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Basic Education Exit Assessment

Review Social Sciences

Gener al Directions :
Read the tollowing questions/directions carefull y.
Sh ade • the cir cle that corresponds to the letter of the best answer. Shading of two circles
invalidates theansM r.
An y form of ERASURE in the ANSWER SHEET is consider ed WRONG.


I. MUL TIPLE CHOICES . Choose the letter that best describes your answer.
to be a childhood friend o f his mother. Which of
1. It re fers to th e differences in social behaviors that who happened
different cultures exhibit around the wor1d.
Examples of this are nationality, exceptionality
and religion. Basic Education E...:it Assessment (BEEA) Review
A ru lture
B. rultural variation
C. social status
D. social differences
2. The differences among the individuals on
the basis o f social characteristics and qualities.
Examples o f this are exceptionality, gender and
socio-economic status.
A. culture
B. cultural variation
C. social status
D. social differences
3. Which of the following is NOT true about
A. It came from the word religare.
B. It binds together.
C. It is a systemo f beliefs andpractices.
D. It shows how to governour society.
4. If rultural variation focuses on social
behaviour, socialdifferences in other hand
focuses on

A. socialnorm
B. socialstratification
C. socialcharacteristics
D. sociallyco nstructed
5. It is known as bribery where there is an
influential mediator to speedup p rocesses.
A. padrinosystem
8. lagay
C. food taboos
D. istambay
6. When one family oca,pies majorrty of the
positions in the g overnment it is said
i pesent.
A. padrino system
8. lagay
C. poli tical dynasty
D. nepotism
7. If grades were to be tile basis of Rusty's
standingin his eoonomics class, he would
surely fail the oourse. However, he was given
a passing grade by his economics teacher,

Subject: U1idersra1idi11gC1J111re, Society and lea11rer: Mr. Carl Patrick S.

Politics Tad,o
the followin g socialphenomena is present?
A. padrino system
8. lagay
C. polrtical dynasty
D. ne po tism

8. Iglesia Ni Cristo believers do not eat blood

because they believe that blood is life. This is
an exampleo f -
Ap.adrino system
8. lagay
C. polrtical dynasty
D. food taboo

9. The EDSA People Power Revolution of 2001

that toppled the presidency of Joseph Estrada is
an example o f _
A. socialchange
B. ru ltural change
C. national change
D. polrtical change
10. Ouetida system has been a trend ever since. It
caused changes in the family landscape for
decades. This shows _
A. socialchange
B. ru ltural change
C. national change
D. polrtical change

11. Through e·mail exchange of messages had

been quick. This shows the evolution of
conventional to traditionalway o
fcommunication. What type of change is
A. social change
B. ru ltural change
C. national change
D. polrtical change

12. Game trends. Children before wanted to play

ou tside until video games evolved and from
that time children stayed indoors. For several
years video games had also evolved
fromconventional videog aming to Fannville,
Pokemon Go and now Everwing. Changes with
respect to these is called -
A. socialchange
B. rultural change
C. national change
D. polrtical change

Area:Social Science

Subject: U1idersra1idi11gC1J111re, Society and lea11rer: Mr. Carl Patrick S.

Politics Tad,o

B. ethnology
13. It is the scientific study of humanity. C. physical anthropology
A. sociology D. a,ltural anthropology
B. . an thro pol ogy
C. poli tical science 23. Which of the following is NOT an element of the
D. socialscience state?
A. territory
14. It is the scienMic study o f social behaviour and B. government
human groups and focuses on social C. executive
relationships. D. sovereignty
A. sociology
B. . an thro pol ogy
24. All o f the following describes a society E XCEPT:
C. poli tical science
A. Composedo f interconnectedpeople
D. socialscience
B. Same terrnory, language, culture
C. Purpose is for co llective survival
15. Who is coinedas tile · Fatherof Sociology"?
D. Governs the people in a territory
A. Auguste Comte
B. Arnold Toynbee
25. What is the function ofculture?
C. Ferdinand Tonnies
A. determinewhat is proper to eat
D. Robert Fox
B. establish the appropriate clothes to wear
C. determine whether who will have approved
16. It is the study of pol ics.
sexualcon tact with whom
A. sociology
B. . an thro pol ogy D. allof the above
C. poli tical science
26. Japanese diet consist largely of fish, seafood and
D. socialscience
vegetables because Japan arcflipelago
17. This is based on the belief that analyses a and the sea provided consistent source of
living organism where tile scientist's task is to food. Which of the following explains the
identify the variousparts and detennine how
they work. A. Climate, society and geography can affect ru
ltural aspects.
A. sociologicalview
B. structural-functionalist B. When people reside in an an:hipelagic
country they eat fish.
C. conflict
D. symbolic-interactionism C. Japanese have a healthy d iet.
D. The resources in the co untry boosts Japan
18. It is theclashbetween two opposing sides. economy.

