faith and fraud, to avoid substitution of wills and witnesses on the left hand margin conform substantially to
testaments and to guarantee their truth and authenticity. law and may be deemed as their signatures to the
attestation clause.
A notarial will, as the contested will in this case, is required
by law to be subscribed at the end thereof by the testator
himself. In addition, it should be attested and subscribed by Issue: Whether or not the will is valid
three or more credible witnesses in the presence of the
testator and of one another. The will in question was
attested by only two witnesses. On
HELD: Will is not valid. The attestation clause is a
this circumstance alone, the will must be considered void. memorandum of the facts attending the execution of the
This is in consonance with the rule that acts executed will. It is required by law to be made by the attesting
against the provisions of mandatory or prohibitory laws witnesses and it must necessarily bear their signatures.
shall be void, except when the law itself authorizes their
validity. The Civil Code likewise requires that a will must be An unsigned attestation clause cannot be considered as an
acknowledged before a notary public by the testator and act of the witnesses since the omission of their signatures at
the witnesses. An acknowledgment is the act of one who has the bottom negatives their participation.
executed a deed in going before some competent officer or
court and declaring it to be his act or deed. It involves an
extra step undertaken whereby the signatory actually Moreover, the signatures affixed on the let hand margin is
declares to the notary public that the same is his or her not substantial conformance to the law. The said signatures
own free act and deed. The acknowledgment in a notarial were merely in conformance with the requirement that the
will has a two-fold purpose: (1) to safeguard the testator’s will must be signed on the left-hand margin of all its pages.
wishes long after his demise and (2) to assure that his estate If the attestation clause is unsigned by the 3 witnesses at the
is administered in the manner that he intends it to be done. bottom, it would be easier to add clauses to a will on a
subsequent occasion and in the absence of the testator and
A cursory examination of the acknowledgment of the will in any or all of the witnesses.
question shows that this particular requirement was neither
strictly nor substantially complied with. For one, there was
the conspicuous absence of a notation of the residence The probate of the will is denied.
certificates of the notarial witnesses Noynay and Grajo in
the acknowledgment. Similarly, the notation of the 13. AZUELA V. COURT OF APPEALS
testator’s old residence certificate in the same
G.R. No. 122880 (2006)
acknowledgment was a clear breach of the law. These
omissions by respondent invalidated the will. FACTS:

As the acknowledging officer of the contested will, 1. Petitioner Felix Azuela sought to admit to probate the
respondent was required to faithfully observe the notarial will of Eugenia E. Igsolo. However, this was opposed
formalities of a will and those of notarization. These by Geralda Castillo, who was the attorney-in-fact of “the 12
formalities are mandatory and cannot be disregarded. legitimate heirs” of the decedent. According to her, the will
was forged, and imbued with several fatal defects.
Particularly, the issue relevant in this subject is that the will
G.R. L-5826 was not properly acknowledged. The notary public, Petronio
Y. Bautista, only wrote “Nilagdaan ko at ninotario ko
Facts: ngayong 10 ng Hunyo 10 (sic), 1981 dito sa Lungsod ng
1. The case is an appeal interposed by the oppositors from Maynila.”
a decision of the CFI of Samar which admitted to probate a
will allegedly executed by Vicente Cagro who died in
Pambujan, Samar on Feb. 14, 1949.
ISSUE: Whether or not the will is fatally defective as it was 2. One of the allegations was that the certificate of
not properly acknowledged before a notary public by the acknowledgement to the codicil was signed somewhere else
testator and the witnesses as required by Article 806 of the or in the office of the notary. The ix and the witnesses at the
Civil Code. hospital, was signed and sealed by the notary only when he
brought it in his office.
RULING: Yes, the will is fatally defective. By no manner of
contemplation can those words be construed as an
Issue: Whether or not the signing and sealing of the will or
An acknowledgement is the act of one who has executed a codicil in the absence of the testator and witnesses affects
deed in going before some competent officer or court and the validity of the will
declaring it to be his act or deed. It involves an extra step
undertaken whereby the signore actually declares to the
notary that the executor of a document has attested to the RULING: NO. Unlike in the Old Civil Code of 1899, the NCC
notary that the same is his/her own free act and deed. does not require that the signing of the testator, the
witnesses and the notary be accomplished in one single act.
It might be possible to construe the averment as a jurat,
All that is required is that every will must be acknowledged
even though it does not hew to the usual language thereof.
before a notary public by the testator and witnesses. The
A jurat is that part of an affidavit where the notary certifies
subsequent signing and sealing is not part of the
that before him/her, the document was subscribed and
acknowledgement itself nor of the testamentary act. Their
sworn to by the executor
separate execution out of the presence of the testator and
Yet even if we consider what was affixed by the notary the witnesses cannot be a violation of the rule that
public as a jurat, the will would nonetheless remain invalid, testaments should be completed without interruption.
as the express requirement of Article 806 is that the will be
“acknowledged,” and not merely subscribed and sworn to.
The will does not present any textual proof, much less one 15. CRUZ V. JUDGE VILLASOR,
under oath, that the decedent and the instrumental
witnesses executed or signed the will as their own free act G.R. No. L-32213, November 26, 1973.
or deed. The acknowledgment made in a will provides for 14AUG
another all-important legal safeguard against spurious wills
or those made beyond the free consent of the testator. FACTS

