Exhortacion Trascendental Dirigida A Los Misioneros - Es.en PDF

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Exhortation Transcendental


S Amaël
Exhortation Transcendental ADDRESSED

Much glad to see me all together tonight. My well estimable brothers had wanted to be with you yesterday
but difficulties on the trip I could not be here on time. However, we are here with you. Gnostics dear brothers, I'm glad,
actually, to see a group of brothers of good will who will receive his badge today Missionary Gnóstico.

I want you to know that, indeed, THE WORK OF THE MISSIONARY IS GREAT. In these moments of global
crisis and bankruptcy of all principles, we are actually organizing the SALVATION ARMY WORLD.

There is no doubt that we are in a very difficult moment in history, in a terrible critical moment: the nations have
risen against nations, peoples against peoples and everywhere there is weeping and gnashing of teeth; unknown
diseases abound everywhere; earthquakes, pestilences of all kinds; economic difficulties, etc .; chaos, anarchy rules right
now in the world; wickedness has increased to the maximum and the earth trembles in his gut more and more ...

There is no doubt that the bottom of the sea is cracked. Deep cracks exist in the Pacific ocean water in some
places are already in contact with the liquid fire inside the world, there is increasing pressure and vapors from moment to
moment. Now can you explain, by themselves, the root of earthquakes and tidal waves.

In the name of truth, we must say that humanity is sitting on a powder keg that could explode at any time; suffice
a combination of worlds to those pressures and vapors inside the Earth there, violently revealed, then we would see part
of the crust of the Earth flying into pieces.

And the liquid fire poured out upon the world, cause, indeed, the Great Fire Universal, which have concerned
both the different prophets of the time.
So, my dear brothers, really, TIMES HAVE REACHED THE END and we are in them. Through the course of
history we have seen that our solar system moves in the zodiacal belt.

As the Earth year there, so it is also true that there is SIDERAL YEAR. And as our terrestrial year has four
seasons are: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. So the sidereal year has four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and
Sidereal Year is the journey of the solar system around the Zodiac. A race lasts no more than hard a journey of
the solar system around the Zodiac.
The Atlantean race (which preceded us, before we Aryans acknowledgment), finished exactly when Sidereal Year
ended, ie when the trip concluded the solar system around the Zodiac. Then came the great flood UNIVERSAL, which
was nothing but the submersion of the Atlantean continent raging between the waves of the ocean that bears his name.

The LEMUR RACE concluded, when he concluded a tour of the solar system around the zodiac; then the fire of
volcanoes erupted, and terrible earthquakes and tsunamis (over ten thousand years) plunged to the Continent Mu raging
between the waves of the Pacific.

What shall we say of the Hyperboreans, that mighty civilization that once flourished around the cap of the North
Pole? He ended by another trip Sidereal.
In the same way we would say that the First Race that was in the world, that is, the protoplasmic race, also
concluded with the Sidereal Year.
In the Aztec Calendar is a legend that says: "The Children of the First Sun ( ie Race

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Protoplasmic who once lived in the northern polar cap), They perished devoured by the Tigers. ( The Tigers are a symbol
of Fire, a symbol of Wisdom). The Children of the Second Sun,
say, They perished destroyed by hurricanes ( It refers to Hiperbóreos). Children of the Third Sun ( ie, the lemurs), Sun
perished by fire rain and large earthquakes. Children of the Fourth Sun ( Atlantis), They perished submerged under water.
Children of the Fifth Sun ( Aztec Calendar says, referring to us, the Aryans) perish by fire and earthquakes "...

So the prophecies are clear and precise. Peter, the Apostle, in his Second Epistle to the Romans says: "And the
elements shall melt, and the earth and all the works that are therein shall be burned" ...

