B055 Arpit Shukla

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Ethical Issues in Management : 2019-2020

Learning Diary
Session Number Date Topic of the Session

Introduction to Ethics-What is ethics?

Ethics and Morals, and values; The Social
1 ### Network film discussion

The ChangingBusinessEnvironment and

2 ### discussion on The Sticky Situation case

Ethical Decision Making Philosophical

and Psychological accounts and
3 ### framework forreasoning

Ethical theories: Utilitarianism, Kantian

Ethics, Virtue Ethics. Case study: Clean
4 ### Hands on dirty business
Ethical Decision Making Contexts: Personal
6 7/27/2019 & Professional. .A decision making process
for ethics

Ethical Decision Making Contexts: concept

7 8/3/2019 of utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, Virtue
Ethics, rights and justice

8 8/6/2019 Ethical Panel discussion

9 8/10/2019 The relevance of ethics in doing business

Learning Diary Components

Morals are positioned at an individual level and

guides an individual on what is right or what is
wrong whereas ethics takes society into
consideration as well . The system of moral and
ethical beliefs that guide the value of an
organization and the people working in that
organization is termed as business ethics. The
ethical dilemmas faced by the managers and how
to weigh ethics over profitability.

Distinguish between ethical management and the

management of ethics and each of the three roles
of a manager. I got to know the role of ethics at
individual, organisational and societal levels. The
Sticky Situation made me put myself in Kent's
position and analyse the consequences of kent's
decision at all the three levels and what were the
risks involved in the decisions he took .

Ethical problems in an an imperfect market like

breach of contract, Misinterpretation of
information, wrongful harm to others, and market
failures. Philosophical implications of Kohlberg's
theory understanding the framework for ethical
reasoning . I got to know about the framework for
ethical reasoning which included ethical principles
like welfare, duty, rights, fairness, Honesty etc.
Analysed the KPMG case as well

Got to know about the rightness of any action

based on the Utilitarian theory and also the 4
principles that drive the theory such as
consequentialism, Hedonism, Maximalism,
Universalism. An action is considered to be right if
and only if it produces the greatest balance of
pleasure over pain for everyone.
Dispute between a person's moral decisions and an
organization's ethical decisions is handled most easily as
someone aims to join the organization. If a person is
inclined to join a business or company, it is crucial to
present to him or her the company's main principles and
code of conduct (if accessible).

From the previous conference, we know that ethics does

not follow norms that are accepted culturally. Some
cultures are quite ethical, but others become corrupt or
blind to some ethical concerns (as pre-Civil War slavery
in the United States). "Do as the Romans do in Rome" is
not an ethical norm that is satisfying.

Real scenarios for accessing ethical issue in corporates

Ethics and values together lay the basis for

sustainability. While they are sometimes used
synonymously, they are distinct in that ethics is the set
of regulations that regulate the behavior of a person
produced by a community or culture. Values are the
opinions that an individual has a lasting preference for.
Ethics and values are essential when we have to create a
choice in every aspect of life.
Learning Diary Components

The movie Social Network and thorough case discussion

on it shifted my attention towards the ethical aspects in
any movie and when a company like facebook can suffer
because of the ethical negligience then any one can. I
would make myself follow the ethical path hereafter.

Decision should not be taken keeping only the personal

benefits in mind. As a manager my decisions should be in
accordance with the welfare of myself, organization and
the society as well

Always make an attempt to think through the ethical

issues that arise in a business and by doing so we engage
ourselves in ethical reasoning. Always try to abide by the
7 principles of ethics that can help you as benchmarks to
solve any ethical dilemma

There should be a surplus of pleasure over pain as a

consequence of one's activity. If a lie has more good
consequences that any alternative deed then we choose
that action over others.
In confining ethical decision-making to a business or group
context, ethical decisions are usually limited to conduct and
words (e.g., no deceit in the promotion of sales, use words to
manipulate performance,...). Right behavior can be evaluated
using actions and sentences, but there is no way to
comprehend one's thoughts. Through our differences, thoughts
and opinions (e.g., I want to help and help my client as
opposed to wanting their money regardless of what's right,
personal gain at the cost of someone else's reputation, ...) will
be restricted to moral decisions that are part of personal

In order to help us generate better ethical choices, social and

natural science can provide important data. But science alone
is not telling us what to do. Science can give an explanation of
how people are. But ethics provides reasons for people's
behavior. And doing so may not be ethical just because
something is feasibility either scientifically or technologically.

Ways to tackle tough situations and being whistleblower and

its consequences and advantages

Ethics is linked to behavioral legislation that tackle morality

issues. Value is described as the values that help them judge
what is more important. Ethics is a moral values system.
Unlike values, which is our thinking's stimulus.
ary Components
Skill Habit

I will try the implement ethical

framework in my day to day decision
With a better clarity on how important it is to stay making and try to think in a ethical
firm on the ethical grounds and the knowledge way in case of any dilemma . I will also
gained from the lesson it is easier to take decisions keep in mind the societal
that are ethically and morally correct. consequences of my actions in mind.

Companies should make the

employees enculcate and promote the
habbit of openly puuti g forward their
challenges in front of hiogher
management and build norms that
A holistic mindset encompassing the welfare of the help the employees take ethical
organization, society and myself at the time of decisions and not jeopardise the
decision making reputation of the company .

apply the 7 principles of ethics in my

Learned to measure every situation on the 7 day to day activities so that I end up
principles of ethics and try to analyse that how making right decisions that are good
many principles am I violating out of those 7 for me my organization and the society
principles as well

Choose an alternative that provides

greater good and less evil. Try to find
A definite framework to decide if my action is right alternative solutions and this can be
or wrong. This can be achieved based on the 4 done by merely reconsidering the
pillars of the utilitarianism theory problem.
Clearly our thoughts affect our words and actions, and in
a group context it is possible to evaluate ethics in
decision-making through concrete evidence and the
outcomes of words and actions. Once again, thoughts
and motivation are left to the personal sphere. As a
consequence, the evaluation of appropriate ethical
behavior will be constrained.Right action-right
motivation with wrong action-False motivation with
correct action-False motivation with correct action-False
motivation with wrong action. Given this understanding
that should happen between the company and the person,
careful consideration should be considering to a change
in the company's values and code of conduct.Changing
the organization's ethics basis in decision-making,
theoretically, requires a new agreement with each
individual to reconcile with their personal moral choices.
In practice, this change can result in conflict as an
individual's morals now lead to choices that violate the
ethics of the company's decision making.

Learn a systematic approach in complex conditions to

evaluate ethical problems. For this purpose, many texts
on applied ethics include model decision-making.
Maybe most important, find a trusted and knowledgeable
confidant to share your concerns with you. Ethical
dilemmas can be very stressful; it is best not to proceed
in isolation through the process.

To be courageous and determine the situation and to be

ethical in corporate by being honest

When ethics is continuously implemented over time, for

all human beings it stays the same. Values have an
individualistic attitude, i.e. they vary from individual to
individual, but they stay stable, comparatively
unchanged, but due to a important emotional condition,
they can be altered over time. Know the institution's
laws and regulations in which you work. This knowledge
helps to guarantee competent practice in accordance
with the organization's expectations and can alert one to
possible conflicts between organizational standards and
professional ethical standards.

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