Digital IDs For Development

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Digital IDs for Development: Access to Identity and Services for All

Dahan, Mariana; Sudan, Randeep

Lack of personal official identification (ID) prevents people from fully exercising their rights
and isolates them socially and economically - voting, legal action, receipt of government
benefits, banking, and borrowing are all virtually closed off. The widespread lack of ID in
developing countries is a critical stumbling block to national growth. Digital ID, combined with
the already extensive use of mobile devices in the developing world, offers a transformative
solution to the problem - a simple means for capturing personal ID that can reach far more
people; and new, more efficient ways for government and business to reach and serve the
population. Robust digital ID systems can produce huge savings for citizens, government, and
business, increase transparency and accountability and drive innovation. Harnessing their power
will require strong political will and leadership, foreign assistance matched with local
incentives, and a supportive institutional environment. Trust in data security will be critical to
achieving tangible results.

Source: Dahan, M. & Sudan, R. (2015): Digital IDs for developmental: Access to identity and
services for all. World Bank

P.S. I cannot put comments and convert it into pdf file, so I did so by just indicating colors.

Yellow-Indicates the main idea and gives a background the about lack of personal identification
and also specifies why and how .

Blue-The argument of the author which indicates her stand; It also specifies what conflict they
are facing

Green-Presents a possible solution to the problem and specifies the effect if that is applied as a

Pink-Presents another Solution to the problem and gave the aftereffects, and possible benefits of
doing so.

Blue Green- The driving force for the solutions to be granted and solved

Gray- A Fundamental part in assuring that it’s safe and reliable.

A study entitled “Understanding Vaccines: A Public Imperative” by Ross S. Federman
tackles about how vaccines are a truly remarkable example of mankind’s ability to understand
the biological world around us and within us and to use that knowledge to better preserve the
health and life of our species. Characterized by systematic sets of data from parents under the
age group of 30-40 through statistical analysis. It aims to provide a specific answer to the worries
and risk of vaccination to bring upon renewed fear of young children and infants becoming
infected with diseases, the threats of which had been functionally eradicated from the United
States. Which led him in finding that many parents are inundated with horror stories of vaccine
dangers, all designed to eat away at them emotionally. On the other hand,the medical and
scientific communities have mounted their characteristic response by sharing the facts, the data,
and all of the reliable peer-reviewed and well-cited research to show that vaccines are safe and
effective. Leading down to the recommendation parents require a more comprehensive
understanding to the phrase that facts are more important than emotion by proving a better
understanding behind vaccine methodology will help parents overcome the fears of vaccinating.

This study follows the Introduction-Method-Results and Discussion (IMRaD) format.

Proven by the fact that it systematically organized the data by presenting each part in a
chronological order of processes.He started it by introducing the current situation and problem
then carefully discussed each following processes objectively upto his results. The author is very
credible and well known writer since he himself is a professional and has a PhD in medicine
which proves that he has the ability to write that article since it’s under his expertise.

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