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1. Acrophobia Height of Fear

2. Nyctophobia Fear of Darkness

3. Zoophobia Fear of Animals

4. Xenophobia Fear of Strangers

5. Algophobia Fear of Pain

6. Claustrophobia Fear of closed places

7. Trypanophobia Fear of Medical Procedure

8. Arachnophobia Fear of spiders

9. Necrophobia Fear of Death

10. Aquaphobia Fear of Water

11. Iatrophobia Fear of Doctors

12. Pharmacophobia Fear of Taking medicines

13. Thanatophobia Fear of Death

14. Acrophobia Fear of Height

15. Five psycho sexual stages of developement - (Sigmond Fraud)

16. Most severe Alcohol withdrawal syndrome - Delirium tremens

17. Most common symptom of Alcohol withdrawal - Tremor

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18. Drug dependance is a term - Includes both drug addiction & habituation

19. Most common psychiatric emergency - Suicide

20. Suicidal tendencies are most commonly seen in - Involutional melancholia

21. Dementia is a feature of - Pellagra /vitB12 deficiency

22. Drugs most useful in treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder - Fluoxetine

23. Pt. With depressive psychosis - feel better in evening than morning

24. Thyrotoxicosis is most commonly associated with - Anxiety

25. Most common post operative psychiatric condition - Delirium

26. Side effects of prolonged phenytoin therapy - Osteomalacia/Gumhyperplasia/

Megaloblastic anemia

27. Definite contraindication to ECT - Brain tumor

28. Features of morphine withdrawal - piloerection/insomnia/discharge from nose

29. DOC for prophylaxis of mania is - Lithium

30. DOC Gen.Anxiety disorder - Benzodiazepines

31. DOC for Panic disorder - Antidepressants

32. DOC for attention defecit disorder in children/Adult - Methylphenidate/


33. DOC for OCD - Fluoxetine

34. Absolute contraindication lithium therapy - Renal failure

35. DOC in MDP (manic depressive psychosis) - Lithium

36. Long term use of lithium result in -Hypothyroidism

37. MC side effect of lithium therapy-Tremor

38. MC cardiovascular side effect in lithium therapy - T inversion

39. Defense mechanism in phobia is - Displacement

40. Treatment for acute manic episode - sodium valproate

41. Anorexia nervosa is characterised by -amenorrhea/ weightloss /hypothermia

42. Excessive eating followed by purging using laxative in 20yr/F-Bulimia nervosa

43. Cognitive model of depression is given by - Beck

44. Korsackoff’s psychosis - lesion in - mammiliary bodies

45. Tactile hallucination seen in - cocaine

46. Hallucination occurs at start of sleep - hypnagogic hallucination

47. Visual hallucination seen in - Alcoholism

48. Visual hallucination without Auditory hallucination is seen in - organic brain


49. Most common Hallucinations seen in functional psychosis - Auditory

50. Cognition is thought

51. Delusion is disorder of thought

52. Allodynia is - feeling pain to a normal non painful stimulus

53. Alexithymia is - Inability to recognise & describe feelings

54. Oniomania is a disorder of compulsive - buying

55. Dipsomania is - Compulsive drinking

56. Impulse for setting fire is known as - Pyromania

57. Confabulation is defect of memory

58. Confabulation means making stories to fill gaps in memory loss

59. Many of our bad habits of day to day life can be removed by - Negative conditioning

60. Loosening of association is an example of - Formal thought disorder

61. Deja vu is seen in - Temporal lobe epilepsy/Normal person/Psychosis

62. Apraxia is a disorder in - Initiating & planning movement

63. Protein involved in Alzheimer disease - Apo E Gene

64. Features of Alzheimer disease - recent memory loss

65. Reinforcement is used in - conditioned learning

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66. Difference between neurosis & psychosis - Insight