The Great Kabir Jeshua Ben Pandirá, living incarnation of the Cosmic Christ, said "The day of the Lord will come
like a thief in the night, at least you will wait" ...
Christ is Fire; Christ is the Fire of the fire, the Flame of the flame. The Astral Signature of Fire. Obviously, the
Christic Fire, "It will consume all this perverse civilization of vipers"; thus it is written and will be fulfilled: "From all this
perverse civilization of vipers ( the Aryans have risen in the North and South, East and West of the world) will not indeed
stone unturned. " The current civilization will be burned with fire alive ...

I would tell you emphatically that the liquid fire of the Earth is currently in distress, and this we must understand it.
It is obvious that some cracks deep in the Pacific have succeeded in contacting the fire with water. Now you can explain,
precisely, why the liquid fire of the world has in distress.

Also it said that any combination of worlds would be enough to make all these pressures and vapors that
currently exist, and that is causing earthquakes and tidal waves, will explode breaking into pieces of the geological crust
of the world and causing the output of the liquid fire everywhere.

This fire is enough to consume fully and unitotal way, the whole civilization that exists today. But in this, it comes
into play very important: MECHANICS OF THE WORLDS.

Because it is not merely as casual as could exploit the geological crust of the Earth. For this crust can be broken
somewhere, there must be a chain of causes and effects. Undoubtedly, this chain is closely related to the mechanics of
the Worlds.

Obviously, there has always been a planet that has ended all races; this world, this planet exists, always reaches
the end of every trip of the solar system around the Zodiac.
When he reached the end of Lemuria, he turned the page of history. Volcanoes erupted, terrible tsunamis and
large earthquakes that ended with every powerful civilization of the continent Mu occurred when he reached the end of
the trip related to Atlantis, is produced a revolution of the axis of the Earth, the seas changed bed and swallowed up this
great continent, with all its million inhabitants.

Now, again, travel is such a planet; and it comes in moments when our journey around the Zodiac is over (say so,
because only missing a few degrees to the total final) ...

This way that we began in the Age of the Aquarius; and the solar system has returned again to the sign of
Aquarius, ie, it has completed the journey; They are missing only a few degrees to be exactly at the end of the trip; and
those few degrees involve only a few years.
As a consequence or corollary, that world that matches this trip Sidereal, the one world that always appears at
the end of the trip, is already in sight of all the telescopes of the world: It's called "HERCOLUBUS" (scientists have
christened with the name "BARNARD I"; Nostradamus and the ancients called "Hercólubus"). It is six times bigger than
Jupiter, the Solar System Titan; It is an extraordinary cosmic monster.

Astronomers from all parts of the world, and raised the MAP the great catastrophe looming; we have at our
institution, then, that map. We've got a Hemeroteca of the Federal District; It is therefore official order.

Stargazers all over the world have risen, no astronomer who ignore the Great

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Impending catastrophe; most do not make publication of that event express prohibition of governments that censor to
avoid precisely the phenomenon of collective psychosis. So, is therefore a concrete fact, an official fact that modern
science does not know ...
When approaching Hercólubus slightly when either visible to the eye, will pull or attract magnetically the liquid fire
inside the Earth; then comes the big bang that awaits, as I said, that the interior of the world is full of pressures and
intensify vapors from moment to moment, because the precise contact of fire and water.

Obviously, Hercólubus has an extraordinary magnetic power; produce such an explosion, blowing up part of the
geological crust of the Earth; liquid fire sprout to the surface, everywhere; million volcanoes appear here, there and
everywhere, and terrible earthquakes and tidal waves will originate horrific.

The liquid fire, circulating across the surface of the globe, burn everything that has life; Universal will be a fire that
no one can shut down and perish all humanity suffering.

Much later, when the closer of this gigantic world coming to devour the Earth occurs, there will be a revolution of
the axis of our world: The Poles were transformed into Ecuador and Ecuador will become poles; change bed oceans and
current continents be submerged under water; then it will be gone forever this "Perverse civilization of vipers, and will not
be, all this stone unturned" ...

Hercólubus as I said, it is in sight of all the observatories of the world; there will come a time will be visible even in
broad daylight. When placed between the Sun and Earth, there will be an eclipse that will last three days ...

