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Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 1 of 19

Homework Assignment #1
(due Tuesday August 30th)

1. What is the oxide thickness on the Si wafer that you are processing? At what temperature
was the oxide deposited? How long did the deposition process take? Was the oxide deposited
by a wet or dry process? Using the formulas in your text book, calculate the theoretical thickness
of the oxide grown in the lab. Check your calculations with the figures in the text book showing
oxide thickness as a function of time for various temperatures.

2. In a later laboratory session, you will grow the gate oxide for the MOSFET device. What is
the thickness of the gate oxide? Will the gate oxide be grown by a wet or dry process? Why?
Calculate a time and temperature that will provide the appropriate gate oxide thickness. Check
your calculations with the figures in the text book showing oxide thickness as a function of time
for various temperatures.

Homework Assignment #2 (due Tuesday September 13th)

For Problems 1 through 4, review the pdf file " DiamondLatticeAndSilicon.pdf" which was
excerpted from the pdf file SSDa which is posted on Blackboard.

Problem 1. Calculate the number of Si atoms per cubic centimeter. You can do this by
considering the diamond structure (Fig. 1-8 of the "DiamondLatticeAndSilicon.pdf " notes) as
the unit cell. The lattice constant of silicon is 5.43 Angstroms at room temperature (see Fig. 1-8
again). You also need to know how many Si atoms are in the diamond unit cell. With a little (or
considerable) thought, you will find that each corner atom contributes 1/8th of an atom/cell
(why?). And each face atom contributes (1/8th?, 1/4th? or ½?) of an atom/cell. And each
interior atom contributes 1 atom/unit cell. With this information, you can now calculate the
number of Si atoms per cubic centimeter.

Problem 2. Calculate the density of silicon. Hopefully you still have your high school chemistry
text (we had to buy our textbooks at Omak High School--but I sold mine to my next door
neighbor, Judy Daulph, who was a grade behind me) or your first year college chemistry
textbook (I still have mine). If so, you will find that you can find density from

Density = (# of atoms/cm3)*(number of grams/mole)/(number of atoms/mole)

The first term is what you calculated in Problem 1. You can find the number of grams/mole
from looking at Si in the periodic table. The number of atoms/mole is Avagodro's number. If
you do everything right, you should get an answer of about 2 grams/cm3.

Problem 3. Find the number of Si atoms/cm2 on the (100) surface of silicon.

Problem 4. Find the number of Si atoms/cm2 on the (110) surface of silicon.

Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 2 of 19

Problem 5. If you are in lab group 1, find the first patent listed below. And if you are in lab
group 2, find the second patent listed below, and if you are in lab group n, find the nth patent
listed below.

1. The first LED patent (Bob Biard and Gary Pittman)

2. The first MOSFET patent (need to find out who the inventor is)
3. Robert Dennard's DRAM patent
4. Jack Kilby's IC patent
5. Robert Noyce's IC patent
6. Bardeen and Brattain's first transistor patent(s)
7. Shockley's transistor patent(s)

There are two main places on the web that I use to find patents.
1. There are two problems with the search engine at the US Patent
Office. The first problem is that, as stated on their website, "Patents from 1790 through 1975 are
searchable only by Patent Number and Current US Classification!" "Current US Classification"
has to do with one or more numbers like 330/309, numbers that are likely as unknown as the
patent number. So for pre 1975 patents, you need a patent number to search at the patent office
site. The second problem is that for patents before 1975, as again stated on their website, "Full
text is not available for this patent. Click on "Images" button above to view full patent." You
would think that you could click on the "Images" button and you would see the patent. However
as discussed at, you need a plug in for your browser
to view these images. They give links on where to get those plugins.

2. Another site that use to be the IBM patent site and was free, has moved and now charges:
ttp:// You need to register at this site (free) and you can do a basic search
that provides the patent numbers and a very low resolution (unreadable) view of the patent. But
you can search on inventors for patents issued before 1975 at this site.

So between the two sites, you should be able to find the patents listed above.

