The Best Thing You Can Do Is To Talk About This With

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Exercise 1

My house is OK, but I’m having some problems Answer

with my flatmates. The house is very dirty and Hi Jenny,
untidy and I have to do all the housework! I can’t I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems with
invite my friends over because I feel embarrassed. your flatmates. I think I can help you!
What can I do? The best thing you can do is to talk about this with
Jenny your flatmates. This way, you can explain how you
feel and make them realise that you can't do all
the housework yourself, as this is their house, too.
Maybe they don't know that you're upset. I think
you should make a list of all the chores and
together decide how to shore them. Then,
everyone has responsibilities and they know what
to do. I really hope my advice helps! Write back
and tell me what happens.
Jenny’s problem is Your answer

Hi Jenny,
I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems with
your flatmates. I think I can help you!
The best thing you can do is to……..
This way, you can……
I think you should……

Exercise 4

Read the extract from an e-mail below. Then match the advice to the results. What is your advice? What
can the expected results be?

Problem Advice Possible Result

My flatmates are so noisy! They Talk to your flatmates and If they realize there is a problem,
invite their friends over and play explain them how you feel. they can try to be quieter.
loud music when I'm trying to
study or sleep. It's awful! Any
advice? Matt
Write your answer

Decide on a house rule like “no You know you can always study
noise after 9 pm”. and sleep after this time.
Write your answer

Exercise 5

Use any of the ideas in Ex. 4 to write an email to Matt giving your advice (80-100 words). Follow the plan
and use the e-mail in Ex. 2 as a model.

Opening remarks
I’m sorry to hear that
I think I can help you
Advice and expected results
Why don’t you…..? This way ……
You should also…..Then,…..

Closing remarks
I really hope……
Write back and tell me…….

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