I'm talking about facts that can prove mathematically; Astronomers have raised the map of this event can prove it
with numbers, with exact calculations. I'm not talking about concepts "a priori" I'm not making claims of empirical,
astronomers endorse my words in every corner of the earth, then, no telescope through which has not been seen, ever,
what I'm saying : Hercólubus, again, is in sight; this is unquestionable ...

But before this catastrophe is at hand, there will be wars and rumors of wars everywhere, because the end times
have arrived. Each nation will have to pay off their old debts, each nation will be called to render accounts and humans
are against each other, and all against all ...

Chaos and anarchy are governing and rule the world entirely; unknown diseases are appearing and nobody
knows cure them; the economic crisis is increasingly intensive; the complete demoralization of Humanity: Drugs, alcohol,
lesbianism, homosexuality, etc., have taken over all nations.

Humanity has lost all interest in solar ideas and has become terribly mechanist; all sense of dignity has been
destroyed; hate corrodes the entrails of the people; lust carried maximum, it has become exorbitant; envy, is the current
spring all dying civilization, etc.

Therefore, people have been called to cancel karmic debts; However, with the destruction of the Aryan Race is
not never completed the program, the magnificent program of the SEVEN RACES HUMANAS.

You want them to know that any world of space, it has to give, indubitably, seven races. Our planet Earth, today,
has only given five races; there must be a Sixth Race in the future, on an earth transformed into a new Earth.

Luke's gospel is the gospel SOLAR, according to the light; It is symbolized by the winged bull, a living symbol
Earth regenerated (of Earth purified by fire and water), Earth tomorrow ...

Matthew's Gospel is the Gospel according to knowledge, the Gospel tells us the time of the disaster. Matthew
says: "When oyerais of wars and rumors of wars, when Jerusalem is surrounded by armies, etc., it is because the times
have finally arrived." Matthew tells us

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"Pestilences" talks about "earthquake" of "tidal waves", etc., which are the events that precede the Great Catastrophe.

So, according to what was said by Matthew, we are at the gates of the Great Tragedy: "Jerusalem is surrounded
by armies everywhere and talk of wars and rumors of wars" ...

It is said, for example, that Formosa already going to build atomic weapons; there is a danger of another terrible
war in Korea (what North Korea and South!). The world is full of wars everywhere and this is hopeless ... These are the
"signs" that gives Matthew to the Great Catastrophe.

Now you will understand, as missionaries, which is our job. It is needed to form a core of people Selecta serve as
a basis for future SEXTA Rootrace; That is the work of the Missionary ...

It is they, the missionaries, who should organize the World Salvation Army. Before the Great Catastrophe, the
Army must already formed; before the Great Catastrophe, the selected people will be taken to a secret location in the
Pacific; in that place nothing will happen from there we see the great tragedy. After that terrible cosmic event, the entire
earth will be enveloped in fire and steam ...

Those who must be brought to the site chosen, obviously must have dissolved the Ego, or at least most. Who
have at least 50% REMOVED undesirable elements that we carry inside, they can be selected; because if in times of
trouble they worked on themselves, give hope; We may then, on that lonely island devote themselves fully to eliminate
the other 50%. But those who in any way have worked on themselves, not be selected and will perish.

All those who die without having done great work, without having dissolved the Ego, will have to devolve into the
bowels of the earth until the Second Death (well written and so) ...

Second Death only can the Essence free, emancipate, leaving between the Ego; Second Death only can the
Essence ascend again, innocent state, to the surface of our planet. Obviously, free Essences may form the crowds of the
Golden Age.

So the people Selecto not await for nature will disintegrate the undesirable psychic elements in the infernal
worlds; Select the people working on these elements dissolve themselves, here and now.