After reading the attached pdf file "Transistor Patent Battles," you will see why it should be
intersting to look at the first transistor patents. A later "homework problem" will be for each lab
group to make a 15 to 20 minute presentation on the patent that they have been assigned to find.

Homework Assignment #3 (due Tuesday September 20th)

For Problems 1 through 4, review Chapter 4 of the textbook and the notes on diffusion, which
are posted on Blackboard.

1. Step 2-4 in the MOSFET process traveler (MOSFETFab-Fall2005r1.ppt) is a constant source

diffusion. For this case, the solution to Eq. 4.3 in the textbook is given by Eq. 4.4. Calculate the
theoretical depth of this step using formulas and graphs in the textbook. Assume that the surface
concentration of this diffusion is the solid solubility limit, which can be obtained from Fig. 4.6 in
the text. You will need to know the background doping of your wafer. One of the TAs should
be able to tell you the resistivity of your n-doped wafer. Once you know the resistivity, you can
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 3 of 19

find the background doping from Fig. 4.8 in the text. Now you can set the constant background
doping (NB) equal to the impurity concentration N(x) which is given by Eq. 4.4. The value xj
that makes N(xj) = NB is called the metalurgical junction or the location of the p-n junction. Note
that you have to calculate a diffusion coefficient D using Table 1 from the text. Equation 4.4
contains a function called the complimentary error function, which is plotted in Fig. 4.4.

2. Step 2-7 in the MOSFET process traveler (MOSFETFab-Fall2005r1.ppt) is a limited-source

diffusion. For this case, the solution to Eq. 4.3 in the textbook is given by Eq. 4.6. Calculate the
theoretical depth of this step using formulas and graphs in the textbook. A limited-source
diffusion assumes an impulse function representing the total number of boron atoms/cm2
(deposited in step 2-4 of the MOSFET process traveler) at the silicon surface. The magnitude of
this impulse is called the dose (Q) and is given by Eq. 4.5 in the text.
In problem 1 you determined the resistivity and the background doping of your wafer.
Now you can set the constant background doping (NB) equal to the impurity concentration N(x)
which is given by Eq. 4.6. The value xj that makes N(xj) = NB is called the metalurgical junction
or the location of the p-n junction. Note that you have to calculate a diffusion coefficient D
using Table 1 from the text. Equation 4.6 has a Gaussian dependence, which is also shown in
Fig. 4.4.

3. Show that the expression on the extreme right hand side of Eq. 4.5 in the text has units of

4. Consider the limited source diffusion of Problem 2. How long a time would it take to obtain
the same depth obtained in class if the diffusion temperature was that of a very hot day in Texas
rather than the temperature used in class?
Homework Assignment #4
(due Tuesday September 27th)

1. In previous laboratories, source and drain regions were defined by etching openings in the 1
µm thick field oxide. During the boron reoxidation process (step 2-7), an oxide layer is grown in
the source and drain regions with a target thickness of 0.5 µm. Use the time and temperature
given in step 2-7 and calculate the theoretical thickness of this oxide in the source and drain

2. In problem 1 of homework #1 you calculated the theoretical thickness of the field oxide.
After the boron reoxidation step, how thick is the oxide outside the source and drain region?

3. Explain why the thickness of the oxide outside the source and drain region after the boron
reoxidation step is not the sum of the original thickness of the field oxide (problem #1 of
homework #1) and the thickness of the oxide over the source and drain calculated in problem 1
of this assignment.

4. The gate oxide is thermally grown in step 3-17 of the MOSFET fabrication traveler (see
problem #2 of homework #1). Calculate the new location of the boron diffused pn junction (see
homework problem #2 of homework #3) after the gate oxide is grown.
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 4 of 19

5. What are the dimensions of the source and drain regions on your wafer? Explain how you
can calculate the total number of boron atoms diffused into a source (or a drain) region. How
many boron atoms were diffused into each source region of your wafer?

6. There is an error in the text of the email that I sent to all students on Monday September
19th--the email that contained the attachment reviewing and detailing the format for the
homework for this class. What is that error?

Problem 7 and 8 are required for students taking this class for graduate credit (meaning they are
signed up for EE 7312). Other students may do these problems for extra credit.

