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Year of Elephant:-

The ʿām al-fīl (Arabic: ‫عام الفيل‬, Year of the Elephant) is the name Islamic in

history for the year approximately equating to 570 CE. According to some
Islamic resources, it was in which the birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
occurred. At that time the Mecca was very famous house of Allah. Lots of people
came here every years for seeing this so trade of Mecca was going to revolute.

Its was because the Mecca was the house of Allah people came here for worship
from all around of the world. But the king of Yemen whose name was Abrah was
very sad to see the trade of Mecca he decide to build a huge building like Mecca
to attracting the trader who came in Mecca for trading. After some month he
succeeded to build a huge splendid building. When a Quraish tribe knew the plan
of Abrah they were very furious. One man went to Serbia and visit this building he
was very furious and piss in this building and building got defiled. When the Abrah
knew about this he got angry and decide to dropped the Mecca. And gathered a
huge army for fought. When the Quraish Tribe knew about this they went to
Hazrat Abdul Mutlib Who was the leader of Quraish tribe and the grandfather. He
went to Kabah and pray from the God to save the Kabah . In other side the Abrah
reached into the Mecca with huge army and lots of Elephant. When he order the
Elephant to move into Mecca the Elephant whose name was Mehmud and he was
the leader of all Elephant. He didn’t move forward when Abrah try to move
Mehmud forward Mehmud bow down. Than Allah Almighty send Cantonment of
birds .Every bird have three peaces of stone,one in their mouth and two on the
lags. The stones was small in size but very affective .The small peacs of stone
defeated the army of abrah .they fall back and retred .this incident is mentioned
in Quran,Surrah Al_fil in this surah Allah tells us how they defeated the huge army

Through a Bird and a small peaces of stones. This year was known is year of
elephant ,Also this year Our Holy Prophet (SAW) was born.

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