STS Renaissance

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Renaissance Medici
The Renaissance was a fervent period of European
cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth”
following the Middle Ages. Generally described as Humanism
taking place from the 14th century to the 17th
century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery
of classical philosophy, literature and art. Some of Petrarch
the greatest thinkers, authors, statesmen, scientists
and artists in human history thrived during this era,
while global exploration opened up new lands and Leonardo da
cultures to European commerce. The Renaissance is Vinci
credited with bridging the gap between the Middle
Ages and modern-day civilization.
The Renaissance was the time period of creativity
and change in Europe and during the 1300s to the Angelo
1600sin which there were changes in many areas
such as political, social, economical, and cultural.
The most important change was that of the people Raphael
and how they saw themselves and their world.
Many people showed interest in classical learning,
especially the culture of the ancient Romans. They Donatello
set out to change their own age. The Renaissance,
as they felt, was a time of rebirth after the disorder
and disasters of the medieval world. Giovanni
The Renaissance began in Italy in the mid 1300s
and spread north throughout the rest of Europe.
Italy was the birthplace of the Renaissance for
many reasons. First of all, since Italy was the
center of ancient Roman history, it was natural for
the Renaissance to start there. Some things such as
architectural remains, antique statues, coins and
inscriptions reminded Italians of the glory of the
Roman Empire.

14 to 17 century

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advances and discoveries are still

Florence was a very important city. applied presently. Other things like
It came to symbolize the Italian the printing press, maps, compasses,
Renaissance. Florence was very much medicines, and the scientific method
like ancient Athens because it still play an important role in our life.
produced a great number of talented
poets, artists, architects, scholars, and Objectives
scientists in a short period of time.
After completing this module, you'll be
Humanism was an intellectual able to:
movement that was at the heart of the
Italian Renaissance. It put an 1. Recognize the major creative
emphasis on man, his intellect, and contributions of the Renaissance.
his life on earth. It also stated that the
Church shouldn't rule certain matters 2. Analyze individual works of visual
and it rediscovered ancient items, art, from the Renaissance.
thoughts, and beliefs. Humanist
scholars hoped to use their wisdom to 3. Explain the impact of discipline-
increase their understanding of their specific advancements and
own times. developments of the Renaissance.

The Renaissance was a golden age in 4. Describe the influence of cultural

the arts and architecture. There were exchange and diversity of the
numerous achievements of works of Renaissance.
art that are still very famous today.
Many outstanding artists Donatello, 5. This module looks at the principal
Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, historical themes in western Europe
Raphael showed their uniqueness and between 550 and 1550, including:
creativity through what they did.
Paintings of the Renaissance used  Medici family
unnatural shapes, linear prospective,  Philosophy of Humanism
and depth perception. (Petrarch)
 Leonardo da Vinci
The Renaissance was very important  Michael Angelo
because it brought Europe out of the  Raphael
abyss that it was in. It inspired new  Donatello
ideas, cultures, religions, and ways to
live by. The Renaissance helped
people change the way that they saw
themselves, others, and their world. It
helped many people express their
uniqueness and creativity by art,
science, writing, and technology.
During the Renaissance many art
works and writings became famous
and some we still use or see today.
Arts and writing weren't the only thing
that we still use today, mathematical

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RENAISSANCE This module introduces students to

these events and movements, and
examines the transformation of
European culture through the
'renaissances' of the twelfth and the
fourteenth & fifteenth centuries.

This module covers a long time-span,

and individual tutors may choose to
concentrate on a more restricted
chronological era in their classes,
although the lectures will offer an
overview of the whole period.

Renaissance, French for "rebirth," was As a result of urbanization, cities

characterized by a revival of classical accumulated wealth and channeled
art, literature, philosophy, some of this newfound wealth into
architecture, and an emphasis on funding the arts. Artists applied
humanism. This cultural flourish scientific principles to solve problems
overlapped the Age of Discovery and of perspective and devised new
advancements in science, thus making techniques for representing light and
science a legitimate source of shade.
knowledge. The overall atmosphere of
change during the Renaissance The Renaissance was a period in
European history, from roughly the
The Middle Ages and Renaissance 14th to the 17th century, regarded as
(c.400- c.1550) are of crucial the cultural bridge between the
importance in European history. They Middle Ages and modern history.
witnessed the replacement of the It started as a cultural movement in
Roman Empire by the so-called Italy in the Late Medieval period and
'Barbarian kingdoms', the conversion later spread to the rest of Europe,
of northern and eastern Europe to marking the beginning of the Early
Christianity, the origin and Modern Age.
development of nation states and
governmental bureaucracies, and the
eventual collapse of the religious unity
of Christendom with the Reformation.

One of the most significant ideas to

emerge from the Renaissance is the
value of education, particularly in the
Humanities. The catalyst for the
classical revival was the belief that

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one could realize his or her full

humanity only through classical
education. This rebirth reasserted the
superiority of ancient Greco-Roman
creative and intellectual contributions.