7. Show that the complimentary error function is a solution to the diffusion equation and that it
satisfies the boundary conditions for a constant source diffusion.

8. Show that a Gaussian function is a solution to the diffusion equation and that it satisfies the
boundary conditions for a limited source diffusion.

Homework Assignment #5
(due Tuesday October 4th)

1. Calculate the sheet resistivity of the p-doped region in the source and drain of the MOSFETs
that you are fabricating. List any assumptions that you make.

2. Problem 4.7, text. 3. Problem 4.8, text. 4. Problem 4.10, text.

5. Problem 4.1, text
Problem 6. What is the sheet resistivity for the diffusion in Problem 5 (problem 4.1 in the text)?

The remaining problems are required for students taking this class for graduate credit (meaning
they are signed up for EE 7312). Other students may do these problems for extra credit.

7. Problem 4.11, text

8. Problem 4.14, text

Homework Assignment #6
(normally this would be due Tuesday October 11th, but because
of the Fall Break, this will be due on Thursday, October 13th)

1. Between Lab 6 and Lab 7, Jay Kirk and the TAs sputtered pure aluminum on your wafers.
(Ask the TAs to show you the sputtering system.) Film deposition is described in Chapter 6 of
your textbook. In particular, section 6.2 discusses sputtering with an argon ion beam, the method
used on your wafers. We also have a thermal evaporator and an e-beam evaporator at SMU. Of
these three systems, which is likely to provide better step coverage of the aluminum over the
surface of the wafer? Why is step coverage important? Briefly (one page or less) explain and/or
give reasons for your answers.
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 5 of 19

2. Why is an alloy of Al, Cu and Si (95% Al, 4% Cu and 1% Si is common) typically used when
making contacts to silicon? I do not expect a detailed discussion of phase diagrams in your
answer. I do expect an explanation of how (and why) adding each element to aluminum
improves our MOSFET devices. To answer this question, you can read Chapter 7
(Interconnections and Contacts) of your textbook.

3. Of the three deposition systems mentioned in Problem 1, is one more suited to depositing the
alloy mentioned in Problem 2?

4. Is there a simple reason that you would expect Al to make a better ohmic contact to p-type Si
than n-type Si?

Homework Assignment #7
(due on Tuesday, October 18th)

1. The speed of light (or the speed of any electromagnetic wave) in any material is given by the
reciprocal of the square root of the product of the electric permittivity and the magnetic
permeability. Often the speed of light in a given material is said to be the speed of light in
vacuum divided by the index of refraction of the material. What is the relationship between the
index of refraction of a material and the electric permittivity and the magnetic permeability of a
material? (Note: "phase velocity" is a more technically accurate term for what is usually called
"the speed of light".)

2. Show that the units of (permittivity)*(permeability) is (sec/m)2.

3. Calculate the speed of light in vacuum and in silicon.

Homework Assignment #8
(due on Thursday, November 3rd)
1. What are some considerations in determining the oxide thickness for the gate of a MOSFET?
2. What is meant by the threshold voltage of a MOSFET device? How can it be adjusted?
3. Explain "punch-through" in a MOSFET. How can it be avoided?
4. Discuss the tradeoffs involved in choosing the substrate doping of a MOSFET.

Homework Assignment #9
(due on Tuesday, November 8th)

1. Consider the bandgap energy versus lattice constant curves shown in Fig. HW8-1.
a) What range of wavelengths can be emitted by the direct bandgap region of AlxGa(1-x)As as the
mole fraction of Al (x) varies from 0 (GaAs) to about 0.4 (Al0.4Ga0.6As)?

b) What range of wavelengths can be emitted by quaternary compositions of InxGa(1-x)AsyP(1-y)

(the green line in Fig. HW8-1) as x and y are chosen to range from InP (x = 1, y = 0) to
In0.53Ga0.47As (x = 0.53, y = 1)?
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 6 of 19

c) What wavelength corresponds to the bandgap of AlInP lattice matched to GaAs?

d) What wavelength corresponds to the bandgap of InGaP lattice matched to GaAs?