A. s t
o i 27.
c o C
i n U
, a
g s R
i t E
c C. c
a o
l n
v f
i l
e i
w c
B. s t
Basic Education E.,:it Assessment (BEEA) Area:Social Science
Review l.earirer: Mr. Carl Patrick S.
Subject: U1idersra1idi11gCrJ111re, Society and Politics Tad,o


D. symbolic- Which of the following
interactionism explains the
19. Language, A. Culture is tile
gestures are sum of an
used to individual's way
induce of life.
interad ion B. Culture
amongmemberso f modifies
society. environment
A. sociologicalvie environment
w modifies rulture
B. structural- as well.
functionalist C. Environment is an
C. conflict important
D. symbolic- aspect of ru
interactionism lture.
D. Culture can be
20. It studies changes modified by the
that have taken environment.
place in
language over 28. Classical music,
time. opera and ballet
A. anthropologicalli are examples of
nguistics world culture.
B. ethnology These belongs to
C. physical A. ideal culture
anthropology B. realculture
D. cultural C. popular culture
anthropology D. highculture

21. It deals with how 29. Park Lee Oaks

and why recent ijust a pseudonym)
cultures differ and is a Filipino
aresimilar. teenager who is
A. anthropological fond of listening to
linguistics Super Junior Band.
B. ethnology There isn't a day
C. physical that lie wouldn't
anthropology play
D. cultural 'Sorry.Sorry' by the
anthropology said band. This is
an exampleo f _
22. It focuses on A. ideal culture
humans as B. realculture
biological organism C. popular culture
tracing the D. highculture
development and
looking at
A. anthropological

Basic Education E.,:it Assessment (BEEA) Area:Social Science

Review l.earirer: Mr. Carl Patrick S.
Subject: U1idersra1idi11gCrJ111re, Society and Politics Tad,o

30. Id eal a.ilture: what shouk:i be; Real culture: 38. The idea that cultural elements can be
understood in the culture in which they are
A. what it is used is known as _
B. how i t is A. aJltural universal
C. why shouldbe B. aJltural relativism
D. how it should be C. a11tural tran
D. aJltural relativism
31. A chik:i goes to school to learn knowledge,
skills and attitude tha t he/she can use in his/ 39. Which of the statements shows ethnocentrism?
her future Me. What aspect o f culture A. I do not like jazz.
describes this phenomenon? B. I believe in my religion .
A. shared andcontested C. My religion is the only religion which
B. learning through socialization or ena.ilturation embodies truth.
C. dynamic, flexible and adaptive D. I do not likepork.
D. transmitted through socialization or
enculturation 40. Which o f the following is NOT an example o f
intangible culture?
32. Tiburcio's family owns a furniture shop. A. belief in atheism
Everyday he sees how his father and their B. belief in God
workers create furniture. One time he was C. tile commandment 'thou shallnot kill'
tasked by his father to D. crucfiix
try to cr eate one. He then easily cr eated one.
What aspect o f rulture describes this 41. Intangibleculture: non·material culture; Tangible
phenomenon? culture: - -
A. shared andcontested A. highculture
B. learning through socialization or ena.ilturation B. unmalerialcul ture
C. dynamic, flexible and adaptive C. materialcu lture
D. transmitted through socialization or D. ideal culture
42. . Arrange the following ooncepts in sequence
33. It is the most important means o f ru ltural to complete the Human Taxonomy:
tran smission . l. Sapiens
A. school U. Ani malia
B. education Ill. Chordata
C. language IV. Homo
D. symbols V. Vertebrata
34. When an lfugao wentt o Manila to apply for a Hominidae
job, he will not wear his bahag and will wear a VII. Anthropoidea
fonnal attire. This shows that culture is . VULPrima tes
A. shared andcontested IX. Mammalia
B. learning through socialization or A. ltl-ll·l·IV·Vl· Vlt· V·Vltl·IX
enculturation B. l·lt·lll·IV·V· Vl· Vll · Vltl·IX
C. dynamic, flexible and adaptive C. ll-llt· V·I X· Vlll· Vlt· Vl·IV·I
D. transmnted through socialization or D. l-llt·lt·IV·V· Vl· Vll · Vltl·IX
43. Which o f the following is NOT a species of
35. It is knownas tile "store house of culture." Hominid?
A. symbols A. Zinjanthropus
B. language 8 . Ramapithecus
C. school C. Australopithecus africanus
D. education D. Australopithecus robustus