67. Delirium & schizophrenia differ from each other by - complete consciousness

68. 1 week before incidence recall is called as - Recent memory

69. One of the important defense mechanism is - Repression

70. Treatment is not required in withdrawal of - LSD

71. Wernicke’s encephalopathy can be prevented by - Thiamine supplements

72. Karsakoff’s psychosis is diagnosed by - impairment of long term memory.

73. Feeling of creeping insects is seen in - cocaine abuse

74. Naltrexone is used in opioid dependance to - prevent relapse

75. Drug used in long term maintanence in opioid addiction - Methadone

76. Yawning is a common feature of - Opioid withdrawal

77. Morbid jealousy is seen with – cannabis

78. physical dependance is not seen with - cannabis

79. Most common substance abuse in India is - Tobacco

80. Flash Back seen with - LSD

81. Delusion of Doubles is found in - Capgras syndrome

82. TOC in depression with suicidal tendencies - Electroconvulsive therapy

83. Nero transmitter that is associated with suicidal tendencies - serotonin

84. Suicidal tendency is seen in - schizophrenia/Depression

85. Pseudo dementia is seen in - Depression

86. Nihilistic ideas seen in - Depression/Cotard’s syndrome

87. Nihilistic delusions seen in - Endogenous depression/Double depression

88. Characters of catatonic schizophrenia - negativism/cataplexy/automatic obedience

89. Poor prognostic factor in schizophrenia is - gradual onset/Hebephrenic


90. Echolalia is recognized feature of - childhood Autism/catatonic schizophrenia

91. Suicidal tendencies seen in - depression/schizophrenia/substance abuse

92. Lack of insight is not a feature of - panic disorder

93. Definitive treatment of all types of phobias - Behaviour therapy

94. Obsessive compulsive neurosis patient is likely to develop - Depression

95. Patient with symptoms mimic heart disease with normal ECG & x-ray - panic


96. A person has different multiple personality is suffering from - Dissociative


97. Indication for ECT - Depression with suicidal tendencies/catatonic schizophrenia

98. Amnesia is found in - Head injury

99. Squeeze technique is used for - premature ejaculation

100. Most accurate treatment of Erectile dysfunction - Sildenefil

101. Alpha rhythm is seen in - REM sleep

102. Non-REM sleep is commonly associated with - Night terrors

103. Characteristic features of Schizoid personality is - Emotional coldness

104. Antisocial personality is seen with - Drug abuse

105. 9 yr old child disturbs other people, is destructive, interferes when two people

are talking, does not follow instructions and cannot wait for his turn while

playing game, He is likely to be suffering with - Attention defecit hyperactivity


106. Autism is - Social & language communication problem

107. X-linked disease leading to mental retardation - Fragile-x-syndrome

108. Not common feature of Anorexia nervosa - Binge eating

109. Beta blockers are indicated in - Anxiety

110. MC Complication of ECT - Retrograde Amnesia

111. Absolute contra indication to ECT - Brain tumor

112. MC hallucination type in Delirium - -Visual

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113. Sexual arousal due to exposure of one’s genitalia – Exhibitionism

