Exemplar Speaking Lesson Plan

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Exemplar lesson plan

This exemplar lesson plan is for your records. It is based on the Content and Learning Standards
provided to you, components from the SoW and the activities from the textbook. The activities in this
exemplar lesson plan are suggested for the purpose of giving an example of a good lesson plan.
Activities may differ from the ones you have prepared earlier.

YEAR : 5
DURATION : 60 minutes
THEME : World of Self, Family and Friends
TOPIC : Free time
CONTENT STANDARD : Speaking 2.1. Communicate simple information intelligibly

Writing 4.2. Communicate basic information intelligibly for a

range of purposes in print and digital media
LEARNING STANDARD : Speaking 2.1.1. Give detailed information about themselves

Writing 4.2.1. Give detailed information about themselves

LEARNING OBJECTIVES : By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
- Talk about some of their interests, skills and hobbies
- Write sentences about some of their interests

*ACTIVITIES: : Stand up – sit down:

Say some sentences about hobbies and interests. Pupils stand up if
the sentence you say is true for them. For example: You like ___. You
don’t like ___. Your favourite hobby / interest is ___. Introduce some of
i. PRE-LESSON the new language at this stage if pupils follow the activity well, e.g.
You’re into ___. Pupils then say sentences about your hobbies and
interests. Sit down if not true, stand up if true.
ii. LESSON DEVELOPMENT : 1. Write on board numbers 1–9. Pupils look at sentence starters in p.4
Activity 3, then say a number. Pupils complete the sentence orally in
pairs with information about the teacher. Put a tick beside number on
board. Repeat.
3. Pupils listen to CD track 1-04 and complete sentences in exercise 3
with information from the people they hear about.
4. Elicit ideas from pupils to complete the sentences in Activity 3 with
their own information. Write some on the board if necessary to support
less proficient or confident pupils.
5. Pupils do Activity 4 on page 4. They write six sentences about their
hobbies and interests.
5. Choose two pupils to read speech bubbles in Activity 5. Pupils work
with a different partner and repeat dialogue substituting hobbies and
interests with theirs. Allow less proficient pupils to use their written
sentences for support, and push more proficient pupils to give longer or
more answers.
6. Pupils do p. 5 Activities 1 and 2 individually to remind them about
subject pronouns and possessive adjectives. If time, they should check
in pairs first. Teacher checks with whole class.
7. Pupils play Is it true, is it false? In pairs or small groups. Pupils write
in capital letters TRUE and FALSE on two pieces of paper. They take
turns to say or make up a hobby or interest that a member of their
family has. Then ask: Is it true? Is it false? Allow less proficient pupils
to make notes before playing the game.

iii. POST-LESSON : Play a chain game, where pupils work in groups, sitting in a circle. One
pupil says a word or phrase from Activity 1, p.4. Pupils say a sentence
about themselves, one by one around the circle using the word, e.g.
video games: I’m into video games. / I’m not good at video games.
Change roles so that the next pupil says the word to start the chain,
and continue in this way so that each pupil has started the chain at
least once, depending on time and performance.

TEACHER’S REFLECTION Add your reflection at the end of the lesson.

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