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Professional Values and Ethics Paper 1

Define Values and Ethics

Joseph Lewis

University of Phoenix
Professional Values and Ethics Paper 2


This is a four part paper that deals with giving explanations and examples of values and

ethics. In this paper they will be defined. There are at least three sources of professional values

and ethics listed in the text. There is a description of the way that professional values and ethics

will have an impact on the success of one’s career. There is at least two or more direct

examples of this written in the text. This text has four authors, each contributing a part to it. The

group effort to examine professional values and ethics is stressed in the creation of this text. It is

in the spirit of the creation of this paper that four different perspectives tackle the different

elements that make up the requirements of the creation of it. The main basis is to discover better

ways to have a successful group career journey, and to discover better ways to have a successful

journey in your career as an individual as well.

Professional Values and Ethics Paper 3

Values and ethics defined

Values are in everyday speech, a form of societal assumptions of rightness or wrongness.

Values are usually assumed in every type of society. They vary greatly from one culture

to another. Typically in Western societies values are very similar. More modernly values from

such countries like Japan, have become same or similar to those of the West. A value for

example in the United States might be to preserve the order of a family.

This would be an example of an exception to the great variance across the oceans.

Most cultures have the value that preservation of the family is of most concern. The reasoning

behind this philosophy, is that families ensure the common wealth and prosperity of those in that

particular family.

Defined (infra) is the formal definition of a value. According to the Merriam Webster’s

Deluxe Dictionary 10th Collegiate Edition (1998) “Values are a judgment assigning a value (as

good or bad) to something”(p. 2041).“ Ethics are defined as the principles of conduct governing

and individual or group”(p. 625).

Because ethics are indeed, a part of the governing principles of a given society, they are

one of the utmost important causes to them. The difference between a value and an ethic are that

values, are held by an individual which could mean a family, whereas ethics is a gubernatorial


The reasoning behind this is that some things are seen as so heinous that any person that

would be a reasonable person would not have done a similar situation or circumstance. This is

why ethics were introduced into the government, because it is assumed by most that the

government should be ethical.

Professional Values and Ethics Paper 4


Merriam-Webster, (1998). Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary (10th ed.). Pleasantville, New

York: The Reader's Digest Association.

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