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Lifestyle KIRAN RAO: I’ve Had A Non-Relationship With Bollywood P50

22 JANUARY 2011





to Jammu so that Jagmohan could have a free hand in
dealing with Muslims. Within days of his reappoint-
ment, hundreds were killed in Kashmir. New Delhi has
never trusted us. It didn’t trust even Sheikh Abdullah.

Why didn’t the NC try to stop the Pandits’ migration?

We were helpless. The intelligence agencies and Say-
eed created 35 militant outfits, which pointed guns at
us. Many NC workers were killed while the migration
continued. Militancy was just an excuse to frighten the
Pandits, malign Muslims and create tension between
the two communities. A top police officer recently con-
firmed that militant outfits were created by New Delhi.
He told me how the border was deliberately made
porous to allow the passage of militants. Pakistan only
took advantage of the insurgency. That’s why we want a
truth and reconciliation committee to be formed.

If Sayeed, the army and New Delhi were responsible for the
Pandits’ migration, then why did Farooq Abdullah call it an
‘ethnic cleansing’ and apologise to them a few days ago?
He couldn’t take their suffering any more. Even I apol-
ogise to the Pandits for what they have suffered. But it
should be New Delhi, the PDP, Sayeed and Jagmohan
who should be apologising. Even in 1947, the Pandits
NC MLA and Farooq Abdullah’s brother Mustafa Kamal tells were in a minority and Muslims could have killed them.
But Kashmiris are secular and never thought along
BABA UMAR the Pandits are unwilling to return to Kashmir
those lines. It’s only a small percentage of Pandits who
sold off their properties. Most of them still own proper-
ties here. So they can always come back. On this count,

‘New Delhi and there is no disagreement among the separatists and NC.

What has the government done to reverse the migration?

Mufti created The state has done everything to facilitate their return.
We have a scheme offering 7 lakh for every family that

35 militant
wants to come back. They can rebuild or renovate their
houses or start a business. But only a few have availed
it. There is a ban on buying or selling Pandits’ proper-

outfits in J&K’ ties in Kashmir. Right now, they are holding 22,000
Central government posts in Jammu. They are being
offered free ration and monthly allowance till they re-
establish themselves. Even after this if the Pandits don’t
want to return, how is the government responsible?

Some Pandit groups are demanding a separate homeland.

Along with 200-250 Pandits, 1 lakh Muslims, including
35 NC legislators and three NC ministers, were also
On what grounds do you say that the Pandits were forced to gunned down. The groups demanding a separate
flee Kashmir by none other than New Delhi, the army and the homeland are fooling their poor community members.
then home minister Mui Muhammad Sayeed?
It was a conspiracy hatched in New Delhi involving You are being seen as someone who has toed the separatist
Sayeed and governor Jagmohan. The popular NC gov- line by rejecting the delegation of interlocutors.
ernment was illegally brought down in 1984 by Jagmo- New Delhi is trying to buy time and wants to see the
han at the behest of New Delhi. In 1990, going against Kashmir issue die a quiet death. The interlocutors are
the state Cabinet’s recommendation, Jagmohan was part of the plan. We have seen Indian leaders meet with
reappointed governor. We couldn’t do anything but their Pakistani counterparts several times in the past —
resign in protest. The mass exodus of Kashmiri Pandits in Tashkent, Shimla and Agra — to discuss the Kashmir
began that day. They were ferried in government buses issue. Were they playing gulli-danda at these meetings?

PHOTO: ABID BHAT 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | T E H E L K A 3

EDITOR Tarun J Tejpal

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The culprits behind the blasts stand exposed. But find that we are blamed for everything that
what about the hatred towards Muslims that has we didn’t do. If a blast happens, Muslims are
the first to be blamed. I had lost hope with
taken a deep root in the hearts of the Hindus? the system, police, law and the people. But
whenever I log on to your website, I feel that
Let’s pray for sanity to prevail rather than mas- some people are still fair and on the side of
sacre of the innocents for the simple reason that justice. Pakistan wants to disturb peace in
India. They sent terrorists to create problems.
an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. But instead of fighting them, Indian Muslims
IRFAN IQBAL GHETA, ON EMAIL are blamed. Hats off to your brand of jour-
nalism. Until all Indian media organisations
work like TEHELKA, nothing will change.
Refer to Ashish Khetan’s ‘In the Words of a YOUR DISHONOUR
Zealot’, 15 January. Refer to ‘The father, the sons-in-law and
It was excellent journalistic work in excep- the unholy properties’, by Jeemon Jacob
tionally difficult times. and VK Shashikumar, 15 January.
ANAND BALA, ON EMAIL Aer having dug out all that you have done,
what makes you hesitate from saying that all
Great job on the exposé. However, don’t let this implies that virtually every ruling given
your guard down. Watch out for RSS stooges by KG Balakrishnan must have been not legal-
who may try to infiltrate TEHELKA in an attempt ly true and surely biased? Why leave it for
to destroy it from within. people to ‘understand’ this?

The report about Aseemanand’s confession Congratulations for a well-written article.

has come as a big relief to many parents in S SITARAMAN, ON EMAIL
Hyderabad whose innocent children were
taken away by the police. I appreciate your CHANGE AGENT
efforts in striving hard to dig up the truth. Refer to Vijay Simha’s ‘The Rediscovery of
SYED IRFAN AHMED, ON SMS Punjab’, 15 January.
Once known as the granary of India, Punjab
How do you guys do it every time? Way to go. is a shattered place nowadays. Drug addic-
RENUKA CHOWDHURY, ON SMS tion, alcoholism, poverty and unemployment
are rampant. Youth Congress leader and MP
REVIVING FAITH Ravneet Singh has done a yeoman service by
Refer to Ashish Khetan’s ‘An angry hall of visiting the remote areas where the root prob-
fall guys. And unfair arrests’, 15 January. lems still exist. Hope he collects all the data
I’m not into SIMI or al Qaeda, but I’m compared and submits the findings in Parliament.
to them and treated badly. Wherever I go I ANIL DUTTA, ON EMAIL

6 T E H E L K A | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1

FACT & FICTION our point of view. Our refer- al every 30 years. In 2005, JEEMON JACOB CLARIFIES
ence in the article is a series before the lease expiry, 1. As stated last week, my
Refer to Jeemon Jacob’s ‘The of conjectures and specula- Voltas sought to extend the source had informed me
House that Raja Built’, 1 January. tion aimed at maligning our lease, which the owners that Kamraj’s wife Jayasud-
Vaishnavi Corporate Com- reputation. contested. Voltas then filed ha was working with Vaish-
munications strongly re- SPOKESPERSON, VAISHNAVI a case for specific perform- navi Communications in
futes the unsubstantiated CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS ance for the renewal in the Chennai. I cross-checked
claim made in the article. Madras High Court, and the the information with two
We categorically deny that With reference to a Chen- suit is still pending. We others who confirmed she
the wife of A Kamaraj was nai property that Voltas has don’t know, therefore, what was indeed working for
running the Chennai opera- on lease, you write that you are seeking to insinuate Niira Radia’s firm. But I
tions of Vaishnavi. The lady Voltas “never pursued the by saying that Voltas never don’t have the documents
concerned has not been as- case” and that “high-level pursued the case or that to prove it. I admit I should
sociated with any of the mediation silenced the high-level mediation has have sought a response.
companies within the company and prevented it prevented it from actively 2. Regarding the Voltas
Vaishnavi Group and there- from actively pursuing legal pursuing legal proceedings. property issue, I had stated
fore any attempt to relate proceedings”. The facts of Voltas’ civil suit is not the the facts. A Malaysian
her with our firm is un- the case are as follows: first civil case that has lan- businessman subsequently
founded and baseless. At no The property referred to guished in this land of de- purchased the land. The
stage did the journalist at- is one for which Voltas had layed justice. case was never heard and
tempt to contact us or our obtained a ‘lease in perpe- BN GARUDACHAR, GM CORPORATE notices were issued to the
employees to verify or take tuity’ in 1975, with a renew- COMMUNICATIONS, VOLTAS respondents.

AN ITALIAN JOB to why the CBI failed in an open-and-shut WRONG YEAR

Refer to Raman Kirpal’s ‘Back in the Line of case. According to the lawyers of Aarushi’s In my article (I Remember an Idyll, 15 January),
Fire’, 15 January. parents, there was enough circumstantial ev- the Toronto Harborfront Literary Festival,
It is heartening that the Bofors ghost keeps idence to throw light on the case. There is no which was the venue of P Lal’s near-death
haunting the culprits whose identity is not dispute that Aarushi and her domestic help experience, was in February 1989, not 1980.
in doubt anymore. The vested interests in the Hemraj were victims of pre-planned murders. SRIMATI LAL, ON EMAIL
government, who have buried the case, will So, how can the CBI seek closure while the
try hard to keep it that way. ‘Q’ is a close murderer is still at large? NEW YEAR CHEER
friend of the ‘first family’ and if they have the MAHESH KUMAR, ON EMAIL Refer to Pulp & Noir, 8 January.
will, just a phone call will bring the Italian to Your special issue was wonderful. It is rare to
India to pay at least the income tax. IMPLODING NEIGHBOUR see an entire magazine devoted to quality fic-
S RAJAGOPALAN, ON EMAIL Refer to ‘Salmaan Taseer’s death is liberal tion. One can always trust TEHELKA to come
Pakistan’s loss’, 15 January. up with something delightfully unusual.
MOCKERY OF JUSTICE Salmaan Taseer’s assassination speaks vol- AMIT MANUVIRAJ, ON EMAIL
Refer to ‘Still No Country for Good Men’, umes about the level which religious intol-
by Kunal Majumder and Anil Mishra, erance has reached in Pakistan. Recently, re- Your special issue is worth preserving.
15 January. ligiously persecuted Hindus in Balochistan JACOB SAHAYAM, ON EMAIL
Dr Binayak Sen’s conviction is unjust and the expressed a desire to seek political asylum in
life sentence awarded by the trial court is not India. Mahatma Gandhi had the vision to in- GROUND REALITY
only incorrect but has come as a shock to civ- sist on India being a secular country even Refer to Vijay Simha’s ‘The Poverty of
il rights groups and all right-thinking indi- though 85 percent of the population con- Plenty’, 2 October 2010.
viduals. The conviction raises serious ques- sisted of Hindus. Mohammad Ali Jinnah was It was an excellent article on the state of Pun-
tions about the functioning of democracy. credited with similar thinking but he didn’t jab regarding drugs and alcohol. I had no idea
KR SRINIVASAN, ON EMAIL live long to achieve this and those who fol- about the extent of the damage.
lowed him converted Pakistan into a full- MANDIP KAUR SANDHER, ON EMAIL
HIDDEN HAND fledged Islamic state. Today, it is an epitome
Refer to Brijesh Pandey’s ‘Perfect murder? of religious intolerance and is riddled with Thanks for playing a dynamic role in high-
Or a perfectly botched probe?’ 15 January. numerous intra-Islam sectarian conflicts that lighting the problems faced by Punjab.
It is unfortunate to see the CBI seek closure not only threaten to disturb internal peace KARAN ARORA, ON EMAIL
of the Aarushi Talwar murder case as it has and security but also pose a threat to peace
failed to nail the culprit or culprits due to lack in the world at large. It was indeed disturbing and an eye-opener.
of evidence. It is beyond comprehension as RJ KHURANA, ON EMAIL IPSHITA PALL, ON EMAIL

2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | T E H E L K A 7

Baghuwar, Madhya Pradesh

Community Builder

Baghuwar is not a story of individual

triumph; it is the story of what a commu-
nity can achieve. Having won several
awards as a model village, the wide, tree-
lined roads to the schools and toilets in
the village are testament to the success
story of Panchayati Raj. There are no
open drains, all families have indoor toi-
lets, the Dalit basti cannot be told apart
from another locality. Thanks to the three
tanks, the water table in Baghuwar has
risen from 100 to 70 feet. The villagers
credit the community and the village
panchayat for the development, but
those who know the village well, have a
name to offer — Surendra Singh. For 35
years, Singh has worked for Baghuwar as
either its sarpanch or deputy sarpanch.
“We keep track of development funds
under government schemes, and we
claim every paisa we can for the village,”
he says. “The quality of life is better
here,” says RS Narolia, who returned to
Baghuwar aer retiring as deputy direc-
tor of agriculture in 2003. How does the
village panchayat work so well? “We have
a tradition of collectivism here. We have
not had an election. Our panchayat heads
are always nominated,” Narolia explains.

We claim every paisa

under government
schemes for village

SINGH MAY BE REACHED AT +91 99269 83000

8 T E H E L K A | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 PHO TO : MUKUL YADAV

Are we getting the

math wrong on 2G?

T THE heart of the ANURAG SRIVASTAVA The proposed licensing pol-

A spectrum controver-
sy is a simple ques-
Assistant Editor, FW Tehelka

tion: why was 2G not auctioned? An auc-

tion would have taken care of two interlinked ob-
jectives of the telecom policy: to let as many play-
icy remained operative at
an ‘interim stage’ and grant
of licences was based on that. Yes, revenues were
forgone because there was no auction and the
argument for public interest does not hold be-
ers participate in the telecom market as possible cause price discovery could have happened by
for price discovery, and to let spectrum — a finite competition based on the firms’ assessments even
number of bandwidths — be judiciously allocat- as they paid a higher fee through the auctions.
ed to earn revenue. Sibal’s justification of the DoT’S actions is
Since 2003, there was agreement on a unified flawed because he overlooks 2001 prices charged
access regime that would allow participation in for 2G licence grants in 2008 even as he protests
two phases across two prices for firms to meet using 2010 figures for the same year. An auction
both the objectives. A licence fee would be levied would have led to highest prices while permit-
in the first phase that will allow operations, to be ting best prices to consumers.
followed by an additional fee Let’s do some simple math.
for spectrum use. This was By official records, India
recommended by TRAI and en- has 56.22 crore telephone con-
dorsed by the Cabinet in 2003. nections. Let’s assume that
The Department of each consumer uses the basic
Telecommunications (DoT) services for 10 minutes a day
never implemented this poli- at a cost of 6 (at the least cost
cy and has been granting of 1 paise per second). The to-
licences on a first-come first- tal revenue from this comes to
served basis. TRAI has, in this 337.2 crore a day or approxi-
regard, given contradictory mately 1.25 lakh crore a year.
statements and never played For the operators it means
the role of a regulator. The DoT a windfall over a 10-year peri-
used TRAI recommendation as od. Keep in mind that tele-
a pretext for its actions and density in India is expanding
that is also the key thrust of at an astounding rate, making
Kapil Sibal’s support. revenue shoot up more than
TRAI made a recommenda- the annual figure presented
tion for price revisions but above.
how serious it was remains to DoT overruled the finance Let’s be conservative and
be investigated. As an exam- ministry to arrive at a decision assume that only 16 lakh
ple, it recommended that en- in favour of unified pricing crore worth of business takes
try fee as it existed in 2001 was place over the decade. If half
not a realistic price, yet it did of this is cost, a net of 8 lakh
not favour a change in 2G spectrum pricing even crore still remains and even if we reduce 2 lakh
for new entrants. The DoT did not use its judg- crore of revenue — assuming it was paid in the
ment and TRAI too did not recommend until 2007 auction to the government — the corporate profit
the modalities of unified access. stands at 6 lakh crore or a neat profit of 5,000
However, the DoT did use its judgment to over- crore a month across 10 years. Even the figure
rule the finance ministry in arriving at a decision arrived at here is significantly deflated since
on unified pricing. Since 2003, the ministry had prices should be regressed over population,
been advocating a rational allocation and pric- average usage time and services types.
ing mechanism for 2G and auction to users will- Thus the loss figures of the CAG could actual-
ing to pay the maximum fee. This was overturned ly be less than what was possibly realisable if an
by the DoT, which termed it an internal matter. auction had taken place.

IL LUST R AT IO N: ANAND NAO R E M 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | T E H E L K A 9


Gram panchayat
land worth crores.
Rent 1. No records
available. The story
of Uttar Pradesh
Sold for a song The land on Lucknow’s
BY RISHI MAJUMDER outskirts that was alloted to a trust run
by SP leader Ambika Chaudhary’s sister

INE BIGHAS of prime land Gram panchayats in Uttar Pradesh were Phooleshwari Devi is the mother of Am-
lies vacant at Deva Road appointed custodians of land taken from bika Chaudhary, who was the revenue min-
on the outskirts of Luc- zamindars and royalty by the UP Zamin- ister under Mulayam Singh Yadav when
know. The price of this dari Abolition and Land Reforms Act, 1950. the land was allotted. His sister Saroj man-
land (a bigha is 0.625 They are to maintain the land through land ages the trust. The Revenue Department
acre), now overrun by management committees, and use it for is the apex body on land allotment. So,
wild grass, weed and bushes, is more than haats or schools. If a committee so desires, when people found out that the minister
9 crore. Until 2005, this land belonged to it can assign a portion of this land to home- had allotted prime land to a trust managed
the Nawbastakala gram panchayat. “The less or landless members of the village. by his sister, there was considerable out-
villagers were planning to build a school The allotment of gram panchayat land rage. But Chaudhary believes otherwise.
there,” says Bansi Dhar Singh, who was in UP is governed by two state government “Is there anything wrong if vacant gram
gram pradhan then. Five homeless families orders issued on 6 June 1981 and 9 May sabha land is allotted to a private institute
stayed on this land with the gram panchay- 1984. According to the 1984 order, “private run by my relatives? This is not an isolated
at’s permission. Then the families were persons, enterprises and companies” can example as thousands of such allotments
evicted and the land snatched from the be allotted gram panchayat land only after have been made in the past,” he says.
gram panchayat, to be given free to a pri- they pay “twice its current market value”. Documents with TEHELKA back his
vate trust called the Phooleshwari Devi So, why was the Phooleshwari Devi Shik- claim. There is proof of 18 private trusts in
Shikshan Sansthan. shan Sansthan given land for free? Uttar Pradesh that have been allotted gram

10 T E H E L K A | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1

panchayat land for free, or on rent as low

as 1 per annum.
The 1984 order says gram panchayat
land can be allotted for free only to the The religious trusts, private educational institutions and sugar mills
state government’s ‘service departments’
that deal with welfare concerns like edu-
who benefited
cation or health. All Central government
departments, and even commercial depart-
ments of the state, such as the UP Power
Corporation Ltd or the Agricultural Pro-
duce Marketing Board (Mandi Parishad), ORGANISATION PURPOSE Establishing a leprosy home
will have to pay the ‘current market value’ E SHRIMATI DRAUPADI DEVI DATE OF ALLOTMENT14 January 1999
to acquire gram panchayat land. DHARMADA TRUST MARKET VALUE THEN 5 LAKH
Politicians head four of the private Rudrapur Khajni, Gorakhpur RENT Not available
trusts that got gram panchayat land. The AUTHORITY ORDERING ALLOTMENT State
parties they belong to were part of the UP FOUNDER CHAIRMAN PC Sharma,
government at the time of allotment. So, Sudhakar Prasad Ram Tiwari principal secretary, Revenue Department
besides Chaudhary, there is former BJP MP REGISTRATION NUMBER Not available AREA Not provided
Rajnath Singh Surya, who is the Seva Sam- PURPOSE Establishing Shrimati Draupadi LOCATION Not mentioned
parn Sansthan chairman. This trust was al- Devi Girls Interim College
lotted land for free when the BJP was in DATE OF ALLOTMENT 12 September 1994
SIGNATORY ON ORDER Khanjan Lal, secretary, Higher Secondary School,
A 1981 order says Revenue Department
AREA Not provided
Para Phoolwariya, Ahraula, Azamgarh

land will be LOCATION Same as registered address MANAGER Suresh Giri

allotted only after REGISTRATION NUMBER Not available
PURPOSE Establishing a higher
recording every ORGANISATION secondary school
fact. But there E BODHISATTVA DR BR DATE OF ALLOTMENT 27 January 1999
Ibrahimpur village, Khurja tehsil, AUTHORITY ORDERING ALLOTMENT State
for many places Bulandshahar district P C Sharma,
principal secretary, Revenue Department
CHAIRMAN JS Aditya AREA Not provided
REGISTRATION NUMBER Not available LOCATION Same as registered address
PURPOSE For establishing a trust
power in 1999. Then there is Vishram Singh DATE OF ALLOTMENT 22 May 1995
Yadav, who is the SP MP from Bilgram in MARKET VALUE THEN 18.58 LAKH ORGANISATION
Hardoi district. Katiyari Degree College in RENT 100 PER ANNUM E PARAMSHAKTI PEETH
Hardoi, established by a trust headed by AUTHORITY ORDERING ALLOTMENT State
Cabinet Vatsalya village, Mathura-Vrindavan
Yadav, was allotted land during Mulayam’s SIGNATORY ON ORDER Anees Ansari, secretary, Marg, Vrindavan
reign at a meagre rent of 150 per annum. Revenue Department
AREA Not provided SECRETARY Sanjay Gupta
as shocking as Chaud-
hary’s case is that of Ram Aasre Vish-
wakarma, higher education minister in the
LOCATION Same as registered address REGISTRATION NUMBER Not available
PURPOSE For a religious trust
SP government. As minister, he could have ORGANISATION MARKET VALUE THEN 12.75 LAKH
allotted land for a government university. E SEVA SAMPARN CURRENT MARKET VALUE 20 CRORE
It wouldn’t have been illegal if gram SANSTHAN RENT 1 PER ANNUM
panchayat land had been allotted free for G6, Murli Bhavan, 10A, Ashok Marg, AUTHORITY ORDERING ALLOTMENT State
this purpose. However, he recommended Lucknow Chandrapal,
allotment of land to the Rambachan Yadav principal secretary, Revenue Department
Mahavidyalaya, a private institution which CHAIRMAN Rajnath Singh Surya AREA 43 acres
he manages in Azamgarh district. It 2410
REGISTRATION NUMBER LOCATION Same as registered address