114. Oneroid state is – Dream like state

115. Mc dementia in down syndrome – Alzheimer dementia

116. MC presenting symptoms in depression – Body aches

117. MC symptom a/w adult ocd – Pathological doubt

118. Minimal brain dysfunction – ADHD

119. MC psychiatric disorder after stroke – Depression

120. Tic douloureux characterized by – Neuralgia

121. Cataplexy characterized by – decrease muscle tone

122. Mc type of delusion – delusion of persecution

123. Masturbation is also known as – Onaism

124. Characteristic of histrionic personality disorder- Attention seeking behavior

125. DHAT syndrome – Passage of urine in semen

126. Scatologia is – paraphilla

127. Magical thinking seen in – Schizotypal

128. Decrease sexual desire in female – frigidity

129. Amotivation syndrome is caused by – Cannabis

130. CAT test is used in – Delirium

131. Intense depression ad misery without any cause is - Melancholia

1. All of the following are features of halluci- ble diagnosis is:
nation, except: A. Hypochondriasis
A. Depends on will of the observer B. Somatization disorer
B. Occurs in inner subjective space C. Somatoform pain disorder
C. It is a vivid sensory perception D. Conversion disorder
D. It occurs in absence of perceptual Ans. A
Ans. A 6. A patient presented with short lasting ep-
isodic behavioural changes which include
2. The following is suggestive of an organic agitation & dream like state with thrashing
cause of the behavioural symptoms: movements of his limbs. He does not recall
A. Formal thought disorder these episodes & has no apparant precipi-
B. Auditory hallucinations tating factor. The most likely diagnosis is:
C. Delusion of fruit A. Schizophrenia
D. Visual hallucinations B. Temporal lobe epilepsy
Ans. D C. Panic episodes
D. Dissociative disorder
3. Delusion is not present in: Ans. D
A. Delirium
B. Mania 7. A young lady presented with repeated epi-
C. Depresion sodes of overeating followed by purging af-
D. Compulsive disorder ter use of laxatives. She is probably suffer-
Ans. D ing from:
A. Bulimia nervosa
4. An alcoholic is brought to the casualty, 3 B. Schizophrenia
days after he quit alcohol, with the com- C. Aorexia nervosa
plaint of irrelevant talking. On examination, D. Binge eating disorder
he is found to be disoriented in time, place Ans. A
and person. He also has visual illusions and
hallucinations. There is no history of head 8. An 11 years old boy is all the time so restless
injury. The most probable diagnosis is: that the rest of the class is unable to concen-
A. Dementia praecox trate. He is hardly ever in his seat and roams
B. Delirium tremens around the hall. He has difficulty in playing
C. Schizophrenia quietly. The most likely diagnosis is:
D. Korsakoff psychosis A. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Ans. B B. Conduct disorder
C. Depressive disorder
5. Ram Lal, a 45 years old male came to the D. Schizophrenia
psychiatric OPD complaning of continuous, Ans. A
dull, non- progressive headache for the last
8 years. The patient has seen numerous 9. All of the following are features of halluci-
neurologists in the belief that he has a brain nations, except:
tumor even though all his investigations A. It is independent of the will of the
have been normal. The patient insisted that observer.
he had a brain tumor and requested yet B. Sensory organs are not involved.
another workup. Psychiatric evaluation re- C. It is as vivid as that in a true sense
veals disease conviction in the background perception.
of normal investigations. The most proba-

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D. It occurs in the absence of a perceptual cy OPD with the complaint of irrelevant
stimulus. talking. He had stopped using alcohol three
Ans. B days back. On examination, he is found to be
disoriented to time, place and person. He
10. Delirium tremens is characterized by con- also has visual illusions and hallucinations.
fusion associated with: There is no history of head injury. The most
A. Autonomic hyperactivity and tremors. likely diagnosis is:
B. Features of intoxication due to alcohol. A. Dementia praecox.
C. Sixth nerve palsy. B. Derlirium tremens.
D. Korsakoff psychosis. C. Schizophrenia.
Ans. A D. Korsakoff’s psychosis.
Ans. B
11. All of the following are impulse control dis-
orders except: 14. A 41-year old married female presented
A. Pyromania. with headache for the last 6 months. She had
several consultations. All her investigations
B. Trichotillomania.
were found to be within normal limits. She
C. Kleptomania.
still insists that there is something wrong
D. Capgras’ syndrome.
in her head and seeks another consultation.
Ans. D The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Phobia.
12. A 20-year old man has presented with in- B. Psychogenic headache.
creased alcohol consumption and sexual in-
C. Hypochondriasis.
dulgence, irritability, lack of sleep and not
D. Depression.
feeling fatigued even on prolonged peri-
Ans. C
ods of activity. All these changes have been
present for 3 weeks. The most likely diag-
nosis is: 15. Behavior therapy to change maladaptive
A. Alcohol dependence. behaviors using response as reinforcer uses
the principles of:
B. Schizophrenia.
A. Classical conditioning.
C. Mania.
B. Moneling.
D. Impulsive control disorder.
C. Social learning.
Ans. C
D. Operant conditioning.
Ans. D
13. An alcoholic is brought to the Emergen-