The following is an excerpt from an email sent to the class on October 27th: " The attached chart shows
the band gap energy of different semiconductors such Si, GaAs, AlAs, and InP and their lattice constant.
All of the semiconductors just mentioned have the diamond structure. Note that there is a line connecting
AlAs and GaAs and that line spans an energy range of 1.435 eV (GaAs) to 2.16 eV (AlAs). GaAs and
AlAs are called binary compounds. The line connecting these two binary compounds represents
AlxGa(1-x)As, a ternary compound. (A binary compound contains, two elements, a ternary compound
contains three elements and a quaternary compound has four elements and so on...) Also note that a
curved line connects GaAs to InAs and the connecting curve represents InGaAs, another ternary
compound. There is a green line that connects InGaAs to InP on the graph. The green line represents the
quaternary compound InGaAsP.

The band gap energy Eg is the difference between the bottom of the conduction band Ec and the top of
the valance band Ev: Eg = Ec - Ev. When an electron in the conduction band recombines with a hole in
the valance band, a photon with energy Eg can be produced. The wavelength of that photon is related to
the band gap energy by Eg = hc/(wavelength). If the bandgap is measured in eV, and the wavelength is
given in microns, the formula becomes Ephoton (eV) = Eg (eV) = 1.24 eV/(wavelength in microns).

So by choosing a particular binary, ternary or quaternary material, a specific bandgap can be achieved
that gives off a particular wavelength of light."

2. Starting from Eg = Ephoton = hc/(wavelength), show that Ephoton (eV) =

1.24 eV/(wavelength in microns).
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 7 of 19

Fig. HW8-1. Band gap energies and lattice constants for numerous semiconductor

Homework Assignment #10

(due on Tuesday, November 15th)
Problem 1. Redo Problem 1 of the midterm.
Problem 2. Redo Problem 2 of the midterm.
Even if you received full credit on the midterm for problems 1 and 2, resubmit an improved
version for full credit on this homework assignment.

The following equations and information may be useful for solving the remaining problems.
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 8 of 19
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 9 of 19

Problem 3. Calculate the probability of occupation of an electron state located at an energy E =

1.2 eV for a Fermi Energy of 0.7 eV at a temperature of T = 0K, 77K, and 300K. Calculate the
probability of occupation of a hole state for the same conditions.

Problem 4. Calculate the number of electrons (no) in the conduction band for a silicon wafer
with an a Fermi level of 0.7 eV at a temperature of T = 0 K, 77 K, and 300 K. Calculate the
number of holes (po) in the valance band for the same conditions. How does the product of the
calculated values of no and po compare to ni2 at each temperature?

Problem 5. Calculate the number of electrons (no) in the conduction band for a silicon wafer
with an a Fermi level of 0.25 eV at a temperature of T = 0 K, 77 K, and 300 K. Calculate the
number of holes (po) in the valance band for the same conditions. How does the product of the
calculated values of no and po compare to ni2 at each temperature?
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 10 of 19

Homework Assignment #11

(due on Tuesday, November 22th)
Problem 1. Review the Final MOSFET report emailed to you. The review form is below. In
addition to responding to the review form, you may also make comments directly on the
MOSFET report using Track Changes in WORD. Email your review form and (if applicable)
the MOSFET report to: 1) the author of the report; and 2)
Reviewers for MOSFET Final Reports