PH O T O S: GP AWASTHI 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | T E H E L K A 11

charges annual fee of 30,359 for B.Ed hectare in Hardoi for the ridiculous sum there has been a discussion on this matter
courses. Yet it has been allotted an astound- of 8,695 in 2004 — to set up a flour mill. within the department and a decision has
ing two hectare for only 750 per annum. been taken — to prepare a format and pro-
So, while Chaudhary has allotted land worst is yet to come. These 18 cure this information from the outset (that
to a trust headed by his sister, Vishwakar-
ma unabashedly allotted the same to a trust
names, exposed by Ansari after four
years of repeatedly filing complaints
would be from 1981) — not just from 1991”.
22 August 2007: The SIC is provided
he was at the helm of. and PILs, are only the tip of the iceberg. To with only 20 names of private bodies that
This ‘rent per annum’ is for a 99-year understand how, follow this sequence of have been allotted gram panchayat land,
lease. Thus, even if trusts have been events: along with a letter, which says that this in-
charged token rents, they are as good as 10 November 2006: The PIO at the UP formation only consists of allotments made
owners of erstwhile gram panchayat land. Revenue Department receives an RTI ap- from 2004 to 2006, and that more “infor-
This is the case with the Paramshakti plication from Ansari asking for details of mation is being procured”.
Peeth, which has been allocated 43 acres any gram panchayat land allotment to pri- 24 December 2007: The SIC imposes a
worth more than 20 crore for a rent of 1 vate bodies exceeding 5 bighas, from 1991 fine of 25,000 on PIO Pandey for not pro-
per annum. The peeth, founded by Sadhvi onwards. viding the information.
Ritambhara (also known as ‘Didi Maa’) is 1 February 2007: After not receiving a 7 January 2008: Ansari files another RTI
a well-known religious organisation with reply, Ansari files a complaint with the application, asking specifically for the de-
offices in California and London. The land State Information Commission (SIC). tails of gram panchayat land that has been
was allotted when the BJP was in power in 28 March 2007: PIO Ramakant Pandey allocated ‘for free’ to private bodies.
2001. Another religious trust allotted land responds saying the department “has not 15 August 2008: The SIC receives a letter
during BJP rule was the Jai Gurudeo kept the information that has been sought from the PIO at the Revenue Department
Dharam Pracharak Sansthan founded by even though it should have. That is why saying “such records have not been main-
Baba Jai Gurudeo. It was allotted land in tained in any district in the whole of UP”.
2007 at a rent of 150 per annum. 14 November 2008: The Revenue De-
In some cases, the government has partment writes to district magistrates and
passed special orders exempting private divisional commissioners who are in cha-
enterprises from the 1984 order that asks
them to pay twice the market value. In
‘Is there anything rge of land allotments asking them to pro-
vide the information Ansari has asked for.
2003, the SP government moved an energy wrong if vacant 27 November 2008: The Revenue De-
policy that specified no premium would be gram sabha land partment writes to the SIC saying despite
charged for land used to “promote the gen- the above-mentioned notice, “no informa-
eration and distribution of electricity”. As is allotted to a tion has been received from the districts”.
a result, Reliance Energy was allocated 300 4 December 2008: The Revenue Depa-
bighas of gram panchayat land for an
private institute rtment issues another notice to district
annual rent of only 100 per acre. But the run by my kin?’ magistrates and divisional commissioners
private bodies listed with TEHELKA (see list) to present themselves in person and give
cannot hide behind such exemptions. asks Chaudhary a reply to Ansari’s query by 30 December.
Their being allotted gram panchayat land 30 December 2008: The SIC informs
is an outright violation of the law. Ansari of the Revenue Department’s efforts
“It might well be that some of the pri- and says the information will take time.
vate trusts allotted gram panchayat land 15 January 2009: This time, the Rev-
are doing excellent social work,” says RTI enue Department presents the SIC with just
activist Izhar Ahmad Ansari who dug up 10 names of private bodies that have been
the list of violators. “But the law that says allotted gram panchayat land for free. Some
they must be charged twice the market val- of these names were already there in the
ue of the land.” According to Ansari, side- 20 names submitted earlier. The depart-
stepping this law means giving a free hand ment says that this is all they can find.
to those who want to use such trusts to 29 January 2009: PIO Pandey now re-
grab land for themselves. quests the SIC to cancel the fine of 25,000
Besides private trusts, the list points to imposed on him as “the information has
land allotted for free to private enterprises still not been provided to Ansari”, even by
like power plants, refineries and sugar the PIOs who came after him. So why
mills. One such firm is the Badhauli Sugar should he be penalised alone?
Distillery Ltd that has been allotted more 3 February 2009: The Revenue Depart-
than 31 hectare for free. The list has four ment writes Ansari another letter saying
such commercial enterprises in it. There that procuring the information will take
N Tough lesson Ambika Chaudhary was the
is also a private individual, Tej Pratap more time. They attach with this letter the
education minister during Mulayam’s reign
Singh, who was given more than half a same 10 names they have given before.

12 T E H E L K A | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1

22 September 2009: The Revenue De- ORGANISATION LOCATION Same as registered address
partment writes to the SIC saying they can’t E RAMBACHAN YADAV
find any allotment details other than what MAHAVIDYALAYA
they have already provided. “We have pro- Bahauddin Phoolpur, Azamgarh ORGANISATION
vided whatever information we could find. E KATIARI DEGREE COLLEGE
The applicant is continuing to file these MANAGER Ram Aasre Vishwakarma Harpalpur, Hardoi
complaints in order to trouble us,” it says. REGISTRATION NUMBER Not available
Now, let us come to the other order gov- PURPOSE For establishing a varsity MANAGER Vishram Singh Yadav
erning the allotment of gram panchayat DATE OF ALLOTMENT 11 April 2005 REGISTRATION NUMBER Not available
land, passed on 16 June 1981. This stipu- MARKET VALUE THEN 17 LAKH PURPOSE Establishing a degree
lates that such land will be allotted only RENT 750 PER ANNUM college
after the details have been “recorded in a AUTHORITY ORDERING ALLOTMENT State
Cabinet DATE OF ALLOTMENT 2 February 2007
register in a format that incorporates every Anant Kumar Singh,
detail and signed by the officials involved”. secretary, Revenue Department RENT 150 PER ANNUM
Also, that on 15 January and 15 July of RECOMMENDING AUTHORITY Higher Education AUTHORITY WHO ORDERED ALLOTMENT
every year these records will be forwarded Department State Cabinet
to the Revenue Department. AREA 2 hectares TP Pathak,
Yet, as has been stated above by the de- LOCATION Same as registered address secretary, Revenue Department
partment itself, these records have appar- AREA OF LAND Not provided
ently not been kept and the registers are LOCATION Same as registered address
not to be found. Or aren’t they? ORGANISATION
The first list of names was given to E LODI KISAN
Ansari on 22 August 2007. This was more MAHAVIDYALAYA ORGANISATION
than two months after Mayawati was Chitauni Atrauliya, Azamgarh district E JAI GURUDEO DHARAM
sworn in as chief minister on 13 May 2007. PRACHARAK TRUST
A look at the list shows that the allotment MANAGER Ram Sagar Yadav Mathura
details given out by the BSP government in- REGISTRATION NUMBER Not available
dict only SP and BJP politicians. But, like the PURPOSE Establishing a varsity TRUSTEE Dr VH Lulla
SP and the BJP, the BSP has been part of UP DATE OF ALLOTMENT 9 October 2006 REGISTRATION NUMBERNot available
governments too. Can it be that not a single MARKET VALUE THEN 22.05 LAKH PURPOSE Establishing a religious trust
BSP politician is involved in such fraudulent RENT 150 PER ANNUM DATE OF ALLOTMENT 20 February 2007
gram panchayat land allocations? AUTHORITY ORDERING ALLOTMENT State
Cabinet MARKET VALUE THEN Not available
TP Pathak, secretary,
HIS LIST lies in many ways. For one, it
Tmisses some obvious names. Like gram
panchayat land given to a trust named after
Revenue Department
State Cabinet
TP Pathak, secretary,
Revenue Department
Sanjay Gandhi in Pilibhit, where Maneka AREA 2 hectares AREA Not provided
Gandhi is the BJP MP. It resulted in a furore, LOCATION Same as registered address LOCATION Same as registered address
which led to a CBI inquiry. Maneka denied
wrongdoing. The Revenue Department
does not seem to have a record. ORGANISATION ORGANISATION
Or like Jaya Jaitly, who was chairperson E PHOOLESHWARI DEVI E PNB KISAN KALYAN TRUST
of the Sahkari Haat Samiti, which was ap- SHIKSHAN SANSTHAN Sirkara village, Jaswantnagar tehsil,
parently allocated gram panchayat land at Fefna village, Ballia district Etawah district
Ganeshpur-Rehmanpur village in Luc-
know district. When Ansari approached DEPUTY MANAGER Saroj Chaudhary REGISTRATION NUMBER :Not available
the district authorities and the State Infor- REGISTRATION NUMBER 16930 PURPOSE For establishing a farmers’
mation Commission to obtain details, he PURPOSE Establishing a training centre
was told that the documents have gone university DATE OF ALLOTMENT 7 April 2004
missing. In a show of sincerity, the district DATE OF ALLOTMENT 14 September 2004 MARKET VALUE THEN Not available
magistrate’s office even lodged an FIR about MARKET VALUE THEN 31 LAKH RENT Not available
The districts are a different story alto- RENT Not available RECOMMENDING AUTHORITY Banking Department
gether. Ansari filed RTIs and asked officials AUTHORITY ORDERING ALLOTMENT AREA 8 acres
in each district whether such allotments State Cabinet LOCATION Same as registered address
had been made. They either didn’t answer TP Pathak, secretary,
or replied in the negative. Yet the list with Revenue Department
TEHELKA shows three such allotments in AREA 8 bighas

2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | T E H E L K A 13


E SHRI KASHI YADAV PURPOSE For establishing a sugar mill
Banhaur, Azamgarh MARKET VALUE THEN Not available
RENT Not available
PURPOSE For establishing a private State Cabinet
engineering college AREA 31.7 hectares
DATE OF ALLOTMENT 17 March 2005 LOCATION Same as registered address
RENT Not available
LOCATION Same as registered address MILL LTD
Gularia village, Gola tehsil,
Lakhimpur district
POWER PLANT PURPOSE For establishing a sugar mill
Shivrajpur village, Bara pargana and DATE OF ALLOTMENT 19 September 2006
N Crusader Izhar Ahmad Ansari’s RTI
tehsil, Allahabad district MARKET VALUE THEN Not available
application exposed the UP land scam
RENT Not available
PURPOSE For establishing a township RECOMMENDING AUTHORITY Sugarcane Department
AREA 0.8 hectare
LOCATION Same as registered address
The Mayawati
RENT Not available government is
offering land
Department E NEW INDIA SUGAR MILL allotment details
AREA 1.7 hectares
LOCATION Same as registered address
Daak Bujurg village, Hata tehsil,
Kushinagar district
only of the SP
and the BJP.
Not available
PURPOSE Establishing a sugar mill What of the BSP?
Ahirohi village, Gopa Mau pargana, RENT Not available
Hardoi district AUTHORITY ORDERING ALLOTMENT State Cabinet
RECOMMENDING AUTHORITY Sugarcane Department Hardoi. The same is the case with Alla-
REGISTRATION NUMBER Not available AREA 4.6 acres habad. And many more.
PURPOSE For establishing a degree college LOCATION Same as registered address And finally, the money. Going by what
DATE OF ALLOTMENT 5 December 2005 the state Revenue Department says, this
MARKET VALUE THEN Not available isn’t such a big scam after all. The values
RENT Not available PERSON of gram panchayat land that Surya, Yadav
AUTHORITY ORDERING ALLOTMENT E SHRI TEJ PRATAP SINGH and Vishwakarma have been linked to are
State Cabinet Bahar village, Sadar tehsil, Hardoi district pegged at only 5 lakh, 4.83 lakh and 17
RECOMMENDING AUTHORITY Higher lakh respectively. Why should one be
Education Department REGISTRATION NUMBER Not available worried about such paltry sums?
AREA 1.2 hectares PURPOSE For establishing a flour mill If you go by the records, the land
LOCATION Same as registered address DATE OF ALLOTMENT 6 April 2004 Chaudhary has been accused of trying to
MARKET VALUE THEN Not available usurp is valued at just 31 lakh. “But the
AMOUNT PAID 8,695 price of land here today is 1 crore per
ORGANISATION AUTHORITY ORDERING ALLOTMENT StateCabinet bigha,” says former Nawbastakala gram
E BADHAULI SUGAR RECOMMENDING AUTHORITY Industries Department pradhan Bansi Dhar Singh. “So the value
DISTILLERY LTD AREA 0.5 hectare of nine bighas would be 9 crore.”
Gangapur and Bikapur villages, Sadar LOCATION Same as registered address
tehsil, Hardoi district

14 T E H E L K A | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1

The Assam-Meghalaya
border clashes smack
of political motives S Homeless and hurt
(le to right) Garo families
on the move aer their
houses were torched; A
victim of the ethnic clashes
BY RATNADIP CHOUDHURY in a Goalpara hospital

OR TWO decades laya have seen the Rabhas and sensitive because the violence has been demanding Sixth
Babul Rabha, 48, has Garos live together for cen- started in Assam. We asked for Schedule status to the Rabha
been teaching English turies. But a fortnight of vio- help, but the administration not Hasong Autonomous Council
to children from Garo lence has left the fabric of com- only remained a silent specta- and elections to the council, it
and Rabha communities in munal harmony tattered. With tor but also misguided the has been vehemently opposed
Darakona, a village on the at least 10 deaths, nearly 100 Meghalaya Police,” says Dipali by the non-Rabhas living in the
Assam-Meghalaya border. But, injured, 50,000 displaced and Rabha from Krishnai, one of Rabha-Hasong areas. They, in
things changed drastically more than 300 houses gutted, the worst-affected areas of turn, have been demanding ex-
when violent clashes broke out fear is palpable in the area. The Goalpara. Her discontentment clusion of some villages from
on 2 January between the two deployment of army and para- is echoed by the Garos, who the council area.
communities. “We have been military forces and the imposi- have to travel through the Things took an ugly turn
living together for ages, noth- tion of curfew with shoot-at- Rabha dominated areas of when a pastor from Tura, trav-
ing of this sort has happened sight orders have done little to lower Assam to go outside the elling with a wedding troupe
before. There has to be an out- quell this fear. Northeast. through Goalpara, was man-
side provocation,” says Rabha The continuing stalemate Therein lies the problem. handled during the 500-hour
as he helps out at a relief camp points to a design with roots Over the years, the callous lack economic blockade called by
in the remote Kukurkata village deeper than a spur-of-the- of development in the area has ARSU from 2 January. The ARSU
in Assam’s Goalpara district. moment ethnic clash. “Things left the Rabha community feel- resorts to frequent bandh calls
The plains of lower Assam could have been checked by the ing alienated. Where the All for the fulfilment of its Sixth
and the Garo Hills of Megha- Assam government had it been Rabha Students’ Union (ARSU) Schedule demand. “There is a

16 T E H E L K A | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 PHOTOS: V ISMA TH APA , UB P HOTOS


history of acrimony and skir- ernment in the dock.

mishes in the region. The Rab- Many blame the Assam
ha group had called for a bandh government for delaying a
during Christmas and New conclusive and agreeable
Year and consequently the decision on the Rabhas’ de-
Garos could not return home in mand. “Tarun Gogoi has again THINGS
the festive season,” explains failed to address the issue of
Minister of State for Rural De- tribal rights. Riots after riots THAT TORMENT UPA2
velopment Agatha Sangma, also have taken place in his tenure
the MP from Tura. and he has always failed to
Meghalaya CM Mukul Sang- handle them,” avers human A NEGATIVE TURN
ma makes no bones about his
feelings. “I have spoken to the
rights activist Suhas Chakma.
This claim is substantiated by
1 It was fine until Barack Obama left. Then, swiftly, the
wheels came off. The Centre is not holding.
Gogoi’s own actions. Instead
of visiting the violence-hit ar- PRICES THAT WON’T SLOW
eas, the Assam CM was busy
staving off allegations against
2 Too many economists spoil the math. Manmohan,
Pranab, Chidambaram, Montek.
his family of possessing huge
properties in the US. All the RASH OF SCAMS
media heard from him were
inane statements like: “Peace
3 Adarsh. CWG 2010. Lavasa. 2G spectrum. Land.
Defence supplies. Palmolein oil and the CVC. Bofors.
is our first priority. We have to
go for restoration of peace REBELLION IN THE RANKS
and normalcy.”
The TEHELKA team, while
4 Jagan Mohan Reddy turns it on in Andhra Pradesh.
A J&K minister says give Kashmir azadi.
camping in the affected areas,
was witness to the inadequate THE BIHAR ROUT
5 They didn’t expect to win but they didn’t plan for
obliteration either. This will take years to undo.


Mukul Sangma 6 It’s not about the nukes, as we distressingly know.
China does what it wants and we can’t do a thing.
squarely blames the
Assam government
for the violence 7 Now the Congress realises what a difference it
makes to have the Left. They kept UPA1 on track.

Assam government several deployment of security forces. AMBIVALENT ALLIES

times, and have stressed on
sharing inputs. I have also been
“The people behind the vio-
lence were all outsiders. I saw
8 Mamata, Lalu, Pawar, Karunanidhi, Farooq
Abdullah, Ram Vilas Paswan. To each his own.
pushing the Centre for more some of them in military fa-
forces. Assam has to do more, tigues,” says Dipul Rabha of CORPORATE CABALS
there’s still tension in the area,”
he says. A home ministry team
Dudhnoi. Intelligence sources
have confirmed that a few
9 Big businesses have enslaved large sections of the
Congress. The Radia tapes are merely one strand.
led by Joint Secretary (North- underground groups were
east) Shambhu Singh that vis- operating in the area. LETHARGIC MEMBERSHIP
ited the worst-hit areas felt that
the violence was ‘well planned’
Relations between Assam
and Meghalaya have gone from
10 A self-serving leadership. Foot soldiers in the
barracks. No rousing Congress mass event for years.
and not ‘spontaneous’. bad to worse on the border dis-
MHA sources have informed pute. Several rounds of official-
TEHELKA of reports that suggest level meetings have failed to re-
a ‘political design’ behind the solve the issue. The ball is now 1 The Opposition. Dysfunctional. Unattractive 2 Sonia
whole episode. The hand of in the court of the Assam CM. Gandhi, would be mayhem without her 3 Manmohan Singh.
‘underground groups’ is what Gogoi needs to act fast before Waning, but still an asset 4 Urban middle-class support
the Central sleuths are now fo- more blood is shed. 5 Hindutva terror, always trips the RSS 6 Pranab Mukherjee,
cussing on. All these revela- Mr Congress 7 MGNREGS 8 RTI Act, hugely effective
tions put the Tarun Gogoi gov- 9 Apolitical army 10 Professional EC


22 JANUARY 2011, VOL. 8 ISSUE 3

Spearheading YMCA for the past 12 years, Air Cmde
LK Sharma talks about what the institution stands for and
how it has become the preferred choice of those keen on
acquiring vocational training
service industry. What are the benefits a student gains from
Of late there has been a lot of empha- studying at YMCA?
sis on health management. Keeping that There is a lot of competition in the field
in view, a comprehensive course encom- of education today. Any new programme
passing Nutrition, Dietetics and Health launched is immediately started by other
Management has been launched which institutes also. But the quality of training
has given salutary response. Various al- and fee structure at YMCA makes it unique
lied courses are in the pipeline i.e. Weight and helps it stands out. There is literally a
Management and an advance course in beeline of students seeking admission in
N Executive Director LK Sharma
Nutrition. the programmes announced by YMCA be-
Similarly, the insurance sector is the cause of its credibility in the market.
sun-rise Industry of the country. Keeping Most of the programmes conducted by
What is YMCA’s mandate? that in view we have planned and YMCA are very popular because of em-
The YMCA movement is concerned with launched a course for Insurance Agents ployment avenues the courses open up as
the needs and aspirations of young people which will provide a lot of job opportu- well as the methodology of imparting
for their spiritual, social, intellectual and nity for the students. training. For YMCA , each student is very
physical development irrespective of important and it is our endeavour to keep
caste, creed or colour. The inverted red them abreast with the latest development
triangle, the universal symbol of YMCA , in the industry pertaining to their course
represents the overall development of and future job avenues. Each student
body, mind and spirit. For YMCA, each student completing a course from YMCA is our
is very important and ambassador in the industry and we
In the 12 years that you have been at the helm it is our endeavour to expect them to bring laurels to their -
of YMCA, how have you developed new employers whichever field they work in.
courses that would be well accepted? create job avenues
The education division known as HPDP i.e. for them Any advice to the students of today?
Human Potential Development Pro- Students must endeavour to keep them-
gramme keeps a vigilant eye on the pros- selves abreast with the latest develop-
pective and promising sector of develop- ment pertaining to their job. It is essential
ment of the government, wherein job av- Which is the most popular course at YMCA? that the students improve their knowl-
enues are likely to be available in the fore- Why? edge by doing ‘Add-on’ courses which im-
seeable future. Accordingly new courses All the programmes being run by YMCA proves their skills and attributes. In the
are planned and launched dove- tailing the are very popular as the fee structure is present scenario, distance learning has
information received from the industry. very reasonable and qualified profession- opened many avenues for students to im-
Many new courses have been launched. als drawn from the relevant industry con- prove their academic profile. Besides
When news that the government had ear- duct the courses. part-time courses are also available,
marked 45,000 crores for development The number of students seeking ad- which give adequate opportunity to the
of tourism in the country came out, we ac- mission for various courses is very large students to improve their academic qual-
cordingly planned the concerned courses but due to administrative constraint it be- ification. Shortage of finance is no more a
which are associated with the tourism in- comes difficult to accommodate everyone. constrain as Education Loans are easily
dustry i.e. aviation and hospitality. The fac- However, there is a constant endeavour to available besides the students can ‘Earn
ulty is from the industry, regular updates run extra classes to accommodate as many as well as learn’. These opportunities
of curriculum are done to ensure that stu- students as possible without compromis- ought to be seized to improve personal
dents are aware of the requirement of this ing the quality of the courses. skills and qualification.