36. It is the study of language. 44. It was found by Donati Johanson and named as
A. anthropology Lucy.
B. linguistics A. Australopithecus
C. syntax africanus 8 . Australopithecus
D. morphology atarensis
37. Divorce is legal in the unned States but is not C. Australopithecus robustus
acceptable in the Philippin es. What does I D. Ramapithecus
A. culture is illegal 45. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to
B. culture is unijonn the group?
C. culture is relative A. ao-magnon
D. culture is a phenomenon B. tabonman
C. callao man

Basic Education E.,:it Assessment (BEEA) Area:Social Science

Review l.ea11rer: Mr. Carl Patrick S,
Subject: U1idersra1idi11gC1J111re, Society and Tad,o
D. pekingman

Basic Education E.,:it Assessment (BEEA) Area:Social Science

Review l.ea11rer: Mr. Carl Patrick S,
Subject: U1idersra1idi11gC1J111re, Society and Tad,o

46. P eking M an: China; J ava Man _

C. indoctrination
A. India D. acculturation
B. A frica
C. J apan
D. Indonesia

47. It is the era wh ere m an lived.

A. P aleozoic
B. Me sozoic
C. Ce nozoic
D. Pro tero zoic

48. It is known as the ageo f dinousaurs.

A. Paleozoic
B. Me sozoic
C. Cenozoic
D. Pro tero zoic

49. It is the lengthiest o f the eon and where the

earliest Me forms started.
A. Protero zoic
B. Phanerozoic
C. Precamb rian
D. Hadean
50. It is known as the first plant in the earth.
A. ferns
B. flowe rs
C. con ers
D. algae
51. All of the following are mechanisms o f biological
evolution EXCEPT:
A. mutilation
B. dri t
C. migra tion
D. selection
52. What is the proper sequence of human
evo lu tion?
L Homo
Saplens IL
Homo Erectus
IJL Hominid
IV. Homo Hablll5
A. 1-11-lt l·IV
B. IV·lll ·lt·I
C. l-l l·IV-111
D . lll · I V · lt ·

5 3 . Aling taught her da ughter how to prepare

good and delicious desserts from local fruits
and vegetables. What cultural transmission
processes is this?
A. ob sesva tion
B . acculturation
C. enculturation
D. indoctrination

54. It was the first day o f school. Mrs. Tiburcia

prepared activities which will make her Grade 12
students sing, play, talk, learn and intro duoe
themselves to the class. What process did the
teacher emphasize?
A. ena.ilturation
B. socialization
Basic Education E.,i:t Assessment (BEEA) Review Area:Social Science
Subject: U1idersra1idi11gC1J111re, Society and l.ea11rer: Mr. Carl Patrick S.
Politics Tad,o
F. network group
55. When Chuchay was in Grade 1, everytime she G. outgroup
goes home with a perfect saore in a tes t, her H. reference group
parents gives her extra allowance. Everytime
she does something wrong, she is
reprimanded. Now that she is in Grade 2, she
tries her best to get
perfect scores in tests becauseo f the reward
and avoids doing something wrong because of
the punishment. What does this
A. oognitive learning
B. identity formation
C. operant conditioning
D. d assical conditioning

