Sécurité de L'information: La Date: 21 / 10 /2020

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Ministre de l’Education Superieur et le

Eecherche Scientifique
Université Ziane Achour Djelfa
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies
Département de Génie Electrique
3 Année LMD Télécommunications

Module : Sécurité de l’information

Sécurité de
La date : 21 / 10 /2020

Nom : mouissat

Prénom : sidahmed

Matricule: 161639005019

Groupe : G03
Introduction to the security of information :
Information security is a process to protect data from access Unauthorized.

information systems security and information security :

A collection of techniques, techniques and suspicions to protect Resources.

New versions of software are released to address security problems that have
been found.Updating your software ensures you take full advantage of all the
security upgrades.

information security:

IT security is the set of technical, organizational, legal and necessary means

and put in place to preserve, restore, and guarantee the security of IT systems.

Computer security terminology:

Vulnerabilities (vulnerabilities) :
Is a technique that a hacker uses to stole data by a person for different for purposes by
psychological manipulation combined with social scenes.

The attacks (exploits) :

There may be multiple attacks for the same vulnerabilities, but not all vulnerabilities can be

Threats (les menaces):

It is a software or hardware which is used to filter network traffic based on rules.
The countermeasures:

procedures or techniques to resolve a vulnerability or counter a specific attack.

the objectives of information security:

- Confidentiality.
- Integrity.
- Availability.
- Vérifiabilité.

Risks related to computer systems:

- Data corruption or falsification
- Data theft or spying.
- data destruction.
- Improper disclosure of information.
- Errors end fraud.

security techniques :
- Domain Separation (VLAN) .
- Creating Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).

Cryptography and cryptanalysis :

Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the
presence of third parties called adversaries . These techniques are as follows :

- Secret Key Cryptography.

- Public Key Cryptography.

- Hash Functions.

Cryptanalysis :

You use Cryptanalysis to breach cryptographic security systems and gain access to the
contents of encrypted messages, even if the cryptographic key is unknown.

- evaluate and analyze th security systems and algorithm for cryptography.

- protecting critical data from being modified and deleted.

Principles of Classical Cryptography:

consists in substituting each of the letters of the alphabet with another in a message.

Used to hide message from someone, and sometimes prevent them from creating a new
message. The message is written using an alphabet in some language.
Caesar cipher:
Caesar’s figure consists simply in shifting the letters of the alphabet by 3 rows (k=3) to the
left, as Julius Caesar did.
The Affine cipher:
How to encrypt using Affine cipher

Encryption uses a classic alphabet, and two integers, called coefficients or keys A and B,
these are the parameters of the affine function Ax+B.


Encrypt DCODE with the keys A=5, B=3 and the English/latin alphabet

For each letter of the alphabet is associated to the value of its position in the alphabet
(starting at 0).

cipher of PlayFair:

The Playfair cipher is a digraph substitution cipher. It employs a table where one letter of
the alphabet is omitted, and the letters are arranged in a 5x5 grid. Typically, the J is removed
from the alphabet and an I takes its place in the text that is to be encoded.

cipher of Hill:

Cryptography: The letters are first replaced by their rank in the alphabet. The letters P k and
Pk+1 of the clear text will be encrypted Ck and Ck+1 with the formula below.
cipher of Vigenère (1568):

– best known and one of the simplest polyalphbetic cipher.

– Vigenere tableau is used;Each of the 26 ciphers is laid out horizontally, with the key letter
for each cipher in a column.

Encryption :
– Given a key letter x and a plaintext letter y, the cipher text letter is at the intersection of
the row labeled x and the column labeled y; in this case the ciphertext is V.

– a key is needed as long as the message.

Decryption :
– The key letter again identifies the row, the position of the cipher text letter in  that row
determines the column, and the plain text letter is at the top of that column.
The Spartan scytale:
-Wind a strip, one letter wide, as a tight spiral around a stick, write along the stick,
- The key is the width of the stick.

Rotating grids :
Suppose the rod allows one to write four letters around in a circle and five letters down the
side of it. The plaintext could be: "I am hurt very badly help". To encrypt,
To decrypt, all one must do is wrap the leather strip around the rod and read across. The
ciphertext is: "Iryyatbhmvaehedlurlp" Every fifth letter will appear on the same line, so the
plaintext (after re-insertion of spaces) becomes: "I am hurt very badly help".
The mechanization of cryptography:
Machines operate on the principle of rotors and electrical contacts, in order to achieve
polyalphabetic substitution forms.
Encryption and Decryption:
This is done by transforming a clear message into an unintelligible message (known as an
encrypted message), in order to hide the meaning of the original message from
unauthorized third parties.
is the process of converting meaningless message (Ciphertext) into its original form
encryption key:
said Key which must be used with the algorithm to produce the encrypted message.
Kerckhoffs’ Principle:
cryptosystem should be secure even if everything about the system, except the key, is
public knowledge.
Categories of cryptographic systems:
Depending on whether the key used for encryption and decryption is the same or not, we
are talking about symmetrical or asymmetrical cryptographic systems:
- Symmetrical cryptography (secret key).
- Asymmetric cryptography (public key).
Symmetric Key Cryptography:

It is an encryption system where the sender and receiver of message use a single common
key to encrypt and decrypt messages. The most popular symmetric key cryptography system
is Data Encryption System(DES).
Asymmetric Key Cryptography:
Under this system a pair of keys is used to encrypt and decrypt information. A public key is
used for encryption and a private key is used for decryption. Public key and Private Key are
There are two types of symmetric key encryption:
- Block encryption.
- Encryption by flows (or flows).
Confusion and Diffusion:
are two properties in an encryption method. that have been identified by Claude Shannon in
Dissemination and Confusion:
Diffusion : The statistical frequency is dissipated by the encrypted text.
Confusion: make the relationship between the encryption key and the textechiffre as
complex as possible. And make the relationship between the encryption key and the
encrypted text as complex as possible.
Symmetric Key Cryptosystems:
Symmetric encryption is a type of encryption where only one key (a secret key) is used to
both encrypt and decrypt electronic information.
Les algorithmes les plus répandus sont le DES, AES, 3DES,
block cipher :
Block encryption is based on the breakdown of data into blocks of generally fixed size. The
block size is between 32 and 512 bits.
Stream algorithms:  
Data is encrypted as it streams instead of being retained in the system’s memory. Some
examples of symmetric encryption algorithms include:
AES, DES, IDEA, Blowfish, are block ciphers. is stream cipher.
Data encryption standard (DES):
is a symmetric (block-based) encryption algorithm using 56-bit keys.
DES is a block cipher, and encrypts data in blocks of size of 64 bit each, means 64 bits of
plain text goes as the input to DES, which produces 64 bits of cipher text. The same
algorithm and key are used for encryption and decryption, with minor differences. The key
length is 56 bits.
Feistel network:
A Feistel network is a construct used in block encryption algorithms ,
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES):
Depending on the size of the key, the number of turns differs:
- 128 bits -> 10 turns.
- 192 bits -> 12 turns.
- 256 bits -> 14 turns.
stream cipher: Examples of Stream Encryption:
- RC4: designed in 1987, used by the Wi-Fi WEP protocol*E0: used by the Bluetooth
- A5/1: algorithm published in 1994, used in mobile phones GSM type to encrypt
radio communication between the mobile .

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