‘The Muslim boy

Kaleem pierced
my conscience.
I understood that
love between two
human beings is
more powerful
than the hatred
between two
Swami Asimananda did
not just confess his terror
conspiracy before a
magistrate. He wrote to the
President of India and the
President of Pakistan,
admitting his crimes and
seeking penance.
ASHISH KHETAN scoops the
W Surprise reform
astonishing documents Copies of the two letters
Asimananda wrote to the
President of India and
the President of Pakistan



N 16 DECEMBER, when Swami
Asimananda first appeared before a Delhi
Metropolitan Magistrate at Tis Hazari with
a request to record his confession, the mag-
istrate was a bit incredulous. He asked the Swami if the To
CBI was threatening or coercing him into giving a con-
fession. The Swami smiled back and replied, “You re-
ally think these cops could force me into doing some- Rashtrapati Bhavan,
thing I don’t want to do? When even Atal and Advani
could never dare to put pressure on me, then what New Delhi – 110001,
chance in the world do these poor fellows have.” Dec 20, 2010
‘Who are Atal and Advani?’ asked the magistrate. For a
moment, he was disoriented by the names uttered with such
easy, almost scornful, familiarity by this elderly, shabbily
dressed man produced before him as a terror suspect. Madam President,
“The former prime minister and deputy prime minister,”
the Swami replied in the same measured tone. 1. I am Swami Asimananda. I am the one who had
This conversation, which TEHELKA has learned from high- organised and motivated persons to blast Samjhauta
ly placed sources, provides a rare insight into the man who Express and other places because I was angry about
was once a formidable and doctrinaire ideologue of the jihadi attacks on Hindu temples.
Rashtriya Swyamsevak Sangh and inspired both fear and awe
even among senior BJP functionaries. 2. After my arrest, when I was in jail, one Muslim boy
In 2006, when the Swa- Kaleem was very kind to me in Hyderabad. After some
mi organised the Shabri time, I asked him why he was inside here in jail, and he
Kumbh Mela at his ashram told me that he was earlier wrongly arrested and tortured
in Dangs, Gujarat, the who’s ‘Before the by Hyderabad Police in connection with Mecca Masjid
who of the BJP and the RSS criminal legal bomb blast. This pierced my conscience. It transformed
congregated to mark their system hangs me, me. The man who had every reason to hate me, showed me
presence. Gujarat Chief love. After all, he had been made to suffer for my wrong
Minister Narendra Modi,
I want an work. I understood that love between two human beings
Madhya Pradesh Chief opportunity to is more powerful than the hatred between two communi-
Minister Shivraj Singh transform Hafiz ties. I decided on prayaschith, and told this to CBI, when
Chauhan and then RSS chief Saeed, Mullah they took me in their custody. They told me that we
KS Sudarshan were part of Omar and other cannot do anything about prayaschith, only court can,
the jamboree. jihadi terrorists,’ and so I told them to take me to the court in that case.
The Swami had devoted After that, I told the judge the truth.
wrote Asimananda
his life to the cause of ‘Hin-
dutva.’ After setting up the 3. I have also addressed a letter to the Pakistan President
Shabri Dham Ashram in telling him about myself and requested him to grant
1997, he worked zealously at me an opportunity to transform or reform jihadi terrorist
reconverting tribal Christians into Hinduism. He regularly leaders and other jihadi footsoldiers in Pakistan (copy
mobilised violent mobs, attacked Christian missionaries and enclosed).
captured their churches. According to reports, Asimananda
had forcibly occupied over two dozen churches in Dangs. At 4. I request you to use your good office to help me to go
one point he had even refused to listen to the pleas of former there and meet these jihadi leaders and transform them
prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee who had reportedly asked or you can ask the Pakistan President to send them to
him to refrain from violence and coercion while carrying out me in jail.
the anti-conversion work.
But in a curious twist of fate — and in a development that Thank You.
no investigative agency could ever have anticipated or imag-
ined — this intractable zealot was profoundly transformed by Yours truly
a chance encounter in prison with a courteous young Muslim Swami Asimananda
man, wrongly arrested and tortured for the Mecca Masjid blast Chanchalaguda Central Jail
— a blast, which in truth, the Swami and his co-conspirators Hyderabad
had committed. (See TEHELKA story In the Words of a Zealot,
15 January).
Intensely moved and gripped by a desire for penance,
Swami Asimananda apparently requested a confession before

2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | T E H E L K A 21

a magistrate. “I know I may be served a death sentence for this,

but I still want to confess,” he told the magistrate. Published
by TEHELKA last week, this confession, which is the first legal
evidence to show the involvement of RSS pracharaks in the
The President, Malegaon 2006 and Samjhauta Express blasts, has had wide-
ranging political and diplomatic impact. But this was not all.
IN AN astonishing gesture, apart from his confession before the
Pakistan magistrate, Swami Asimananda also wrote to the President of
India and the President of Pakistan, admitting to his crimes
Dec 20, 2010 and detailing the encounter with the Muslim boy that changed
his heart. “Abdul Kaleem pierced my conscience,” he wrote.
“After all, he had been made to suffer for my wrong work. I
understood that love between two human beings is more
SUB Request for chance to reform Hafiz Saeed and powerful than the hatred between two communities.”
other terrorists in Pakistan -- re, In these two letters, written in his own handwriting —
copies of which are in exclusive possession of TEHELKA — the
Dear Sir, Swami then goes on to express a desire to meet Lashkar-e-
Toiba chief Hafiz Saeed and Taliban leader Mullah Omar and
1. I am Swami Asimananda. I am the one who had other jihadi terrorists and urges the two presidents to help
organised and motivated persons to blast him get an “opportunity” to transform the jihadis as he him-
Samjhauta Express and other places because I was self has been transformed.
angry about jihadi attacks on Hindu temples. The Swami says he had
taken to terrorism in retal-
2. After my arrest, when I was in jail, one Muslim In a development iation to Islamist terror
boy Kaleem was very kind to me in Hyderabad. no investigative attacks on temples, but
After some time, I asked him why he was inside agency could ever having realised the futility
jail, and he told me that he was earlier wrongly have anticipated, of mindless violence, he
arrested and tortured by Hyderabad Police in would now like to persuade
this intractable
connection with Mecca Masjid Bomb blast. This terrorists like Hafiz Saeed
pierced my conscience. It transformed me. The zealot was to renounce this path as
man who has very reason to hate me, showed me transformed by an well. He requests “the good
love. After all, he had been made to suffer for my encounter with a office” of the President of
work. I understood that love between two human courteous Muslim India to help him go to
beings is more powerful than the hatred between man in prison Pakistan to do this.
two communities. I decided on prayaschith and After TEHELKA published
told this to the CBI when they took me in their Asimananda’s confession
custody. They told me that we cannot do anything last week, several Hindutva
about prayaschith, only court can. So, I told them apologists asserted the confession was coerced out of him. His
to take me to the court in that case. After that, I counsel also belatedly asserted — 20 days after the event had
told the judge the truth. taken place — that the confession was false and would be
retracted. But the letters to the Presidents of India and
3. Before the criminal legal system hangs me, I Pakistan give the lie to all that. Swami Asimananda wrote them
want an opportunity to transform/reform Hafiz two days after he made the confession under Section 164 of
Saeed, Mullah Omar and other jihadi terrorist CRPC. He had given these letters on a jail visit to his brother to
leaders and jihadi terrorist in Pakistan. Either post. TEHELKA procured them from him. The tone and tenor
you can send them to me, or you can ask the of these letters exactly match his confession. However, his
Indian government to send me to you. lawyer did not mention them last week as part of the CBI’s al-
leged coercion.
Yours truly These letters present a fresh challenge to those who would
Swami Asimananda deny all that Swami Asimananda has confessed to. TEHELKA
C h an ch alag ud a J a i l wrote to the office of the President of India seeking a confir-
Hy d e rabad mation that they had received the letter. At the time of going
to press, the President’s office had yet not responded.
Terror, it seems, has finally fallen prey to something might-
ier than it: the power of human conscience.

22 T E H E L K A | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1


Swami Asimananda has
drawn sharp and
diverse reactions from
SIM CARD different quarters. The
families of the nine
Two from a Malegaon Muslims
series of 11 SIM implicated in the 2006
Cast-iron shells used cards were used Malegaon blasts, which claimed 31 inno-
in the IEDs planted at MOBILE PHONE in Mecca Masjid cent lives, have termed it the clinching
the Mecca Masjid bombs
The Nokia cell phone proof of their innocence. Not unexpected-
used as the trigger ly, the Bharatiya Janata Party and the
device in Mecca Masjid Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh have
alleged that Asimananda’s confession was
made under coercion and thus rubbished
NOT JUST A the ongoing probe into Hindutva terror.
But the fact remains that Asimananda
had made the confession in the closed
CONFESSION. chamber of a Delhi Metropolitan Magis-
trate with no one else being around and
after spending two days in judicial custody


A 6.53 volt battery was

part of the power
contemplating possible repercussions.
Again, what is being completely overlooked
in this politically charged debate is a whole
body of evidence — both material and

EVIDENCE circuits used in the

Mecca Masjid blast
circumstantial — which has been pieced
together by different agencies over the past
four years. Asimananda’s confession only
confirms and adds to the existing pool of

PILES UP evidence.
Over the past three years the evidence
gathered by the agencies against a team of
RSS pracharaks and lunatic Hindutva

AGAINST groups like Abhinav Bharat and Jai Vande

Matram is compelling.
Since the arrests of a motley group of
Hindu radicals — Sadhvi Pragya Singh,


One of the two iron

boxes that contained
Lt Col Shrikant Purohit, Dayanand Pandey
and eight other residents of Maharashtra
and Madhya Pradesh in 2008 — every new
arrest, a witness testimony and recovery

TERROR the Mecca Masjid bombs

of new material has further corroborated
and augmented the existing case against
Hindu extremists.
As the missing pieces of the Hindutava
terror puzzle are falling into place, new
faces at the heart of the terror conspiracy
The motorcycle used to like RSS central committee member Indresh
conceal the bomb in Kumar have also been exposed.
Malegaon in 2008
The protracted investigation, which is
now in its fourth year, began on 9 June
BRIEFCASE BOMB 2007 with the CBI taking over the Mecca
Masjid blast probe from the Hyderabad
One of the three IEDs
that failed to go off in
The 17 May 2007 Mecca Masjid terror
the Samjhauta Express
In Modasa too the strike, which killed nine Muslims and in-
bomb was planted on a jured over 50 others, also left behind a
motorcycle small but crucial scientific clue — a Nokia

2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | T E H E L K A 23

An unexploded IED
found at the Mecca
Masjid blast site was
the starting point
for the investigation

cell phone and inside the phone a Voda-

fone SIM card.
The cell phone was part of an impro-
vised explosive device (IED) that had failed E RSS poster boy
to go off and thus comprised the only clue CM Narendra Modi in
and in many ways the starting point for the attendance at
investigation. Asimananda’s ashram
As the CBI sleuths took over the Mecca
Masjid blast probe they discovered that
there were a couple of striking similarities
in the Mecca Masjid blast and the
Samjhauta Express terror attack.
Sixty-eight people were killed when
three successive powerful explosions
turned two compartments of the Samjhau-
ta Express into an inferno on 19 February
2007. The explosions had occurred at
around midnight as the bi-weekly train on
its way to Atari was crossing the Diwana
railway station, 80 km from New Delhi.
While at Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad E Terror linkages
one bomb had malfunctioned and thus Indresh Kumar
failed to explode, three unexploded IEDs speaking at Shabri
were found on the Samjhauta Express. Kumbh in 2006
Curiously, the 6.53 volt battery found in
the unexploded IED at Mecca Masjid was
exactly the same as the batteries used to vestigation it had emerged that the Hindu and thus hinted towards the involvement
power the IEDs planted on the Samjhauta extremists had exploded similar shell of one terror group behind all these cases.
Express. Besides, the metallic shells used bombs outside a few mosques in Jalna and Interestingly, between 2005 and 2008,
to stuff explosives in the Mecca Masjid Parbhani in 2003 and 2004. in the terror strikes targeted at Hindu
bombs were similar to the iron shells Also in December 2002, more than half- neighbourhoods and temples — like the
which were part of the IEDs planted on the a-dozen live pipe or shell bombs were re- 2005 Delhi Diwali blasts, 2006 Sankat-
Samjhauta Express. covered from an ijtema, a large religious mochan Mandir blasts and 2007 Hyder-
Similar shells were recovered from the gathering of Muslims, held near the Bhopal abad twin blasts — the design of bombs was
house of a Hindu radical in Nanded, Ma- railway station. strikingly different from these bombs
harashtra, in April 2006 when an RSS mem- The design of the shells used in bombs which were aimed at Muslims.
ber and a Bajrang Dal activist had died in Nanded, Jalna, Parbhani, Bhopal, However, the counter-terrorism agen-
while assembling a bomb. During the in- Samjhauta and Mecca Masjid was similar cies in India remained divided over the

committee member, accused of head of the Shabri Dham in
The men who played crucial roles in Hindutva terror mentoring and financing the RSS Dangs, Gujarat. He allegedly
pracharaks behind Malegaon, selected Malgeaon, Ajmer Sharif
Samjhauta, Ajmer and Mecca and Hyderabad as terror targets.
Masjid terror strikes.

24 T E H E L K A | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1

possibility of Hindu radicals being involved gal. The records maintained at the shop one from Gaffar Market in Delhi.
in these Muslim targeted terror strikes — and also that by Vodafone showed that the Statements of all the shopkeepers from
the 2006 Malegaon serial blasts, the SIM card was sold to a person named Babu whom these SIM cards and cell phones
Samjhauta Express blasts and the Mecca Lal Yadav in June 2006. were purchased were recorded by the CBI.
Masjid attack. But on verification the police discov- But the trail soon went cold as the identi-
As opaque and extrapolated intelligence ered that the address proof document sub- ty of those who had bought these phones
inputs — Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) being mitted while obtaining the SIM card was and SIM cards remained a mystery.
behind the Samjhauta blasts and the actually forged and Babu Lal Yadav was a As the Mecca Masjid probe appeared to
Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HUJI) behind fictitious person. hit a dead end, on 11 October 2007, during
the Mecca Masjid attack — continued to The analysis of calls made and received the month of Ramzan, a powerful bomb
pour in, the CBI investigation pursued the on this SIM card further revealed that there went off at Ajmer Sharif dargah, killing
forensic trail. were no incoming calls or outgoing calls to three people and injuring over a dozen.
any individual. As luck would have it, like in the case of
Masjid consisted of two The CBI then wrote to all cellular serv- Mecca Masjid, one IED malfunctioned and
pairs of metallic shells with their ends
sealed, save for a small hole at one end to
ice providers to find out if there were more
such SIM cards which were purchased in
did not explode. This IED was an exact
replica of the Mecca Masjid device.
stuff the explosives. In the case of Mecca the name of Babu Lal Yadav. It emerged On investigation, the Rajasthan ATS on
Masjid the explosive used was a lethal mix that there were in all 11 SIM cards which investigation found that the SIM card and
of high-intensity RDX and Trinitrotoluene the cell phone of the unexploded device
(TNT ) — both these explosives are only were from the same series of SIM cards and
available with the army and paramilitary cell phones that the CBI had compiled in
forces. Electrical detonators connected a Dayanand Pandey’s the course of their investigation.
6.53 volt battery to the explosives through laptop led to the It was now clear that the Mecca Masjid
the hole at an end of each pair of the cast recovery of evidence in and Ajmer Sharif blasts were parts of the
iron shells. The battery in turn was con- same terror conspiracy. So, the Rajasthan
the shape of 37 audio
nected to an electrical circuit which in turn ATS and the CBI began working in close co-
was connected to a Nokia 6030 cell phone and three video clips ordination. A hunt was launched to find
with a SIM card. An alarm for 1.22 pm was the remaining five cell phones from the se-
set on the phone. Thus the cell phone ries (four had already been used in the
served both as a timer and also the power Mecca Masjid and Ajmer IEDs).
source to trigger the circuit that would were bought either by using the same name
then result in the explosion of the IED. Each or by using the same photograph and fake AS THE two agencies groped in the dark,
IED was neatly placed in a black iron box address and identity proof. on 29 September 2008, a bomb concealed
which in turn was placed in a rexine bag. These SIM cards were purchased dur- in a motorcycle exploded at Bhikku
The International Mobile Equipment ing the period of seven months between Chowk, a Muslim neighbourhood in Male-
Identifier — IMEI is a unique 15-digit in- June and December 2006 from as many as gaon. Simultaneously, a bomb went off in
ternational number given to a cellphone seven shops — three shops in Bardhaman a small Gujarat town named Modassa. Like
by its manufacturer — of the Nokia 6030 district, West Bengal, and four in Jamtara, in Malegaon, the bomb was concealed in a
phone revealed that the handset had been Jharkhand. motorbike and the blast took place in a
sold by a vendor in Faridabad. When the On further investigation, it was revealed Muslim locality when special Ramzan
CBI sleuths questioned the shopkeeper they that all these 11 SIM cards had been used in prayers were being offered.
found that the buyer had purchased two as many as nine mobile handsets. The CBI The Maharashtra ATS under its then
similar Nokia 6030 phones. tracked down all the shops from where chief Hemant Karkare carried out an ex-
The Vodafone SIM card found inside the these handsets were purchased. It emerged cellent forensic investigation and retrieved
handset was traced to a shop named that two handsets were purchased from the chassis number of the motorcycle used
Sargam Audio Vision in the town of Chit- Faridabad (as mentioned above), three in the Malegaon blast. The motorcycle be-
taranjan in Bardhaman district, West Ben- from Bardhaman, three from Jamtara and longed to self-styled Hindu leader Sadhvi

pracharak of Mhow district. pracharak from Shajapur district ALIAS RAMJI, an RSS pracharak activist. He allegedly took train-
Along with Hindu radicals from near Indore. Along with Joshi from Madhya Pradesh. He ing in bomb-making in 2005. He
Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and, and Ramchandra Kalsangra, he carried out a series of terror also did a reconnaissance of
Rajasthan, he formed an was a key figure in the Hindutva strikes between Aligarh Muslim University and
inter-state terror infrastructure. terror conspiracy. December 2002 and 2008. residence of Justice UC Banerjee.

2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | T E H E L K A 25

Pragya Singh Thakur. Her arrest led to a Dange — were also key conspirators. While which now were clinching scientific evi-
series of other arrests including serving Joshi had already been murdered under dence against this team of RSS pracharaks.
Lt Col Purohit and a Hindu religious leader mysterious circumstances in December The interrogation of Leve and the Pati-
Dayanand Pandey. 2007, Kalsangra and Dange went under- dars led to the arrest of Devendra Gupta in
Pandey’s laptop led to the recovery of ground before the ATS could arrest them. April 2010. Gupta was originally from
crucial evidence in the shape of 37 audio Ajmer but had served the RSS in different
and three video clips. These audio and 2009, the Rajasthan detect- capacities in Madhya Pradesh and Jhark-
video files were recordings of terror con-
spiracy meetings which Pandey, Purohit
that four of the five cellphones they
looking for were being used by a
hand. Gupta gave a detailed account of the
visits made by Joshi, Kalsangra and Dan-
and others had held, which Pandey had se- group of RSS workers in two villages — ge to Jamtada’s RSS office between 2005
cretly filmed using the web camera and au- Chapri and Khardaun Kala — of Kalapipal and 2007 when Gupta was posted as RSS
dio recording facility inbuilt in his laptop. Tehsil in Shajapur district, Madhya Jila pracharak in the district.

The recordings comprised a solid evidence Pradesh. The ATS discovered these phones Gupta revealed that it was during these
of a wider Hindutva terror conspiracy. In with the help of their IEMI numbers. visits that he helped them in procuring fake
one of the files the accused could also be The RSS workers in question were Chan- identity and address proofs and SIM cards.
heard talking about Swami Asimananda in drashekhar Leve, Vishnu Patidar, Ravin- All SIM cards were procured (as explained
glowing terms, which showed that he was dra Patidar and Santosh Patidar. above) from two border towns —
known to the accused. The investigation revealed that the ab- Chittaranjan (Bardhman district, West
Upon hearing the news of Sadhvi sconding accused, Dange, was a close Bengal) and Mhijham (Jamtada district,
Pragya’s arrest, Asimananda absconded. friend of Leve. While Dange was the RSS Jharkhand).
Pragya also revealed that three RSS jila pracharak of Shajapur district between Several people who had witnessed
pracharaks from Madhya Pradesh — Sunil 2000 and 2005, Leve was RSS jila sampark Joshi, Kalsangra and Dange visiting Gup-
Joshi, Ramchandra Kalsangra and Sandeep pramukh of the same district. ta in Jamtada were examined and their
The Rajasthan ATS recorded the state- statements were recorded. It was all adding
ments of more than half-a-dozen RSS work- up. Along with Joshi, one more Hindu rad-
ers who stated that, before running off, ical named Bharat Riteshwar from Valsad
All the SIM cards Dange had handed over all the four phone (Gujarat) had visited the Jamtada office
had been procured sets to Leve. While Leve had thrown away while the logistics for the blasts were be-
from the border one phone after it stopped functioning, he ing put together.
and his associates continued to use the oth- The ATS tracked down Riteshwar, who
towns of Mhijham
er three phones. gave a detailed eyewitness account before
and Chittaranjan The ATS seized all the three phones, a magistrate, corroborating facts already

founding member of terror outfit vibhag pracharak of Muzaffarna- worker and associate of Joshi, radical from Valsad in Gujarat. He
Abhinav Bharat. He is accused of gar, Bihar. He provided logistics Dange and Kalsangra. He bought participated in terror meetings
supplying RDX for the 2008 and safe havens to Joshi, Kalsan- the two Nokia handsets used in held in Gujarat. He also travelled
Malegaon blasts. gra and Dange for terror strikes. the bombs at Mecca Masjid and to Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh
Ajmer. providing logistics for the blasts.

26 T E H E L K A | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 PHOTOS: (L TO R): AP, SH AILE NDRA PANDEY, AFP


known to the ATS. Gupta’s interrogation other religious organisations and carry on terror conspiracy in which he had also
also revealed the role of another RSS activist with your work.” played a critical part.
from Indore, Lokesh Sharma. According Asimananda asserted that it was not
to the ATS, Sharma confessed to having 2010, the recorded the Muslims, but a team of RSS pracharaks who
played a key role in the terror conspiracy.
Both Riteshwar and Gupta for the first
statement of Rajesh Mishra, an ac-
from Mhow, Madhya Pradesh, who
were behind the 2006 Malegaon blasts, the
Samjhauta Express strike, the Mecca
time revealed to the police that RSS central owned a foundry in Pithampura and was a Masjid and Ajmer Sharif bomb blasts.
committee member Indresh Kumar was a close associate of Joshi. He stated before Asimananda confessed that he himself
mentor and financer of Sunil Joshi — the the investigating team that he had provid- had picked Malegaon, Hyderabad and
man at the core of the conspiracy. ed Joshi 15 customised iron pipes with Ajmer Sharif dargah as potential targets,
Riteshwar also told the police that grooves on the inside. A few of these pipes while Sunil Joshi had taken the responsi-
Joshi’s terror activities had the sanction of were used in the failed terror strike aimed bility of striking the Samjhauta Express.