this person's "old" reviewers

report is reviewed by (ignore)
A. Pareek Zhang, Junheng Zhang, Junheng
Buynak, Michael A. Pareek A. Pareek
Chen, Wickham Buynak, Michael Buynak, Michael
Coleman, James Chen, Wickham Chen, Wickham
Edde, Liran Coleman, James Coleman, James
Haitas, John Edde, Liran Edde, Liran
Hanson, Reed Haitas, John Haitas, John
Hartin, Paul Hanson, Reed Hanson, Reed
Jagannathan, Lakshmi Hartin, Paul Hartin, Paul
Jaime Sanchez Jagannathan, Lakshmi Lakshmi
John, Swapna Jaime Sanchez Jaime Sanchez
Joubran, Ethan John, Swapna John, Swapna
Love, Brian Joubran, Ethan Joubran, Ethan
Masabo, Arlene Love, Brian Love, Brian
Moore, Richard Masabo, Arlene Masabo, Arlene
Myers, Brandon Moore, Richard Moore, Richard
Ngu, Liem Myers, Brandon Murphy, Andrew
Nguyen,William Ngu, Liem Myers, Brandon
Ochs, Kevin Nguyen,William Ngu, Liem
Oleksy, Samantha; Ochs, Kevin Nguyen,William
Plunk, Cory Oleksy, Samantha; Ochs, Kevin
Thompson, Russell Plunk, Cory Oleksy, Samantha;
Wu, Paley Thompson, Russell Plunk, Cory
Yu,Bryan Wu, Paley Thompson, Russell
Zhang, Junheng Yu,Bryan Wu, Paley

MOSFET Paper Report Form

1. The work is clearly presented.
1[], 2[], 3[], 4[], 5[], 6[], 7[], 8[], 9[], 10[]

2. The technical quality of the manuscript is high.

1[], 2[], 3[], 4[], 5[], 6[], 7[], 8[], 9[], 10[]
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 11 of 19

3. This manuscript meets the standards for reports written in EE 3311.

Yes [ ] No [ ]

4. Based on the above evaluation, this paper should:

[]-be submitted as is, with no changes

[]-be submitted after minor revisions
[]-be submitted after major revisions

Recommendations for the Author (in addition to comments made on the document using "Track
Changes" in WORD):

Problem 2. Calculate the slope of LI curve of the laser measured in the lab class. Note that the
units of the slope are mW/mA. Calculate the threshold current density of laser in Amps/cm2 by
dividing the threshold current by the width and length of the contact area of the laser you
Problem 3. This problem clarifies resistance concepts. In your early circuits courses, resistors
are assumed to have a constant value, independent of the current flowing through the resistor or
the voltage across the resistor. However the channel of a MOSFET has a varying resistance
whose value depends on current flowing through the channel, the voltage across the channel and
the gate voltage. For such a "non-linear" resistor, we can consider a differential resistance (Rd =
dV/dI) and an average resistance (R = V/I). For a linear resistor, the differential and average
resistance are equal. For the MOSFET I-V curve you measured in the lab, plot the average
resistance and the differential resistance as a function of current for three different gate voltages.
You may find it easier to first plot the differential conductance and average conductance as a
function of current. You can then take the reciprocal of the conductance to get the resistance
(differential and average) as a function of current.

Homework Assignment #12

(due on Tuesday, November 29th--Assignment #13 is also due on this date)

Problem 1. Calculate the total internal reflection (TIR) angle for a) a fiber waveguide with a
core index of 1.5 and a cladding index of 1.4; b) a semiconductor waveguide with a GaAs core
(index of 3.5) and an AlGaAs cladding (index of 3.4); an interface between AlGaAs (with an
index of 3.4) and air (the refractive index of air is ~ 1). (Note: you can find the TIR angle from
Snell's Law (n1 sin (q1) = n2 sin (q2)) by setting the angle corresponding to the low index region
to 90 degrees).
Problem 2. Calculate the Fermi levels for the boron diffused regions (sources and drains) and
for the substrate for the MOSFET wafer that you processed in the laboratory.
Problem 3. Draw the corresponding energy band diagram for a region of the wafer that you
processed that includes one p-region and one n-region. Label (and give values for) the bandgap,
intrinsic energy level, acceptor energy level, donor energy level (assume that As is the donor)
and the Fermi levels in both the p- and n-regions. (Note: For help with the acceptor and donor
energy levels, see page 375 of the notes "Carriers in Semiconductors.")
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 12 of 19