56. Kuh Lang Oat is a transferee and feels uneasy

with her new school. He r teacher is very
accommodating, warm and caring. Kuh felt
comfortable with her teacher's display o f genuine
warmth. The teacher is co nsistent in her manner
and Kuh began to associate school with the
teacher's wannth. Which theory is being
A. meaningful learning
B. operant conditioning
C. d assical conditioning
D. identity formation

57. Teresita found a wrist watch in the library. She

gave it to the librarian. The librarian was very
appreciative with her deed. What do you think
Teresita wouk:i m ost likely do when she finds
A. Keep the things she finds.
B. Do not return the things she finds.
C. Give the things she finds to others.
D. AJway s r eturn th e thin g wh atev er she finds.

58. Where does socialization begins?

A. school
B. church
C. home
D. peers

59. It is the state of havinginternalized norms as

part of the social expectation.
A. aonfonnity
B. deviance
C. nonns
D. obedience

60. These are forms of behaviour that are relatively

or distinctly set away from a norm.
A. oonfonnity
B. deviance
C. nonns
D. obedience

61. Vhal vhas Sahrado have this very

fondcloseness with his friends and his family.
During weekdays, he have time for his friends
and during weekends he also have time for his
family. Which type of gro up surro unds him?
E. ingroup

Basic Education E.,i:t Assessment (BEEA) Review Area:Social Science

Subject: U1idersra1idi11gC1J111re, Society and l.ea11rer: Mr. Carl Patrick S.
Politics Tad,o

62. Sir Marlou Huang is currently taking up BSED

English. He is now undertaking his practice I
teaching at Mataas na Paaralan ng Mababang0
Lungsod. He always asks for advices of his "
coo perating teacher. Every month d ifferent
teachers handle him. Because o f this he learned
many strategiesin teaching. Which type o f group
surrounds him?
OA. mother's father
OA. ingroup
0 B. networkgroup O fathe( s mother
0 C. out group B. brother's mother
0 D. referencegroup O sister's mother
70. Which o f the following best d escribes the
63. Whicho f the following is TRUE about ego? kinship diagram?
0 A. The symbol for ego is a triangle. A =•

I: 1 6
0 B. An ego is neither a male nor a female.
0 C. Ego refers to the most frequent part o f
the kinship diagram.
0 D. Ego has nothing to do w! h the kinship
dia gram. I
0 A T h e c irc le symboli zes the w omen in
64. Which o f the following statements shows the kinship.
ethnocentrism? 0 B. The squ are symb olizes the men in the
0 A. I do not like Jazz. kinship.
0 B. I believe in my religion. 0 C. It shows a simple kinsh .
0 C. My religion is the o nly religion which 0 D. Alt of the o ffspring have their own
embodies truth. spouses and children.
0 D. I do not like pork. 71. Based on the diagram, who is the d osest elder
65. Wl\at type of groups is identified as tile "nursery male kinsmen ij we take account matrilineal
o f human nature"?
0 A. ingroup L:. - O
A I n C
-o 0
0 B. networkgroup
0 C. out group .6.=0 A=O
0 D. referencegroup f f I G .I l K
66. Primary and secondary group is different from ,l 0 L:.
each o ther. Which of the following statement M II 0

