Learning Modules Earth and Life Science

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Senior High School Department

School Year 2020-2021


Title Origin and Structure of Earth

Module No 1
Date Date covered by the module (Sept. 1 – 11, 2020)
Topics Origin of the Universe
▪ Big Bang Theory
▪ Steady State Theory
▪ Creation Myth
▪ Inflation Theory
Learning At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
Outcomes ▪ Define Universe.
▪ Describe the structure and composition of the Universe.
▪ State the different theories that explain the origin of the Universe.
▪ Appreciate the importance of the processes and events in making
life possible.
Activities ACTIVITY 01: Complete the concept map given below by supplying
the correct term.
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BUILDING VOCABULARY: Match each term in Column

with its definition in Column B. Write
the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided before each number.

Column A Column B

_______1. Dark Matter A. Refers to matter that has

gravity but does not emit light.

_______2. Light Years B. Ordinary matter consisting of

protons, electrons and neutrons
that comprises atoms, planets,
stars, galaxies, and other
celestial bodies.

_______3. Baryonic Matter C. Defined as all existing matter

and space considered as a

_______4. Dark Energy D. A force that counteracts gravity

and causes the universe to

_______5. Universe E. The unit of length used to

measure astronomical distance.
▪ It is the field of study concerned with
the solid Earth, its waters, and the air
that envelops it. It includes the
geologic, hydrologic, and
atmospheric sciences with the
broad aim of
understanding Earth's present
features and past evolution and using
this knowledge to benefit humankind.


▪ Geology is the study of the Earth’s solid material and structures
and the processes that create them.
▪ Oceanography is the study of everything in the ocean
environment, which covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface.
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▪ Astronomy is the study of outer space and the physical bodies

beyond the Earth.
▪ Environmental science is the study of the effects people have
on their environment, including the landscape, atmosphere,
water, and living things.
▪ Meteorology includes the study of weather patterns, clouds,
hurricanes, and tornadoes.
▪ Climatology is the study of the whole atmosphere, taking a
long-range view.
1. The observable, which is everything whose existence we’ve far
been able to confirm or observe.
2. Universe with the capital “U” or the WHOLE UNIVERSE, which
is everything that exists, has existed, anytime, anywhere,
regardless of whether or not we’re aware of it YET (or ever will
▪ As far as we know, the universe had a beginning and is now
around 13.7 Billion years old.
▪ The universe as we currently
know it comprises all space and
time, and all matter and energy
in it. It is made of 4.6%
baryonic matter, 23% cold
dark matter and 72% dark
▪ Dark Matter
• this generally refers to "exotic" matter that interacts only weakly
with ordinary matter. While no such matter has ever been directly
observed in the laboratory, its existence has long been suspected.
• Hypothetical kind of matter that cannot be seen with telescopes.
• It is believed to account for most of the matter in the Universe.
▪ Dark Energy
• this is a truly bizarre form of matter, or perhaps a property of the
vacuum itself, that is characterized by a large, negative pressure
(repelling force). This is the only form of matter that can cause the
expansion of the universe to accelerate or speed up.
• Energy of the empty space and is causing expansion of the
universe to accelerate.
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▪ Non-scientific Thought
▪ Ancient Egyptians believed in many gods
and myths which narrate that the world
arose from an infinite sea at the first
rising of the sun.
▪ The Kuba people of Central Africa tell
the story of a creator god Mbombo (or
Bumba) who, alone in a dark and water-
covered Earth, felt an intense stomach pain
and then vomited the stars, sun, and moon.
▪ In India, there is the narrative that gods sacrificed Purusha, the
primal man whose head, feet, eyes, and mind became the sky,
earth, sun, and moon, respectively.
▪ The monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
claim that a supreme being created the universe, including man and
other living organisms.