Problem 4. What material is suitable for the active (recombination) region of a red (wavelength
= 635 nm) LED or a red laser? What material is suitable for the active (recombination) region of
a telecom laser that has a wavelength of 1550 nm? What material is suitable for the active
(recombination) region of an 850 nm VCSEL? (Note: You may want to consider the bandgap
energy versus lattice constant curves shown in Fig. HW8-1 in answering this question.)
Problem 5. Explain why an npn bipolar junction transistor is faster than a pnp. (Hint: consider
the mobility of the carriers.)
Problem 6. How many photons/sec are emitted by a laser (or LED) producing 1 mW of optical
power if the wavelength of the light is 850 nm?
Problem 7. One mW of optical power with a wavelength of 850 nm is incident on a p-i-n Si
detector. 50% of the incident photons generate electron-hole pairs either within the depletion
region or within a diffusion length of the depletion region. (Note: i) some photons are reflected
(anti-reflect coatings are not perfect...) at the air-detector interface and ii) other photons generate
electron-hole pairs well away from the depletion region which also recombine away from the
depletion region and therefore do not contribute to current flow). What is the resulting current
flow in the detector circuit assuming the detector is properly biased for a linear response?
Problem 8. Light is continuously incident on an n-doped (1014 donors/cm3) section of silicon
and generates 1013 electron-hole pairs/cm3. Calculate the quasi-Fermi levels Fn and Fp. (Note:
This is similar to the example shown in the "Carriers in Semiconductors" notes beginning on
page 379.)

Homework Assignment #13

(due Tuesday, November 29th--Assignment #12 is also due on this date)
NOTES: 1. This assignment, unlike all others, should be emailed to by 9 PM on Tuesday, November 29th.
2. This assignment is worth 65 homework points.

Problem 1. The form below is a course assessment that rates "educational objectives and
outcomes" that faculty fill out (on occasion) for the undergraduate EE courses that they teach.
This form (as filled out by the instructor) is used as part of the documentation for accreditation of
the SMU EE department.

Your assignment is to review the following 13 educational objectives and outcomes tabulated in
the matrix below. Rate all of the program outcomes with respect to your overall perception of
this class. Mark your rating by bolding the appropriate number. Indicate those program
outcomes that this course significantly addresses by highlighting them in boldface type. For
those program outcomes that you indicate in boldface type, please provide additional
documentation to support your rating.
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 13 of 19

Electrical Engineering Department

Course Assessment

Course: EE 3311 – Solid-State Devices

Instructor: Evans Term: Fall 2005

I. Relationship of Course to Electrical Engineering Program Outcomes:

This course includes, but is not limited to, content that supports the Electrical Engineering
Program educational objectives and outcomes. Program outcomes are tabulated in the matrix
below. Those program outcomes that this course significantly addresses are shown in
boldface type. Please rate each of the following program outcomes with respect to your
overall perception of this class. For those program outcomes shown in boldface type, please
provide additional documentation to support your rating.

Students completing this class are Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly N/A
Agree Disagree
expected to have:
1 knowledge of mathematics through
differential and integral calculus;
knowledge of probability and
statistics; knowledge of advanced 4 3 2 1 0 N/A
mathematics in topics such as
differential equations, linear algebra,
complex variables and discrete
2 knowledge of the basic sciences
4 3 2 1 0 N/A
including physics with laboratory
experience and chemistry;
3 knowledge of core electrical
engineering topics; and knowledge of
4 3 2 1 0 N/A
modern engineering techniques, skills
and tools, including computer based
4 knowledge of sub-disciplines of 4 3 2 1 0 N/A
electrical engineering in depth;
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 14 of 19

5 an ability to apply knowledge of

mathematics; science; and computing 4 3 2 1 0 N/A
and engineering to the analysis of
electrical engineering problems;
6 an ability to design and conduct
4 3 2 1 0 N/A
experiments, as well as to analyze and
interpret resulting data;
7 an ability to design engineering
4 3 2 1 0 N/A
systems that include hardware and
software components;
8 an ability to function in multi- 4 3 2 1 0 N/A
disciplinary teams;
9 an ability to identify, formulate and
solve electrical engineering problems
4 3 2 1 0 N/A
that meet performance, cost, time,
safety, reliability and quality
1 an understanding of and commitment
4 3 2 1 0 N/A
0 to professional and ethical
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 15 of 19

1 an ability to communicate technical

1 material through oral presentation and
interaction with an audience as well as 4 3 2 1 0 N/A
through formal written documents that
satisfy accepted standards for writing
1 the broad education and knowledge of
2 contemporary issues necessary to
4 3 2 1 0 N/A
understand the impact of electrical
engineering solutions in a global,
environmental and societal context;
1 an understanding of the need for, and
4 3 2 1 0 N/A
3 an ability to engage in life-long

For those program outcomes shown in boldface type, please provide additional
documentation to support your rating. (Note: the material below is an example response
from the previous version (Fall 2003) of this course in which there was no lab
component. That course was highly theoretical. Please delete the response below and
provide your own response.)