The probate of the last will and testament of the late

Valente Z. Cruz was opposed by petitioner Agapita on the
14. JAVELLANA VS. LEDESMA ground of fraud, deceit, misrepresentation and undue
G.R. No. L-7179 influence, and that it was not executed in accordance with
law. Of the three instrumental witnesses thereto, namely
Facts: Deogracias T. Jamaloas Jr., Dr. Francisco Pañares and Atty.
Angel H. Teves, Jr., one of them, the last named, is at the
1. The CFI of Iloilo admitted to probate a will and codicil
same time the Notary Public before whom the will was
executed by the deceased Apolinaria Ledesma in July 1953.
supposed to have been acknowledged.
This testament was deemed executed on May 1950 and
May 1952. The contestant was the sister and nearest ISSUE
surviving relative of the deceased. She appealed from this
decision alleging that the will were not executed in Whether or not the probate of a will is valid if one of the
accordance with law. three instrumental witnessed is the notary public to whom
the will was acknowledged.
2. The testament was executed at the house of the testatrix.
One the other hand, the codicil was executed after the RULING
enactment of the New Civil Code (NCC), and therefore had NO. To allow the notary public to act as third witness, or one
to be acknowledged before a notary public. Now, the the attesting and acknowledging witnesses, would have the
contestant, who happens to be one of the instrumental effect of having only two attesting witnesses to the will
witnesses asserted that after the codicil was signed and which would be in contravention of the provisions of Article
attested at the San Pablo hospital, that Gimotea (the notary) 80 be requiring at least three credible witnesses to act as
signed and sealed it on the same occasion. Gimotea, such and of Article 806 which requires that the testator and
however, said that he did not do so, and that the act of the required number of witnesses must appear before the
signing and sealing was done afterwards. notary public to acknowledge the will. The result would be,
as has been said, that only two witnesses appeared before
the notary public for or that purpose. In the circumstances, acknowledgments, within that territorial jurisdiction only.
the law would not be duly in observed. Outside the place of his commission, he is bereft of power
to perform any notarial act; he is not a notary public. Any
notarial act outside... the limits of his jurisdiction has no
16. BELLA A. GUERRERO v. RESURRECCION A. BIHIS, force and effect.
GR NO. 174144, 2007-04-17 Since Atty. Directo was not a commissioned notary public
Facts: for and in Quezon City, he lacked the authority to take the
acknowledgment of the testatrix and the instrumental
Felisa Tamio de Buenaventura, mother of petitioner Bella A. witnesses.
Guerrero and respondent Resurreccion A. Bihis, died...
petitioner filed a petition for the probate of the last will and the petition is hereby DENIED
testament of the decedent 17. ORTEGA V. VALMONTE
The petition alleged the following: petitioner was named as G.R. No. 157451, 16 December 2005, 478 SCRA 247
executrix in the decedent's will and she was legally qualified
to act as such FACTS:

Respondent opposed her elder sister's petition on the Two years after the arrival of Placido from the United States
following grounds: the will was not executed and attested and at the age of 80 he wed Josefina who was then 28 years
as required by law... the trial court denied the probate of old. But in a little more than two years of wedded bliss,
the will ruling that Article 806 of the Civil Code was not Placido died. Placido executed a notarial last will and
complied with because the will was "acknowledged" by the testament written in English and consisting of 2 pages, and
testatrix... and the witnesses at the testatrix's, residence... dated 15 June 1983¸but acknowledged only on 9 August
at 1983. The allowance to probate of this will was opposed by
Leticia, Placido’s sister. According to the notary public who
Quezon City before Atty. Macario O. Directo who was a notarized the testator’s will, after the testator instructed
commissioned notary public for and in Caloocan City him on the terms and dispositions he wanted on the will, the
Petitioner elevated the case to the Court of Appeals but the notary public told them to come back on 15 August 1983 to
appellate court dismissed the appeal and affirmed the give him time to prepare. The testator and his witnesses
resolution of the trial court. returned on the appointed date but the notary public was
out of town so they were instructed by his wife to come back
Issues: on 9 August 1983. The formal execution was actually on 9
August 1983. He reasoned he no longer changed the
Did the will "acknowledged" by the testatrix and the
typewritten date of 15 June 1983 because he did not like the
instrumental witnesses before a notary public acting
document to appear dirty.
outside the place of his commission satisfy the requirement
under Article 806 of the Civil Code? Petitioner’s argument:
1. At the time of the execution of the notarial will Placido
was already 83 years old and was no longer of sound mind.
Article 806 of the Civil Code provides
2. Josefina conspired with the notary public and the 3
Every will must be acknowledged before a notary public by attesting witnesses in deceiving Placido to sign it. Deception
the testator and the witnesses. is allegedly reflected in the varying dates of the execution
and the attestation of the will.
An acknowledgment is the act of one who has executed a
deed in going before some competent officer and declaring ISSUE:
it to be his act or deed.
1. W/N Placido has testamentary capacity at the time he
Acknowledgment can only be made before a competent allegedly executed the will.
officer, that is, a lawyer duly commissioned as a notary 2. W/N the signature of Placido in the will was procured by
public. fraud or trickery.
A notary public's commission is the grant of authority in his HELD:
favor to perform notarial acts.
1. YES. Despite his advanced age, he was still able to identify
It is issued "within and for" a particular territorial accurately the kinds of property he owned, the extent of his
jurisdiction and the notary public's authority is co-extensive shares in them and even their location. As regards the
with it. In other words, a notary public... is authorized to proper objects of his bounty, it was sufficient that he
perform notarial acts, including the taking of identified his wife as sole beneficiary. The omission of some
relatives from the will did not affect its formal validity. There Her vision remained mainly for viewing distant objects and
being no showing of fraud in its execution, intent in its not for reading. There was no evidence that her vision
disposition becomes irrelevant. improved at the time of the execution of the 2nd will.
Hence, she was incapable of reading her own will. The
2. NO. Fraud is a trick, secret devise, false statement, or
admission of the will to probate is therefore erroneous.
pretense, by which the subject of it is cheated. It may be of
such character that the testator is misled or deceived as to 19. ALVARADO vs. GAVIOLA
the nature or contents of the document which he executes,
September 14, 1993
or it may relate to some extrinsic fact, in consequence of the
deception regarding which the testator is led to make a FACTS:
certain will which, but for fraud, he would not have made.
The party challenging the will bears the burden of proving The testator did not read the final draft of the will himself.
the existence of fraud at the time of its execution. The Instead, private respondent, as the lawyer who drafted the
burden to show otherwise shifts to the proponent of the will 8-paged document, read the same aloud in the presence of
only upon a showing of credible evidence of fraud. the testator, the 3 instrumental witnesses and the notary
public. The latter 4 followed the reading with their own
Omission of some relatives does not affect the due respective copies previously furnished them.
execution of a will. Moreover, the conflict between the
dates appearing on the will does not invalidate the Said will was admitted to probate. Later on, a codicil
document, “because the law does not even require that a was executed, and by that time, the testator was already
notarial will be executed and acknowledged on the same suffering from glaucoma. But the disinheritance and
occasion. The variance in the dates of the will as to its revocatory clauses were unchanged. As in the case of the
supposed execution and attestation was satisfactorily and notarial will, the testator did not personally read the final
persuasively explained by the notary public and draft of the codicil. Instead, it was private respondent who
instrumental witnesses. read it aloud in his presence and in the presence of the three
instrumental witnesses (same as those of the notarial will)
18. GARCIA V. VASQUEZ and the notary public who followed the reading using their
own copies.
G.R. No. L-26808, 28 March 1969, 32 SCRA 489
Gliceria del Rosario executed 2 wills, one in June 1956,
written in Spanish, a language she knew and spoke. The Was there substantial compliance to the reading of
other will was executed in December 1960 consisting of only the will?
one page, and written in Tagalog. The witnesses to the 1960
will declared that the will was first read ‘silently’ by the
testatrix before signing it. The probate court admitted the HELD:
Article 808 not only applies to blind testators, but also to