The People Selecto live on Holy Island in the fog those days, because the whole earth will, after the Great
Catastrophe, wrapped in fire and water vapor, and the elements of fire and water will fight each other mutually, for several
But the time will be seized on that island, and those who have not completed, will be completed, will eventually
destroy the Ego; and when a double rainbow appears in the clouds, a sign of a new covenant of God with men, those
who have dissolved the Ego will live in these new lands that have emerged from the depths of the seas and serve as a
nucleus for the future Sixth Race Root...

then shall the golden age. And Virgil, the poet of Mantua, said: "Now came the Golden Age and a new progeny
commands" ...
In the Golden Age of the future race, there will be no "mine" or "yours" and everything will be all, and every man
shall eat of the tree of the neighbor without fear. In the future Golden Age there will be no borders or nations, and the whole
earth will be a great nation; then they govern Dynasties PLOTS the innocent and pure people.

BODY WILL BE NO in the New Age, anyone who has EGO, not even the one with 1% Ego. Because if someone
Ego take shape in the Age Futura, that would destroy the Golden Age. Just as a rotten orange, tucked between a basket
of good oranges, rots all, well, one element Ego is enough to . podrir all humanity of the Golden Age for that reason,
those with Ego shall be removed; for them there will be no body in the Golden Age ...

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We are preparing, my dear brothers Gnostics, to create a new civilization and a new culture. But above all, we
must shape the Army. Emerged only after the Golden Age, we can establish in the world, a new civilization and a new

Missionaries working to form the Army obviously will become the champions of GOLDEN AGE ... See you how
great is the work of the Missionaries! These brothers leave all for Christ abandon his country, his family, his possessions,
everything, to form the World Salvation Army.

Indubitably, they, with their selfless work, with its fruitful and creative work may obviously cancel old debts to be
completely clean karma ...

That's why the work of the glorious missionary sacrifice Based terrible often work in the Great Work of the Father.
Missionaries are called Gnostics, then, to create the new civilization and new culture; But they must begin, first, by the
formation of that core we need to start the New Era.

That is why the missionaries work; they want to form that nucleus that will root for the sixth race tomorrow. Those
who want to work, are chosen in fact by that Conscious Circle of Solar Humanity, which operates on the higher centers of
the Being (that monitors Immortal Circle) ...

There is no doubt that the Gnostics Missionaries shine among the frightening darkness of this world; They stand
out, glisten, flames seem different to all this evil humanity ... it is a great opportunity which is given to the missionary and
the missionary must seize it.
The work of the Missionaries should be ordered; Missionaries who leave to join the army, do not go Lumisials
Reformers; It lumisial all depends on a Director and this, in itself and by itself, is accountable to the Great Law for his
work. In no way it is never allowed missionaries to go to reform or to split GROUPS Lumisials, or something like that.

The Director of each Lumisial accountable for their work. More No missionary is authorized to go to work to
reform him a director of Lumisial. Missionaries do not go reformers groups, the Missionaries will form new groups, which
is different ...
Every missionary is free to form GROUPS ... Each Lumisial ... .. . Thus, the mis-
nero forming a group may establish a fee for that group. And with that fee can support yourself, because you will
obviously need to stock up economically.
Patriarchal Headquarters you will not demand to economic accounts of any kind. If you form a Lumisial have the
right to put their shares for maintenance and Patriarchal Headquarters respects your freedom, every Lumisial is
autonomous, in order, of course, of the institution. None of them are demanding us, quotas; Patriarchal Headquarters
does not require the Lumisials fee.

Each Lumisial manage their own funds, economic, with full freedom. So, if Lumisials founded the Missionaries
and lay their quotas and direct, okay; They will not have any censorship by Patriarchal Headquarters; but this must be
Only intervene us, if it is abused, that is, when someone set a group and devote himself to exploit economically
its affiliates, then it would intervene Headquarters Patriarchal because we have to give account to the government for our
dealings. But if the Missionaries set quotas to the extent of affiliates, we will not have any objections.

