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You will learn to:
 Describe a place
 Tell where you in the city

a. b. c.
1. Find the words in the pictures:

1. A church __ C___
2. A taxi ____A_____
3. Shops ___ B_____
4. People ___B______
5. Flats (apartments) ____A_____
6. A flag ___B______
7. A tree ____C______
8. A Café ____A-B____
9. A restaurant ____B____
10. Signs ____B____


Singular Plural
There is / there’s There are
There is a church There are shops

1. Complete the sentences with there’s or there are:

1. There’s ____a restaurant.

2. There are____five trees.
3. There’s ____a church.
4. There are___people.
5. There’s ____a Café.
6. There are___signs.
7. There’s ____a tree.
8. There are___ four restaurants.
9. There’s ____a flag.
10. There’s ____ a taxi.
2. Match the pictures with the words in the box:

at a restaurant at the airport at the cinema at a café at the station

a. b. c.
____ at the airport _____ ____ at the cinema _____ ______ at a café

d. e.

___at a restaurant ____ ____ at the station ____


Track 50
1. Listen and match the numbers:

10 20 30 40 50 Fifty 50 ten 10 twenty 20 fourty40

thirty 30

2. Write this numbers:

 19 __Nineteen______.
 23 __Twenty three__.
 37 __Thirty seven___.
 44 __Fourty four___.
 59 __Fiffy nine_______.

3. Look at the pictures and write the time:

a. b. c. d.
It´s one fifteen __It’s one fifty_ _It´s eight twenty_ _It’s four o clock__
4. Look at the picture. Parts of the day:
1. When do you do these activities?

In the morning _In the Afternoon_ __at Night___ In the morning_ In the Evening_


1. Read the sentences and complete them with your time:}

1. I get up at _7:30 am___.

2. I have breakfast at 8:00 am__.
3. I go to university at 3:00 pm__.
4. I have lunch at 12:30 pm.
5. I take a nap at __1:30 pm__.
6. I do my homework at __6:00 pm_.
7. I go to bed at ___10:30 pm_____.


1. What day is today? Today is Monday

2. What day is tomorrow?

Tomorrow is Tuesday

Track 56

3. Listen and write the days of the week in order:

Tuesday Thursday Saturday Wednesday Friday Sunday Monday

 ______ Monday _____.

 ______Tuesday _____.
 _____Wednesday___.
 _____Thursday _____.
 ______Friday _____.
 _____Saturday___.
 _____Sunday___.

4. What are the next days?

 Tuesday ____Wednesday__ _____ Thursday _____.

 Friday _____Saturday__ ____Sunday ___.
 Sunday ______ Monday _ ______ Tuesday _____.
 Monday ______Tuesday _______Wednesday__ _.
 Tuesday _____Wednesday______Thursday _____.
 Saturday _____Sunday_________ Monday _____.


Time Days Parts of the day
At 6:00 pm. On 6:00 pm. In the morning

 On Monday.
 __On___ Monday morning.
 __At___ 3:00 a.m.
 __In___ the afternoon-
 _At____ four thirty.
 _In____ the evening.
 _On____ Saturday.
 _At____ 5:25 a.m.

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