BE ST d escribe s the ir di fferenc e? 0 A. L

0 A. Primary group is narrow while 0 B. J
secondary grou p is broad. 0 C. H
0 B. Primary group is person-oriented while 0 D. F
secondary grou p is go al-oriented.
0 C. They both inhibit closeness which is 72. Kinship is the basic feature o f the Filipino
neededin the society. Society and Culture. Kinship refers to the
0 D. Primary group is short term while system of social relationship based on blood,
secondary group is long term. marriage and ritual. Which social relationship
based on ritual is illustrated in this situation?
67. The school tapped the BAYANln! iatives, a 0 A. When your father gets help of his boss
community-based organization for a community to reoommend you for emp loyment on a
o utreach program at Sitio Cabuyao, Maloma, bank.
San Felipe, Zambales. Based on the s! uation, 0 B. When your father seeks the help of your
which oft he typeo f gro up is uncle to work for your migration to USA.
BAYANInitiatives? 0 C. When your father requests the mayor
0 A ingroup whom he helped during election to give
0 B. networkgroup you a job.
0 C. out group 0 D. When your father calls up your ninong
0 D. reference group
68. In-group is to· we feeling as to 0 p
0 D. reference groi..,
feeling . o
0 A. in g roup ut
0 B. net work group gr
Basic Education E.,:it Asse ssment (BEEA) Area:Social Science
Review l.earirer: Mr. Carl Patrick S.
Subject: U1idersra,idi11gCrJwre, Society and Tad,o
is to · ttle y J te your transfer as a teacher to your
se hometown.
t 73. Which of the following scenarios best
f describes a neolocal typeo f residence pattern?
ci 0 A Nadine and James decided to live in
i Nadine's mom's house.
0 B. Matteo decided to take Sarah as her
69. Basedon the kinship diagram, C is wife and lived on his father's house.

Basic Education E.,:it Asse ssment (BEEA) Area:Social Science

Review l.earirer: Mr. Carl Patrick S.
Subject: U1idersra,idi11gCrJwre, Society and Tad,o

0 C. TRo So tto wan ted for hisnepllew's wife

andchildren to live in his mansion. Basic Education E.,i:t Assessment (BEEA) Review
0 D. Judy Ann and Ryan bought a million
dollar house and decided to live
there as soon as theyg ot married.

74. Family is a basic unit o f society. A Filipino

family is generally extended such that vre
usually find in such family the following:
0 A. father,mother,children
0 B. father, mo ther, grandmother, children
0 C. father, mother, children, helper
0 D. father, mother, adopted child, natural

75. Marvin and Teresa were married for fifteen

years. They have two d aughters and three sons.
Both of them love each other and remained
faRhful for years . Which marriage type is
0 A. polyandry
0 B. polygyny
0 C. monogamy
0 D. polygamy
76. . Abdul Jalani Sukul is a Muslim. Maria is his
first and original w e. A fter five years, she
married Leonoraand then the next year married
his third wife named Theresa. Which type o f
marriage is
0 A. polyandry
0 B. polygyny
0 C. monogamy
0 D. polygamy
77. Consanguineous: ;Atfinal.: _
0 A. blood : marriage
0 B. marriage : blood
0 C. blood : ritual
0 D. marriage: ritual
78. Whichis TRUE among the following statements?
I. Relationship by blood is called
II. Compadrazgo is also called affinal
Ill. Godparents is an example of rRual
kinship .
0 A. I only
0 B. 11 and III only
0 C. Ill only
0 D. I and Ill only
79. Power came from tile Latin word ' potere' which
means, .
0 A. to holdo ffice
0 B. to be elected
0 C. to be able
0 D. to capacitate

80. Abu Uba, the paramount chief heads the village of

Tralala. He serves as the most powerful
having authorRative povrers. This is an
example o f what polRicaI o rgan ization.
0 A. band
0 B. c hiefdom
0 C. nation
Subject: U1idersra1idi11gCrJ111re, Society and l.earirer: Mr. Carl PatrickS,
Politics Tad,o
IV.Because r ecession is present.
0 D. state
Area:Social Science
81. Which o f the following is the most important
element of the state?
0 A. government
0 B. people
0 C. sovereignty
0 D. terrrtory