W Blast aer blast In a series of terror strikes

over a period of two years starting with
Malegaon in September 2006, Muslim
neighbouhoods and mosques were targeted.
Pakistan nationals were also attacked when
three blasts on the Samjhauta Express in
February 2007 turned several coaches of the
running train into an inferno

Indresh. Sharma went further and told the RSS activist Dhakhad Asimananda also reproduced the con-
police that Indresh regularly funded Joshi revealed in custody versations that he had with Indresh Ku-
for the terror activities. that he too was part mar while hatching the terror plot. Ac-
In September 2010, the Madhya cording to Asimananda, Indresh had
of the terror module
Pradesh Police arrested a RSS activist picked up Joshi and a few other members
named Shivam Dhakhad who was involved headed by Sunil Joshi of the RSS to carry out the blasts and had
in a murder case. In police custody, he re- partly financed the execution.
vealed that he too was part of the Sunil Till date, the ATS of Maharashtra and
Joshi-led terror module. Rajasthan have filed chargesheets in the
Most importantly, he talked about a ter- at the Bhopal ijtema. 2008 Malegaon and 2007 Ajmer Sharif
ror meeting held on 26 October 2005 in a Mishra’s statement further confirmed blasts respectively. However, the CBI and
guest house named Gujarati Samaj Atithi- that the modus operandi adopted by the National Investigating Agency (NIA) probe
grah in Jaipur, in which Indresh Kumar Hindu extremists involved using iron pipes into the Mecca Masjid and Samjhauta Ex-
was also present. According to Dhakhad, as an important component in the IEDs they press blasts is still an ongoing one.
Sadhvi Pragya, Kalsangra, Dange and Joshi assembled. Though the cases built by the agencies
were also present during the meeting. On 19 November 2010, Swami Asi- have to still stand the scrutiny of law, due
If Dhakhad is to be believed, Indresh mananda was arrested from his hideout in to the sheer volume of evidence, the odds
told all those who had assembled, “The RSS Haridwar. Exactly a month after his arrest, are stacked against the accused.
does not support your ideology or actions. Asimananda confessed before a Delhi Met-
So you all can get associated with some ropolitan Magistrate, laying bare the broad

Gorakhpur. He was contacted by prant pracharak of Kanpur. He and owner of a foundry in ALIAS DAYANAND PANDEY, he
Asimananda to provide funds for sheltered key terror accused and Pithampura, near Mhow. He ran an ashram in Jammu. He
terrorist activities. Joshi held a RSS pracharak Devendra Gupta at gave 15 cast iron shells in 2001 to played the role of an ideologue
hush-hush meeting with him at Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram in Joshi, who used them for blasts. to those involved in the 2008
his residence. Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh. Malegaon blasts.

PH O T O S: R E UTE R S 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | T E H E L K A 27
22 JANUARY 2011, VOL. 8 ISSUE 3

Set up with the mandate to improve the quality of professional
legal education, National Law University is growing fast to fulfill it,
says VC Professor (Dr) Ranbir Singh
N VC (Dr) Ranbir Singh

When was the National Law University set

The Government of National Capital
Territory of Delhi and Delhi High Court
took the initiative to establish the Nation-
al Law University in Delhi in 2008. This
was in keeping with the recommendations
of the committee appointed by the Chief
Justices Conference on Legal Education
and Training (1993) which recommended
the establishment of an institution along
the lines National Law School of India,
Bangalore, in each state.

What are the tie-ups and partnerships that

have been put in place over the years of its
The University has already signed MOUs
with over 20 Universities/Institutions all
over the world, and many more are in the
pipeline. These include The Law School,
King’s College, London, UK; Maastricht
University, Maastricht, The Netherlands;
The George Washington University Law
School, Washington D.C. and Lewis & Within a short span of provides both these databases together)
Clark Law School, Portland, Oregon in three years our institu- HeinOnline, JSTOR, E-Hart Books Online,
USA; South China University of Technol- tion has grown in every SCC Online, AIR InfoTech (Indian Supreme
ogy, China and many others. aspect — infrastructure, Court Cases) etc.

How have the first three years been? academic achievements, Is there any path-breaking work that has
Within a short span of three years our and governing activities been done by NLU?
institution has grown in every aspect — NLU Delhi is a partner institution of Legal
infrastructure, academic achievements, Information Institute of India (LII India)
and governing activities. It is not just in academics that our set up in association with the Australian
The first batch of students for B.A., students have excelled, even in extracur- Legal Information Institute (Aus LII).
LL.B.(Hons,) five years programme was ricular activities and sports, our students With access to LII India’s 50 databases,
admitted in 2008-09. Currently, the Uni- are earning laurels for us at national and legal research in the NLU library would
versity offers a five year B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) international meets. greatly enhanced.
Degree course and a PG Diploma in Judg- We try and create an environment con- Besides this NLU organized first
ing and Court Management. We propose ducive to overall growth. Our library Judicial Training for the Controllers of
to start the Ph.D. and LL. M. programmes subscribes to 60 International Legal Jour- Patents aimed at upgrading their skills as
this year as well as offer PG specializations nals and 20 National Legal Journals and well as a Rural Peacemakers Workshop in
in IPR, Real Estate Law, Competition Law, houses a unique collection of 22,000 Rajasthan in order to empower the
and a Vocational Diploma in Para-legal. documents. The students can also access villagers to resolve their conflicts on their
Our students are competing with various online commercial legal databases own. Besides NLU has undertaken a Pre-
teams from established National Law including Westlaw International, Lexis- Appointment Training for the Officers of
Schools in India. Nexis (no other law schools in India Assam Judicial Services.

The NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI established in 2008 by be entertained. The University will not be responsible for any
Act 1 of 2008 is premier Law University established in the capital city postal/courier delay.
of India. The Vision of the University is to make legal education an Timing of AILET
instrument of social, political and economic change. The University 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm on May 1, 2011.
is committed to preparing lawyers who will not only be profession-
Pattern of the AILET
ally competent, technically sound and socially relevant, to enter the
Total Marks : 150
bar and the bench but also be equipped with addressing the impera-
Total number of questions : 150
tives of the new world and uphold the rule of law. The endeavor of
Duration of the Examination : 1 hour 30 minutes
the University will be to impart knowledge in various aspects of law
and to introduce the young generation of lawyers to a wide range of Subject areas and marks distribution
opportunities in legal profession. The University has state of the art  English : 35Marks
infrastructure and facilities for learning and research at its campus at  General Knowledge : 35Marks
Sector 14, Dwarka, New Delhi. (Current Affairs, General Science,
The University invites applications for a Five year integrated B.A., History, Geography, Economics, Civics)
LL.B. (Hons.) degree programme for the academic year 2011-2012  Legal Aptitude : 35 Marks
commencing from August, 2011.  Reasoning : 35Marks
Admission will be strictly on merit through All India Law Entrance  Elementary Mathematics (Numerical Ability) : 10Marks

Test (AILET) to be conducted at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chandi- Note:

garh, Chennai, Cochin, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, (i) The candidate shall secure minimum of 40% (30% for SC and
Jammu, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai and Patna on May 1, 2011. ST candidates) of the total marks in the AILET to become eligible
Interested candidates may apply along with a Demand Draft of for the admission. The University reserves the right to keep the
Rs.2,500/- (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundred Only) for General seats vacant if there are no candidates who secured minimum cut
Candidates, Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only) in case of SC, ST off marks.
and Person with Disability (PD) drawn in favour of “REGISTRAR, (ii) If two or more candidates secure the same percentage of marks in
NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI”, payable at Delhi along- the AILET, their merit will be determined in the following manner
with copies of requisite Caste/PD Certificate. There is no applica- and order; (1) On the basis of Percentage of marks in the Senior Sec-
tion fee for Below Poverty Line (BPL) applicants of SC/ST category ondary School Examination (10+2 System) / Higher Secondary
(copy of BPL certificate from competent authority to be enclosed School or its equivalent recognized by the University (2) The per-
with application). All details including Application Form & Eligibil- centage of marks in 10th standard. (3) Elder in age will be preferred
ity Criteria are available on the University website: (4) Draw of Lots. (iii) At least 30% of the total seats shall be filled by eligible horizontal
Applications complete in all respects must reach in person or by reservation for women candidates including those selected in
post, to the REGISTRAR, NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, reserved and foreign national categories.
DELHI, Sector - 14, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110078, on or before
April 11, 2011. Applications received after the last date shall not REGISTRAR

What the Srikrishna

report missed on S Old grouse Our

Telangana resources are not in our

hands, say residents
of Dipaiguda village

 Young blood Students

have been the visible face
BY ROHINI MOHAN & SAMRAT CHAKRABARTI of protests but the fury is
alive in villages as well

N LATE 2009, a question was asked,
with fire and blood, across Andhra
Pradesh’s northwestern Telangana
region. One year later, it seems a
whole other question has been answered.
When the Srikrishna Commission (SKC)
was set up last February, its mandate was
to identify the root causes that fuelled the
60-year-old movement for a separate
state of Telangana, and recommend ways
to address these issues. While the report,
submitted on the last day of 2010, makes
six recommendations, it has only
scratched the surface of why 10 districts
in the fourth largest state in the country
have been screaming to break away.
In Telangana’s Adilabad district, 350
km from Hyderabad, residents of Anand-
pur village gather under a banyan tree. In
the keen silence that descends, cotton far-
mer Raja Reddy, 52, speaks, “Imagine you
have three sons who fight each other all
day, every day. As a father, your first re-
sponse is to pacify and make them under-
stand. But after the fifth, when the
fighting doesn’t stop, the sensible choice
left is to divide your estate into three and
let them go their separate ways.”
However, Raja has never felt like he
was part of the AP family. The conversa-
tion under the banyan tree keeps return-
ing to how the people of Telangana have
nothing in common with coastal Andhra
and Rayalseema, the other two regions of
the state. When the Telangana movement
was reignited through student agitations
in December 2009, it defined itself as an
identity movement, a call for “self-re-
spect”. The movement has waxed and
waned since before the 1956 merger of
Telangana with AP, but never died down.
Alongside it, influenced by it, evolved a

30 T E H E L K A | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 PHOTOS: B H ASH ME RAJE NDE R, AFP


political culture in Telangana. So much so It’s not just the lack of projects but riages are very rare. Andhraites settled
that today, to sever the three elements of also the differential response to needs here prefer going 1,500 km back to Nel-
the movement — identity, economy and that irks them. “In Andhra, if a coconut lore to find a match. We only make good
politics — is to glean a half-truth. But this tree falls, they get 4,000 as crop insur- neighbours it seems, not good in-laws.”
is exactly what the report has done. ance. Here, we get 300,” says Perkugu-
The report presents 461 pages of dda resident M Linganna. When the state ask these questions when
largely economic arguments disproving
Telangana’s claim of backwardness. Of-
lost last year’s harvest to floods, the gov-
ernment reacted swiftly in Andhra. “The
they visited Adilabad? “They were
here for an hour. They conducted meet-
ten, it says, “There are a few crucial indi- interest on their loans was waived and ings at the Collector’s office and went to a
cators on which Telangana is lagging they got reasonable crop loss coverage. single village 3 km away,” says Ravinder.
behind.” But the statehood demand is Here, we are yet to see a paisa,” he says. The mobilisation, albeit political, has
deeply political, wound in narratives of The crowds that gather to discuss reached wide and deep, and its arguments
“perceived injustice”, as the SKC itself Telangana respond to an often repeated of injustice are today part of the Telan-
calls it, and an unshakeable anger against statement in the SKC report: the move- gana people’s idea of who they are. This
unquantifiable but crucial element of the
movement finds no place in the report.
But their economics might not be fully
sound either. The SKC report doesn’t in-
clude any data from a 163-page report on
the power sector in Telangana. K Raghu,
executive engineer at AP Transmission
Corporation, says that apart from factual
errors about the location and establish-
ment dates of hydel and thermal plants,
the SKC report has “conveniently left out
facts and documents we submitted to
their technical expert VB Gupta”.
The electricity report shows that the
state government incurs an annual loss of
1,100 crore in transporting coal from
Telangana to power stations in other re-
gions, when economic logic points at
building projects close to the fuel source.
Out of 19 power projects coming up in the
state, only three are in Telangana.
Villagers describe a process of migra-
tion that finds no mention in the report.
“Over the past 20 years, Andhraites have
discrimination from other regions. By The report debunks been migrating to Telangana, leasing and
stating Telangana has been the fastest the claim of poverty buying land,” says Ravinder. “Because of
growing region and Rayalseema is worse in Telangana, but it irrigation costs, agricultural land in And-
off than Telangana, the report pain-stak- does not devote the hra is expensive. One acre would cost up-
ingly debunks the claim of poverty in same thoroughness to wards of 1 crore. The best land in
Telangana, but it doesn’t devote the same Adilabad costs 5 lakh. With more wealth
the identity question
thoroughness to the identity question. In and political connections, they are start-
doing so, the report presents an economic ing petrol pumps, real estate firms and
solution to a political problem. cornering all infrastructure contracts.”
In Dipaiguda, Bheema Reddy, 49, a ment is primarily the doing of frustrated If the report had focussed as much on
cotton farmer and mandal Congress pres- youth and poor Dalits whose disaffection the social mechanisms and politics un-
ident, offers an instance of the politicisa- at unemployment and backwardness re- derpinning the fight for resources as it
tion. “Since all the power is with the spectively has been cynically exploited by did on the resources itself, it might have
Andhra lobby, nothing gets done here. an opportunistic political class to fuel a asked pertinent questions that would
Take the Penganga inter-state irrigation divide between Telangana and the rest of have gone a long way in understanding
project, which could have changed our AP. “But the discrimination is real for us!” the aspirations of people on both sides of
lives. MLAs, including the present one, says Ravinder Reddy, 40. “Name one hero the divide. Instead, it remains a document
have been trying for the past 20 years to from Telangana in Telugu movies. It’s al- about a region, not its people.
get it going, but nothing has moved be- ways the buffoons and villains who are
cause he doesn’t have enough clout.” from Telangana.” Raja adds, “Inter-mar-,

2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | T E H E L K A 31

Hunger and malnutrition stalk every street in every city even ries they should be getting.
as civil society tries to fill in the gaps in welfare schemes At a local nutrition rehabilitation cen-
tre in Majhgaon, Madhya Pradesh, one-
year-old Roshni is constantly hungry as her
mother’s milk has dried up, due to the fam-
ily’s ‘diet’ of dried rotis and watery potato
curry. The National Nutrition Council runs
a 15-day ‘course’ to bring near-death cas-
es of malnourishment back from the brink
with two weeks of freedom from hunger.
The centre provides food only to infants
and not the rest of the family, making the
entire effort rather pointless.
“The condition is so bad that the food
distributed by the anganwadi is brought
home by the children and shared with the
entire family,” says Sasmita Jena from CRY.
Priya, 6, ‘lives’ outside an electronics
W Food for thought
42 percent of the store in Chennai’s Panagal Park. She used
world’s hungry to live in a low-lying area in Avadi, but
children live in India since the rains began, her family moved to
the pavement outside the shop. Diet-wise,
Priya is relatively better off. In the morn-
ing, she has two dosas and watery milk; in

WO-AND-half-year-old Surja 5 — the only amount his mother is able to the afternoon, sambar or rasam and rice;
Basfore lives with his five- spare. His calorific intake is 856, about half tea in the evenings and dinner consists of
year-old sister on platform the recommended intake of 1,715. Yuvraj, curd rice with onions. This totals 1,410
No. 4 of the Kalyani railway 2, also starts his day with half a cup of tea calories per day, ‘only’ 300 calories short
station in Kolkata. They beg and biscuits. Later, he’s fed the khichdi his of her recommended daily intake.
for a living, earning about 20-25 a day. mother gets from the local charity. His What can be done to counter the star-
Their father, a leprosy patient, also sur- calorie intake stands at 613, against the rec- vation faced by 42 percent of the world’s
vives on alms. Their breakfast is about half ommended daily intake of 1,230. hungry children who live in India? It needs
a puri. Lunch is two handfuls of dal and According to a Supreme Court ruling, holistic treatment. Schemes such as the In-
rice, and dinner is a repeat of lunch or every habitation with more than 300 peo- tegrated Child Development Services (ICDS)
maybe a chapati. Their total calorific intake ple is entitled to an anganwadi. But even and the Public Distribution System can be
is about 1,000, which is 700 calories and with 3.22 lakh people, Khar does not have easily re-harnessed to reduce malnour-
many vital nutrients short of the recom- a quality anganwadi. ishment among children and mothers.
mended intake. In other words, both are In Jharkhand’s Godda district, the A working ICDS scheme is required —
facing chronic starvation. Pahariya tribals live in a forest that has not one that focusses on improving maternal
In Khar, Mumbai, the tarpaulin shacks seen rains in the past four years. Food is nutrition during pregnancy and lactation,
where the garland makers live are scarce. Malaria and kala-azar are still promotes sound breastfeeding and com-
squashed on the side of a busy thorough- dreaded threats. What compounds the sit- plementary feeding practices, provides
fare. This is where Vishal, 6, starts his day uation is the poor diet of most of the trib- essential micronutrients and adopts salt
with half a cup of tea and two biscuits. als. Dharma Pahariya, 6, and Sani Paharin iodisation, while also ensuring appropri-
Breakfast is one samosa-pav. Lunch is from Maligod village in Boyarizore have ate immunisation.
khichdi from a local charity, half of which been eating only rice and salt, twice a day. CRY is India’s leading advocate
he saves to eat later. By night, he’s hungry Their total calorie intake is approximate- for child rights. For more information
again, so he buys a packet of Kurkure with ly 440 or about one-fourth of the 1,715 calo- visit

32 T E H E L K A | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1


The CPM has spared nothing in its desperate bid to cling on to power after a
34-year reign in West Bengal. Netai village in volatile Lalgarh is the latest
flashpoint of the deadly civil war simmering in the state. TUSHA MITTAL
chronicles how political parties are shedding blood ahead of Assembly polls

EVERYWHERE THERE cause they supported a political party. some disturbance and stopped. His fami-
are flags dug in, and To understand the pattern of death, ly believes the police fired the bullet that
flags ripped out. The zoom into one subdivision. In the 2009 killed him. Rabin Addok was coming back
battle for West Bengal General Election, the TMC won all the par- from the local wine shop when masked
has entered its final, liamentary seats in Hooghly, except Aram- men strangled him to death. When a mob
and perhaps most bar- bagh subdivision. Anil Basu was the lone couldn’t find Dasrat Das’s son, they mur-
baric phase. There is CPM MP to retain his seat. But the margin of dered him instead.
no accurate count of victory had plummeted from nearly 6 lakh Arambagh is symptomatic of the civil
how many have died so far. Some killings votes in 2004 to about 50,000 in 2009. The war-like situation across West Bengal. In
have been targeted. Some have been col- TMC had wrested Hooghly. the past month, TEHELKA has travelled to
lateral damage. Some of the dead aligned Arambagh, the CPM’s last hold in Hoogh- five districts mapping the ground realities.
with the Trinamool Congress, some with ly, saw its first murder immediately after While there are smatterings of conflict in
the Communist Party of India (Marxist), the 2009 verdict. Yudhishtir Doloi, a TMC almost all 18 districts, the most volatile
some with the Indian National Congress. worker, was cut up into pieces (see case zones are those where TMC has made sub-
For some, their political affiliations were studies). Ten more have died since. stantial dents in the past two years — East
unclear at the time of death. Some sup- Anant Duloi was tilling his fields when Midnapore, North 24 Parganas, South 24
ported a political party only to save them- he suddenly collapsed, dead. Uttam Doloi Parganas, Hooghly and pockets of Burd-
selves. Some could not save themselves be- was driving his bullock cart when he saw wan, an otherwise red bastion. These are

34 T E H E L K A | C U R R E N T A F FA I R S | 2 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1



places where the TMC can now look the CPM
in the eye, and where the CPM is vying to
recapture, or to retain. (And then there is
West Midnapore, where the electoral bat-
civil and daily life — education, local foot-
ball, art galleries, the municipality. For a
large section of the middle class, CPM pa-
tronage has been essential to survival. Sud-
individual, a state of war where it is
becoming impossible to distinguish
between the political and the private.
Perhaps that is why the bodies of
tle is complicated by the presence of both denly, theatre directors who spoke out Amrito and Tapas Saha are being paraded
Maoists and security forces. The TMC ac- against the CPM after Nandigram found in TMC rallies across Kolkata. It is not clear
cuses the CPM of using the CRPF; the CPM ac- their shows being cancelled. Those who whether the brothers were TMC members
cuses the TMC of siding with the Maoists.) continued to speak out found they had to in life, but they have certainly been
align with the TMC. declared ardent supporters in death.
HE FIRST signs of this near civil war In this manner has Bengal’s political TEHELKA visited their village Ketugram the
T came in East Midnapore, when 14 vil-
lagers died in police firing in 2007. What
war shrunk the space for the neutral citi-
zen. The fight of local residents over a
day after their murder. Green flags outside
their home had been positioned the same
began as a conflict over land spiralled into water body, the Tata factory in Singur, morning to prepare for the visit of TMC stal-
an ugly political war. Men on motorcades university education, the civil rights move- warts. The Saha family echoed the TMC line
trooped in waving flags, brandishing arms, ment — suddenly everything in West that the brothers had been murdered by
pitting neighbouring villages against each Bengal is coloured red or green. Writers, their neighbour Kailash, a CPM supporter,
other. While the TMC shoved the CPM out economists, athletes, musicians, bureau- because of their political affiliation. The
of Nandigram, the red brigade swarmed crats, and even policemen — suddenly Congress claimed the brothers as their
into nearby Khejuri. Three years later, the everybody has to choose. And then, the supporters. Meena Parveen, a village res-
war in Khejuri continues. colour must be conformed to. ident, told TEHELKA that she heard Kailash
But the Nandigram-Khejuri flashpoint In many ways, West Bengal has been threaten the brothers over a personal land
was not only about visible violence. It also flung into the space between shifting dispute, a day before the murder.
brought to the fore another kind of insid- regimes, one intoxicated on power and the On the morning of 7 January in Lal-
ious violence that has now reached a peak. other still unsure of the kind of power it garh’s Netai village, eight unarmed vil-
Post-Nandigram, several artists found wants to be. What is happening in Bengal lagers were shot dead by men firing from
themselves in a dilemma. In the past 34 is a kind of upheaval that comes with tec- the rooftop of a two-storey building. The
years, through its trade unions, mass or- tonic change, with the uprooting of 34 building is the home of CPM zonal leader
ganisations and cultural guilds, the CPM has years of entrenched, nearly unopposed Ratin Dandapat who fled the village six
made inroads into almost every aspect of rule. It is a blurring of the collective and months ago. Last month, locals say, it was

