Sulit 4551/1: (Lihat Halaman Sebelah

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SULIT 4551/1

Jawab semua soalan.

Answer all questions.

1. The diagram 1 shows a type of animal tissue.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu jenis tisu haiwan.

Diagram 1/ Rajah 1

What is the tissue?

Apakah tisu tersebut?

A Epithelial tissue
Tisu epithelium
B Connective tissue
Tisu penghubung
C Smooth muscle tissue
Tisu otot licin
D Skeletal muscle tissue
Tisu otot rangka

2. Diagram 2 shows an organelle of a cell.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan organel yang terdapat di dalam suatu sel.

Diagram 2/ Rajah 2

Which of the following processes occurs in the organelle?

Antara proses berikut, yang manakah berlaku dalam organel tersebut?

A Transport protein
Pengangkutan protein
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B Modify protein
Mengubahsuai protein
C Produce energy
Menghasilkan tenaga
D Digest worn organelle
Mencerna organel yang rosak

3. The Diagram 3 shows the process of feeding by Amoeba sp.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan proses pemakanan oleh Amoeba sp.

Diagram 3/ Rajah 3

Which organelle is not involved in the process shown in the diagram 3?

Organel yang manakah tidak terlibat dalam proses yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah 3?
A Lysosome
B Food vacuole
Vakuol makanan
C Pseudopodia
D Contractile Vacuole
Vakuol mengecut

4. Diagram 4 shows the structure of a plasma membrane.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan struktur membran plasma.

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Diagram 4
Rajah 4
The proteins labeled X and Y are
Protein yang berlabel X dan Y ialah

A Pore protein Pore protein
Protein liang Protein liang
B Carrier protein Carrier protein
Protein pembawa Protein pembawa
C Carrier protein Pore protein
Protein pembawa Protein liang
D Pore protein Carrier protein
Protein liang Protein pembawa

5. Diagram 5 shows phenomena occurs on plant cells placed in solution X.

Rajah 5 menunjukkan fenomena sel tumbuhan yang diletakkan dalam larutan X.

Diagram 5/ Rajah 5

What is the type of solution X?

Apakah jenis larutan X?

A Isotonic
B Hypotonic
C Hypertonic

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D Distilled water
Air suling

6. Diagram 6 shows the structure of DNA. Identify the correct match of structural P, Q
and R.
Rajah 6 menunjukkan struktur DNA. Kenalpasti padanan yang betul untuk struktur P,
Q dan R.

Diagram 6
Rajah 6

A Phosphate group Nitrogenous base Pentose sugar
Kumpulan fosfat Bes bernitrogen Gula pentosa
B Nitrogenous base Pentose sugar Phosphate group
Bes bernitrogen Gula pentosa Kumpulan fosfat
C Pentose sugar Phosphate group Nitrogenous base
Gula pentosa Kumpulan fosfat Bes bernitrogen
D Phosphate group Pentose sugar Nitrogenous base
Kumpulan fosfat Gula pentosa Bes bernitrogen

7. Which of the following is a polysaccharide?

Antara berikut yang manakah polisikarida?
A Cellulose
B Fructose
C Sucrose
D Glucose

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8. Diagram 7 shows two shirts, P and Q that wrere stained with butter. The shirts were
washed with washing powder that contains enzyme X at different temperatures.
Rajah 7 menunjukkan dua helai baju, P dan Q yang dikotori oleh mentega. Baju-baju
tersebut dicuci dengan serbuk pencuci yang mengandungi enzim X pada suhu yang

Diagram 7
Rajah 7

What is enzyme X and the possible temperatures that were used for P and Q?
Apakah enzim X dan suhu yang mungkin telah digunakan untuk P dan Q?

Enzyme X Temperature for P Temperature for Q

Enzim X (ºC) (ºC)
A Lipase 10 35
B Amylase 10 35
C Lipase 35 10
D Amylase 35 10

9. Which of the following is true about anaphase?

Yang manakah antara berikut benar tentang anafasa?
A Cytokinesis occurs during this stage
Sitokinesis terjadi semasa peringkat ini
B All the chromosomes are lined up on the middle of the cell
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Semua kromosom menyusun pada bahagian tengah sel

C Chromosomes reach the opposite poles of the cell
Kromosom sampai ke kutub berlawanan pada sel
D Sister chromatid separate at the centromere and move to the opposite poles
Kromatid beradik berpisah pada sentromer dan bergerak ke kutub yang

10 Diagram 8 shows one of a process during meiosis.

. Rajah 8 menunjukkan satu proses semasa meiosis.

