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Normal Distribution - Standardisation

1) X is a normal random variable with mean µ = 5 and variance σ2 = 4. Calculate the following

a) P(X > 5.7)

b) P(X < 3.4)
c) P(2.8 < X < 5.1)
d) P(5.7 < X < 6.8)

2) Calculate the following when X ~ N (100, 64)

a) P(X >120)
b) P(X ≤ 99)
c) P(90 < X < 100)

3) The heights of boys at a particular age follow a normal distribution with mean of 150.3 cm
and variance of 25 cm2. Find the probability that a boy picked at random from that age group
has a height

a) Less than 148 cm

b) More than 158 cm
c) Between `47 cm and 149.5 cm
d) Between 150 cm and 158 cm

4) The time taken by a milkman to deliver milk to High Street is normally distributed with a
mean of 12 minutes and a standard deviation of 2 minutes. He delivers milk every day.
Estimate the number of days during the year when he takes

a) Longer than 17 minutes

b) Less than 10 minutes
c) Between 9 and 13 minutes

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