2 2 J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 1 | CO V E R STO RY | T E H E L K A 35

turned into a CPM camp housing 30 armed when she caught two bullets and died. Salwa Judum-style force is being readied
cadres, known as the Harmad Vahini. Dhiren Sen tried to flee as bullets rained in West Bengal. The Judum, which the
For the past month, life has changed in down. His sister-in-law Latika Sen pushed government claims was a spontaneous,
Netai village. “The Harmad threaten us to him into the house. “He was dragged out peaceful upsurge against the Maoists, is
attend CPM rallies at gunpoint, force us to of the house and shot,” she says. widely acknowledged as a State-sponsored
cook food, and make us do night patrols to When TEHELKA reached Netai about 20 militia responsible for the forced dis-
guard the camp from the Maoists,” say the hours after the killings, bloodstains and placement of 60,000 people and the burn-
locals. “A list with villagers’ names and as- bullet holes were still visible. There were ing of 644 villages in Chhattisgarh.
signed duties is maintained.” a few pieces of flesh, a lock of hair stuck to In August 2010, TEHELKA first reported
a wall on which Saraswati Ghorai’s head on the build-up of Harmad camps in West
UT A week ago, the cadres announced had burst open, and something that vil- Midnapore. IB documents exclusively ac-
B a new demand — every house must
send its men for arms training. “We will
lagers pointed to as a piece of brain. Noth-
ing had been sealed or cordoned off. A few
cessed by TEHELKA showed a list of CPM
camps — schools, party offices, and pan-
not always be here to save you. You have to hours later, when TMC chief Mamata chayats stacked with AK-47’s and grenades.
defend yourselves from the Maoists. We Banerjee arrived to address Netai, villagers “The public is fed up with the Maoists.
are preparing you to protect your village,” thronged around her, unwittingly tram- They are with us. We have decided that this
the cadres declared. On 6 January, the vil- pled on evidence and sat on the drying has to be fought two ways — ideologically
lagers were told to gather at a football field blood of their own people. and by mass mobilisation,” a CPM source
at 3 pm. Of the 500 who assembled, 62 had then told TEHELKA . “If we go to the
were picked based on their physical fitness. people and campaign against the Maoists,
“They told us to sit down and hop on the people will raise their voice. We are
the ground with lathis in our hands,” says Statistics compiled by mobilising people through daily rallies
Subroto Pal, one of the chosen men. “I had across villages.” But this “mobilisation”
just eaten lunch and couldn’t do it. Then retired IAS officer was, and still is, happening at gunpoint.
they beat us with the lathis. ‘If you don’t D Bandyopadhyay TEHELKA revealed how the CPM was re-
do this, we’ll shoot all of you and load you show that there have capturing villages, forcing hundreds to de-
into a 10-wheel truck’,” they told us. clare loyalty to them. “Surrender or face
On the morning of 7 January, two men been 55,408 political the consequences,” they had been told. It
with rifles arrived outside Ranjit Patro’s killings between 1977 was the first sign that a Salwa Judum mod-
hut. His son Aroop Patro had not attend- el may be replicated in West Midnapore,
ed the mandatory training session the pre-
and 2010 in Bengal creating hostages and refugees, taking West
vious day. “If you don’t send your sons for Bengal toward a possible civil war.
arms training at 3 pm today, we will set all After TEHELKA’s story, Mamata raised
the houses on fire,” they warned. That the issue in Parliament. Home Minister P
morning, all the villagers decided to unite In her speech, Mamata evoked com- Chidambaram dashed off his first letter on
in protest. More than 1,000 gathered out- parisons to Nandigram — where 14 vil- the subject to the West Bengal chief min-
side the CPM camp. lagers had been killed in police firing in ister. The CPM denied all such allegations.
Local leader Abani Singh emerged and May 2007. “This was also part of a calcu- By September, it became clear the CPM
asked five people to come in for a dialogue. lated strategy. That is why despite your re- camps had expanded across the state.
Village elder Krishnagopal Rai was one of peated calls, the police never came,” she TEHELKA reported on 25 political murders
them. “We said we are ordinary villagers said. “We are the shanti vahani (peace- in one week and the imminent recapture
who don’t want to pick up arms. We want keeping forces). We are taking care of the of Lalgarh by the CPM. Days later, the CPM
to live in peace,” says Rai. Singh signalled injured. We are preparing for the crema- returned to Lalgarh, and it seemed like
to other cadres on the rooftop and told Rai tion of the dead,” she said. The villagers many more recaptures were close at hand.
he’d discuss the matter with his leaders. expressed fear of another attack. “If they It is now January 2011. There are many
Suddenly he saw another band of CPM do rallies, you do counter rallies. If you al- more ghost-villages, refugees living in poul-
men marching towards the village, firing low yourselves to get scared, the Harmad try farms, and mothers singing elegies for
in the air. “They were reinforcements from would have won. The sacrifices of your dead sons. Huddled around a lantern in
nearby Harmad camps,” he says. “The fir- people will be in vain. You must stay unit- Burdwan district, the family of a dead man
ing from rooftop began as soon as they ar- ed,” she said. “We are with you.” whispers: “We cannot escape from Ra-
rived.” Rai’s testimony counters the police Netai is only the latest flashpoint. It is jneeti.” (See case studies: Dilip Ghosh.) It
claim that it could have been retaliatory the tipping over of the desperation of a is as if the civil war has arrived.
fire from the Maoists. It shows that firing regime at the tail end of power, of an es- “Yes, there are conflict areas,” admits
from both directions came from the CPM. tablishment that has lost control and CPM Central and State Committee member
“Suddenly the woman next to me died turned into its own worst enemy. Mohammed Salim. “But the frequency has
on the spot,” says Kolami Pal. “We all ran.” Most significantly, the Netai killings are reduced. More murders happened after the
Phulkumari Maiti went to save her 12-year- proof that the CPM has armed its cadres, 2008 panchayat polls and the 2009
son Krishna. She was holding his hand that Harmad camps do exist, and that a General Election.”

36 T E H E L K A | CO V E R STO RY | 2 2 J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 1

He places the blame squarely on the sociation for the Protection of Civil Rights, describing the reality of West Bengal.
TMC. “People must say ‘If you kill, I will not at least 10,000 opposition members have “Until a year ago, we did not know what
support you’. That is what we have been been killed by CPM while it has lost about theft is,” says Deepak Rai of Pappatpur vil-
campaigning for in the past three years but 2,500 of its own cadres. Civil rights group lage near Lalgarh. “Now, every night there
for that we need a democratic environment Bandhi Mukti Morcha (Committee for the is a theft in our village. Men with masks
of dialogue and debate. But the TMC has Release of Political Prisoners) says there and rifles barge into huts, break open almi-
created an environment where they do not are at least 2,500 political prisoners in West rahs, and take whatever they want.” A stu-
talk to us and do not even share public Bengal at present. dent of hotel management, Rai returned to
space. This attitude creates an environ- Abraham Lincoln described the Amer- his village after he couldn’t find a job.
ment of intolerance and violence.” ican Civil War as a situation in which “I never wanted to be in politics. But
“murders for old grudges and murders for here, even to file an FIR you have to name
CCORDING TO calculations made by pelf proceed under any cloak that will best a CPM leader. Somehow, fighting the CPM, I
A D Bandyopadhyay, former West Ben-
gal Land Reforms Commissioner and for-
cover for the occasion.” Anthropologist
Stanley Aschenbrenner describes the
found myself in politics. God won’t be able
to save us. So I joined TMC,” says Rai.
mer Secretary to the GOI, there have been Greek Civil War, in a Greek village, as “a Red or green, it as if you have to have a
55,408 political killings in West Bengal be- sequence of action and reaction that politi- flag outside.
tween 1977 and 2010. cisation of private life ultimately leads to
According to Sujato Bhadro of the As- the privatisation of politics.” Both could be


‘I am only
16, please
traverse the killing fields of West
Bengal for over a month to record the
don’t ruin
political mayhem
ANDHYA MONDAL’s husband was Shabana Khatun, 16 about his whereabouts, they tied up her

S killed in 2007. The unlettered

30-year-old and her two sons
sought shelter with her mother Laxmi
legs, threw her on to the bed and began
molesting her.
Shabana shrieked in fear and cried for
and have stayed there ever since. Every help. She pleaded, “I am only 16. I have
night, she stays awake to fend off my whole life ahead of me. Please do not
drunken cadres. hammed Sadek Ali, is a Trinamool Con- ruin me.” But her cries for mercy did not
In the same village, Khamar Naobad, gress (TMC) supporter and “can lose his have the slightest effect. “Haven’t you
notorious for sheltering the Harmad, life any moment”, says Shabana. heard of Tapasi Malik of Singur? Don’t
lives Shabana Khatun. She is just 16 and A few days after Eid, Shabana was you know what happened to her?” asked
passed her school-leaving examination alone at home when seven or eight one of the cadres, whom she could iden-
in 2010. Her father Mohammed Noor Ali, armed cadres broke into her room. They tify as one of her brother’s friends. “We
a Congress worker, was murdered when were looking for her brother Sadek. will rape you and then kill you. Your
she was a child. Her elder brother, Mo- When Shabana expressed ignorance grave is being dug outside,” he said.

2 2 J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 1 | CO V E R STO RY | T E H E L K A 37
The group then went out and sat
down for a drink, preparing for “an en-
tire night of revelry”. An hour later, one
of them, whom she knew from child-
‘I was victimised for
hood, came in quietly, set her free and
asked her to flee. She climbed through
the kitchen window and ran for her life.
being an active
Welcome to Sasan, home of the CPM
don Majid Master, who has ruled over
40,000 bigha (3 bigha = 1 acre) of fishing
ponds for the last three decades. These
Congress worker’
ponds are leased out for around 10,000
per bigha. Majid, a teacher in a govern-
ment school, has built nine party offices
in the Sasan area, has his own private
army and has successfully terrorised the
entire Sasan panchayat that comprises
12 villages. Harmad camps, which are so
much in the news now, have been func-
tioning in this area for decades.
After the 2009 poll debacle, Majid left
his home in Sasan and is rumoured to
live in Barasat and Madhyamgram.
However, his wife has taken up the
mantle and was in the forefront when
the Harmad opened fire during elections
to the Dugdia Faltadanga High School
committee a few months ago.

TEHATA VILLAGE has been a traditional

Congress stronghold and as such, the
worst affected during the Left regime.
Most menfolk fled the village when the
Left Front came to power in 1977, only to
return after TMC swept the North 24-Par-
ganas district in the 2009 general
elections. “My son died for want of treat- Susanta Mondal, 41 gress worker was an eyesore
ment while I was in exile. I could not for the CPM mandarins who
even come back to see my dead son, as I Agricultural worker controlled and terrorised the
could have been killed,” sobs Iman Ali TEGHARIA large areas of Sasan and
Mollah, 52, who returned to this village Barasat dotted with water
after 22 years. Md Babur Ali and his wife bodies. He was, therefore,
Safina Bibi have returned after 24 years ‘found’ to be carrying 3 gm
and reclaimed their house. But their sons brown sugar while working in
have refused to return. Sahidul Haq Mol- USANTA MONDAL, 41, of a paddy field and was picked
lah, who fled from Tehata 23 years ago, is
now 55, and has vowed to take revenge.
They have driven out Safikul, Majid’s
S Tegharia village was a
Congress worker in the
1990s. The six-footer belongs
by the police in 2000.
For three days, nobody
knew of his whereabouts.
son-in-law, and Motalef, two of the most to the Bagdi warrior caste, “They did not put me in the
notorious CPM men in Tehata. often dubbed a criminal tribe. lock-up. I was hidden in some
Every evening, the entire village is on Mondal is a landless peasant house and tortured,” says
armed patrol. Even a 12-year-old boy has who used to make ends meet Mondal. “They gave me elec-
learnt to use firearms. The official name by tilling others’ land and tric shocks and beat me up
given by all political parties to this prepa- occasionally working in the with a hot iron rod. I had blis-
ration is ‘a spontaneous and democratic N Waylaid Susanta large fishing ponds in the ters all over my body and a
people’s resistance’. In reality, it is a Mondal cannot walk Sasan area, some 30 km broken hand,” Mondal re-
shadow war that promises to break into a properly or work aer north-east of Kolkata. members with horror. “Un-
real war anytime. torture by the police But an active, daring Con- conscious, I lay half-dead.”

38 T E H E L K A | CO V E R STO RY | 2 2 J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 1
If it was his political affilia-
tion that precipitated these
events, it was political con-
nections that saved his life.
“Jyotipriya Mullick (now the
TMC MLA from Gaighata)
pulled some strings and saw
to it that I did not die,” he re-
‘They sliced his hands,
calls. But he was convicted for
drug trafficking and had to
serve his time.
cut his private parts’
wailed inconsolably when
asked about the plight of the
family during the years Yudhistir Doloi, 45 Yudhistir Doloi, then TMC block presi-
Susanta was in jail. A few dent, screamed at the cadres. He was
months after Susanta’s arrest, TMC block president gheraoed and assaulted while his family
his father was murdered. JANGRI VILLAGE watched helplessly.
Susanta’s mother, wife and “They sliced his hands, legs, jabbed
daughter shifted to the house him in the neck and cut his private
of Susanta’s sister, Lakshmi. parts,” recalls his brother Tapan. When
Laxmi’s kitchen was the Yudhistir’s 70-year-old mother tried to
address of these three women T 14, Asim Doloi has a clear politi- save him, she was flung on the ground.
for 10 years.
“We do not believe anyone
any more,” says his wife
A cal goal. “When I grow up, I want
to wipe out the CPM from this
country,” he says, fighting back tears. He
She wails piteously now, “Oh my son,
where have you gone, my son?”
One member of Yudhistir’s family has
Rekha, who made her dis- has watched armed CPM cadres cut up his now been allotted a railway job by the
pleasure quite apparent at the father into pieces. TMC. Thirty-six people were named in
sight of her husband being It was a month after CPM’s unprece- the FIR by the family. Police arrested sev-
interviewed. The ghosts of dented defeat in the 2009 general elec- en and released them on bail three
the last 10 years are haunting tions. The Doloi family was sleeping months later. “The
her. “I worked as a domestic inside a two-room mud and brick hut in Khanagul police tell  Victims of politics
help in Madhyamgram, Birati Jangri village when about 100 CPM cadres us we’ll catch them Doloi’s wife and son
and Salt Lake. It was a life poured kerosene on their home and after the government Asim, who witnessed
shorn of all dignity. But I had burnt it. “Is this what you call politics?” changes,” Tapan says. his horrific end
no choice. My daughter is
young and she needs to live,”
says Rekha. Their 16-year-old
daughter, clinging to her,
refused to divulge her name
but volunteered, “I dropped
out of school and worked as a
domestic help too.”
Mondal, now out of prison,
lives in constant fear of being
hounded by CPM goons and
police a second time. The
robust-looking man cannot do
any physical work, let alone
walk properly. “We know how
he was victimised as also the
condition his family is in. We
will try and do something for
him,” says Mullick. This
promise holds out the only
hope for Susanta and his
beleaguered family.

2 2 J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 1 | CO V E R STO RY | T E H E L K A 39
A decade ago, Yudhistir was a CPM work-
er. He switched his allegiance the year
TMC was formed, as did so many others.
His house was first ransacked before the
‘They flung him
2001 Assembly polls. “None of us were
allowed to vote, so naturally the CPM
won,” recalls Tapan.
from the terrace. He
An active TMC worker by then, Yudhi-
stir had to flee in 2001. He stayed away
for six years before mustering courage to
return to his native village in 2006. He
lay there senseless’
was to live with his family for only three
years before being hacked to death.
A few days after Yudhistir’s murder in Swapan Kole, 21
2009, villagers say a Harmad camp was
set up at the local primary school, a kilo- Student leader
metre from the police post. Three HOWRAH DISRICT
months after the murder, 20 homes were
looted in Jangri village. Last week, more
homes were broken and ransacked and
any remaining TMC flags torn up. “The
police were waiting and watching from
the other side of the river,” Tapan says.
“If you touch the CPM flag, we’ll burn
down all the houses,” the CPM cadres
warned Tapan three days into 2011.

YUDHISTIR’S WAS the first of many more

deaths to come in Hooghly district’s
Arambagh subdivision. Since then, the
TMC says at least 11 others have been
killed in political violence. Like Noor
Mohammed, killed on 4 December 2010.
A resident of nearby Gholdigiri
village, Mohammed worked at a biscuit
factory. So far an apolitical person, he
had just begun attending TMC rallies and
meetings a month ago. It was around the
same time that CPM cadres began flag
marches in the village. At around 2 pm
on 4 December, he was walking up the
narrow lanes to his hut when he heard
his name being called out. “They fired at
him point blank. He got a bullet in his
chest,” says his wife Begum. Since then, 21-YEAR-old student in West Bengal’s Howrah
Begum has barely been able to eat. Her
elder son works in a zari shop and her
younger son in a book binding shop.
A district, Swapan Kole’s first brush with politics
came a year before politics killed him. On the
afternoon of 16 December 2010, after filing his nomi-
They have never had much to do with nation papers for student union elections, Kole was
politics but face a dilemma: should they leaving college when he found a mob waiting outside:
join the TMC? Support it? Or do nothing? about 30 men in black masks, with tilaks on their fore-
Meanwhile, the CPM cadres continue heads. Five policemen posted inside the college to
to march through the village, at times maintain decorum during elections were of no use to
vandalising homes and shops or burning him when he was attacked.
paddy. At night, Begun can hear random N Snuffed out Kole was alone at the time. The group attacked him,
firing in the air. “I can’t sleep,” she says. Srikanto Kole holds a smashing his head with iron rods. He managed to flee.
“What if they come back to burn the photo of his son, A chase began. Kole hid on the terrace of a nearby
house down?” killed by TMC goons house. The attackers followed and hunted him out.

40 T E H E L K A | CO V E R STO RY | 2 2 J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 1
They flung him from the terrace, looked down, as-
sumed he was dead and vanished. Kole lay senseless
on the ground in a pool of blood. He was still alive
when two friends rushed to the spot.
By then some policemen, who had been watching
the drama unfold, also reached Kole. They put him in a
rickshaw and began proceeding towards the local
hospital. Suddenly, the mob reappeared from behind.
Two men had swords that they pointed at the police
while others once again smashed Kole’s head with a
rod. They picked up the bleeding student and flung
him down a bridge into a canal. When Kole was taken
to the nearest hospital, his lungs were still working.
He was then transferred to a hospital in Kolkata. But
the efforts to save him despite three attacks in quick
succession failed. He died the same day.
“I can name some of the people in the mob,” says
Rajdeep Chakrabarty, Howrah district SFI secretariat
member and Kole’s friend at the spot. “They are
students from the same college and members of the
Trinamool Chhatra Parishad (TMC students’ wing).
Some of them had TMC flags. Others were people I
have never seen before.” Howrah police have so far ar-
rested two TMCP members for Kole’s killing.

THE SON of a paan-shop owner in West Bengal’s

Howrah district, Sapan Kole grew up dreaming of
being an artist. Behind his now garlanded photo in
‘My cousin was
his room is a copy of Tagore’s Gitanjali, a clay model
of ‘I love India’ and his drawing book with half-done
sketches. Outside, his mother stands in silence
shot dead by
refusing to say a word and his grandfather cries in
disbelief. He cannot understand how he has outlived
his grandson.
After graduating from a local district school, when
uniformed men’
Kole wasn’t able to get admission into a B.Com college,
he found himself at the doors of the CPM’s student
union. “It is impossible to get a college seat without Kajal Mollah, 28 N Terror at noon
sources,” says his father Srikanto Kole. “He ap- Mollah was hit by a
proached senior political leaders in SFI (Student Feder- Farmer police bullet while
ation of India). They helped him get admission. Since BURDWAN DISTRICT delivering lunch
then, he felt indebted to the SFI.”
Six months into college, Kole became a part of the
CPM’s student wing. Within a year, he became an active
member. He began to wake up early to deliver newspa-
pers and give tuitions to middle school students before URDWAN, THE strongest otsadi village, some 130 km
college hours. “You won’t understand. I need the mon-
ey,” he told his family.
It was at a late night dinner a few months ago that
B Left bastion in West
Bengal, showed signs
of crumbling in the last pan-
from Kolkata, for some time.
On the morning of 1 Decem-
ber, two TMC supporters were
he revealed more. “He suddenly declared that he will chayat polls with the TMC dragged out of a bus in Raina
be contesting the student union elections,” says his wresting a few seats from the and beaten up by CPM cadres.
brother Tapas Kole, who works in a sari shop. “We all CPM. Hordes of Left support- In revenge, a large contingent
tried to dissuade him.  It is okay to support a party ers switched over to the TMC of TMC activists descended on
from the periphery but I warned him not to get too under the leadership of Bam- the houses of CPM supporters
close, too deep.” But Kole was determined. “He always deb Mondal, a CPM strongman with firearms and bombs. A
had a spirit of service.  He was never a political person thrown out of the party, and a pitched battle followed.
but he got influenced in college,” Tapas says. “I guess bloody turf war ensued. Around noon, a team of 22
he did not think that politics can kill.” Trouble was brewing in Jy- policemen, who were return-

2 2 J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 1 | CO V E R STO RY | T E H E L K A 47
ing from Bontir after conduct-
ing an inquiry into an incident
of arson, arrived at Jyotsadi.
The team was led by Sadhan
Bandyopadhyay, officer in
charge (OC) of Raina Police
Station. They were enquiring
about one Samad, a CPM cadre
allegedly driven out by TMC
men. “The TMC supporters
vented their ire on the team,
accusing them of being hand-
in-glove with the CPM, and
hurled bombs at them. Madan
Mukhopadhyay, a constable,
was seriously injured,” claims
Rajaram Rajsekharan, the SP
of Burdwan. “The outnum-
bered policemen fired teargas
shells and 10 rounds of bullets
in a bid to disperse the mob.”

