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Maristela,Lovelyn L.


Conduct a simple interview which a child, adolescent, and an adult. “Where do you want
to live, in the city, or in the barrio? State your reasons for your answer.”, Take note of their
answers. Encourage each one to talk about or explain his/her answer in greater details.

Khalil, an 8 years old boy chose to live in the city. According to him, there will be no playground like in
their village and as wide as like this, it is where he used to play every day. The toy’s stores are far there in
barrio, unlike here in the city he just goes outside to buy toys. Malls, schools and other convenient stores
would become far if he lives in the barrio, there will be no school service of course, according to him. The foods
and electricity are not good enough for him, because he always wants to eat hotdog and ice cream, he said that
he don’t likes to eat vegetables every day because he knows that the foods there are from their plants in the
backyards and the most important to him is that, the internet connection is not good as like here in the city, he
couldn’t play mobile games with the use of internet connection neither social media.


Rio, 19 years old, wants to live in the barrio. According to her life in the city is very hectic. Traffic
congestion is a perpetual problem. At her work, fierce competition, deadlines, and meetings await the city
dweller. Always in a hurry to avoid the rush hour traffic jams, to be time for appointments or to stay one step
ahead of other, people in cities have little hassle and no point in competing, she added. She said that living in
towns and cities is also becoming dangerous, house cities are fenced in and many house owners also install
grilles and alarm systems to safeguard their homes, with the rising crime rate in cities, a woman walking alone
at night or displaying jewellery is courting danger unlike in the barrio houses may not even be locked or have
fences. People there usually know one another and outsides are easily spotted, she said. If she could live in the
country and yet have the same opportunities as she have the same opportunities as she have in the city, she
would rather definitely prefer in the barrio because life there is not as stressful as that in the city and yet is
much safe and healthier.

Kenneth,30 years old he is now taking his Masteral Degree in Manila chose to live in the barrio.
Since he finished his Bachelor degree in their province,he compared the life of being student in the city
and in the barrio or province. According to Kenneth, schools in cities are usually crowded and in
crowded locations except for few schools, many city schools are housed in drab,old houses with a
slovenly atmosphere, The noise from outside is crowded will be abominable and since the school is
crowded there cannot be much cordiality between students. The question of transport from school to
home and vice versa will be time consuming and at the same time sickening. One will have to start quite
early and travel by crowded buses or trains and return home late. By the time one returns home, there
will be no time for play or relaxation.

Name: Lovelyn L. Maristela
A. Assume that you are a teacher teaching the concept of adding 2 + 3 to Grade 1 pupils.
Write the steps on how you are going to approach teaching the concept to ensure a
better understanding of the task. Give your reasons why.

Step1: First, I will explain to him that we will going to solve a math problem and we will use addition to get
the correct answer. I will explain to him what addition is, it is the act or process of adding numbers, where
in you are adding one or more objects to another for him, to make it clear why we will use addition.

Step2: Second, I will tell to him, that he needs to imagine that has already 2 objects, for example an apple.
He has 2 apples and someone gave you another 3 apples.

Step3: Third, since a grade 1 pupil should know how to count a basic counting numbers, I will tell to him
that addition is the solution in this problem and we will add these 3 apples to his first 2 apples.

Step4: Next, I will tell to him that, for you to know how many apples do you have in all or to add your
another 3 apples all you need is to combine these to your first 2 apples.

Step5: Lastly, I will tell to him that he needs to count these apples, I will listen to his counting and I will
join on how he will going to count these apples, I can also provide a true apples for him not to be confuse
and for his better understanding.


I taught a grade 1 pupil, how to add step by step, through talking them, and with the use of
their imagination because pupil at this age likes to use their imagination,they also likes to learn
through talking themselves, I will serve as his supporter while learning how to learn addition. I used
and provided a true apples as an examples for him to have a better understanding and know what
B. Observe a class in preschool.
1. Take note of the kind of instructional materials, the teacher uses (size, color,
shape, etc.).
2. Take note of how the teacher introduces a concept to be learned.
3. Find out if you were able to observe the characteristics of young learners listed
earlier. List down your observations.

The video I’ve watched was Sesame Street it is an American educational children’s television series
that combines live action, sketch, comedy, animaton and puppetry. From its first episode, Sesame Street has
structured its format by using “a strong visual style,fast moving action,humor,and music,” as well as animation
and live-action short films.Young children did not have long attention spans,therefore the shows produce a an
hour-long show wouldn’t hold their audience’s attention. At first,the show’s “street scenes” the action taking
place ob its set consisted of character-driven ineractions and were not written as ongoing stories. Intead,they
consisted of individual,curriculum-based segments which were interrupted by”inserts” consisting of
puppet,sketches,short films,and animation. The teachers uses direct bpresentation of the concepts anf
through examples or guided discovery. They help the students to analyse their own thinking process

Sesame Street’s muppets have distinct personalities and functions. Cookie Monster is the impulsive
guy. Grover sets his sights high but is not good at following through,directions. Oscar is neighbourhood
grouch. The children attributes “curious,open-minded,loves to learn new things,very optimistic,happy-go-
lucky,” like children.
Name: Lovelyn L. Maristela
A. As a whole, what are the development characteristics of young learners that make them
different from adolescent and adult learners?

Child Learners Adolescent Learners Adult Learners

curious challenge the authority of goal-oriented
family structure
wants a social interaction lonely practical
Resourceful-finding solutions wide mood swings learn through experience
to problems
should take time for creative desire for privacy motivated
dependable begin to develop value have a multi-level
system responsibilities
Persistent magnify own problems high expectations
adventurous intense friendship with same prefer a sense of control
imaginative begins to reject childhood self-directed
likes to cooperate idealistic slower learner yet wants
more integrative knowledge

B. Below is a list of classroom activities. Identify whose needs will be addressed by each
activity- young? Adolescents? Adults?

1. Students go to the seashore to study different kind of shells. Young

2. Students name and identify real fruits shown by teacher. Young
3. Students are given ingredients and were asked to cook these using their own
method. Ault
4. Students were group into three and were given two problems to solve.
5. Students were doing an experiment and the teacher was present to guide them.
6. The students were asked to tell stories about their family using pictures. Young
7. Students were asked to interpret a poem. Adolescent
8. Students were asked to interview five leaders in the community, from which
they were to make an assessment of how effective the leaders are. Adult
9. Students were asked to make a table in two hours. Adult
10. Students were asked to observe the leaves of plants in the garden. Young

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