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comprehension -razumjevanje

intermediate -srednji
conduct -sprovesti

features -karakteristike
layout -raspored
length -dužina
corresponds -odgovara
colloquial -govorni
ought to -treba da
prompt. -brzo
evaluate -procijeniti
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• Hello in this session we're going to talk about grammar
• more precisely about the present simple tense in english
• we'll see when we use the simple present tense
• and we'll give some examples of its use
• we use it to refer to facts that are always or
• normally always true to describe the habitual actions and current
• habits and to make a summary of events now let's see some examples
• to describe permanent facts it's very common in scientific
• research articles and in dictionary (...) definitions let's see
• an example air offers resistance to moving object
• this is something this is a known fact this is something that
• always happens this way talk about known facts is another
• instance in which we would use the simple present tense for
• example she works at UPV but she doesn't live near Valencia
• okay we know it's a fact that she works here but she doesn't
• live near here
• another use would be to describe habitual actions or current
• habits for example, do you take the bus?
• I rarely take the bus to work ok normally I do not take the
• bus to come to work and also as I said to make a summary of
• events for example chapter one deals with the basic aircraft
• structures chapter two focuses on cabins
• cockpits and configurations
• we can also use the simple present tense with
• some common expressions like the ones that we have here
• always, forever, frequently, often sometimes, seldom, rarely
• never, for example he normally goes to the cinema on Sundays
summary -rezime, pregled
cockpits – pilotska kabina
temporary -trenutan
Grammar Unit 1
Present continuous

The present continuous is used in the following situations:

• Actions which have begun but have not ended, so they are in progress now or at the
moment of speaking.
• Actions which are temporary and that have not finished yet.
Ex. I am tidying my bedroom.
• The action may be happening right now, while speaking, or around
Ex. Are we studying the tenses in English at the moment?
• In the case of habits during a temporary situation.
• A habit that happens over a short period of time. (A time expression is
Ex. Whenever I see Mary she’s always smoking
• A repeated temporary action
• To talk about a single action that is repeated (a time expression is
Ex. You are always borrowing money from me
• Some time expressions which are very common when using the present continuous
are: currently, at the moment, now, just or still. Other expressions that can be used
to emphasise a particular fact are: always, constantly, continually, forever etc. They
can help us express that we are unhappy about that situation.
Ex. I am currently studying Law (in this moment).
Ex. She’s always complaining about the way I drive my car (I’m fed up with that).

Apart from the previous differences of use existing between the present simple and the present
continuous, you should also pay attention to the following remarks:
• Some verbs are not normally used in the continuous form. They are known as ‘state
verbs’. These are some examples:
Be, believe, cost, depend, have, hear, know, matter, smell, suppose, taste, think, understand.
Some of them can be used in the continuous form, but notice the changes in

Ex. Tom is being rather difficult at the moment (behave)

Ex. I’m having breakfast (eat)
Bear in mind that in many situations we can use either a simple (permanent situation or general
habit) or continuous form (temporary situation). The difference between them is that in the case of
the second one, we want to emphasize that it is a temporary situation whereas in the first one we are
talking about a general fact.
Ex. I live in Valencia
Ex. Are you living in Valencia? Yes, I’m living there (just for a year, my home is in Brussels).
onwards -dalje, naprijed, ubuduće
tram -tramvaj
leisure -slobodno vrijeme

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