BUT REZAUL Mollah says the

police fired to kill. “All the
bullet injuries were in the
chest, hands or head. My
brother Hasmat Ali took the
‘His disfigured body
shot in his chest,” said a sob-
bing Mollah. Azizul Ahmed
alleges that most of the vil-
was found the next day’
lagers were returning from
the fields for lunch when they
were caught in the firing. “Ka-
jal was carrying lunch for me
when he was shot by uni- Dilip Ghosh, 40 On the afternoon of 5 January,
formed men who had their villagers of Brahmapur in Burdwan
faces wrapped in black cloth. Sweet shop worker district noticed a group of 150 armed
Some of them were wearing BRAHMAPUR VILLAGE men collecting across the river. Locals
slippers” says SK Alauddin, say they were armed cadres of the CPM
cousin of Kajal Mollah. heading towards the village.
Local TMC supporters al- Local TMC leaders were alerted. They
lege that CPM cadres in police put up a united front to prevent the CPM
uniform opened fire at them. F THE disfigured body of Dilip Ghosh, from entering. “We fought them with
In retaliation, on 3 December,
TMC supporters ransacked
many houses belonging to
I a sweet shop worker, had been the
handiwork of the banned organisa-
tion CPI(Maoist), it would have outraged
lathis. But they numbered 150, we were
only 16. Many of them were drunk.
Eventually, we had to run for cover,” says
CPM supporters, including the the nation for days. On the morning of TMC supporter Rabi Ghosh.
CPM’s Krishak Sabha office at 6 January, villagers found his body by a Dilip Ghosh wasn’t able to run fast
Belsar More in Raina and pond, hands and legs chopped, eyes enough because of a foot injury. “The
torched a motorbike. gouged out, tongue sliced, neck slashed, CPM men chased him, caught hold of him
Taking a cue from Jan- and genitals cut off. and took him away. His disfigured body
galmahal, all approach roads But the death of Dilip Ghosh was the was found the next day,” says his brother
to Belsar were blocked by outcome of a confrontation between Anandogopal. “The CPM knows it is time
felling trees on the main road. constitutional political parties. for them to go, so
By the time police re- Trinamool Congress carried his body in a they are killing N Living in the dark
moved the ‘barriers’ and en- glass  coffin in political rallies across ruthlessly. It’s like: Family members
tered Belsar, TMC supporters Kolkata. Perhaps that is why it did not I have to die any- mourn the death
had already fled the scene. outrage the nation. how, so let me kill of Dilip Ghosh

42 T E H E L K A | CO V E R STO RY | 2 2 J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 1
everybody else on the way.”
CPM Burdwan secretary Amar Haldar
rubbishes the allegations. “Our men who
had fled the village were trying to return.
Then Dilip Ghosh and other TMC anti-so-
cial elements attacked them. There was a
clash. That’s how Dilip Ghosh died. Any-
one could have mutilated his body after
his death,” says Haldar.
‘I’d rather die than
Ghosh was a TMC supporter for the
past 10 years. His daughter Mahamoni
was a candidate for the TMC panchayat
be feasted upon by
elections and his son-in-law Bishwajeet
is a block committee member, who earli-
er led the protest against the CPM. the Harmad cadres’
AFTER A major flood hit the region, the
flood relief money was being distributed
only to CPM favourites. Biswajeet raised Shaibalini Das, 35 UNIA CHAR and eight adjoining
his voice against this but no one paid
heed. He then initiated a village commit-
tee: Uttar Brahmapur Maan Manusho
S villages were traditional CPM
strongholds until the TMC won the
panchayat elections in 2008. From early
Sangho. Ghosh supported him. Soon August, armed CPM cadres started gath-
Biswajeet, Ghosh and several others who ering as the police clamped Section 144
were part of the village committee joined in the whole area, allegedly to keep out
the TMC. the media.
“To live, to survive, you have to join a On 22 August last year, around 95 men
political party,” says Bimal Ghosh. The from Sunia Char were reportedly driven
village became ‘pro-TMC’ post Lok Sabha out at gunpoint by the Harmad. One of
elections in May 2009. them was Nirmal Jana, who ran a small
In June 2009, a local CPM leader paan and grocer’s shop in Sunia and
Falguni Mukherjee was murdered about S Endangered life stayed in a small house with his wife and
5 km from Ghosh’s village. Burdwan Shaibalini’s mobility daughter.
district has seen an escalation of violence has been curtailed The cadres, who used to buy from his
since the incident. due to a polio attack shop on credit, demolished the shop and
While the CPM blamed the TMC and
Biswajeet as the main accused, the TMC
says Mukherjee’s murder was a result of
factional wars within the CPM.
Immediately after Mukherjee’s death,
Brahmapur and surrounding villagers
were attacked. Nearly 20 houses were set
on fire, including Biswajeet’s. He had to
flee the village with his family. He re-
mained in hiding for six months.
In early December, after TMC activist
Purnima Majhi was murdered in
Brahmapur, it was the CPM’s turn to flee.
Biswajeet and his family were then able
to return. The latest clash, locals say, was
CPM’s attempt to ‘recapture’ the village.
“I joined politics to improve local is-
sues,” says Mahamoni, 26. “I wanted to
improve the roads. But now, my father
has died and we are in a situation where
we have to continue politics to save
ourselves. There’s no way out. We can’t
leave the party. Who will speak for us?”

2 2 J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 1 | CO V E R STO RY | T E H E L K A 43
drove him away when he demanded his
dues. He fled and is now languishing in a
relief camp in Kamarda.
“I have not spoken to my family since
‘CPM cadres fired
and have no idea how they are doing,” he
says, visibly distraught.
Laxmikanta Maity, who led the TMC in
seven rounds to
Sunia, was woken up at night and asked
to leave right away if he valued his life.
“I had no choice but to flee. I have an
ailing mother who needs treatment and
celebrate his death’
teenage daughters, besides my wife. In
the past four months, I have been able to
speak to them only twice. They are mis- Balai Mandal, 45 hut, Basanti can see the home
erable. Every other night, drunk cadres of those accused in the FIR of
keep hounding my wife and daughters. Fish trader killing her husband. It stands
They stay awake all night, with utensils KULIPARA VILLAGE out, a blue three-storey ce-
as their only weapons in case of a ment construction amid
Harmad break-in,” says Maity, now the marshy land and tin roofs. It
caretaker of the relief camp that runs in belongs to local CPM leaders
Kamarda and houses 146 people — men, Prafulla Mandal and Ranjan
women and children. HEN NEWS reached Mandal, who have been miss-

PRADIP DAS also had to flee Sunia on

that dreaded night with his son and
W Kulipara last Octo-
ber that Balai Man-
dal had died in hospital, gun-
ing since the killing. She is
dizzy with the fear that they
will come back for her sons.
daughter, leaving behind Shaibalini, his fire was heard from a CPM Already, the threats have
35-year-old wife, whose right leg is camp across the river. “They begun. Of the 10 people
polio-stricken, and who ‘walks’ on all fired seven rounds,” says his named in the FIR, two have
fours. Shaibalini was alone and son Samir. “They wanted to been arrested. Others roam
extremely vulnerable. celebrate his death.” Mandal, free. “We’ve killed your fa-
A couple of weeks later, a group of who transported fish and ther. We’ll kill the rest of you
cadres accosted her and expressed their S Resident evils?
worked on farms for a living, as well,” they warn Samir.
desire to spend the night with her. As The house of CPM had started attending TMC Ever since, he has stopped
night fell, Shaibalini dragged herself out, leaders Prafulla meetings after the 2009 polls. walking alone after dusk.
crawled through paddy fields and bushes and Ranjan Mandal From a window inside her With an income of about
for a good 3 km, rolled down the bank of
Rasulpur, plunged into the water and
waded to the other bank. Her wet clothes
dried on her body through the night she
spent under a tree.
Shaibalini picked herself up in the
morning, found out where the relief
camp was and crawled up to her family.
Pradip could not believe his eyes. “I
knew I could be killed at any point in
time, but I refused to be raped,” says
Shaibalini. “I’d rather die than be feasted
upon by the Harmad. Don’t ask me how I
made it here. It was some spirit that
drove me along,” says the courageous
In 2008, Subrata Das had three fin-
gers of his left hand chopped off during
the panchayat polls for opposing the CPM.
This time around, it could have been his
head, had he not fled for dear life.
This is the fate of a village that dared
to vote for the TMC instead of the CPM.

44 T E H E L K A | CO V E R STO RY | 2 2 J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 1
3,000 a month, the Mandal
family lives in a neighbour-
hood about 10 km from
Kolkata’s swish Salt Lake sub-
urb. One right turn off a
smooth highway leads to the
village of Kulipara that saw its
first killing a few months ago.
‘We hid our daughter
It was around 7 am in Oc-
tober. TMC supporter Amol
Mandal was playing cards
beneath the bed’
when he suddenly saw leaves
fall. It seemed like a bullet
had hit the tree. When he
turned around, he saw armed
CPM cadres headed his way.

THE NIGHT before, the village

had seen a scuffle. CPM men
had invited their TMC coun-
terparts to join in the immer-
sion of idols. “Since they
called, two of us went,” Amol
says. “But they began to beat
us for supporting the TMC.”
When Amol returned, he col-
lected other TMC supporters.
They decided to spend the
night near Balai’s home for
fear of another attack.
Their fears weren’t mis-
placed. The next morning,
armed CPM men marched to-
wards Balai’s house, firing
bullets in the air. People be-
gan scurrying in all direc-
tions, running for cover. Balai
noticed his two grandsons Shaktipada Laya, 38 our teenage daughter Ganga beneath the
playing in the yard, unaware. bed, huddled in a corner of the hut and
He rushed out to save them
Tea shop owner prayed,” says Sandhya. “It was war. We
but caught a bullet instead. KAMARDA VILLAGE have never seen so many people firing at
The nearest police outpost random. Out hearts were in our mouths
is 200 metres away, yet the for a good two hours,” says the tribal who
police arrived on the spot is now “resigned to destiny”.
more than an hour after the At 5.20 am, two 10-wheeler trucks and
incident. They asked the lo- HAKTIPADA AND Sandhya Laya run a few pickup vans carrying around 300
cals to pick up a bleeding Bal-
ai and wash the blood away.
“Why should we destroy the
S a small tea shop on the outskirts of
Kamarda village in Khejuri block.
On the morning of 24 November 2010,
armed cadres of the CPM arrived at Heria
crossing, the entry point of Kamarda, the
worst-hit village of Khejuri since the
evidence?” some women the poor couple woke up to prolonged Nandigram clashes in 2007. They were
asked. The police beat them gunfire around their mud house. Peeping led by the CPM Khejuri zonal secretary
with lathis. out of the window, Shaktipada saw a Himangshu Das. Other leaders who or-
It took two hours after that swarm of gun-toting youth running hel- chestrated this ‘homecoming’ of CPM
to find an ambulance. The ter-skelter, trampling on the paddy fields cadres ‘driven out’ by
nearest hospital was 15 km behind their shack, and rushing towards TMC after their elec- N Living in fear
away. Balai died a few min- the Rasulpur river that flows between toral success in 2009 Shaktipada and
utes before the vehicle en- Khejuri and Sunia, hotbeds of Bengal’s were Rabiul Islam, Bi- Sandhya hear bomb
tered the hospital gates. turf war for the last three years. “We hid jan Ray, Nirapada Das, blasts every night

2 2 J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 1 | CO V E R STO RY | T E H E L K A 45
Prasanta Maity, Nazrul Khan, Mustafa
Khan and Joydeb Das (Babu). CPM cadres
in yellow caps took control of the Kamar-
da marketplace and laid siege on nearby
‘My son lost his eye.
villages like Amjadnagar, Jaminimore,
Sarbeswarchawk. They pulled out
villagers and made them walk in ‘victory’
What can I say?’
processions along with them. The TMC
office in Kamarda was ransacked. It was
literally ‘picnic time’ for the CPM as they
took control of the local high school and
started preparing for a ‘feast’, employing
their own ‘cook’ Prajapati Mondal.

BUT THE revelry was short-lived. As the

news of the ‘recapture’ spread, TMC MP
Subhendu Adhikari led a troop of around
1,000 supporters and attacked the CPM
cadres. It was now the TMC’s turn to ran-
sack the CPM party office in Kamarda
which had been locked since the 2009
general elections. These men also put on
fire a club run by Himangshu Das. (Ironi-
cally, Kamarda was locally known as
‘Lenin Nagar’, such was the dominance
of the CPM there). They now headed to-
wards the high school and caught the
CPM cadres off guard as they were
Souvik Hazra, 20  Blind fury
preparing to have lunch. The cadres im- SFI activist Souvik
mediately fled the scene exchanging Student Hazra was a student
bombs and bullets with the decidedly KOLKATA
of Asutosh College
heavier TMC artillery.
They ran through the Birbandar and
Kanthibari villages, crossed the Rasulpur
river and took shelter in the harmad OUVIK HAZRA is a second-year lost vision in his left eye by then.
camp at Sunia. Many of them left their
arms and ammunition behind, which the
police later retrieved. The ‘November
S student of English in Kolkata’s
Asutosh College. On 16 De-
cember, the day that witnessed the
As a last-ditch effort, he was oper-
ated upon that night itself by Dr
Suman Mukherjee of Kolkata’s Re-
revolution’ of the CPM was scotched. death of Swapan Koley in Howrah, gional Opthalmological Institute, but
“We ensured that the cadres could Souvik, an SFI supporter, lost his left this was of no avail. Most parts of his
flee to Sunia and be safe. If we wished, eye in a clash with TMC supporters. left eye were damaged. This was
we could have slaughtered them,” says a Trouble started brewing on 9 De- confirmed by Dr Gautam Bhaduri,
member of the TMC local committee on cember when the principal was director of the institute.
condition of anonymity. He goes on to gheraoed by TMC’s Chhatra Parishad. Souvik was shifted to Hyderbad’s
justify the party’s magnanimity. “Half the The SFI organised a protest meet in LV Prasad Eye Institute. However,
intruders were ‘outsiders’ but the other front of the college. The TMCP, too, his left eye is gone for good.
half comprised people from our own vil- organised a protest close by. There A resident of Banerjeepara of
lage — everyone was someone’s relative. were provocative speeches from Behala in south Kolkata, Souvik is
We couldn’t have possibly harmed both sides, which soon added fuel to the only child of Chameli and Bidyut
them,” says the young TMC turk. the simmering fire. All hell broke Hazra, a state government employee.
The battle continues between Kamar- loose, with both sides armed with “I have no clue how this happened to
da and Sunia. Every night, Shaktipada bricks, iron rods and glass bottles. Souvik. He was never into active
and Sandhya hear bombs and see the sky TMCP supporters chased Souvik. As politics. Now that my son has lost an
light up. Every evening, they hear he ran into the college for shelter, a eye. I have nothing else to say,” says
gunshots whiz past their mud hovel. But brick hit him on the left eye. the hapless father.
they have nowhere to go. The poor Souvik, bleeding profusely, was
family lives on the razor’s edge, hoping rushed to SSKM Hospital and then to,
that no stray bullet hits them. Calcutta Medical College. He had

46 T E H E L K A | CO V E R STO RY | 2 2 J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 1

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avenues 22 JANUARY 2011, VOL. 8 ISSUE 3

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deepened and grown since then. the best in academia, industry interface tions in the US, Finland, Switzerland,
Today, the name ‘Jaipuria’ is synony- and infrastructure to build a truly world- Taiwan and Thailand. These linkages pro-
mous with excellence in management class facility in order to unleash the vide for exchange of students and faculty,
education. Driven by the vision to potential of young minds to excel in their joint research, publications and teaching
empower aspiring young minds, the life pursuits after education. It brings to- programmes. This exchange programme
Jaipuria Group has set up futuristic gether educators, CEOs and senior corpo- of students promotes Jaipuria Institute of
knowledge hubs in four strategic loca- Management as a centre of international-
tions of the country — Lucknow, Noida, level business studies. Beyond global
Jaipur and Indore. Jaipuria is committed exposure, exchange programmes nurture
to provide quality education and develop
students into successful and responsible
Transforming the right mindset for operating success-
fully in real business world.
business leaders. The Jaipuria Institute of you from ‘what The campuses of Jaipuria Institute of
Management offers AICTE-approved pro-
grammes, both full-time and part-time,
you are’ to ‘what Management are conceptualised and de-
signed to blend aesthetics with advanced
for students and working executives. you can be’ academic facilities. The sprawling air-
At Jaipuria, we are committed to “add conditioned complex offers state-of-the-
value” to each passing day. The pedagogy, art equipment, spacious lecture halls,
the standard of evaluation and curricu- auditoriums and computer labs enabling
lum are uniquely tailored to meet chang- rate professionals from around the world all-round development of its students.
ing corporate needs. The institutes have a to expose students to global best practices The green and beautifully landscaped
pool of more than 95 well-qualified and in management education. Jaipuria grounds make the learning environs con-
experienced full-time faculty who are offered over 150 MDPs for top- and mid- ducive for a free flow of ideas.
sound academics and industry specialists. dle-level managers, thus enhancing pro- Jaipuria Institute of Management is
The guest faculty is drawn from the most ductivity, competitiveness, growth and proud of its impressive track record of
powerful corporate corridors. sustained profitability of the economy. students placement with leading MNCs and
Being an industry-sponsored manage- Among its initiatives to nurture global more than 200 blue-chip companies.
ment institute, Jaipuria has effectively business managers focussed on creating Today, more than 2,200 alumni of Jaipuria
developed strategic networks both with globally competitive individuals and are making their mark in leading MNCs, pri-
the industry and the academia, nationally entrepreneurs, Jaipuria has collabora- vate-sector organisations, banks and PSUs.

W (From top le) JIM

campuses at Lucknow,
Noida, Jaipur and Indore


What’s it like to be a cinema geek when the

world expects you to be just an arm candy to
Bollywood’s most bankable star?
NISHA SUSAN finds out


Kiran Rao, 36, is a week away Who’s your ancestor in cinema? What constraints do you feel
from the release of her first I’d love to say Sergei Para- Bollywood faces?
film Dhobi Ghat. The Mumbai janov because I love his films. I’ve had a non-relationship
office she shares with husband And Ritwik Ghatak. I don’t with Bollywood. I was mar- overthought.
Aamir Khan is in a state of imagine what I’ve made is ginally snobbish about it. I It felt more el-
silent, controlled mania build- anything like them but that’s watched all kinds of other ementary. Then I
ing towards the promotion of the lineage I’d love to imagine cinema, but not Bollywood. wrote papers on
the film. Rao enters the room, a is mine. I’ve seen my bit of Whatever I saw didn’t really Govinda’s
slight, composed person and films in the past 10 years. interest me — until I had to do Gambler. I be-
almost immediately leaps upon However, I’m still much more a paper on Rangeela at Jamia gan to see the
a side-table to adjust the blinds influenced by music than (film school). It was funny differences be-
of the window. Having fixed films actually. I played the pi- and engaging and in a strange tween different
the light to her satisfaction, ano for 20 years and stopped. way naïve. I had to come kinds of Bollywood films. I
she descends on the sofa. She down a level to appreciate think that’s one of the diffi-
speaks and listens with poise Your idiom isn’t Bollywood but very simple things about it. culties that Bollywood faces.
and fierce concentration. here you are, making your first Little funny things that some- Not just of being taken seri-
Edited excerpts: film in the heart of Bollywood. one said, or a moment… not ously, but also of being seen as



 Ready for kick-off creating something fresh. has new actors, still runs.
Kiran Rao in front of a (And) they have more single-
poster for Dhobi Ghat So the viewer’s expectation is screens than multiplexes,
at her Mumbai office
one of no change rather than which is a big factor in the
innovation? kind of films made. Running
Exactly. That’s the constraint in a multiplex costs 10,000
that Bollywood faces. The per show. To make that you
people in the film industry need to have at least half-full
aren’t all the same, so why do house. My kind of films might
they make the same kind of only get 100 people, not 300.
films? I think it’s a sort of re- When it’s a single screen, you
sponsibility that Bollywood rent the cinema. I can risk
carries to entertain such a renting a cinema for four or
large mass of people. In Tamil eight weeks, knowing that
cinema, there are new things through word of mouth, even
happening every year: new in the third or fourth week,
actors, directors, producers. people might come.
There’s a lot of energy. Stories It’s something about the
are very good. Even if it’s whole system. When I look
about the same old subjects. around at colleagues, they’re
I’ve not seen anything quiet very individualistic and intel-
and moody (there) — ligent. But it hasn’t translated
everything has a violent into the idea that Bollywood
edge and there are is fresh. We keep seeing blips
some strange tropes in the graph and we say, ‘Oh,
about women. But it’s a good year for independ-
it feels like some- ent films.’ It’s also about how
thing’s happening much time, money and impor-
there that’s not happening tance we give to writers.
in Hindi cinema. In Bollywood, it becomes
There are many fac- very generic. The curve is
tors. Tamil cinema enter- flattened. The culture and the
tains one or two states. It’s language become flattened.
reliant on people who (But) that’s what’s now giving
speak that language. People rise to so many different kinds
don’t watch it subtitled. You of films. It’s really exciting.
don’t rent Tamil DVDs. Also, Apparently, there are people
there’s a strong cinema-go- making films in Mythili, films
ing culture and films have made in 50,000 and DVDs go
a chance to run and recov- to video parlours and recover
er in the long run — so the money. That’s how it has
Subramaniapuram, which to be. We’re too diverse a peo-
ple to expect one-size-fits-all.
Hollywood has done it but the
culture of the West is fairly
I was marginally flattened out. But here, each
language has its culture.
snobbish about I’m excited not about
Bollywood. It independent cinema but
about individual cultures
didn’t interest coming out in films. We’ve so
much going on but the fact
me till I had to that Bollywood has had to
do a paper on make films for everyone has
made it even out-large
Rangeela at swathes of experience. Con-
film school’ tent becomes about broad
strokes, not the particular.



