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Review Limit dan kekontinuan
Introduction to Limits
Suppose you are asked to sketch the graph of the function f given by

For all values other than x = 1, you can use standard

curve-sketching techniques. However, at x = 1, it is not clear what to expect.
Example 1
Simplify, graph, discuss the limit as approaches 1 of f(x)

The graph of f(x) is the graph of a parabola

y = x2 + x + 1 with a hole at (1,3)

Although x can not equal 1, you can move

arbitrarily close to 1, and as a result f(x)
moves arbitrarily close to 3.

Using limit notation, you can write

Example 2 – Estimating a Limit Numerically

Evaluate the function at several

points near x = 0 and use the results to estimate the limit
Example 2 – Solution cont’d

From the results shown in the table, you can estimate the
limit to be 2. How do we get this answer when we are not
allowed to use the calculator?

Direct substitution leads to 0/0 indeterminate form

Example 3
Direct substitution leads to the indeterminate form of 0/0
Example 4 – Behavior That Differs from the Right and from the Left

Show that the limit does not exist.

does not exist at x = 0 since

X Y the limit from the right and left
are NOT the same value
-3 -1
-2 -1
-1 -1
0 undefined

1 1
2 1 It would shift the graph to the right 3 units

3 1
Pada x = 2 f(x)=4 ditulis
(𝑥 − 1)
𝑓 𝑥 = 2
(𝑥 − 1)

Pada x = 1 f(x)=0.5
Properties of Limits
The limit of f(x) as x approaches c does not depend on the value of
f at x = c. It may happen, however, that the limit is precisely f(c).

In well-behaved functions which are continuous at c, the limit can

be evaluated by direct substitution.
Properties of Limits
Example 1 – Evaluating Basic Limits


4(2)2 + 3 = 19
Example 3 – The Limit of a Rational Function

Find the limit:

Because the denominator is not 0 when x = 1,

you can use direct substitution
Properties of Limits
Properties of Limits

Example – Limits of Trigonometric Functions

Indeterminate Form
An expression such as 0/0 is called an indeterminate form because you cannot
(from the form alone) determine the limit.
When you try to evaluate a limit and encounter this form, remember that you must
rewrite the function so that the new denominator does not have 0 as its limit.
❑ divide out like factors
❑ rationalize the numerator
❑ get rid of fractions within fractions
Example – Finding the Limit of a Function

Find the limit:

With direct substitution we obtain 0/0 an

indeterminate form

By factoring and dividing out like factors,

you can rewrite f as

Example - Dividing Out Technique

Find the limit:

With direct substitution we obtain 0/0 an indeterminate

form and we must re-write the function

So, for all x ≠ –3, you can divide out this factor to obtain
Example – Rationalizing Technique
By direct substitution, you obtain
Find the limit: the indeterminate form 0/0.
Example – Fraction within Fraction
By direct substitution, you obtain
the indeterminate form 0/0.
The Squeeze Theorem

Squeeze Theorem is also called the Sandwich Theorem or the Pinching

Continuity at a Point and on an Open Interval
In mathematics, the term continuous has much the same meaning as it has in
everyday usage.

Informally, to say that a function f is continuous at x = c means that there is no

interruption in the graph of f at c.

That is, its graph is unbroken at c and there are no holes, jumps, or gaps.
Continuity at a Point and on an Open

Each graph above is discontinuous at x = c because:

1. The function is not defined at x = c.
(point discontinuity, removable)
2. The limit of f(x) does not exist at x = c.
(jump discontinuity, non-removable)
3. The limit of f(x) exists at x = c, but it is not equal to f(c).
(point discontinuity, removable)
Example 1 – Continuity of a Function
Discuss the continuity of each function.
= x + 1, x ≠ 1

Domain: x ≠ 0 Domain: x ≠ 1
V. asy: x = 0 V. asy: none
H: asy: y= 0 H: asy: none Hole @ (1,2)
Example – Continuity of a Function
Discuss the continuity of each function.
One-Sided Limits
The limit from the right (or right-hand limit) means that x approaches
c from values greater than c.
This limit is denoted as

Similarly, the limit from the left (or left-hand limit) means that x
approaches c from values less than c.
This limit is denoted as
Example – A One-Sided Limit
Find the limit of f(x) = as x approaches –2 from the

y2 = 4 – x2
x2 + y2 = 4

The limit as x approaches

–2 from the right is
One-Sided Limits and Continuity on a Closed Interval
Example – Continuity on a Closed Interval

Discuss the continuity of f(x) =

y2 = 1 – x2
x2 +y2 = 1
The domain of f is the closed interval [–1, 1].