There will be places where members can only pay humble quota; places will be able to pay better. For example,
in Monterrey, members can pay 100 pesos a month, but in the Federal District, the Cosan have been more difficult
Thus, the missionary has to deal with balancing its economic balance. Missionaries need, eat, wear, live, and
obviously, therefore, quotas are necessary. But avoid any abuse.

Any missionary who commits abuses, exploits a neighbor and their exploitation is demonstrated properly (not
gossips but made clear and definitive concrete

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vos) it could be penalized by Headquarters Patriarcal; Patriarchal Headquarters because, in any way, want to exploitation.

We know that missionaries need to live and why we are not opposed to quotas; but we only wish that no one is
engaged in the exploitation of the neighbor; there is justice, perfect balance.

Every missionary has the right to open as many Lumisials want; and every missionary can sit at the table to eat
the fruit of their WORK. Who serves at the altar, you have the right to eat from the Altar. All you have no right is to sell the
Altar or rent it, or something like that.

Books! ... Indubitably, books are the weapon of the Missionaries. Immortal Circle of Conscious Humanity Solar
(which as I said, operates on the higher centers of the Self), we have received certain desiderata Cosmic; including
circulating throughout the North of our beloved country (Mexico), my book entitled "The Great Rebellion".

That book and went out; He was released in Monterrey. Our beloved brother GG edited it in the offset machine
owned by the Lumisial of Monterrey. There, on that machine, owned by our institution, they will keep all our books.
Missionaries need.
It is therefore necessary to contact our brother GG, Director of the Lumisial of Monterrey, in order to get a certain
amount of "The Great Rebellion" for sale.
Missionaries have a margin in those books, an economic margin, undoubtedly, will benefit them for your needs. I
understand that it is possible that credit book of the Missionaries, but expected these to proceed with all honesty, in all
righteousness. Be given the economically inexpensive book, so you have a good economic margin to serve, I said to your

Already it planned with Dr. H., the whole movement of the Missionaries. This doctor is what precisely is
coordinating missionary activities in our country (Mexico) and abroad.

Each brother who tonight will receive the corresponding credential or certificate, has been designated for a
certain location. We are interested especially the North, because it is precisely in the north, where the great revolutions
are brewing. Obviously, when northern Mexico is strong in Gnosis, the Gnostic Force and our Spiritual Revolution, they
will turn to the south.

We have a program to form a Gnóstico Mexican Army with three million people. It will, therefore, this block
Gnóstico strongest in America. And our movement is very strong in all Iberoamericana. We've done the math among
members, supporters and mere readers, we have an average of 5 million people.

US is already underway the Gnostic Movement, and obviously extraordinarily developed.

In Canada, and it is the first core Gnóstico established. There are going to put a bridgehead (speaking in strictly
military style), which will provide training for all Gnostic missionaries to go to Europe.

Since in Canada there are different European colonies, it is possible to achieve through them, some useful
contacts for Europe.
In addition, in Canada, they will train all our Missionaries Gnostics, not only in relation to the issue of language, of
languages, but also the psychology of the various European colonies. This is fundamental to the work in the old world.

These days just send a career diplomat with the title "Gnóstico Diplomatic Mission" for Martinique Island in the
West Indies (s French property). This brother will form the Movement there, and then head to France to create in the
country the French Gnostic Movement. This is a brother received in Social Sciences and International Policy.

We have sent two other brothers, very distinguished, for a British islands in the Caribbean. They create
movement in that island and then leave for England, where it will set the English Gnostic Movement.

Leaves a brother (Venezuelan ambassador very distinguished), these days, heading for the Canary

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RIAS establish our Base Patriarchal there because his time and his time, both Master
L., as we establish in the Canaries and from that base act; from that basis we will travel to France, England, and all
European countries, making gnostic work.
Obviously, we have to establish the Movement across Europe. When that plan is fulfilled (which I hope is soon
time), we will locate precisely in Japan to begin work throughout the Asian continent.

