PPD Checklist For LO 1 and LO4 June 19 Update

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Personal and Professional Development – Submission: 12 August 2019 (1159 am)

Assignment Checklist for Learning Outcomes 1 and 4

Task 1 – A Summary Sheet for the whole of Task 1 (LO1)

– provide background here: a general introduction to personal and professional development and its
importance to individuals, today.

Evaluation of approaches to self-managed learning (1.1)

Have you included?

 A sourced definition of self-managed learning
 Identified and EVALUATED a number of approaches to self –managed learning (i.e. pros and limitations
of each approach).
 Identified which approaches are suitable for i) you, as Membership and Visitor Welcome Manager ii) for
your team in Visitor Services within the National Trust – consider the nature of the roles here, when
deciding which methods may be appropriate

Proposed ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts may be encouraged by you
in Visitor Services and the National Trust, as a whole (1.2)

Have you included?

 A cited definition of what lifelong learning is and what it involves

Ways of encouraging lifelong learning

Have you?
 Provided a range of ways (e.g. providing shadowing and secondment opportunities, financial support,
time, subscribe to trade magazines, etc.)
 Checked that this range is appropriate for your Visitor Services team within the National Trust (so those
of you stating seminars and conferences – think carefully as to whether this is a suitable way of
encouraging Welcome staff and Guides, for example)

Evaluation of the benefits of self-managed learning to you, as a Manager and the National Trust (1.3)

Have you?
 Covered a range of benefits
 Evaluated these benefits (i.e. the extent to which they are benefits) to both i) you, as a Membership and
Visitor Welcome Manager and ii) to National Trust, as a whole
 Provided APPROPRIATE examples (i.e. ones relevant to Visitor Services and the National Trust) to support
your points

Guidance for Tasks 2 and 3 has been provided on the two separate documents which have already been
uploaded onto Ulearn
Task 4 – Report, Poster, Leaflet

Solutions to Workplace Problems within your Visitor Services team (e.g. conflict over work contribution,
potential harassment/bullying, etc.) (4.1/4.2/4.3):

Step 1
Have you?
 Produced a report which discusses problem solving techniques and why they are important to
(Tip: we covered three such techniques in class, which are outlined on slides, you could use these as a
part of your discussion)
 Provided appropriate citations for these techniques
 Applied ONE technique to the scenario in your Visitor Services team
 Used each stage/step of the technique in relation to the scenario
 As a result, identified a number of solutions to the problems within your team

Step 2
Have you?
 Created a poster for staff in your Visitor Services team, on workplace bullying and harassment

Your poster should:

 Have a banner heading – so that everyone knows what it is about
 Have a brief introductory paragraph explaining what the poster is covering (some background context)
 Cover what bullying and harassment are and explain how the organisation will manage instances of
bullying /harassment and what staff can do if they feel that they are being bullied/harassed
 Be professionally presented and laid out
 Be written in language appropriate for all levels of staff and not text heavy (else staff will not read it)
 Not include references – these should be included in your main References List at the end of your work

Step 3
Have you?
 Created a leaflet for staff in your Visitor Services team, on time management strategies

Your leaflet should:

 Have an Introduction, with a cited definition of time management and a brief explanation of its
importance to individuals
 Identify and evaluate (i.e. pros and cons of) a range of time management strategies (cited)
 Identified some techniques which could specifically help staff carry out their work more effectively

NOTE: There is no separate answer required for 4.2 – this relates to communication in a variety of styles and
different levels – this is demonstrated through the formats identified for your answers within Task 4 as a
whole – so it is vital you use those formats (Report, Poster, Leaflet).

Have you?
Provided an appropriate and correctly formatted references page? – One that reflects ONLY those sources
which: i) were relevant ii) you have read and cited within your work.

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