From the early 15th to the early 17th

century, Europeans embarked on
maritime explorations around the
world in order to satisfy their desire
The Renaissance Period was a busy
for foreign goods and to achieve
time of exploration and cultural
geopolitical dominance over one
exchange that resulted from vast
another. Scientific innovations
improvements in trade and
assisted this Renaissance Age of
Exploration, such as improved ship
design and navigational charts and

During the Renaissance Era, the

Roman Catholic Church faced
numerous dissenters to its authority, communication. The expansion of
who were reacting to corruption within trade routes on land and sea allowed
the clergy. A series of popular spices, precious gems, and fine silk to
heretical movements emerged, arrive from Asia
proposing to do away with the
institutional church. There were also
more moderate reformers, who
criticized clergy corruption and sought
reform within the Church itself. The
most notable dissent with the Church,
luster of
however, was the Protestant
movement. The Protestant
glass and
Reformation challenged the doctrine of
papal infallibility and rejected the
inspired Italian glassmakers.
Catholic Church as a necessary
intermediary between the faithful and
# What is the cultural bridge between
God. However, disagreements among
the Middle Ages and modern history?
Protestants caused multiple sects to
African culture made an impact
throughout Europe, as African artists
carved hunting scenes and motifs on
ivory for European royalty. African
servants and slaves became a larger
presence in areas of Europe.

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have been proposed to account for its

origins and characteristics, focusing on
a variety of factors including the social
and civic peculiarities of Florence at
the time: its political structure; the
patronage of its dominant family, the
Medici; and the migration of Greek
scholars and texts to Italy following
the Fall of Constantinople to the
The Spanish "Golden Age" resulted Ottoman
from Spain's acquisition of gold and Turks.
silver from the Americas. Other
Italian city-states such as Venice,
Genoa, Milan, Bologna, and finally
Rome during the Renaissance Papacy.
Some observers have called into
question whether the Renaissance was
The discovery of the printing press by
a cultural “advance” from the Middle
Johannes Gutenberg revolutionized
Ages, instead seeing it as a period of
mass communication throughout
pessimism and nostalgia for classical
antiquity, while social and economic
historians have instead focused on the
continuity between the two eras,
which are linked, as one writer
observed, “by a thousand ties”.

Why was Florence a major center of

the Renaissance?
TRUE OR FALSE # The Renaissance
There are several answers to that
began in Italy and later spread
question: Extraordinary wealth
throughout Europe.
accumulated in

Florence during this period among a

growing middle and upper class of
merchants and bankers. With the
accumulation of wealth often comes a
desire to use it to enjoy the pleasures
of life—and not an exclusive focus on
the hereafter.
Florence saw itself as the ideal city
state, a place where the freedom of
The Renaissance began in Florence, in
the individual was guaranteed, and
the 14th century. Various theories
where many citizens had the right to

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participate in the government (this The Florentine people were very proud
of their form of government in the
early 15th century (as we are of our
democracy). A republic is, after all, a
place that respects the opinions of
individuals, and we know that
individualism was a very important
part of the Humanism that thrived in
Florence in the fifteenth century.

must have been very different than 1. Why Florence considered as an

living in the Duchy of Milan, for ideal city state?
example, which was ruled by a 2. How many threats Florence
succession of Dukes with absolute encountered? Enumerate.
power) In 1400 Florence was engaged 3. What are the pride of the
in a struggle with the Duke of Milan. Florentine for their Republic?
The Florentine people feared the loss
of liberty and respect for individuals The Medici family
that was the pride of their Republic.
Luckily for Florence, the Duke of Milan Also known
caught the plague and died in 1402. as the
Then, between 1408 and 1414 House of
Florence was threatened once again, Medici,
this time by the King of Naples, who French
also died before he could successfully Médicis,
conquer Florence. And in 1423 the Italian
Florentine people prepared for war bourgeois family that ruled Florence
against the son of the Duke of Milan and, later, Tuscany during most of the
who had threatened them earlier. period from 1434 to 1737, first
Again, luckily for Florence, the Duke attained wealth and political power in
was defeated in 1425. Florence in the 13th century through
its success in commerce and banking.
Beginning in 1434 with the rise to
power of Cosimo de’ Medici (or Cosimo
the Elder),

The Florentine citizens interpreted

these military “victories” as signs of
God’s favor and protection. They
imagined themselves as the “New
Rome”—in other words, as the heirs to family’s support of the arts and
the Ancient Roman Republic, prepared humanities made Florence into the
to sacrifice for the cause of freedom cradle of the Renaissance, a cultural
and liberty. flowering rivaled only by that of
ancient Greece. The Medicis produced

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four popes (Leo X, Clement VII, Pius