The last thing to touch me, regarding the dissemination of the Solar Christic Gospel, it will go into the Himalayas. I
am in contact and, with certain Tibetan Lamas that await me. When you come to Tibet, the Dalai Lama will have been
restored to his throne and the Chinese Communists have come from there.

How? Why? Hidden forces of a special kind are working on them; It will not rest in the Himalayas until they do not
withdraw from Tibet. The day they withdraw from Tibet, the Dalai Lama will return to his throne and then, with the people,
I will touch labor and establish there, firmly, the Gnostic Church.

A the end of all, by higher order express, I'll enter the Shangri-la. When that is, many think that will have
disembodied, most will not be so; only that we will remain absent in both yeast ferments; we must give time to those who
have been taught, work on themselves.

Obviously, my dear brothers, a day will come when a group of brothers dedicated to the Great Service (within
which is my insignificant person), will come from the Himalayas, not to lecture or to write books, but for a different
purpose , although similar and on the same basis: remove from everywhere (in the West and in the East), those who
have worked on themselves, then the brothers of Service will take them to where we need to take before befalls the Great
Cataclysm ...

I am speaking to you clearly, "putting on the table the cards" so that you become more aware of the missionary
The brothers who go majoring in their work, those who will truly demonstrate ability in action, will be selected for
the US, Canada and Europe.

At the Council we will study the economic question missionary, you must create an economic mechanism that is
able to finance the Gnostics Missionaries International departing for Canada and Europe, because it would be unfair in
any way, send them without financial help. For this and other reasons, we understand, they will all be properly helped.

Missionaries should move according to superior orders. Through the Coordinator General Misional of the
Patriarchal See of Mexico send our orders; well, everything will take place exactly. There must be order in all missionary
movement, every missionary must move strictly in accordance with the orders and so everything will run properly.

If missionaries will walk haphazardly be chaos, disorder, then how we would head the World Salvation Army?
What if an army (for example, the National Army of Mexico), did not obey the orders among the officers? Obviously there
would be chaos, anarchy; This also happens in the ranks of the World Salvation Army; There must be order, obedience to
the Patriarchal See. Then we can we assist them according to the needs.

In any case, the mission that lies ahead of you, my dear brothers, is grandiose, sublime: the formation of the
Army, first of all; Later the creation of a new civilization and a new culture.

Missionaries must work assiduously on themselves, destroying the ego, reducing it to ashes, making cosmic dust.

In the Himalayas always existed penitents recluses, living in secluded caves; many of them fasted too, were fed
with wild plants or roots, etc.
These anchorets, under the direction of their Gurus practiced Pranayamas, Rajayoga, Hatha Yoga, Gnana-Yoga,
bhaktiyoga, etc., etc .; those recluses believed that only based kumbhakas and Pranayamas, Yogas of all kinds, could
achieve the Final Liberation.

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Some of them, based on such concentration, and so many fasts and mortifications, managed the various states of
Samadhi. One is the simple Samadhi, another Nirvikalpa-Samadhi; and there were cases of subjects achieving
Maha-Samadhi (wanted them Happiness).
During the Samádhico State desembotella Essence, escapes between the Ego and moves between the Great Alaya
of the Universe; but, after the Samadhi, the Essence returns to the Ego.
Unfortunately, those hermits never delivered to dissolve the psychic aggregates, which in themselves constitute
the Ego; only they cared for their mantrams, bandras, mudras, etc., believing that this would achieve the Final Liberation
Who achieved the Maha-Samadhi, disincarnated; then those Essences, desembotelladas, could live on the
planets of the Christ (worlds where there is Eternal Nature that is not subject to changes or death, the nature of our planet
Earth); those might enjoy that such cosmic, but could not establish themselves as inhabitants of such worlds of the Christ
...by the fact same not having dissolved the Ego ...
After the Rapture, that Essence returns to the Ego; then it enters a new matrix. Thus it is that, today, many of
those who passed as "Saints" in Tibet, and "Liberated" these times are ordinary people, ordinary.

