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The Purpose of the Manifestation of the Gift of Tongues in the Book of Acts

I. Introduction
A. The “gift of tongues” is only mentioned in 3 chapters in the book of Acts.
B. Misunderstanding concerning the “gift of tongues” referred to in the book of Acts has
caused confusion in some present day local churches.
C. The “gift of tongues” had a specific context and purpose in the founding of the Early
Church in the book of Acts.
II. Circumstances Surrounding the Instances of Speaking in Tongues
A. The first occurrence was at Pentecost -Acts 2.
1. The believers had met to pray.
a. Where were they?
b. Why were they there?
2. The Holy Spirit was sent with power to fulfill prophecy.
a. Why was a sign needed?
b. What prophecy was fulfilled?
3. When tongues were spoken it was to proclaim Christ to the masses of Jews.
a. Who were the masses?
b. Why were they in Jerusalem?
B. The second occurrence was at Peter’s sermon to the Gentiles-Acts 10.
1. Peter perceives that God is no respecter of persons.
a. What changed Peter’s perspective?
b. Who did Peter preach to?
2. Holy Spirit is poured out with power.
a. Who was saved?
b. What was not forbidden them?
c. Why was this unusual?
3. The Jews panic at this occurrence.
a. Why did they react?
b. What did this result in?
C. The third occurrence was on Paul’s return to Ephesus-Acts 19
1. Paul finds puzzled disciples of John.
a. What had they not received?
b. What baptism has they received?
2. Paul explains the promise of John.
a. Who should come after?
b. Why were they baptized again?
3. The laying on of hands brought the Holy Spirit with power.
a. What was this evidence of?
b. How many were there?
III. Common Factors in each Occurrence of Tongues
A. There were precursors to the occurrences.
1. The gospel message is given
2. The gospel message is received
3. The Holy Spirit is present
B. There were certain people present.
1. Always Jews are present.
2. Sometimes Gentiles received them in the presence of Jews.
3. Never a recorded instance in Acts of tongues given without unbelieving Jews
C. There was a common purpose.
1. This sign fulfilled prophecy to the Jewish nation.
2. This sign always proclaimed the Gospel.
3. This sign always benefited the church as a body.
VI. Closing
A. Speaking in tongues followed a certain order.
B. Speaking in tongues occurred in a certain context.
C. Speaking in tongues brought about certain results.

Cadbury, Henry J. The Book of Acts in History. New York: Harper&Brothers, 1955.

Fernando, Ajith. The NIV Application Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998.

Gutzke, Manford G. Plain Talk on Acts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1966.

Holy Bible. Iowa Falls: B.B. Kirkbride, 1982

Longnecker, Richard N. The Expositor's Bible Commentary: Acts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan,


MacArthur, John. Acts The Spread of the Gospel. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007.

Polhill, John B. The New American Commentary Vol. 26. Nashville: Broadman, 1992.

Sherwin-White, A.N. Roman Society and Roman Law in the New Testament. Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 1963.

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