▪ Steady State Model

▪ The now discredited steady
state model of the universe
was proposed in 1948 by
Hermann Bondi and Tommy
Goldand by Fred Hoyle.
▪ It assumed that the Universe has always been and will always be
the same.
▪ It maintains that new matter is created as the universe expands
thereby maintaining its density.
▪ Its predictions led to tests and its eventual rejection with the
discovery of the cosmic microwave background.

▪ Inflation Theory (Guth, Linde, Steinhart and Albrecht, 1980)

▪ The theory proposed a period of exponential expansion of the
universe prior to the more gradual big bang expansion.
▪ During this rapid expansion, the energy density of the universe
is dominated by cosmological constant - type of vacuum energy.
▪ Later, this decayed to produce the matter and radiation that filled
up the universe.
▪ Offers solution to the unresolved problems of the Big Bang theory
like in flatness by which inflation stretches any initial curvature
of the universe to near flatness.
▪ Big Bang Theory (Alexander Friedman And Georges Lamaitre, 1920)
▪ Scientists now “believe” that the universe had a definite beginning,
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and it will have an end.

▪ Currently, the “best” explanation for the existence of the universe.
▪ It states that there was an infinitely small, infinitely dense point
called singularity that contained everything that is the universe.
Suddenly, from nothingness and nowhereness 13.7 billion years
ago, random fluctuations in that empty void causes a great
explosion or expansion called the BIG BANG.

➢ The Evolution of the Universe according to the Big Bang Theory

▪ From time zero (13.7 billion

years ago) until 10-43 second
later, all matter and energy in
the universe existed as a hot,
dense, tiny state. It then
underwent extremely rapid,
exponential inflation until 10-
second later after which
and until 10 seconds from time zero, conditions allowed the
existence of only quarks, hadrons, and leptons.
▪ Then, Big Bang nucleosynthesis took place and produced protons,
neutrons, atomic nuclei, and then hydrogen, helium, and lithium
until 20 minutes after time zero when sufficient cooling did not
allow further nucleosynthesis.
▪ From then on until 380,000 years, the cooling universe entered a
matter-dominated period when photons decoupled from matter and
light could travel freelyas still observed today in the form of
cosmic microwave background radiation.
▪ As the universe continued to cool down, matter collected into
clouds giving rise to only stars after
▪ 380,000 years and eventually galaxies would form after 100
million years from time zero during
▪ which, through nucleosynthesis in stars, carbon, and elements
heavier than carbon were produced.
▪ From 9.8 billion years until the present, the universe became dark
energy dominated and underwent accelerating expansion. At about
9.8 billion years after the big bang, the solar system was formed.

➢ Evidence of the Big Bang Theory

1. Galaxies receding from us (Hubble’s Law)
▪ Proposed by Edwin Hubble
▪ The further away a galaxy is, the greater its
recessional velocity and the greater its
spectral red shift (shift to the red end of the
spectrum of a light or electromagnetic
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2. Remnants of the energy from the “Big Bang”

-Cosmic Microwave background radiation (CMBR)
▪ George Gamow (1940’s) predicted
there should be “echoes” of the Big
Bang “explosion.”
▪ There is a pervasive cosmic
microwave background (CMB)
radiation in the universe. Its
accidental discovery in 1964 by
Arno Penzias and Robert Woodrow
Wilson earned them the physics
Nobel Prize in 1978.
▪ It can be observed as a strikingly uniform faint glow in the
microwave band coming from all directions-blackbody
radiation with an average temperature of about 2.7 degrees
above absolute zero.

3. The primordial abundance of chemical elements

▪ The Big Bang theory predicts
that the presence of light
elements such as Hydrogen
and Helium should have been
fused from protons and
neutrons in the first few
minutes after the Big Bang.
Activities Answer this:
As you read about the evidences that supports the Big Bang
theory, fill in the details to complete the graphic organizer.