The oppositors alleged that the eyesight of the testatrix as those who, for one reason or another, are incapable of
of December 1960, was so poor and defective that she could reading their wills. Hence, the will should have been read
not have read the provisions contrary to the testimony of by the notary public and an instrumental witness. However,
the witnesses. the spirit behind the law was served though the letter was
not. In this case, there was substantial
ISSUE: compliance. Substantial compliance is acceptable where
Whether or not the will is valid the purpose of the law has been satisfied, the reason being
that the solemnities surrounding the execution of wills are
RULING: intended to protect the testator from all kinds of fraud and
The will is not valid. If the testator is blind, Art. 808 of the trickery but are never intended to be so rigid and inflexible
New Civil Code (NCC) should apply.If the testator is blind or as to destroy the testamentary privilege.
incapable of reading, he must be apprised of the contents of In this case, private respondent read the testator's
the will for him to be able to have the opportunity to object will and codicil aloud in the presence of the testator, his
if the provisions therein are not in accordance with his three instrumental witnesses, and the notary public. Prior
wishes. and subsequent thereto, the testator affirmed, upon being
The testimony of her opthalmologist established that asked, that the contents read corresponded with his
notwithstanding an operation to remove her cataract and instructions. Only then did the signing and
being fitted with the lenses, this did not improve her vision. acknowledgement take place.
The will must be acknowledged before a notary public by
the testator and the attesting witnesses. The attestation
clause need not be written in a language known to the
G.R. No. 103554, 28 May 1993, 222 SCRA 781 testator or even to the attesting witnesses. It is a separate
memorandum or record of the facts surrounding the
FACTS: conduct of execution and once signed by the witnesses it
gives affirmation to the fact that compliance with the
On December 5, 1978, Mateo Caballero, a widower without
essential formalities required by law has been observed.
any children and already in the twilight years of his life,
The attestation clause, therefore, provides strong legal
executed a last will and testament at his residence before 3
guaranties for the due execution of a will and to insure the
witnesses. He was assisted by his lawyer, Atty. Emilio
authenticity thereof. It is contended by petitioners that the
Lumontad. In the will, it was declared that the testator was
attestation clause in the will failed to specifically state the
leaving by way of legacies and devises his real and personal
fact that the attesting witnesses witnessed the testator sign
properties to several people all of whom do not appear to
the will and all its pages in their presence and that they, the
be related to the testator. 4 months later, Mateo Caballero
witnesses, likewise signed the will and every page thereof in
himself filed a case seeking the probate of his last will and
the presence of the testator and of each other. And the
testament, but numerous postponements pushed back the
Court agrees. The attestation clause does not expressly
initial hearing of the probate court regarding the will. On
state therein the circumstance that said witnesses
May 29, 1980, the testator passed away before his petition
subscribed their respective signatures to the will in the
could finally be heard by the probate court. Thereafter one
presence of the testator and of each other.
of the legatees, Benoni Cabrera, sought his appointment as
special administrator of the testator’s estate. Thereafter, The phrase, “and he has signed the same and every page
the petitioners, claiming to be nephews and nieces of the thereof, on the space provided for his signature and on the
testator, instituted a second petition for intestate left hand margin,” obviously refers to the testator and not
proceedings. They also opposed the probate of the the instrumental witnesses as it is immediately preceded by
testator’s will and the appointment of a special the words” as his last will and testament.” Clearly lacking is
administrator for his estate. Benoni Cabrera died and was the statement that the witnesses signed the will and every
replaced by William Cabrera as special administrator and page thereof in the presence of the testator and of one
gave an order that the testate proceedings for the probate another. That the absence of the statement required by law
of the will had to be heard and resolved first. In the course is a fatal defect or imperfection which must necessarily
of the proceedings, petitioners opposed to the allowance of result in the disallowance of the will that is here sought to
the testator’s will on the ground that on the alleged date of be probated.
its execution, the testator was already in poor state of
health such that he could not have possibly executed the Also, Art. 809 does not apply to the present case because
same. Also the genuineness of the signature of the testator the attestation clause totally omits the fact that the
is in doubt. attesting witnesses signed each and every page of the will in
the presence of the testator and of each other. The defect
On the other hand, one of the attesting witnesses and the in this case is not only with respect to the form or the
notary public testified that the testator executed the will in language of the attestation clause. The defects must be
question in their presence while he was of sound and remedied by intrinsic evidence supplied by the will itself
disposing mind and that the testator was in good health and which is clearly lacking in this case.
was not unduly influenced in any way in the execution of his
will. Therefore, the probate of the will is set aside and the case
Probate court then rendered a decision declaring the will in for the intestate proceedings shall be revived. Article 809
question as the last will and testament of the late Mateo cannot be used to cure the defects of the will when it does
Caballero. CA affirmed the probate court’s decision stating not pertain to the form or language of the will. This is
that it substantially complies with Article 805. Hence this because there is not substantial compliance with Article
appeal. 805.