2 knowledge of the basic sciences

4 3 2 1 0 N/A
including physics with laboratory
experience and chemistry;
4 knowledge of sub-disciplines of 4 3 2 1 0 N/A
electrical engineering in depth;
5 an ability to apply knowledge of
mathematics; science; and computing 4 3 2 1 0 N/A
and engineering to the analysis of
electrical engineering problems;

Item 2: The failings of classical physics to explain atoms, black body radiation, particles acting
like waves (and waves acting like particles) and the photoelectric effect are discussed. Quantum
mechanics is introduced to develop the band theory of periodic crystals such as silicon and III-V
compounds. The material structures, properties and impurity doping of silicon and III-V
materials (InP and GaAs compounds) are discussed.

Item 4: The fundamental operation of p-n junctions, LEDs, semiconductor lasers, bipolar
transistors and Field Effect Transistors (FETs) are developed from first principles, beginning
with the Schroedinger Wave Equation.
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 16 of 19

Item 5: The Schrodinger wave equation is used to solve several problems in quantum
mechanics, which requires knowledge of linear, second order partial differential equations and
the application of boundary conditions. The understanding of column IV (silicon, Ge) and III-V
compounds requires chemistry and physics.

II. Course Prerequisites:

Briefly discuss course prerequisites. In particular, please note if students were deficient in
any prerequisites or if any prerequisites are unnecessary.

The equivalent of a semester of freshman chemistry is a prerequisite since this course starts
with the concepts of covalent bonding of silicon atoms in an intertwined face-centered cubic
arrangement. A course in Modern Physics would also be helpful to the student. No EE
courses are required as a prerequisite.

III. Course Topics Covered:

Briefly discuss course topics. In particular, please note if any course topics were not

Topics covered in this course include: silicon and III-V compound materials; shortcomings of
classical physics and the development of quantum mechanics; the Schroedinger wave equation;
particle in a well; transmission through a barrier; the Kronig-Penney model; energy band
diagrams, Fermi-Dirac statistics; doping of semiconductors, Fermi levels and quasi-Fermi levels;
electron and hole transport; effective mass; tunneling, avalanche processes; p-n junctions, LEDs,
semiconductor lasers, bipolar junction transistors, field-effect transistors, and integrated circuits.
All of these topics were covered.

IV. Course Improvement:

Briefly discuss ways the course could be improved.

A laboratory to illustrate the concepts and the devices would be very useful.

V. Other Comments (this is optional and not part of the ABET Course Assesment document):

EE3311 Laboratory Schedule

(revised August 31, 2005)

Group Students
1 (Full) Moore,Richard; Yu,Bryan; Nguyen,William; Love,Brian;
2 Wu,Paley; Plunk,Cory; A.Pareek;
3 (Full) Ngu, Liem; Hartin,Paul; Thompson,Russell; Vohra, Fazela;
4 (Full) Haitas,John; Murphy, Andrew; Jaime Sanchez; Joubran,Ethan;
5 (Full) Myers,Brandon; John,Swapna; Jagannathan,Lakshmi; Edde,Liran;
6 (Full) Masabo,Arlene; Zhang,Junheng; Chen,Wickham; Buynak,Michael;
7 (Full) Hanson,Reed; Ochs,Kevin; Coleman,James; Oleksy,Samantha;
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 17 of 19

Group 1: Tuesday 8:30am---10:20am
Group 2: Tuesday 10:30am---12:20am
Group 3: Wednesday 9:00pm---11:00pm
Group 4: Wednesday 2:00pm---4:00pm
Group 5: Thursday 8:30am---10:20am
Group 6: Thursday 10:30am---12:20am
Group 7: Thursday 2:00pm---4:00pm