16. A 15 year old boy feels that the dirt has hung A. Dissociative fugue
onto him whenever he passes through the B. Dissociative amnesia
dirty street. This repetitive thought causes C. Schizophrenia
much distress and anxiety. He knows that D. Dementia
there is actually no such thing after he has Ans. A
cleaned once but he is not satisfied and is
compelled to think so. This has led to social 20. Babu, a 40 years aged male complains of
withdrawal. He spends much of his time sudden onset palpitations and apprehen-
thinking about the dirt and contamination. sion. He is sweating for the last 10 minutes
This has affected his studies also. The most and fears of impending death. Diagnosis is:
likely diagnosis is:
A. Hysteria
A. Obsessive compulsive disorder.
B. Cystic fibrosis
B. Conduct disorder.
C. Panic attack
C. Agoraphobia.
D. Generalized anxiety disorder
D. Adjustment disorder.
Ans. C
Ans. A
21. A lady, while driving a car meets with an
17. A 50 year old man has presented with pain accident. She was admitted in an ICU for 6
in back, lack of interest in recreational ac- months. After being discharged, she often
tivities, low mood, lethargy, decreased sleep gets up in night and feels terrified She is
and appetite for two months. There was no afraid to sit in a car again. The diagnosis is:
history suggestive of delusions or halluci-
A. Panic disorder
nations. He did not suffer from any chronic
B. Phobia
medical illness. There was no family history
of psychiatric illness. Routine investigations C. Conversion disorder
including haemogram, renal function tests, D. Post traumatic stress disorder
liver functions tests, electrocardiogram did Ans. D
not reveal any abnormality. This patient
should be treated with: 22. A patient present with waxy flexibility, neg-
A. Haloperidol. ativitism and rigidity. Diagnosis is:
B. Sertraline. A. Catatonic schizophrenia
C. Alprazolam. B. Paranoid schizophrenia
D. Olanzapine. C. Hebephrenic schizophrenia
Ans. B D. Simple schizophrenia
Ans. A
18. A patient with pneumonia for 5 days is ad-
mitted to the hospital. He suddenly ceases 23. Chandu, age 32 presents with abdominal
to recognize the doctor and staff, thinks pain and vomiting. He also complains of
that he is in jail and complains of scorpions some psychiatric symptoms and visual hal-
attacking him. He is in altered sensorium. lucinations. Most likely diagnosis is:
This condition is: A. Intermittent porphyria
A. Acute delirium B. Hypothyroidism
B. Acute dementia C. Hyperthyroidism
C. Acute schizophrenia D. Hysteria
D. Acute paranoia Ans. A
Ans. A
24. Basanti 27 years aged, female thinks her
19. A person missing from home, is found wan- nose is ugly; her idea is fixed and not shared
dering purposefully. He is well groomed, by anyone else. Whenever she goes out of
and denies of having any amnesia. Most home, she hides her face with a cloth. She
likely diagnosis is: visits a Surgeon. Next step would be:

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A. Investigate and then operate B. Wernicke encephalopathy.
B. Refer to psychiatrist C. De Clerambault syndrome.
C. Reassure the patient D. Delirium tremens.
D. Immediate operation Ans. B
Ans. B
27. A 25-year-old female presents with 2 year
25. A 40-year-old male, with history of daily history of repetitive, irresistible thoughts
alcohol consumption for the last 7 years, of contamination with dirt associated with
is brought to the hospital emergency room repetitive hand washing. She reports these
with acute onset of seeing snakes all around thoughts to be her own and distressing; but
him in the room, not recognizing family is not able to overcome them along with
members, violent behavior and tremulous- medications. She is most likely to benefit
ness for having missed the alcohol drink from which of the following therapies:
since 2 days, Examination reveals increased A. Exposure and response prevention.
blood pressure, tremors, increased psycho- B. Systematic desensitization.
motor activity, fearful affect, hallucinatory C. Assertiveness training.
behavior, disorientation, impaired judg- D. Sensate focusing.
ment and insight. He is most likely to be suf- Ans. A
fering from:
A. Alcoholic hallucinosis. 28. An 18 year old boy came to the Psychiatry
B. Delirium tremens. OPD with a complaint of feeling changed
C. Wernicke encephalopathy. from inside. He described himself as feeling
D. Korsakoff’s psychosis. strange as if he is different from his normal
Ans. B self. He was very tense and anxious yet could
not point out the precise change in him. This
26. A 45-year-male with a history of alcohol phenomena is best called as:
dependence presents with confusion nys- A. Delusional mood.
tagmus and ataxia. Examination reveals 6th B. Depersonalization.
cranial nerve weakness. He is most likely to C. Autochthonous delusion.
be suffering from: D. Over valued idea.
A. Korsakoff’s psychosis. Ans. B