In no way I want you going to fall into that error. Needed to reach the Final Liberation is not possible and this, in
itself, if not annihilates the Ego.
It is necessary to go through the BUDDHIST ANNIHILATION, take very seriously the work on themselves ...

There exist certain schoolhouses where people want to awaken the Kundalini with mantrams ... Obviously, such
people think that with Mudras and Bandras, Pranayamas, etc., could awaken the Kundalini and achieve the final
That's a very incipient way to approach the issue of Liberation, then, kundalini shakti NO WAKE UP BUT
WORKING IN THE NINTH SPHERE in the Forge of Cyclops, in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan.

But always, some Yogines mystics who have achieved certain corpuscles igneous Kundalini ascend by
Shushumna, ie the spinal cord, this has resulted in them certain Ecstasy, and they, excited in a wrong way, have said: "I
woke up the Kundalini" ... That is its mistake, because the Kundalini does not awaken if not through sexual magic. There
is no other system, I have not known at any time in the history of mankind.

I met the lemurs, the Atlanteans; I witnessed the birth of this race; I met the Hyperborean and Polar; Humanities
met other Maha-Manvantaras and I never saw anyone could develop the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers,
procedures outside the Sexual Magic. So I'm talking about clear, concrete and definitive facts.

Now, awaken the Kundalini is not everything. The Mayans have said wisely: "Solá No need to wake the Serpent
mind, it is necessary to be swallowed by the Serpent" ...
Awaken the Snake is something incipient; "Be swallowed by the serpent", it is different. No one could enjoy the
powers of the Serpent, if you have not before been "devoured by the Serpent". This ignore precisely those
hermits-yogines of which I have spoken tonight.

To be "devoured by the Serpent" indubitably is needed not only have created the Superior Existential Bodies of
Being, but also (and this is the most serious), have cut Polvareda COSMIC A ANIMAL EGO.

In no way could anyone achieve "union with God", if you have not before been "devoured by the Serpent"; one could
never be "devoured by the Serpent", if you have not previously dissolved the Ego animal.

Ego who dissolves, is "swallowed by the Snake"; one that is "swallowed by the Serpent", becomes "snake".

Obviously, anyone who becomes "Snake" is "devoured by the Eagle" (Eagle is the Logos).

So the Eagle haughtily, engulfing the Serpent (I symbol summit of our Mexican Pavilion) represents precisely this
cosmic phenomenon: The instant the Logos, the Word,

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the Word, the Lord swallows the Serpent. As a consequence or corollary, the resulting indeed becomes the "Feathered
Serpent". Quetzalcoatl, the Mexican Christ, was a Feathered Serpent, or better said, is a Feathered Serpent ...

So, my dear brothers, must awaken the snake and have to be "swallowed by the snake." Power Flaming Serpent
eliminated themselves, which we carry within inhuman elements.

Missionary has to eliminate from himself the undesirable elements of his psyche, and beseeching achieve the
Serpent humbly begging him by his fiery flames, burn or disintegrate each of its psychic aggregates; Thus, Missionary,
march triumphantly.
It is essential that everyone here, study my book entitled "The Great Rebellion". Our book "Revolutionary
Psychology" is exhausted; we will draw a new edition in Monterrey, so that the brothers, all have these works; need to
study, they must study them ...

In the fruitful and creative work, do not forget, therefore DEATH OF THE EGO. In no way should we fall into the
error of those who have quoted hermits. Some of them spent as "adepts or Mahatmas" more today, as I said and I repeat
at this moment, they are ordinary people, ordinary, here in the Western world or the East.