8 2. Queen Elizabeth is also called as · the Virgin

Queen . She will be passing tile monarchical
power to her eldest male heir. What type of
authority is shown?
0 A. bureaucratic authority
0 B. charismatic authority
0 C. oorrventional authority
0 D. tradi tiona l authorrty
83. " Brother Jojo Halaya is a pastor in a certain
religious sect. Because of his magnfficent
way of preaching he influenced majority of
people in the locality. He ran as mayor the
next year and fortunately won."
Based on the text, what can you infer?
0 A. He has charismatic authorrty.
0 B. He has bureaucratic authority.
0 C. He has all types of authorrty because
of his genuine heart and profound
0 D. He first obtained charismatic authority
then b ureaucratic authorRy when he
was elected.
84. Bands and tribes were perceived as
· acephalous". Tile italicized word means •without
- 0 A. well-defined system of science
0 B. well -de fin ed system of leadership
0 C. well-defined system of c ulture
0 D. well-defined small system

85. Mike Ardiente is a son of known politician.

He ran as governor o f the Province of
Sinangag. Which typeo f authority is perlormed
by Mike?
0 A. bureaucratic authority
0 B. charismatic authority
0 C. oorrventional au thority
0 D. tradi tiona l authorrty

86. It is fonned by several families living together

based on marriage ties, common d
escendants, friendship affiliations, and
members usually have a common interest, or
0 A. bands
0 B. chiefdoms
0 C. state
0 D. tribe

87. The expansion of chiefdomswas punctuated

by their co llapse. Which o f the following
is/are the reason's of Rscollapse?
l. Because o f i ts increasing
population. IL Because i t i s high ly
Ill . Because it is prone to disintegration
and reintegration.
Subject: U1idersra1idi11gCrJ111re, Society and l.earirer: Mr. Carl PatrickS,
Politics Tad,o

0 A. I and IV FOR 35-37:

0 B. I, II and Ill
Read the following functions on the box
0 C. I and II and the nonstate institutions below.
0 D. 11 and Ill
It lends money to privale and public entities
88 . Reciprocity is a type of exchange o f goods Itisautonomousandhavevoluntary membership
where there is exchange of goods with same It pr olects the ri ghts of employees/members
0 A. always true L Cooperatives
0 B. sometimes true IL Trade Unions
0 C. never true Ill. Banks
0 D. undefined
95. Which of the following nonstate institutions is
89. Which eoonomic system is influenced by Adam beingdescribed bystatement A?
Smith's beliefo f Laissez-Fai re? 0 A. I only
0 A traditional economy 0 B. II only
0 B. command eoonomy 0 C. Ill only
0 C. market economy 0 D. II and Ill
0 D. mixed economy
96. Which of the following nonstate insMutions is
90. Which group of decision makers is NOT beingdescribed bystatement B?
included in the private sector? 0 A. I only
0 A. households 0 B. II only
0 B. firms 0 C. Ill only
0 C. the rest o f the wo d 0 D. II and Ill
0 D. government
97. Which of the following nonstate institutions is
91. What type of economy is contro lled by the beingdescribed by statement C?
government? 0 A. I only
0 A traditional economy 0 B. II only
0 B. command economy 0 C. 111 o n ly
0 C. market economy 0 D . II and Ill
0 D. mixed economy
9 8 . Which o f the following is NOT a latent function
92 . Which of the following best illustrates the law of of education?
demand? 0 A. c rea tion o f ge nera tion g ap
0 A. Hi gher prices o f wood products 0 B. providing means of social and political
enoourage further deforestation. integration
0 B. Higher incomes encourage people to 0 C. matchmaking and production o f social
spend more onchocolates. networks
0 C. Higher tu ion fees encourage people to 0 D. restricting some activities
put upmore private schools.
0 0 . A decrease in the price of mangoes 99. Which o f the following is/are the major
leads to an increase in the purchases goal's and tunction/sof education?
of this commodity.
L productive ci tizenry
93. . The Bank o f the Philippine I slands (BPI) is U. promotion of human rights
the oldest extant bank in the Philippines built UL sel f.actualization
in the Philippines under the colonization of
Spain. What is itsok:i name? 0 A. I only
0 A. El B anco Espanol del Filipino Isabel11 0 B. II and Ill
0 B . El B an co Filipinode EspanolIsabel11 O C. l andll
0 C . El Espanol Banco Filipino de Isabel 11 0 D. I, II and111
0 D . El B an co Espanol Filipino de Isabel 11