29. All of the following are hallucinogens, ex- 32. One of the following usually differentiates
cept: hysterical symptoms from hypochondriacal
A. LSD symptoms:
B. Phenylcyclidine. A. Symptoms do not normally reflect
C. Mescaline. understandable physiological or
D. Methylphendate. pathological mechanism.
Ans. D B. Physical symptoms are
30. An 18 year old student complains of lack of prominent which
interest in studies for last 6 months. He has are not explained by organic factors.
frequent quarrels with his parents and has C. Personality traits are significant.
frequent headaches. The most appropriate D. Symptoms run a chronic course.
clinical approach would be to: Ans. A
A. Leave him as normal adolescent
problem Dermatology
B. Rule out depression. 33. All of the following drugs are effective in the
C. Rule out migraine. treatment of pityriasis versicolor except:
D. Rule out an oppositional defiant A. Selenium sulphide.
disorder. B. Ketoconazole.
Ans. B C. Griseofulvin.
D. Clotrimazole.
31. Perseveration is: Ans. C
A. Persistent and inappropriate repetition
of the same thoughts. 34. A 36-year-old factory worker developed
B. When a patient feels very distressed itchy, annular scaly plaques in both groins.
about it. Application of a corticosteroid ointment led
C. Characteristic of schizophrenia. to temporary relief but the plaques contin-
D. Characteristic of obsessive compulsive ued to extend at the periphery. The most
dis order (OCD). likely diagnosis is:
Ans. A A. Erythema annulare centrifugum.
B. Granuloma annulare.

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C. Annular lichen planus. sia. The most likely diagnosis in the patient
D. Tinea cruris. is:
Ans. D A. Acne vulgaris.
B. Rosacea.
35. A 16-year-old boy presented with asymp- C. Systemic LUPUS erythematosus.
tomatic, multiple, erythematous, annular D. Polymorphic light eruption.
lesions with a callarette of scales at the pe- Ans. B
riphery of the lesions present on the trunk.
The most likely diagnosis is: 38. An 8-year-old boy from Bihar presents with
A. Pityriasis versicolor. a 6 months history of an illdefined, hypopig-
B. Pityriasis alba. mented slightly atrophic macule on the face.
C. Pityriasis rosea. The most likely diagnosis is:
D. Pityriasis rubra pilaris. A. Pityriasis alba.
Ans. C B. Indeterminate leprosy.
C. Morphoca.
36. The only definite indication for giving sys- D. Calcium deficiency.
temic corticosteroids in pustular PSORIA- Ans. B
SIS is:
A. Psoriatic enythroderma with 39. A 27-year-old sexually active male develops
pregnancy. a vesiculobullous lesion on the glans soon
B. PSORIASIS in a patient with alcoholic after taking tablet paracetamol for fever.
cirrhosis. The lesion healed with hyperpigmentation.
C. Moderate arthritis. The most likely diagnosis is:
D. Extensive lesions. A. Behcet’s syndrome.
Ans. D B. Herpes genitalis.
C. Fixed drug eruption.
37. A 40-year-old woman presents with a 2 year D. Pemphigus vulgaris.
history of erythematous papulopustular le- Ans. C
sions on the convexities of the face. There is
a background of erythema and telangiecta-

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