Life just gallops. the pressure was far more

than I realised. I was doing
You get greedy. advertising so I thought I’ll
Work comes have time to do this. It doesn’t
happen. Life just gallops
along. I was along. And you get more
greedy. Work comes along. I
living the good was a pretty good AD. I was
life. Slowly, living the good life. Was living
alone, car, amenities. I had
writing just took what I wanted to be happy.
a backseat’ Slowly, writing just took a
Also, I didn’t think I had a
good idea. What I was writing
wasn’t good enough. Finally,
What about the writing? when I started working on
I feel we should perhaps have this film I started feeling
more writers’ labs. It’s very there’s something here that’s
difficult for filmmakers and engaging me. I had an idea
production houses. We get that was worth it. It took me
tonnes of stuff to wade a while.
through, and there’s no con-
stant. That’s the other thing What surprised you when you
about Tamil films. There’s a entered Bollywood?
culture of doing your time as I’d worked with film people
an assistant. In Hindi films, so it wasn’t that new. But I’d
it’s too easy — you became an grown up in an English-
assistant in no time. I became speaking world so there was
a first AD after one film. Dur- the particular language and
ing my first film, they were culture of Hindi-speaking
making me do first AD’s work. people, the “ji-ji” of the film
If you’re smart and can pick world. Very formal. I’ve al-
up filmmaking techniques, ways used first names, even
you can go straightaway and for directors. So I’d to get
make a film. used to it. I told myself if I
When I came to Bombay was part of a particular cul-
from Jamia, the only director ture, if I laughed at it, I was
I knew in Bombay was Sub- being a snob. It used to seem
hash Ghai. I’d never seen a like lip service but now I see it
film of his. So I wrote to him. more objectively.
He might have a letter from 15
N Savant heir Kiran Rao on the sets of Dhobi Ghat, which uses several
years ago: Dear Mr Ghai, My There must have been many
non-actors, including Rao’s maid. Both lead actors are also new
name is Kiran Rao and I stereotypes about your position
would love to work for you. I as Aamir’s Wife. Capital A. Capi-
faxed it to him! I didn’t even tal W. What helped you transition
go to his office. Of course, I from being a private person with
never heard from him. so much confidence? eclipsed. You were meant to value system, and we didn’t
I was super confident, and When I first told my parents do so many things, be an have much money growing
within two weeks I had a job that I was seeing Aamir, their artist. You’re going to be in up. My dad worked for a steel
because I’d to pay my rent. I fears were much more than the shadow of this huge per- company in Calcutta, my
was too impatient. When I fi- the fears that should’ve been sona. When my parents said mom was a teacher. We were
nally started working on a mine — if I hadn’t been so in that, it made me realise what lucky because Calcutta is a
film, I was like, hold on, love and happy to be with they’d done for me over the place where money isn’t
you’ve to learn all this stuff. him. They believed I was years. Let me fly. It was about everything. You could have
And living in Bombay is very someone who wanted to do so much confidence in me. access to a lot of things — a
hard. In the first seven years things and be independent — They grounded in me the club, piano and tennis lessons,
here, I dabbled and wrote but their fear was that you’ll be important things — trust, a great schools — without being



super-wealthy. We never had who is well-put together. Not married, there is a certain super-liberal family but they
new clothes all the time or a role I’m excited to play. lack of legal status. It’s were liberal enough. He has
jewellery. What my parents First, they weren’t interested bizarre. close cousins. But I think
brought into the house were in talking to me. Second, they We didn’t want to get mar- much of it came from reading.
books and music. They made wanted me to be one nice set- ried until we wanted to. I did- From when he was little.
me — someone not so enam- piece. That eclipsing both- n’t want to do it for the status, Even now you can’t get his
oured by status. ered me. It took a while be- for the tag. I didn’t want the head out of a book. It’s also
When I first started seeing fore I realised, “Listen, I’m respect that status would con- growing among a lot of
Aamir, I was thoroughly not sure if I want to share my fer on me. That was not what women. Two sisters and his
amused. I thought, “I’m see- opinions with these people in I was here for. Aamir is com- cousin Nuzhat. He is very
ing a film star. Me. It’s hilari- any case.” I wasn’t sure if they pletely respectful. He treated close to her. Nuzhat and Man-
ous.” My friends laughed. I were worth my time. So I me like his partner. soor (Khan) are very strong
never felt woah, so cool. used to go along and be ha-ha. personalities; both his sisters
When I used to read about Usually I’d find other people Where did he learn his attitudes are very lovely. The family is
myself, I used to laugh. Such a who are also left out, who are to women? lovely. His mother he com-
bad picture. Or they would much more interesting than I don’t know! He didn’t even pletely adores. There is a gen-
ask me, “Why do you wear the famous people. finish college and he is not uine love for women. There is
glasses all the time?” There And in the beginning, I highly educated. I think it’s no special treatment. No
was a story quoting a by- was just a girlfriend. Girl- entirely self-taught. His par- doors will be opened. If you
stander at the Goa film festi- friend — the status is pretty ents are polite, elegant, lovely are not handicapped, you can
val, saying, “Oh look, that’s grey. They are not sure people. He didn’t come from a open your own door.
Kiran Rao. She wears glasses, whether they are supposed to
so she must be intelligent.” respect you. Because you In 2009, you went through a mis-
It’s fodder for great fun. might be dumped. In a short carriage. How did it change you?
while. That little grey area At gatherings, It was very hard. And I don’t
was also a little tough for know, I still feel like I haven’t
How did you deal with the expec-
tations of people in the industry? me to navigate. You don’t it’s natural that fully come to understand the
I’ve never given a hang about
what everybody wants me to
feel like you’re actually
running the house though you
everyone is only loss. It was a long-drawn out
process. It didn’t come on
do. I refuse to wear a gown are. It is something women interested in suddenly. Physically, it was
or carry a designer bag. I
think when I finally decided
who are not married must go
through everywhere. Men
what Aamir has hard. Sometimes I’m almost
surprised that I could get over
for establishing as Aamir’s never feel it. If you are a man to say. I’m only it. I’m really grateful we have
wife, I was still quite confi-
dent that I would retain my
with a girlfriend, automatical-
ly you are entitled. But if you
expected to the bounce-back quality, that
we can get over it. Grow new
own personality. are a woman, unless you are look pretty’ memories, heal. If one
couldn’t get past it, it would
Has there been any moment be like death. Living death.
when you did feel eclipsed? The fact that I could within a
When we go to high-level or day or two be comfortable
even general gatherings, it’s and talk about it to people,
fairly natural that everyone is being relaxed about it. Grief
only interested in what Aamir would always be there obvi-
has to say, which, in the be- ously, but you can also put it
ginning, used to annoy me. in a context of life, you feel
Because I didn’t agree with a like there is more.
lot of things a lot of people
were saying. But no one was
interested in my point of view
(laughs). So I had to clench
my teeth and make notes.
Actually, you’re expected
to look pretty. That’s all
you’re expected to do.
You’re expected to go to
social functions looking
decent so that he has
someone on his arm

PH O T O : MS G O PAL 53

with the
Cricket is no longer about sentiment, nostalgia or heroes.
Make way for the clinical business of IPL auctions and
frenzied live reportage, warns SURESH MENON

CAN WE PLEASE not have live coverage of their region make some easy money. It is a platform for
the Indian Premier League (IPL) auction insulting former greats. It is about former greats not reading
henceforth? All the cattle jokes have been the tea leaves right and offering themselves up to be insulted.
used up, and onion jokes don’t have the It is about jumping onto the gravy train from different direc-
same zing. We know what rhymes with tions. It is about pitting billionaires against one another and
‘botox’ and fake accents. And, somehow, letting their egos speak.
watching the scions of business families It is — and that is saying a lot — worse than the IPL itself.
strut on stage is not same as watching At least there you get to see the players doing what they
a Tendulkar or a Dravid bat. And middle India has been are best at.
educated on the number of zeroes in a crore after a crash So why are we given two full days of expert commentary
course following the Commonwealth Games and 2G scam. on our leading news channels, as if the world has come to a
And watching sidekicks who depend on Mrs Ambani for standstill? From a screeching Navjot Sidhu (who once again
their livelihood shake her hand after yet another expensive got himself all tangled up in his ‘monkey’ joke) to a sober
buy somehow lacks entertainment value. Unless, like King Sanjay Manjrekar, everybody was plugging the event as if in
Canute, she takes her courtiers to the sea shore and orders preparation for the six weeks when they are allowed to speak
the tide to roll back. Now that would be good television. only in superlatives. Yuvraj Singh (or whoever hits the most
Worst of all, the live coverage fools the daily newspapers sixes) will be honoured alongside the commentator who uses
into thinking the auction is important news, which means the most superlatives.
banner headlines follow. There is something obscene about The media has focussed on the wrong story. The IPL
an auction like this ( just as there is something obscene about auction was not about who made what or how many young
a 27-storey private residence). If the money hurts the players’ people became millionaires overnight. The real story centred
pride, they are happy to swallow it anyway. But we who are on how one man, N Srinivasan, continues to run Indian
so keen to hide from public view the depths of depletion and cricket like his personal fiefdom. Unembarrassed by sugges-
destitution (for example, the treatment of slums during the tions of impropriety and clash of interests, this secretary of
Commonwealth Games), must learn to push offstage and the cricket board (and its president-elect), governing council
away from live television the spectacles of excess. member and owner of the Chennai franchise might be less
The IPL auction is to sport what the moon landing was to flamboyant than Lalit Modi but he has the IPL by the vitals.
the tea industry. It is about businessmen introducing their And he is loth to let go.
successors to a captive audience. It is about movie stars shed- Much was made of city loyalty and icon players in the first
ding fake tears through their fake eyelashes and onto their auction three years ago. According to this theory, Dravid
fake bosoms. It is about foreign coaches helping men from would inspire Bengaluru to support Royal Challengers, VVS



Dravid’s has said. He will not

be alone.
This is the divide between the
teams and their supporters. For
business houses, the exercise is
about the bottom line, victory and
public relations. For the fan it is
about supporting the team that
contains his favourite player. If the
two are different, he is willing to
give up the team in favour of
the player. This is not unusual

SPORT OUGHT not to be clinical and

business-like. It must have place
for sentiment, for nostalgia, for
connecting with heroes. Despite
what his more voluble fans think,
Kolkata letting go of Sourav
Ganguly is probably a sound
cricketing decision, but he should
not have left it to market forces.
While foreign players might come
detached from sentiment (al-
though Shane Warne might be an
exception in Rajasthan), Indian
players, especially the big stars,
come with such baggage.
Dravid and Laxman might have
teetered on the edge; both had to
make do with less than the four
crores and more they were paid
the last time. But a couple of
crores for six weeks’ work at this
stage of their careers is not to be
sneezed at. Anil Kumble probably
read the signs right. At 40, he is
older than the other two, and
anyway he has his hands full as
president of the Karnataka State
Cricket Association, vice-chair-
Laxman would do likewise to the Hyder- The auction wasn’t about man of Karnataka Wildlife Board
abadis and so on. After two days of auction, and chairman of the National
local stars hardly mattered. Chennai alone who made what. The real Cricket Academy.
have three local stars — Murali Vijay, Badri- story centred on how Cricketing millionaires are
nath and Ashwin. Hyderabad have Pragyan getting younger, the IPL is a career
Ojha, Kolkata Manoj Tewary, Mumbai
N Srinivasan continues even for those who have no Test
Tendulkar and Rohit Sharma, Delhi Virender to run Indian cricket like experience, and Indian players are
Sehwag (retained), Rajasthan Pankaj Singh, his personal fiefdom benefiting. Which is all to the
Bengaluru Abhimanyu Mithun and new team good. But can we not have live
Kochi have Sreesanth. coverage of the auction please?
The uncapped players will have to provide Alternatively, let us also have
the balance in more senses than one. In terms of team live coverage of the bids politicians like Karnataka chief min-
composition, money spent, local presence and cricketing ister BS Yeddyurappa and others make to retain or buy legis-
common sense. And there will not be too many zeroes in lators and keep their ministry alive. Now that would be fun.
their cheques.
“I will support Rajasthan Royals,” a Bengaluru fan of



No One Killed Jessica is
an opportunity to revisit
one of TEHELKA’s most
important investigations,

when faith in the Indian

AT A MOMENT media is at a spectacular
low tide, Rajkumar Gupta’s film No One Killed Jessica cele-
brates an episode of great public interest journalism. The
film attributes the TEHELKA investigation that convicted
Manu Sharma to an imaginary television journalist. Cinema,
of course, has its own imperatives but before history is en-
tirely rewritten TEHELKA would like to take a moment to re-
member its three-month long undercover investigation
without which Jessica Lall’s murderer may still be free.
On 29 April 1999, Sharma had shot Lall in front of 200
witnesses at a Delhi restaurant, Tamarind Court. In Febru-
ary 2006, witness after witness went back on their original
testimonies in court and Manu Sharma was acquitted. In-
dia, high on the fervour of Rang De Basanti, longed to ‘do
something’. No One Killed Jessica has a thoughtful young



sponding character Mallika Sehgal in

No One Killed Jessica who merely eats
cake) who began the process. She was
facing tremendous flak for not being
convincing in court while identifying
Manu Sharma. Conversations with her
got TEHELKA thinking about the role of
Venod Sharma, Manu’s father, in the
turning of witnesses. Sharma was a
Congress MP and later a minister for
power in the Haryana Cabinet.
TEHELKA had the previous year proved
that Zaheera Sheikh, prime witness in
the Best Bakery case had flip-flopped
on her testimony because she’d been
both threatened and hugely bribed.
The witnesses who had turned hostile
in the Jessica case cut across class
from Shayan Munshi, an actor, to Shiv
Das, an electrician. What would elicit
the truth from each of them?

ARINDER BAWEJA, who was the

H Investigations Editor at the time,
went to meet George Mailhot,
Ramani’s husband. Mailhot led her to
Jitendra Raj, the Tamarind Court
manager whose uncle had been a key
witness. At the TEHELKA office, Jiten-
dra admitted his uncle Karan Rajput
had been chronically drunk and broke.
On the night of the murder, Rajput
had arrived at Tamarind Court hoping
to mooch money off his nephew. Ra-
jput had a vantage position — he was
sitting on a chair facing the bar where
the celebrity bartenders Shayan Mun-
shi and Jessica were mixing drinks. At
first, Rajput had identified Manu
Sharma as the murderer, signed a
statement in the police station as well
as a photograph of Manu. He changed
his testimony later. At the time of the
woman (moved by Rang De Basanti), triggering off a huge investigation, though, Rajput was dead from liver damage.
protest. Few people know the protest was galvanised Before the murder, he had had a small job in a bread factory.
by TEHELKA. Editor-in-chief Tarun Tejpal drafted the After the murder, Rajput never worked again but somehow
simply worded SMS that went viral, announcing a candle- always had money — for rent, bills, alcohol and gambling.
light vigil for Jessica at India Gate. Having picked the time He died in one of the city’s most expensive hospitals.
and date, he and the other editors Harinder Baweja, Sankar-
shan Thakur and Shoma Chaudhury agreed the message
should be anonymous to avoid competition between
media houses. They sent it out to everyone they knew.
Would people come? Public outcry forced authorities
They did. In droves. On 4 March 2006, almost 2,500 peo- to reopen the case and TEHELKA
ple came to India Gate. Public outcry forced authorities to
reopen the case and TEHELKA quietly began what would began what turned out to be
turn out to be among its biggest investigations yet. It was
Tamarind Court owner Bina Ramani (very unlike the corre-
among its biggest investigations



TEHELKA obtained the hospital bills and found that someone bearing a bouquet of flowers. Sabrina’s baffled father, Ajit
had cleared the 80,000 dues. Jitendra said the Sharmas Lall, could think of doing nothing other than letting them
had paid the bills and he knew how to get proof. He could in. The Sharmas placed a bouquet in front of a photograph
arrange for TEHELKA to meet his uncle’s friends who had ac- of Jessica’s. The Lalls offered them tea. As the movie shows
companied him on the money-minting trips to the Sharmas. in a riveting scene, it was an act of ingrained politeness by
Jitendra introduced TEHELKA reporter Vineet Khare to the Lalls that shocked Sabrina when she found out later.
his uncle’s friend Surinder. Posing as Jitendra’s close friend, Sabrina also told Baweja about the deceased Karan
Khare got Surinder to talk about what he had witnessed — Rajput. He had told Sabrina that he was taking money from
Rajput receiving hush money from the Sharmas’ associates. the Sharmas but in court, he would tell the truth. He had
With Jitendra’s help, Khare was able to record these con- ‘borrowed’ 50,000 from Sabrina at one point. When he
versations on his spycam. Young Khare was excited about changed his testimony in court, he defended himself to a
the confessions he was getting on the spycam embedded in shocked Sabrina by saying the Sharmas had kidnapped
an innocuous-looking diary or button. Every evening, he his mother as insurance. TEHELKA found no evidence to
would race to Harinder Baweja’s home, where he’d first try confirm or deny this.
to coax her into making paranthas for him. Then they’d re- Speaking to Shiv Das, the former Tamarind Court elec-
view the footage, panicking occasionally when the gadget trician and another key witness, was also a tricky proposi-
showed temperament. tion for TEHELKA. In the trial he said that no, he had not
been a witness and had been on the terrace at the time of
HE CONFESSION the team still wanted was one from the the murder. Far from wanting to confess, he was terrified of
T deceased Rajput’s landlord and drinking buddy Rajbir
Singh. Jitendra was well-placed to introduce Khare to Ra-
being drawn back into the case.
Harinder Baweja called him posing as an anguished
jbir but suddenly he balked. He would not help the investi- Sabrina Lall. Over and over again, directly and indirectly
gation anymore unless TEHELKA bought him a spycam of his
own. Having witnessed the operation, he had begun to
imagine a 80,000 spycam would hold him in good stead.
The investigators balked and the operation came to an un-
easy halt. Over the next fortnight, the team tried of ways to
insinuate themselves into the life of Rajbir Singh. Help E The revelations (From le) Shayan
came from a very unlikely source. Munshi, Jitendra Raj and Karan Rajput
A socialite-turned-politician friend of Bina Ramani’s during Tehelka’s three-month long
decided to get into the act. She knew the sulking Jitendra investigation
and somehow hoped to get him to talk on spycam about his
uncle. She invited Jitendra to her home. This slightly hair-
brained scheme backfired when Jitendra spotted that cov-
eted spycam diary unsuccessfully hidden under her
handbag. “You are spying on me!” he exclaimed. But it was
now when the game was up that the socialite showed her
true mettle. To hell with it, she said and called Khare, she drew him back to the night of the murder. In a brief
popped into her car and drove to Rajbir Singh’s home. moment, he admitted that the first testimony he gave to the
Singh, overawed at the sudden arrival of this glamorous police was the right one. But for most part, he said he
personage, sang like a canary. On Khare’s camera, he wanted no part of the money he was aware was available
admitted to accompanying the deceased Rajput over the from the Sharmas. Almost exasperated, he asked ‘Sabrina’
years as he went back again and again to the well — the how can she not know what would happen to his entire
Sharmas. He said they had gone to the Sharmas’ office in family in Uttar Pradesh if he got involved in the case? Don’t
Piccadilly House in Delhi’s Okhla area and to Chandigarh to you know the situation in Uttar Pradesh, he asked again and
the Sharmas’ Piccadilly Hotel. They had even stayed there again. In Shiv Das’ case, it seemed that intimidation, not
as they negotiated payments, he said. At first, it was any- money, had worked. When Vineet Khare went to him with
thing they asked for — 20,000, 50,000 — but later it his spycam hoping to get his confession on video to back the
became fixed at 50, 000. telephone recording, Shiv Das was deeply suspicious.
Not all of the investigation involved cloak-and-dagger When Khare began talking to him about the murder,
tactics, though. When Baweja spoke to Sabrina Lall, Jes- Shiv Das immediately suspected a trap and asked whether
sica’s sister, she recalled details right from the night of the he was being recorded.
murder, the rapport she developed in the early years with The investigation was drawing to a close but Shayan Mun-
the investigating officer and of a bizarre incident involving shi’s confession would be the icing on the cake, TEHELKA
Manu Sharma’s parents. It had convinced her the Sharmas knew. Shayan had been a celebrity bartender for the night
were keeping a close eye on her house and she had never alongside Jessica and had identified Manu Sharma as the
talked about it before. On a day when Sabrina was out of killer. Years later in the trial, Munshi denied the veracity of
Delhi, Venod Sharma and his wife came to the Lalls’ home, the FIR he had signed by claiming that he did not speak, read



or understand Hindi. How could he have known what he was Shayan and Harinder besides him. Jane rehearsed the pitch
signing, he asked. Instead of stopping at mere ignorance, he and plot they had recreated for the fake film.
also introduced the two-gunmen theory into the case.
And Uday Shankar, the then CEO of Star News, agreed HAYAN MUNSHI, eager beaver, walked in 10 minutes
about how important Munshi was to the story. Baweja
called Uday, asking to meet him about airing a very impor-
S early. After the brief pleasantries, Jane began the con-
versation. The events that then ensued were dramatic
tant sting. Uday met her and Mintty Tejpal at the Taj Mans- enough for the No One Killed Jessica script to have used
ingh café. They spoke in whispers and chits of paper. A whole sections from the sting transcript. ‘Olivia’ asking
terribly excited Uday left to begin planning but not without Munshi to speak Hindi so that she can hear ‘the shape of his
tearing up the notes. voice’, Munshi speaking the fluent, even flowery Hindi he
But how would they get model and actor Shayan Mun- had first learnt in school. Going the extra mile by giving
shi? Designing a sting can sometimes be an exercise in wit. ‘Olivia’ short lectures on different dialects of Hindi and the
finer points of Hindi and Bangla grammar. It works well on
screen. So imagine the delight of the reporters back in 2006.
Here at last was proof of Munshi’s bare-faced lies. Khare
who had walked in pretending to be Baweja’s flunkie, had
‘Everyone knows who did it, so whispered in her ear and sat down across from Munshi.
why are they beating around the The team had been extra-cautious. Two spycams, a button
and a diary, had both been recording busily as Munshi con-
bush… They (the Sharmas) are tinued in Hindi.
powerful people,’ said Munshi On the pretext of worrying whether Munshi would have
visa issues, Baweja began probing Munshi about his involve-
ment in the Lall case. Munshi was cagey and bitter in turns,
“Everyone knows who did it, so why are they beating around
the bush… They (the Sharmas) are very powerful people.”
Conversation wound down and Munshi left.
The team could not bear to wait to go back to the guest-
house to check whether they had got Munshi’s face on
camera and voice on record. Khare ran to the nearest loo.
These were the tensest moments of the investigation — wait-
ing for proof that Shayan Munshi — People Like Us — had
lied in court. There is no going back to re-do a sting. But
soon Khare emerged from the loo beaming. Baweja sent a
three word SMS to Tarun Tejpal back in Delhi, pacing his liv-
ing room furiously — yes, yes, yes. Having locked the record-
ings safely in the guesthouse, the team went to celebrate.
Khare, new to Mumbai, went to the beach and amused the
TEHELKA’s iconic Operation Westend was one such exercise others by taking off his shirt to get into the water.
with its audaciously fake names. Only greed could have Meanwhile, Star News’ Uday Shankar was still excited
blinded the suspects. Munshi too needed an imaginative and near-paranoid. He didn’t want the footage in Star office.
trap. After days of strategising in Delhi, they hit upon a He told his senior editors to work all weekend and, more
plausible plan. Mintty Tejpal found a recent event that scandalously, moved the mammoth editing machines to the
Munshi had attended in Delhi and checked the guestlist. He Star guesthouse. For the next two days, both teams worked
called up Munshi, pretending to be a production guy Mun- round the clock to prepare the footage for television.
shi had met at the party. Mintty pretended to be the Indian On 9 September 2006, the sting footage went public.
agent for an Indo-Australian bilingual production, which The fervour with which the year had begun was revived.
had a great part for Munshi. It was the age of crossover TEHELKA and Star received thousands of messages and
films and for a plausible finishing touch, Mintty demanded e-mails from across the country. In October, Venod
a broker’s fee. Sharma was forced to resign from the Haryana Cabinet.
Munshi swallowed the bait. A meeting with the ‘produc- On 15 December 2006, Manu Sharma was convicted and
ers’ was set up. Harinder Baweja, Vineet Khare and another sentenced to life imprisonment. The other accused, Vikas
TEHELKA reporter Jane Rankin-Reid, an Australian national Yadav and Amardeep Singh Gill, were awarded four years
who was to pose as Olivia, the producer, left for Mumbai. of imprisonment for destroying evidence. Thirty-two
As soon as they landed in Mumbai, Baweja and Khare witnesses who turned hostile have been asked to appear
went to the Sun n Sand (the Juhu hotel where they were to before the court to explain why they should not be tried
meet Munshi) for a recce. They picked the table and de- for perjury.
cided where they should be seated for maximum effect.
Finally, they decided Jane would sit across the table from



