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Inform sales reps to increase customer acquisition and retention

With current relevant data, your sales representatives can have more meaningful
conversations that are of real value to your customers. By having data on customer behaviour
patterns, past customer feedback, customer preferences, and buying habits, sales
representatives will learn what customers really want and be able to show them the value of a
product or service. When potential customers feel heard, they are more likely to be loyal and
satisfied. High-quality BI tools are accessible from mobile devices, ensuring that your
representatives can access your data even when they are out of the office.

Ability to accurately measure the effectiveness of marketing activities

BI enables you to design, monitor, and evaluate the success of promotions and marketing
campaigns by providing real-time insight into customer responses. By identifying which
activities get the best response, you can simplify your marketing budget and allocate money
for the best ROI. If an event doesn't generate a positive response, you can quickly reorganize
the promotion or customize the message.

New sales opportunities will regularly present themselves

BI allows your team to quickly discover emerging sales trends by analysing the company's
customer data and various market conditions. Your team will be able to quickly visualize
detailed changes in customer behaviour to reveal emerging opportunities. By leveraging these
insights, the sales team can improve the accuracy of sales forecasts and respond accordingly.

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