Who does not destroy the Ego, it fails in the Great Work of the Father. That therefore understand the three
factors of the Revolution of Consciousness: DYING, because you have to destroy the Ego animal; NACER, because
there is need for the Self magazine Existential Superior Bodies; you have to create vehicles to be check us Second Birth.
(The Second Birth is the Water and the Spirit of Water and Fire, so Jesus said to Nicodemus: "You must be born again to
enter the Kingdom of Heaven" ... MAN-SPIRIT REAL MAN must be born in us and this is possible through sexual
transmutation) ... SACRIFICE FOR HUMANITY is to bring the word everywhere, Lumisials form, creating the World
Salvation Army. Behold the three factors of the Revolution of Consciousness: Die, Nacer and sacrifice ourselves for
humanity ...

We go up to the altar of the supreme sacrifice for all human beings, we must be willing to give even the last drop
of blood for our fellow men. So, my dear brothers, is how we proceed ...

We will now give certificates to those brothers who completed the course Misional ...


I want to tell the brothers who are to start this course, you have to eliminate the ego in full, complete, unitotal
form. We know that if the Ego is not dissolved, regresses within the bowels of Nature.

In no way would complete PROFOUND INTERIOR LIGHTING If consciousness continues bottled within the Ego.
Therefore, the disintegration of inhuman psychic aggregates, living personification of our errors, it is urgent, essential,
urgent, so that the Essence, the Consciousness, the released.

If the brothers who go to study in the Summum supremum santuarium understand the need to go through
BUDDHIST ANNIHILATION, we can then expect them great results. But if you only care about social positions, powers,
initiations and fifty thousand stuff like that, and do not work on themselves, eradicating their psychological defects, in fact
we are so confident that only have failures. So, for this new course results should primarily move in the psychological
field, fighting for disintegrating the Ego.

www.ageac.org 10

Disciple. Venerable Master, I would ask that the third factor is the revolu- tion of consciousness, because there is
among students the concept that only by giving the finance ense-, sacrifices one humanity.

Teacher. It is obvious that those who raise the torch of the Word to illuminate her all those who live in ignorance
undoubtedly follow the path of the greatest sacrifice, imitating Christ, who gave his life for humanity; they imitate the
apostles who preached in every corner of the earth; They imitate therefore the great martyrs; so obviously people are
moving in the path of the "Path of the Razor's Edge."

Thus, the sacrifice is great. Obviously, there are people who have no capacity to be missionaries International
Gnostics, but serving the world in different ways, and healing the sick, doing charity work with his profession with his
craft, etc. Each serving, because, according to their possibilities, but those who serve as international missionaries,
obviously marching down a path of great Autorrealizaciones.

With the sacrifice for Humanity old debts are canceled, and so is a completely free Karma ... How great, how
sublime! So it is advisable to sacrifice for those who want to be truly free of Karma, because having one to pay, pays and
does well in business, and if you do not have to pay, you pay a lot of pain. Capital Cosmic better to have to pay, and the
Cosmic Capital gains by sacrifice for humanity, bringing education to all peoples of the Earth.


... Which it is not mandatory to have experienced themselves, all Principles

Esoteric Divinales we advocate. Of course, very laudable would all have reached Enlightenment and could, for this
reason, teach what they have experienced. But the Illuminati have to count on the fingers of the hands and fingers left
For this reason, we must give what we are learning; The more we give, the more we receive. As we go teaching
others, will enlightenment coming to us. But if we keep teaching us there will be no light for us.

No flame to hide under a bushel, we have to lift it high to light the way of our neighbor. As we advocate what we
have learned, what we have been taught, the light will be coming to us.

It would not be possible, then, wait until we were fully enlightened THEN TO ILLUMINATE A WORLD. We have
to throw the public the truths we have learned the truths that the Masters have taught us, those "Grains of Light" of which
we have depositaries.

The more we work in the Great Work of the Father, more and more we will be able to experiment on themselves,
what we are advocating. But if we (selfishly), do not give to others what we know, not one day we will be able to
experience the Transcendental Teachings of the Spirit.

Let's leave aside selfishness, deliver to others what we have learned! we do so under the Light will come to us,
and one day vivenciaremos the harsh reality that we have been taught ...

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