ISSUE: 21. LOPEZ V. LOPEZ, G.R. No. 189984, November 12, 2012.

W/N the attestation clause in the will of the testator is 14AUG

fatally defective or can be cured under the art. 809. FACTS
HELD: The RTC disallowed the probate of the will for failure to
comply with the required statement in the attestation
No. It does not comply with the provisions of the law.
clause as to the number of pages used upon which the will
Ordinary or attested wills are governed by Arts. 804 to 809.
is written. While the acknowledgment portion stated that
the will consists of 7 pages including the page on which the ISSUES: 1. Whether the failure to sign the last page of the
ratification and acknowledgment are written, the RTC will is fatal to the will’s validity (NO)
observed that it has 8 pages including the acknowledgment
2. Whether the failure to state the number of pages in the
portion. As such, it disallowed the will for not having been
attestation clause will invalidate the will (NO)
executed and attested in accordance with law.

RULING: It is a skewed stance in insisting that the testator

Legaspi and the instrumental witnesses should have signed
Whether or not the discrepancy between the number of on the last page of the subject will. When Article 805 of the
pages in the attestation clause and the actual number of Civil Code requires the testator to subscribe at the end of
pages in the will that would warrant its disallowance. the will, it necessarily refers to the logical end thereof,
which is where the last testamentary disposition ends. As
the probate court correctly appreciated, the last page of the
RULING will does not contain any testamentary disposition; it is but
a mere continuation of the Acknowledgment. In Taboada vs.
YES. The provisions of the Civil Code on Forms of Wills, Hon. Rosal, the Court allowed the probate of a will
particularly, Articles 805 and 809 of the Civil Code provide notwithstanding that the number of pages was stated not in
that the attestation must state the number of pages used the attestation clause, but in the Acknowledgment. In
upon which the will is written. The purpose of the law is to Azuela vs. CA, the Court ruled that there is substantial
safeguard against possible interpolation or omission of one compliance with the requirement, if it is stated elsewhere in
or some of its pages and prevent any increase or decrease the will how many pages it is comprised of. What is
in the pages. Here, the will actually consists of 8 pages imperative for the allowance of a will despite the existence
including its acknowledgment which discrepancy cannot be of omissions is that such omissions must be supplied by an
explained by mere examination of the will itself but through examination of the will itself, without the need of resorting
the presentation of evidence aliunde. to extrinsic evidence. "However, those omissions which
cannot be supplied except by evidence aliunde would result
in the invalidation of the attestation clause and ultimately,
22. MARGIE SANTOS MITRA, -versus - PERPETUA L. of the will itself." An examination of the will in question
SABLAN- GUEVARRA, REMEGIO L. SABLAN, ET AL., reveals that the attestation clause indeed failed to state the
G.R. No. 213994, number of pages comprising the will. However, as was the
situation in Taboada, this omission was supplied in the
SECOND DIVISION, April 18, 2018, REYES, JR, J. Acknowledgment. It was specified therein that the will is
What is imperative for the allowance of a will despite the existence
composed of four pages, the Acknowledgment included.
of omissions is that such omissions must be supplied by an
examination of the will itself, without the need of resorting to
extrinsic evidence. An examination of the will in question reveals
that the attestation clause indeed failed to state the number of
pages comprising the will. However, as was the situation in
Taboada, this omission was supplied in the Acknowledgment.

FACTS: Margie Santos Mitra filed a petition for the probate

of the notarial will of Remedios Legaspi. Mitra alleged she is
a de facto adopted daughter of Legaspi and Legaspi left a
notarial will instituting Mitra along with Orlando Castro,
Perpetua Sablan-Guevarra, and Remigio LegaspiSablan, as
her heirs, legatees and devisees. Perpetua Sablan-Guevarra
and Remegio Sablan opposed the petition. They aver that
the will was not executed in accordance with the formalities
required by law since the last page of the will which
contained the Acknowledgment was not signed by Legaspi
and her instrumental witnesses. Further the attestation
clause failed to state the number of pages upon which the
will was written. The number of pages was however
supplied by the Acknowledgment portion.

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