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Contractor Safety Health Check(9 KPI)

CONTRACTOR: Raj Engineering Services DATE : …………………………………………………..

CHECKED BY:………………………………..……….…………..
Area to Assess Health Check Question / Observation Y/N Comments
1 Contractor Operator has a qualified manager on-site who is The Contractor has an on-site HS&E manager. Y Shahbaz Alam
responsible for HS&E.
The on-site HS&E Manager has completed all
scheduled qualifications/re-qualifications Y Bachelor Of Engineering
2 The Contractor Operator has a written management system for For any incidents that month, the contractor followed
emergency response/first aid, accident investigation, safe operating their documented procedure. Y Near Miss Report
procedures/PPE, HS&E inspection procedures, waste management
procedures as well as a self-assessment (performance audit) against Spot checks of waste management handling are
their HS&E program. consistent with the document procedures. Y Waste handling according to
P&G rules
3 The Contractor Operator investigates injuries and incidents All recordable injuries and First Aid cases which
establishing and tracking corrective follow-up actions to their happened on site have been reviewed jointly with P&G
completion. and corrective actions have been executed. The N No such incident occurred
contractor shares safety incidents from other sites.

4 The Contractor Operator has an HS&E Training & Qualification > 90% completion of monthly training plan Y As per training calendar
Program for It’s Employees 100% of new employees have been qualified on the
job Y Training is provided
5 The Contractor Operator has a system to monitor behavior and Leadership participation in BOS, data trending, BOS is being followed
correct unsafe behavior corrective action taken Y regularly
PPE observations match safe practices Y Point is mentioned in BOS
6 The Contractor Operator has a written program for regulatory Completion of follow-up items related to regulatory
interventions visits Y According to regularity
7 The Contractor Operator has a program for continuous improvement > 90% completion of continuous improvement action
of its HS&E systems. plan Y Improvements are noticeable
100% completion of the medical surveillance
8 The Contractor has a hazard identification and elimination system > 90% completion of the scheduled hazard tours and Hazard Surveys are
the resulting action plan Y conducted
9 The Contractor executes risk assessments of work and implements Examples of risks communicated in team rooms and
countermeasures to eliminate risk during shift meetings. Y Risk assessment are
Overall Follow-up items from annual 9 point checklist
assessment are completed on-time. Y Hence submitted within the
last date

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