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Case Study on MachineLearning Micromodels:

The programmer has to create a model who has large data .So he need to perform
micromodels for the application that makes easy to handle.

Micromodels in machine learning are smaller models which is able to do the application
more precisely with less time and less data and responsible for single phease of data. Most of
the companies used micromodels becauses less data resources are more efficient.This makes
more time-consuming.If we perform on large scale it may result in unanticipated side effects
and there cause ambuity in informations. To undergo the process of micromodel we need to
tune the data first,which is to create the code and ask the system to do process.Then is to train
the data as small as possible to pick the correct segments of datas which are necessary and
dumps unrelavant datas.This makes the appication model more precise with less data and less
time consumption.

Finally the application makes far precise with accurate results. Thus micromodel give
more quick results with training and tuning the data

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