Diagram 8
Rajah 8

Name the process.

Namakan proses itu.
A Crossing over
Pindah silang
B Synapsis
C Replication
D Chiasma

11 Diagram 9 can be represented as anaphase mitosis or anaphase II meiosis.

. Rajah 9 boleh mewakili anafasa dalam mitosis atau anafasa II meiosis.

Diagram 9
Rajah 9

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Based on Diagram 9, determine the number of chromosomes in parents cell

Berdasarkan rajah 9, tentukan bilangan kromosom dalam sel induk

Mitosis Meiosis
A 12 24
B 12 6
C 6 12
D 24 12

12 Which of the following equations shows the correct enzymatic action in the mouth?
. Antara berikut, persamaan manakah yang betul bagi tindakan enzim dalam mulut?
A Cellulose + Water Glucose
Selulosa Air Glukosa
B Protein + Water Polypeptide
Protein Air Polipeptida
C Maltose + Water Glucose
Maltosa Air Glukosa
D Starch + Water Maltose
Kanji Air Maltosa

13 Diagram 10 shows a longitudinal section of a villus.

. Rajah 10 menunjukkan keratan memanjang vilus.

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Diagram 10
Rajah 10

Which substance diffuses into the T?

Bahan manakah yang meresap ke dalam T?

A Fatty acid
Asid lemak
B Vitamin A, D, E and K
Vitamin A, D, E dan K
C Amino acid
Asid amino
D Glycerol
14 Ahmad’s diet contain more protein than is needed for growth and repair damage
. tissues.This will cause an increased production of
Ahmad telah mengambil diet yang mengandungi protein yang lebih daripada yang
diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan dan membaiki tisu rosak. Ini akan menyebabkan
peningkatan pengeluaran

A Urea
B Urine
Air kencing
C Sweat
D Lactic acid
Asid laktik

15 Diagram 11 shows a respiratory structure in an organism.

Rajah 11 menunjukkan struktur respirasi dalam satu organisma.

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Diagram 11/Rajah 11

What is the respiratory structure shown in the diagram?

Apakah struktur respirasi yang ditunjukkan oleh rajah?

A Gills C Alveolus
Insang Alveolus

B Trachea D Moist skin

Trakea Kulit lembab

16 The following equations represent two reactions which occur in a plant cell.
Persamaan-persamaan yang berikut mewakili dua tindak balas yang berlaku dalam
satu sel tumbuhan.

What are the two reactions and in which organelles of the cell do these reactions
Apakah dua tindak balas ini dan dalam organel-organel yang manakah dua tindak
balas ini berlaku?

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17 The diagram 12 below shows a type of plant in the mangrove swamp.

Rajah 12 di bawah menunjukkan sejenis tumbuhan bakau.

Diagram 12
Rajah 12
What is structure P?
Apakah struktur P?

A Prop roots C Pneumatophore

Akar jangkang Pneumatofor

B Vivipary seeds D Succulent leaves

Biji benih vivipari Daun sukulen
18 The description below shows the characteristics of an organism
Huraian di bawah menunjukkan ciri-ciri sesuatu organisma

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This organism belongs to which kingdom?

Apakah alam bagi organism ini?

A Monera C Protista
Monera Protista

B Fungi D Plantae
Fungi Plantae

19 The table below shows the result of an experiment to study the population of
grasshoppers in an area.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan keputusan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji populasi
belalang di satu kawasan.

A 7 C 261

B 180 D 580

20 Diagram 13 shows an environmental phenomenon.

Rajah 13 menunjukkan satu fenomena alam sekitar

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Matah Heat
Atmosp ari from
here sunligh
Atmosfe t
ra reflect
ed by
Diagram 13/ Rajah 13
What is this phenomenon?
Apakah fenomena ini?
A Thinning of the ozone layer
Penipisan lapisan ozon
B Greenhouse effect
Kesan rumah hijau
C Air pollution
Pencemaran udara
D Eutrophication

21 Which of the following are the effects of deforestation?

Antara berikut, yang manakah kesan penyahhutanan?

