Communication Process

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We are in the age of information literacy where we have the ability to find,

evaluate, organize, use, and communicate information in all its various formats easily
and very efficiently .As a result , we use all kind of mediums which are very portable and
can simply fit in your pocket effortlessly . Recently, a new kind of media is being widely
used because of its easy interface to absorb and share information formally and
informally. One of the ways are in written form where you share information or simply
send the message through social media ,one example is sharing a Facebook post and
publishing a blog .Consequently if you have received a feedback in any medium either
thru the internet or any form of media , it will now be classified as a conversation.
Another is thru behavioral actions where you use sign language or symbols that show
thought, it requires decoding for the audience simply because it is indirect
.Furthermore , you can share it thru literature pieces by conveying your thoughts and
expressions through a given text. Then there’s the most famous type of media which is
generated by frames or combining frames either in the form of Photos or Videos which
plays a very big role in our everyday life which are used to widely and rapidly convey
information through technologies like Television and others. Lastly,the most effective
one which is verbally speaking where you directly convey your expression which will be
then passed through a certain receiver.

My Own Communication Model

-Based upon the game of volleyball where the goal is to reciprocate a certain message.
The basis of these processes are the mechanics of the game itself

- Point of View – every person has a unique standpoint therefore

containing different beliefs
conveyed as the left/right corner in this model
- Noise – the hindrance to effective communication,
in this case the net.
- Message- This refers to the information that the sender is relaying to the
Classified as the ball
- Sender- the source of information
The Players
` -generates the message through ideas
- Encoding- translating it into a form that can be transmitted to someone
-the idea then is passed through by making it presentable through
Channel- In order for the message to be properly sent, the sender
should have selected the appropriate medium.
- The whole court itself
- Receiver- The person who is getting or receiving the message.
-Players of the other Team
Decoding- the interpretation of the message.
- The decoding is then performed by the receiver
- -After the message is understood, the receiver gives his/her feedback
then the process is repeated like a cycle




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