The Table below shows the correspondence between letter grades and numerical grades on
laboratory reports.
A+ 105
A  100
A-  95
B+  90
B 85
B- 80
C+ 75
C 70
C- 65
D+ 60
D 55
D- 50


Each lab group will make a power point presentation in class giving an overview of the patent
they have been assigned to review. The allotted presentation time is 15 minutes followed by a
discussion period. In addition to the patent presentation, each group will turn in their power
point presentation. The power point slides will also include a description of each slide. For an
example of a pdf version of power point slides with a description of each slide, you can look at:, or


October 27th: Group 1: The first LED patent (Bob Biard and Gary Pittman)
November 1st: Group 2: The first MOSFET patent

November 3rd: Jay Kirk lectures: "Vacuum Systems, Clean room support systems, how
equipment in the clean room works...."
and Susan Wilson lectures: "Testing Lasers"

November 8th: Bob Biard "LED (and MOSFET?) Patents, Philosophy, and Q and A"

November 10th: Group 3: Robert Dennard's DRAM patent

Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 18 of 19

November 15th: Group 4: Jack Kilby's IC patent

November 17th: Group 5: Robert Noyce's IC patent
November 22th: Group 6: Bardeen and Brattain's first transistor patent(s)
November 29th: Group 7: Shockley's transistor patent(s)

The following items should be covered in the presentation:

1. What does the inventor claim to have invented?

2. How does the inventor explain the workings of his invention? (this is in the patent.)  What is
the main concept? (Well, most of the writing is awkward legalese, so the text is often not how
the inventor would explain his patent to a colleague, or "someone practiced in the art"...)
3. Show the illustrations in the patent that the inventor(s) use to explain the invention. 4.?What
does the invention claim?

We are well into the semester now, so the idea is that we now have some familiarity with
semiconductor concepts and therefore should be able to understand most of these patents, or we
should be able to point to sentences and paragraphs and realize that we don't understand what is

This presentation does not have to take very long--maybe only 10 minutes, if the points above
can be addressed.

I would like an electronic copy of each patent emailed to me by November 8th, 2005.

Reviewers for MOSFET Final Reports

this person's report is reviewed by "old" reviewers

A. Pareek Zhang, Junheng Zhang, Junheng
Buynak, Michael A. Pareek A. Pareek
Chen, Wickham Buynak, Michael Buynak, Michael
Coleman, James Chen, Wickham Chen, Wickham
Edde, Liran Coleman, James Coleman, James
Haitas, John Edde, Liran Edde, Liran
Hanson, Reed Haitas, John Haitas, John
Hartin, Paul Hanson, Reed Hanson, Reed
Jagannathan, Lakshmi Hartin, Paul Hartin, Paul
Jaime Sanchez Jagannathan, Lakshmi Lakshmi
John, Swapna Jaime Sanchez Jaime Sanchez
Joubran, Ethan John, Swapna John, Swapna
Love, Brian Joubran, Ethan Joubran, Ethan
Masabo, Arlene Love, Brian Love, Brian
Moore, Richard Masabo, Arlene Masabo, Arlene
Myers, Brandon Moore, Richard Moore, Richard
Homework EE 3311 Solid State Devices 10/24/20 - 19 of 19

Ngu, Liem Myers, Brandon Murphy, Andrew

Nguyen,William Ngu, Liem Myers, Brandon
Ochs, Kevin Nguyen,William Ngu, Liem
Oleksy, Samantha; Ochs, Kevin Nguyen,William
Plunk, Cory Oleksy, Samantha; Ochs, Kevin
Thompson, Russell Plunk, Cory Oleksy, Samantha;
Wu, Paley Thompson, Russell Plunk, Cory
Yu,Bryan Wu, Paley Thompson, Russell
Zhang, Junheng Yu,Bryan Wu, Paley

Remaining Topics (11/17/05)

P+n junctions
Bipolar Junction Transistors
Optical Waveguides (slab waveguides and fibers)

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