I Global warming
Pemanasan global
II Disruptions to the road transport system
Gangguan sistem pengangkutan jalan
III The loss of biodiversity
Kehilangan biodiversity
IV Extinction of animal and plant species
Kepupusan spesies haiwan dan tumbuhan

A I, II and III only

I, II dan III sahaja
B I, II and IV only

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I, II dan IV sahaja
C I, III and IV only
I, III dan IV sahaja
D I, III and IV only
I, III dan IV sahaja
22 The diagram 14 shows a type of human blood cell. What is the main function of this
Rajah 14 menunjukkan sejenis darah manusia. Apakah fungsi utama sel darah

Diagram 14
Rajah 14

A To transport carbon dioxide

Mengangkut karbon dioksida
B To produce antibodies
Menghasilkan antibodi
C To transport oxygen
Mengangkut oksigen
D To produce antitoxins
Menghasilkan antitoksin

23 The diagram 15 shows gills of a fish

Rajah15 menunjukkan insang ikan

Diagram 15
Rajah 15

Which part A, B, C or D has the highest rate of gaseous exchange?

Antara bahagian A, B, C dan D, yang manakah mempunyai kadar pertukaran gas
yang paling tinggi?

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24 The diagram 16 shows the longitudinal section of a vein

Rajah 16 menunjukkan keratan membujur suatu vena

Diagram 16
Rajah 16

What is the role of X?

Apakah peranan X?

A Prevent the back flow of blood

Mengelakkan pengaliran balik darah
B Increase the blood pressure in the vein
Meningkatkan tekanan darah dalam vena
C Speed up the flow of blood in the vein
Meningkatkan kelajuan pengaliran darah
D Speed up the flow of blood in the vein
Meningkatkan kelajuan pengaliran darah

25 The diagram 17 shows parts of the tracheal system of insects.

Rajah 17 menunjukkan sebahagian dari sistem trakea pada serangga.

Diagram 17
Rajah 17

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What are substances X and Y?

Apakah bahan X dan Y?

Oxygen Carbon dioxide
Oksigen Karbon dioksida
Carbon dioxide Oxygen
Karbon dioksida Oksigen
Oxygen Water
Oksigen Air
Water Oxygen
Air Oksigen

26 Which schematic diagram shows the systemic circulatory system?

Rajah yang manakah yang menunjukkan sistem peredaran sistemik?



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27 P, Q and R in Diagram 18 are three types of vertebrae on the human backbone.

P, Q dan R dalam rajah 18 adalah tiga jenis vertebra pada tulang belakang

Diagram 18/Rajah 18

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the vertebrae arrangement?

Manakah antara berikut merupakan urutan yang betul tentang susunan vertebra ini?

A Q, R , P B P, Q , R

C Q, P, R D R, P, Q

28 Diagram 19 shows the bones of a human

Rajah 19 menunjukkan tulang-tulang manusia

Diagram 19/ Rajah 19

Which of the following forms a ball and socket joint ?

Manakah antara berikut boleh membentuk sendi lesung?

A P and R B Q and R
P dan R . Q dan R

C Q and S D P and S
Q dan S P dan S

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29 Diagram 20 shows a typical cervical vertebra.

Rajah 20 menunjukkan vertebra servik yang tipikal.

Diagram 20/ Rajah 20

What is P?
Apakah P?
A Centrum B Neural spine
Sentrum Spina saraf

C Neural spine D Vertebra arterial canal

Spina saraf Salur vertebra arteri

30 Diagram 21 shows a human arm.

Rajah 21 menunjukkan tangan manusia.

Diagram 21/Rajah 21

If tendon X was torn off, what happens to the arm?

Jika tendon X terkoyak, apa berlaku kepada tangan?

A The elbow joint loosens up

Sendi di siku menjadi longgar
B The fingers cannot grip
Jari-jari tidak boleh mengggenggam
C The arm cannot be bent
Tangan tak boleh dibengkokkan
D The lower arm cannot twist
Tangan bawah tak boleh dipusingkan

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1. A 11. C 21. D

2. A 12. D 22. C

3. D 13. C 23. C

4. C 14. A 24. B

5. C 15.C 25. A

6. A 16.C 26. C

7. A 17.B 27. A

8. A 18.A 28. D

9. D 19.A 29. D

10. A 20.B 30. C

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