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One global culture will be unavoidable result in 50

Author: Iva Ilieva, 3rd course
Specialty: International economic relations
Group: 40
Faculty number: 115092

Does globalisation mean we will become one culture in a couple of years?

This is the most discussed topic all over the world nowadays. In my own words,
I would explain globalisation as increase of economic, political and social
relations between countries. It is associated with the global spread of ideas,
capital, technology and elements of culture.
First of all, I would like to share my opinion over mobile phones. At this
time, most of us has modern mobile phones – iphones or smartphones, where we
use internet every day and exactly the same applications – Facebook, Instagram,
even Tik Tok, where we share images, videos, music and news. It means we
have so many people on the earth identical to us, doing the same things in the
same time.
In addition, I would like to express my thoughts over global language. As
we grow and start studying, everyone, especially our parents say we need to
learn a few foreign languages. Children all over the world start speaking
Chinese, Spanish, French, Russian and the most spoken language – English.
English has become the dominant language for the world of business, in schools
and universities and in the social network. This way we didn’t appreciate our
mother language and we forget where we came and started from.
Finally, I would like to affect the things called “global culture”. The first
thing is food. These days people eat and try every kind of food, without going to
another country. Every kind of pizza, pasta, Chinese food or coffee and different
types of drinks are available in every supermarket and restaurant. The other
thing, in my opinion , is fashion. Every day when I go out I see people wearing
identical clothes – the way they are dressed looks the same on every person,
especially for teenagers. For example there is sneakers, high waist jeans, short
T-shirts and a lot of make-up on faces.
In conclusion, I would like to say that there’s a big chance we will become
one global culture in 50 years’ time. The reason is that in everyday life we are so
identical, doing the same things, eating, drinking and wearing the same style,
speaking mostly English , so that we have forgotten to appreciate the native and
distinctive things for us.

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