1 00 . Republic Act 7743 states that:

94. What is known as the largest trade union in 0 A. the NCEE should be abolished.
the Philippines? 0 B. there should be free public secondary
0 A. Ki losan g Mayo Uno education.
0 B. Bukluranng Mangagawang Pilipino 0 C. there shouk:i be libraries on
0 C. MayOne Action congressional d istricts, cities,
0 D. Trade Union Congress of the municipalities and barangays,

BasicEducation E.,:it Assessment (BEEA) Review

Subject: U1idersra1idi11gCrJ111re, Society and l.earirer: Mr. Carl Patrick S.
Politics Tad,o

Area:Social Science

Subject: U1idersra1idi11gCrJ111re, Society and l.earirer: Mr. Carl Patrick S.

Politics Tad,o

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0 D . there should be day care oenters in 0 D. Sl.4)8matu ral being caused the sickness
every barangay.
108. . Which o f the following Filipino
101. . Which is NOT a manifest function theories of illness states that illness happens
of through ancestors for unfunilledobligations?
education? 0 A. mystic cause
0 A socialcon trol 0 B. personalistic cause
0 B. socialization 0 C. naturalistic cause
0 C. restricting o f some actions 0 D. bacterial/viruscause
0 D. an agen t of change
109. Which d epartment under the Philippine
102. The three Abrahamic religions are as Government focuses with health?
follows: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. In 0 A. Depa rtment o f A griculture
such order, identify the nameo f theirgods. 0 B. Department o f Health
0 C. Bureau of Health Workers
I. Yehudim 0 D. Health Association o f the Philippines
II. Holy Trini ty
111. Al' l ah
110. These are knowledgeable folkloric
0 A. I,11,111 modalities which use medicinal herbs.
0 B. 11,1,111 0 A. albularyo
0 C . 111,11,1 0 B. medico
0 D. 111,1,11 0 C. mangluluop
0 D. manghihilol
1 03 . What is known as the ok:Sest e xtant
religion in the world?
0 A. B uddhism
0 B. Hind uis m ,end,.
0 C. Shin toism
0 D. Taoism

104. Which of the following does NOT belong to

0 A. Judaism
"An investment in education
0 B. Islam pays thebest interest."
0 C. Shintoism
0 D. Christianity
107. As part of
105. Marvin is a M uslim. He has a legal Filipino language
Tips inregarding
ans werin g:culture
means of living. He saved all the time to do
his religious obligation. Al the age o f 13, 1.Use o the CARL
f healthm eth od:
!;: -sickness, the (JJE?:Slion.
his own efforts he made to Me cca. What A-B- fnltethe following
emoval ol options.
pillar b-best
everage oldescribes
of Islam is shown? 2. Read thethestatement:
dire dions'carehAy. II you haveCJJE?Sl ions ask to
0 A. Shahada · masamaang
)<>Lr pr-octor.
0 B. Sawm 3. pakiramdam"
Oon'lru In arHmering.? Area:Social Science
0 C. Haj 4 . If you0 don'1
A. mowdiagnostic
the an 11er go tol.earirer: Mr.
ol'ler items then go Carl
0 D. Zakat backin nature
alter you fris hing a l items. Patrick S. Tad,o
Maltes ix 5.
e 10coum 0 theB. runberol y equal to the runber
about answers.
ol it ems.h 9\cdd
Pray.e something bad
106. Which is the most a ocep 6.
tablestatement happening in
about religion?
0 A. Religion postulates magic. either
0 B. The religious teach people about inside
power. oroutside
0 C. tJlost religions assume tha t the world
0 C. pertains to
is actual body pain
filled wijhbad spirij.s
0 D. Through religion, people create
Basic Education E.,:it
meaning, peace of mind, and social Assessment (BEEA)
soliclarity. Review
e, Society and Politics

Basic Education Exit Assessment (BEEA) Area: Social Science

Review Lea11rer: Mr. Carl Patrick S. Tad,o
Subject: U1idersra,idi11gC1J111re, Sa:iery and Politics

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