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Supplementary Readings:
The Expanding Universe
Astronomers theorize that billions of years ago, the universe was no larger
than the period at the end of this sentence. This tiny universe was incredibly
hot and dense. The universe then exploded in what astronomers call the big
bang. According to the big bang theory, the universe formed in an
instant, billions of years ago, in an enormous explosion.
Edwin Hubble discovered that most of the galaxies are moving away from
us and away from each other. Hubble also discovered that there is a
relationship between the distance to a galaxy and its speed. Hubble’s law
states that the farther away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away from us.
Hubble’s law provides strong support for the big bang theory.
In 1965, two physicists accidentally detected faint radiation on their radio
telescope. This mysterious glow was coming from all directions in space.
Scientists later concluded that this glow, now known as cosmic background
radiation, is radiation left over from the big bang. Astronomers estimate that
the universe is about 13.7 billion years old.

After the big bang, there was only cold, dark gas and dust where the solar
system is now. About five billion years ago, a giant cloud of gas and dust
collapsed to form our solar system. A large cloud of gas and dust such as the
one that formed our solar system is called a solar nebula. Slowly, gravity
began to pull the solar nebula together.
As the solar nebula shrank, it spun faster and faster and eventually flatted
into a rotating disk. Gravity pulled most of the gas into the center of the disk,
where the gas eventually became hot and dense enough for nuclear fusion to
begin. The sun was born.

Meanwhile, in the outer parts of the disk, gas and dust formed small
asteroid-like bodies called planetesimals. These formed the building blocks
of the planets. Planetesimals collided and grew larger by sticking together and
eventually combining to form the planets.
New observations have led many astronomers to conclude that the
universe will likely expand forever. Astronomers have discovered that the
matter that astronomers can see, such as stars and nebulas, makes up as little
as ten percent of the mass of galaxies. The remaining mass in galaxies exists
in the form of dark matter.
Dark matter is matter that does not give off electromagnetic radiation.
Astronomers have observed that the expansion of the universe appears to be
accelerating. They infer that a mysterious new force, which they call dark
energy, is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate. Most of the
universe is thought to be made of dark matter and dark energy.
Senior High School Department

Direction: Complete the crossword puzzle below.

Across: Down:
2. Proposed a period of exponential 1. States that the universe is unchanging
expansion of the universe prior to the in time and uniform in space.
more gradual big bang expansion. 3. It is the process when protons and
8. One of the proponents of Big Bang neutrons combine to form hydrogen
Theory. nuclei.
9. It is the study of the Earth’s solid 4. Refers to the energy of the empty space
material and structures and the processes and is causing expansion of the universe
that create them. to accelerate.
10. States that the further away a galaxy is, 5. states that there was an infinitely small,
the greater its recessional velocity and the infinitely dense point called singularity
greater its spectral red shift. that contained everything that is the
6. Its symbolic narrative of the beginning
of the world as understood by a culture.
7. It is the study of outer space and the
physical bodies beyond the Earth.
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DIRECTION: Briefly explain the following questions below.

Your answer will be assessed using the
given Rubrics. RUBRICS:

1. What can your account from an expanding universe? Conveyance 5pts

Relevance 5pts
2. How did the discovery of quasars disprove the Steady Concept 5pts
State Theory?

Values Answer the given question below:

Integration ▪ Suppose you meet an extraterrestrial being
who ask you to describe the Universe, what
significant events would you share with your
newfound friend?


Assignment For decades, our scientists and engineers have
advanced technology in both aviation and space
exploration. These innovations have given the
U.S. a leading role in the aerospace industry.
Now, your task is to give 2 space explorations
happened for the past 20 years and make a short
description about that exploration.

▪ https://www.somerset.k12.ky.us/
References ▪ Sia, Rose D. 2016 Science in Today’s World (Earth and Life Science),
Sibs Publishing House, Quezon Ave, Quezon City
▪ Vengco, Lillia. 2018 You and the Natural World (Earth and Life
Science), Phoenix Publishing House, Quezon Ave, Quezon City

Prepared Teacher Miss Janine Karen M. Oliveros

Checked LAC Mr. John Robby O. Robiňos

Noted Principal Miss. Ma.Socorro Arcillas

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