HE GRAPHIC novel is

AMBEDKAR T inherently an inter-

pretative form and
relies much on swift
audacities. In India, where


graphic novels still have the
shine of a young cult, we tend
to ignore this and rely instead
on other novelties — such as
the surprise of deploying
Art: Durgabai &
Subhash Vyam indigenous art for this
Why do Indian graphic novels keep offering us stunning modern form, as with archi-
Story: Srividya
art and sluggish stories, asks GAURAV JAIN tect Gautam Bhatia’s recent
Natarajan &
S Anand collaboration with Mughal
Navayana miniature painters. Now, we
106 pp; 395 have two Gond tribal artists
from Bhopal who’ve pro-
duced a graphic novel that
narrates a few episodes from
the life of BR Ambedkar. As
with Vishwajyoti Ghosh’s
meticulous Delhi Calm or
George Mathen’s muscularly
silent Moonward, Bhimayana
is more art, less novel.
Divided into sections of
Water, Shelter and Travel, the
book presents Ambedkar’s les-
sons in untouchability as a kid
and as a young man — denials
of thirst, roof and transport.
This historic struggle to realise
Dalit selfhood is juxtaposed
with news items of caste atroc-
ities in contemporary India.
Madhya Pradesh’s Gond
art, which transitioned from
village walls to ‘fine art’ on
paper about 30 years ago,
presents clean-bordered
figures filled with intricate
patterns of dots or lines. The
style derives mostly from
traditional murals and tattoos
with pastoral motifs like
ubiquitous fishes and swaying
trees. The artists Durgabai
and Subhash Vyam have
innovated mural patterns as
page-dividers rather than
right-angled boxed images,
with the result that the story
literally flows along the
pages. The Vyams use earth
W Confluence The colours, animistic speech
Mahad satyagraha as bubbles and keep their lines
depicted in Bhimayana lyrical rather than geometri-
cal. Some tricks nestle partic-



ularly well in bookmaking, main problem with Bhi- A self-confessed UP bhaiya, Aniruddha
like depicting forms within mayana is once again what Bahal set his historical novel in the cut-
forms (eyes protruding from ails most Indian graphic throat world of chariot-racing in ancient
an eye) and forms without novels — a listless text. The Greece, all the while continuing as his
forms (hands gesturing with- NGO -brochure story lulls you television alter ego Tony B on Channel [V].
out arms). Without the with its sweetness, then tries Bahal, 44, who enterprisingly went all the
Western technique of boxed slipping in some harder pel- way to London to collect his Bad Sex
framing, these off-scale and lets of lessons in suffering. Award in 2003 for his previous novel
often immense figures open You feel a sober fury at read- Bunker 13, is best known for the cricket THE EMISSARY
up the book’s pages even as ing the inserted news items — and defence sting operations he broke Aniruddha Bahal
their dizzying intricate like the 2007 report of two during his stint with TEHELKA. Here he HarperCollins
patterning is set against women who died after child- offers characteristically laconic thoughts 444 pp; 699
gratifying amounts of white birth, when they were thrown about his new book and Indian publish-
space, so that Bhimayana out of hospital for not paying ing’s pretensions. Edited excerpts:
doesn’t feel like a rectangular a bribe — Ambedkar’s story, in
book anymore but rather a contrast, is too fragmented to Why would you write a novel set in ancient Greece?
slide wavering in your hands. accumulate any power. The VS Naipaul advised me to read more history, so I did and found
Purists often crack the narrative progresses in a an intriguing period. The story is driven by Seleucus and
chestnut that graphic novels childish singsong (“Here moves between the cracks of historical events and characters
comes our station. Let’s get — battles with the Persian kings, Alexander coming to power,
off quick”, “I’m so hungry and massacres.
A slow train’s thirsty”, “My friends, thank
wheels are snails. you for your hospitality”); Did this subject have an element of pleasant escapism?
people speak in a bewildering Not quite escapism, but it fascinated me and once you’re into
A thirsty jumble of jolly Americanisms the period, you live those impulses and it becomes easier to
Ambedkar is (“my grub”), unctuous write. During this period, ancient Greek religion disappeared
Britishisms (“Now sod off”) and Christianity appeared. That drew me inside.
drawn with a fish and hearty patois (“Because
inside him. His you’re untouchable, boy”). What did you learn from
Mahad speech These staccato effects make a writing The Emissary?
dandy rhythm, but finally this Journalist and novelist That I shouldn’t be writ-
emerges from the is a book written for begin- Aniruddha Bahal speaks ing such big books. It
loudspeakers as a ners — children or foreigners. to POORVA RAJARAM about increases the book’s
Ambedkar’s chronicle here cost. And takes longer
water sprinkle his historical novel
is simple, simplistic, simplified to edit. The publishing
— where are his political mood has changed and
dilemmas? Did Ambedkar they don’t take too
need to be reread, not read,
and Gond art’s thick symbol-
appreciate British attempts to
uplift Dalits? How did
‘I SHOULDN’T kindly to long books. I
think it’s a subconscious
ism helps them plenty here: a Gandhi’s humanism end up
slow train’s wheels are snails,
a thirsty Ambedkar is drawn
patronising Dalits? Did the
half million Dalits actually
BE WRITING thing about word pro-
cessing and technologi-
cal advancement that
with a fish inside him, his
famous Mahad speech
benefit from following Ambed-
kar into Buddhism? This book
SUCH BIG gives you the time and
space to write a lot.
emerges from loudspeakers is an excellently whimsical
as a water sprinkle that stuns
his audience. However, the
spectacle, powered by an alert
imagination, but its bold inno-
BOOKS’ Though you had thick
novels even earlier.

piquantly androgynous vations with the form only What contemporary

figures (women without serve a tepid story. Bhimayana Indian writing excites
busts, men with rotund, tense is a book that moves so much, you?
bottoms) and their perma- and yet doesn’t. More non-fiction is being published. This used to hap-
nently impassive faces do pen very rarely earlier. For the longest time, the Indian
tend to produce a sluggish writing scene was too obsessed with being literary,
mood, and the violence and without an eye on the plot or research. And because
action seem to happen in the simple act of writing flowery language was
dreamy slow motion. popular. That used to piss me off.
But perhaps we shouldn’t
blame the artists here, for the





art food books film

An Indian artist I deeply admire is When I lived in Hyderabad, I I recently read Kabul Disco by A series that still works perfectly
Sudhir Patwardhan. Personally, I would go to Kamat Hotel French illustrator Nicolas Wild. for me is the Pink Panther
feel his works on canvases quite frequently with my family This graphic novel is about the films by Blake Edwards. This
portray an interesting picture of on special occasions. It is author’s new life in Afghanistan brilliant series of comedy films
urban development as well as located right next to the as a worker for a development has British actor Peter Sellers
Mumbai’s daily life. The colours famous Birla Mandir. Their agency. He brilliantly portrays as the French detective Inspec-
he uses in his oil paintings and stuffed kulchas and malai his discovery of the Afghan tor Jacques Clouseau. Never
the way he deals with human koas are simply delicious. They culture. The book is clever, has anyone been able to repli-
forms wandering in the cityscape make it rich and creamy with informative and deconstruction- cate the uniquely moronic
make him a fascinating artist to ingredients that are fresh and ist. I found Cold Skin by Catalan humour, which is strangely
follow. I also like Ratheesh T. He appropriately seasoned with author Albert Sánchez Piñol intelligent and incisive. Peter
mixes classical and modern herbs. I still remember their very interesting. The story is Sellers is my all-time favourite
influences in his works and that taste fondly. My all-time about a European weather offi- actor. He was mostly politically
precisely makes his technique favourite Indian dish is amma cial taking up a job in an island incorrect and gave intensely
really special. The way he deals mudda (meaning divine morsel of the Antarctic. As time passes humorous comic contributions
with nature in his subjects, in Telugu). It is rice and dal by, he discovers strange things to the Pink Panther series.
especially his representations mixed with some ghee and happening there. Cold Skin is Sellers also had a fantastic
of the rich Kerala-like vegetation shaped like a laddu. stylish, honest and a brutal meal ability to imitate the French
in his oils paintings, is worthy of Singari is the Texas-based of fantasy and morality play accent.
appreciation. creator of the Indian food blog stood on its head. Dang is the Delhi-based managing
Nai is an artist based in Mumbai ‘Mahanandi’ Chakravarti is a Goa-based writer director of Wilderness Films India

‘The book is stylish and

a brutal meal of fantasy
and morality play’
N Cityscape An artwork by Sudhir Patwardhan SUDEEP CHAKRAVARTI N French connection A still from The Pink Panther



not quite the

belly of delhi
HERE’S A MOMENT in No One Killed Jessica when a girl —
someone we’ve never seen — watches the candlelight vigil
scene in Rang De Basanti, comes out of the cinema and sends
SAMEER out an SMS calling for a similar vigil for ‘Justice for Jessica’. The
SINGH scene is spot-on. Without saying a word, it shows you how the news
ON media, cinema and mobile phone technology came together to
create a new kind of middle-class activist public, the outrage of its

music thousands of SMSes amplified by the power of television, leading to

the eventual reopening of the Jessica Lall murder case.
Unfortunately, the film doesn’t often manage such verbal
economy. It opens with a scene we know well from newspaper ac-
I am mostly a listener of techno counts: the late-night party at which the feisty young bartender, Jes-
and house music. One of my sica, is shot by a loutish customer who
favourite artists is Boris Brejcha. doesn’t like the idea of a do take ki model
He is from Germany and I think having the gall to refuse him a drink. But
he is quite underrated. His the quiet tension of this sequence —
sound is different and includes displaying some of the taut pacing of
interesting dark groove tones, director Rajkumar Gupta’s controversial
mixed with electronic and previous film, Aamir — swiftly disinte-
nice beats. I also enjoy the grates as Gupta decides to milk the idea of
electronic collective Order of the decadence (and hypocrisy) of Delhi’s
the Essence. The two DJs, Nasha Page Three elite for all its worth, teeter-
and Udyan, are strong ing dangerously over Madhur Bhandarkar
technically. They use breakbeat territory and finally falling into a morass
influences, but are not restricted of easy lecturebaazi (“Sabrinaji, yeh kaise
to only one kind of music. FILM » NO ONE KILLED JESSICA logon ke saath uthti-baithti hain aap?”).
I find them hugely innovative. DIRECTOR » RAJKUMAR GUPTA
NOKJ also fails miserably as a Delhi
Singh is a DJ based film. Every film set in Delhi doesn’t have
in Chandigarh to devote itself to the city. But we’re told
constantly this is a story about Delhi.
RATING » Sadly, it never goes beyond the clichés —
Mumbai = paisa, Delhi = power; “Every-
body is a somebody here” — and even
W Mix ‘n’ match GUPTA EXPLORES these are lamely served up in a voiceover.
German DJ THE DECADENCE OF There is the intermittent well-done
DELHI’S PAGE THREE cameo — example Bubbles Sabharwal as
Boris Brejcha
the socialite restaurant-owner swinging
ELITE BUT FALLS between self-absorption and hand-wring-
INTO A MORASS OF ing helplessness. But Mumbai high society
EASY LECTUREBAAZI cannot pass off as Delhi’s: clothes, accents
and intonations betray most characters.
Worse still, none of the three principals —
newcomer Myra as pretty Delhi girl Jessica who doesn’t take shit
from men, Vidya Balan as her supposedly dowdy, stoic sister Sabrina,
or Rani Mukherjee as hard-boiled star reporter Meera — look or
sound like Delhi women. Balan puts in an admirable performance
(largely wordless, thus easier in the context of this film) while
Mukherjee struggles to give her shrieky, sloppily-written character
something like a graph. The only thing Delhi about this film is Amit
Trivedi’s zippy Dilli anthem.



if at first
After discovering the tornado that is Priyanka
Chopra, we’ve learnt never to dismiss supermodels
in Bollywood. Perhaps there will be a day when we
know what Sarah Jane Dias looks like (as opposed
to 20,000 lookalikes). Perhaps the moment will
come sooner than we like given that she is in the
next Farhan Akhtar-Ritesh Sidwani production
Game. Despite the ensemble cast, promos are
pitching her as the female lead. Then again, perhaps
not. We have come to the sad conclusion that we
like Excel Entertainment only for allowing us to
fantasise about Farhan playing yet another neurotic.
Sarah Jane Dias, perhaps a leading lady


Rohan Sippy’s new In Delhi, we have a special

film Dum Maro Dum is manner of complaint. It
out in April. Unlike freezes, it simmers. And the
the gentle zaniness of climactic extremes continue
his previous films, this into its cultural life. Either it is a
one is going to be a thriller. Abhishek desert or we are swimming in the
Bachchan plays a cop trying to crack a stuff. Aer suffering months of noth-
drug cartel in Goa. One hears good ingness, January is looking like terrify-

pali wedding things about the Sridhar Raghavan

script, but the making of Dum sounds
like a film in itself. At one point, all the
ing excess. Apart from everything else,
there is the impending exodus of all
things print to the Jaipur Lit Fest. And
assistant directors were fired. At whose bright idea was it to make the
So young Imran Khan and long-term another point, the very genteel editor ginormous India Art Summit coincide
girlfriend Avantika Malik were of the film was told politely to depart. with the Lit Fest? Who’d blame those
finally wed last week. Happy happy Her services were not required and no complaining bitterly about having to
joy joy for the young twosome. Karan explanations forthcoming. Perhaps choose between these offerings?
Johar designed his clothes and we should have stopped at saying
Manish Malhotra hers. We think Bipasha Basu plays a Goan girl.
Avantika’s clothes could have been
more adventurous but that’s just our
busybody opinion. And certainly I have upset d one person
compared to Imran’s black bandgala,
anything she wore would look outra- responsible 4 intrducing
geously outré. It’s great that Karan me 2 dis twitterworld’
added his faux comic narrative of
‘always a wedding planner, never a HRITHIK ROSHAN
bride’ to the event but what else can (Apologising to sis-in-law for who knows what)
you add to a black bandgala?


‘Indians like sex a lot but FIRST

don’t want to talk about it’


How was your life in the Czech Republic?

After my parents were divorced, it was just I,
my mother and sister living together. We were
never scared of the fact that there was no man
around, but it influenced my behaviour towards
men and relationships later. I had no father
figure to compare men I was in a relationship
with because I had no father prototype.

Did you ever get a sense that people In India were

treating you differently because you were white?
Initially, I got a lot of attention because I was
white. It’s lesser now because I’ve become so
Indianised. When Babuji Zara Dheere Chalo...
became a hit, people talked about how much I
had exposed. It was strange because I didn’t Olfactory ballet. Choreographer Davide Bombana

think I’d worn anything extraordinarily skimpy. presents IPNOS, a ballet performed by students from
the Ballet School Accademia Teatro alla Scala. The music
Oversexed item songs are the rage in Bollywood. Yet, by Riccardo Nova mixes electronic sounds with Sufi
something as inadvertent as a wardrobe malfunction voices and percussion. Catch the show on 24 January
kept you in the news for weeks. at the National Centre for the Performing Arts in
I knew it would be all over the news for a few Mumbai and on 28 January at the Italian Cultural Centre
weeks, but I also knew soon no one would re- in New Delhi.
member it. It is not as if Indian people don’t like
sex. They like it a lot (laughs) but think it’s bad The pill factor. Latitude 28 is holding a
to talk about it openly. When the Shahid- group exhibition called The Pill by
Kareena kissing pictures were plas- artists from various backgrounds.
tered all over the news and they Sexuality, health, women’s identity
kept denying it was them, I could and the body itself are some of the
not understand why. I thought issues analysed through the social
they looked nice, it seemed like impact of the pill and its representa-
a good kiss! tions in popular culture. The show is
on from 1 to 20 February at Latitude 28, F-208, Lado
When one falls in love with Sarai, New Delhi.
someone from a different
nationality, how does one bridge
the cultural gap? La vie en bronze. Sculptures by two
Satyakam, my ex-hus- masters of Indian contemporary
band, was different sculpture, Sarbari Roy Chowdhury
from most Indians. He and his son Saurav, are displayed for
was in Osho’s Ashram the exhibition titled Strikes 12. On
for 18 years when I till 7 February at Jamaat Art Gallery in
met him, so there Colaba, Mumbai.
were a lot of things
we felt the same way
had to marry an In- Stupid sleeves. Now, you can discover
dian-Indian there the pitiful side of the music industry. My
might be a lot of Favorite Album Artwork has brought
things to work together the most hopeless ‘artists’ ever
around. But love seen, displaying their ridiculous — and
makes everything sometimes creepy — album covers. If you
easier, no? want to enjoy their ‘terrific’ music, you can
buy the titles, thanks to a link given below
NISHITA JHA each cover on the website.




mind invariably with the same result because it seemed

to revolve around gazing at the Statue of Liberty below.
I made it close, touching down at Newark. I do not
know if my plane hovered above the Statue of Liberty
because, despite my best efforts, when the moment
came, I found myself perched on the aisle seat.
I had gone to America on a six-month deputation.
In those six months, I aimed to build a perspective of
the country that Hollywood could never help me with,
that would be balanced in nature just as I wanted it to
be: free from prejudice. I have always believed very
strongly in what Bono has to say about America — “It’s
like hey, look there’s the moon up there, let’s take a
walk on it, bring back a piece of it. That’s the kind of
America that I’m a fan of.” My fascination about the
US was centred on this quote.
My first glimpse of America turned out to be the
view from the immigration queue. It was Newark Bay,
as I later realised, and the tall red cranes of the port
standing in sequence, almost guardian-like, to the zip-
ping cars on the highway below made a sight to behold.
Almost a month later, I made it to New York City,
which was only an hour away by train. Entering
through the suburbs of the city, it looked much like
Mumbai (minus the slums) and had its own distinct
smell. A few moments after I came out of the New York
Penn Station, I saw the Empire State Building. I knew
back in my mind that there’s a memory being formed
right now. I was in such an awe of the place that later
‘The Statue of Liberty that misty evening, I spent two hours sitting on a bench
below the Empire State, writing postcards to my
reminded me of the friends and family back home. I went to Times Square,
watched people, listened to U2’s New York and clicked
pictures while sipping Starbucks.
standard I’d set for myself’ In the months that followed, I kept coming back to
New York City, visited Central Park and took photos of
the Empire State Building in various shades, one of
them when the building was bathed in saffron, white
and green, on 15 August. The New Yorkers thought it
ADITYA KUMAR had something to do with Ireland.
is 29. He is a computer programmer My ultimate realisation and my ‘moment’ happened
based in Bengaluru a few months later, on an NYC boat ride that took
us from below the Brooklyn Bridge to the Statue of
Liberty. During that sunset, it dawned upon me that I
IT WAS ALMOST 10 YEARS ago on a starry night in Pune had subconsciously fulfilled a promise I had made to
that a friend and I had enjoyed coffee at our usual joint myself 10 years ago on that night in Pune. By those
and discussed the benchmarks to measure success in standards, I had arrived somewhere in life.
life. Though we differed on a set scale, our lowest com- A few months after that moment, I was on a plane
mon denominator seemed to be a position in life where headed back to India. I had cut short my trip and
we could “choose” to go to America. It was just two col- chosen, happily and unregretfully, returning back to my
lege grads ranting and dreaming, conveniently oblivi- country. Could I have imagined this that night in Pune?
ous to the harsh realities of life that lay ahead. Maybe in our rush, my friend and I had discounted the
At the beginning of 2010, a trip to America started to possibility of a finale like this. How would the idea of
seem like a real possibility. I had long forgotten about “choosing” to leave America — at our own will — fare in
that talk in Pune. Instead, in the few months before the our benchmarks? I didn’t know the answer and maybe
trip, I had begun to imagine how would it be to see at that moment I didn’t care but I kept my gaze at New
America for the first time from a few thousand feet up York’s tallest building, a faint shade of grey with a hint
in the air. I had replayed the whole sequence in my of silver — far away, until I could.


JANUARY 16-22, 2011 RNI. NO. - DELENG - 2004/12605, Regd. No. - DL(S)-01/3053/2010-2012

Regd. No. KA/BGGPO/2508/2010-2012

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