Conclude that f is continuous on the closed interval [–1, 1]

Example - Testing for Continuity
Describe the interval(s) on which
each function is continuous. Period = π/1
Use the white board to graph

f(x) = tan x is undefined at

Continuous at all other points

So, f(x) = tan x is continuous on the open

-3π/2 –π/2 π/
Example – Testing for Continuity
Describe the interval(s) on which each function is continuous.

Because y = 1/x is continuous except at x = 0

and the sine function is continuous for all real
values of x, it follows that y = sin (1/x) is
continuous at all real values except x = 0

At x = 0, the limit of g(x) does not exist.

So, g is continuous on the interval

Example – Testing for Continuity
Describe the interval(s) on which each function is continuous.

This function is similar to the function in part

(b) except that the oscillations are damped by
the factor x.

Using the Squeeze Theorem, you obtain

So, h is continuous on the entire real line.

Properties of Continuity
The following types of functions are continuous at every point in
their domains.

You can conclude that a wide variety of elementary functions are continuous
at every point in their domains.
One-Sided Limits and Continuity on a Closed Interval
The Intermediate Value Theorem

The Intermediate Value Theorem

guarantees the existence of at least one
number c in [a, b] such that k is in [f(a),f(b)]

There may, of course, be more than

one number c such that f(c) = k, as shown
Infinite Limits
Infinite Limits
A limit in which f(x) increases or decreases without bound as x
approaches c is called an infinite limit.
Example – Determining Infinite Limits from a Graph
Determine the limits of each:
Vertical Asymptotes
Example – Finding Vertical Asymptotes
Determine all vertical asymptotes of the graph of each function.

V. Asy x = -1 V. Asy x = -1, x = 1

H. Asy y = 0 H. Asy y = 1
Rational Function and Common Factor
• Determine the vertical asymptotes of f(x)
Hole: (2,3/2)
V asy: x = -2
H asy: y=1

x y
-3 -1
-2 asy
-1 3
Determining Infinite Limits
• Find each limit 1 1 -3 0
____1 -2
1 -2 -2

Hole: none
V asy: x=1
H asy: none
O asy: y=x–2

x y
0 0
1 asy
2 -2
Example – Determining Limits
a. Because

you can write

Property 1, Theorem 1.15

b. Because ,

you can write

Property 3, Theorem 1.15

Example – Determining Limits cont’d

c. Because

you can write

Property 2, Theorem 1.15

Contoh 1. Tentukan konstanta c agar fungsi

3 − cx, x  −1
f ( x) =  2
 x − c, x  −1
mempunyai limit di x=-1


Agar f(x) mempunyai limit di x=-1, maka limit kiri harus sama dengan
limit kanan

lim f ( x) = lim − 3 − cx = 3 + c
x → −1− x → −1
Agar limit ada 3+ c = 1 - c
lim + f ( x) = lim x 2 − c = 1 − c
x → −1 x → −1+

c = -1
Tugas #1
 x 2 + 1, x  1
1. Diketahui : f ( x) =  2
 x − x + 2, x  1

a.Hitung lim f ( x) dan lim+ f ( x)

x →1− x →1

b. Selidiki apakah lim f ( x ) ada, jika ada hitung limitnya

x →1

2. Diketahui g ( x) = x − 2 − 3x , hitung ( bila ada ) :

a. lim g ( x ) b. lim g( x ) c. lim g( x)

x →2 − + x →2
x →2
3. Diketahui f ( x) = , hitung ( bila ada )
a. lim f ( x)
b. lim f ( x) c. lim f ( x)
x→ 2− x→ 2+ x →2


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