IV and Leo XI), and their genes have PETRARCH
been mixed into many of Europe’s
royal families. The last Medici ruler
died without a male heir Francesco
Petrarca (July
in 1737, ending the family dynasty 20, 1304–July
after almost three centuries. 19, 1374),
Wherever you go in Florence you can anglicized
see the remnants of the infamous as Petrarch,
Medici family. Everywhere you look was an Italian
you can see their family insignia and scholar and
the art that they brought to this truly poet in
tremendous city. This family ruled the Renaissance
city for centuries, overcoming Italy, and one
adversity from all sides. But who were of the earliest
they, where did they come from and Humanists.
how did a family of merchants and
bankers rise to rule the city of
Florence? (1304-1374)

The de Medici during their rule of How Humanism gave rise to the art of
Florence in the fifteen century did the Renaissance
much to influence the Renaissance
and to enable the great artists, Petrarch’s sonnets were admired and
humanists, and writers, to produce imitated throughout Europe during the
their works that have been so Renaissance and became a model for
influential down the centuries. The lyrical poetry.
family brought stability and peace to
the city of Florence. This was crucial in Petrarch was born in the Tuscan city
the cultural flourishing in the city in of Arezzo in 1304. Petrarch spent his
the fifteenth century. The de Medici early childhood in the village of Incisa,
largely peaceful rule did much to near Florence
promote the Renaissance in the city.
They also in their relations with the Petrarch studied law at the University
other city-states did much to bring of Montpellier (1316–1320) and the
peace to North Italy. Then the de University of Bologna (1320–23);
Medici was very instrumental in the because his father was in the
growing interest in Greek culture and profession of law he insisted that
history. Petrarch and his brother study law
also. Petrarch, however, was primarily
# The first leader from the Medici interested in writing and Latin
family. literature, and considered these seven
# Who are the four Popes produced years wasted.
during the reign of the Medici family
# Discuss the impact of the Medici He traveled widely in Europe, served
family in the Renaissance period. as an ambassador, and has been

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called “the first tourist” because he 1. For which form of art is Petrarch
traveled just for pleasure. During his best known?
travels, he collected crumbling Latin
manuscripts and was a prime mover in a. Poetry
the recovery of knowledge from b. Painting
writers of Rome and Greece.. c. Sculpture
d. Petrarch was not an artist, just a
Disdaining what he believed to be the scholar.
ignorance of the centuries preceding 2. Petrarch is credited with helping to
the era in which he lived, Petrarch is launch which philosophical movement?
credited or charged with creating the a. Neoclassicism
concept of a historical “Dark Ages. b. Empiricism
c. The Enlightenment
Petrarch's Renaissance Role d. Humanism

Around the 14th century, Europe was Leonardo da Vinci

starting to transition out of the Italian artist, engineer, and scientist
Medieval period into a new era of Leonardo
education and art, and several notable da Vinci,
scholars and artists played an (Italian:
important part in sparking that “Leonardo
change. One of those was Francesco from
Petrarca, or as we call him, Petrarch, Vinci”)
a 14th-century Italian poet whose (born April
works helped inspire some of the core 15, 1452,
tenets of the Renaissance. Most Anchiano,
notable, perhaps, was his obsession near Vinci,
with the Classical writings of ancient Republic
Greece and Rome. Petrarch's deep of
appreciation of Classical knowledge, Florence
his emphasis on human rationalism [Italy]—
and critical thinking, and his tendency died May
to challenge the medieval traditions of 2, 1519, Cloux [now Clos-Lucé],
the Catholic Church set the France), Italian painter, draftsman,
foundations for the movement of sculptor, architect, and engineer
humanism, a philosophy that whose genius, perhaps more than that
dominated Renaissance thinking. of any other figure, epitomized the
Renaissance humanist ideal. His Last
In 1341, he became an Italian Supper (1495–98) and Mona Lisa (c.
celebrity, when he was crowned as the 1503–19) are among the most widely
poet laureate, or official state poet, of popular and influential paintings of the
Rome. He was the first person to Renaissance. His notebooks reveal a
receive this title since the Roman spirit of scientific inquiry and a
Empire. mechanical inventiveness that were
centuries ahead of their time.

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has been described as "the best

known, the most visited, the most
written about, the most sung about,
the most parodied work of art in the
world". The painting's novel qual...

# Some historians believe Mona Lisa is a

The Last Supper is Leonardo's visual Self-Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci.
interpretation of an event chronicled
in all four of the Gospels (books in the Donatello
Christian New Testament). The (c. 1386–1466)
evening before Christ was betrayed by
one of his disciples, he gathered them Italian
together to eat, tell them he knew sculptor
what was coming and wash their feet celebrated for
(a gesture symbolizing that all were
equal under the eyes of the Lord). As
they ate and drank together, Christ
gave the disciples explicit instructions like “David,”
on how to eat and drink in the future, commissioned
in remembrance of him. It was the by the Medici
first celebration of the Eucharist, a family.
ritual still performed.
Sculptor Donatello apprenticed early
Q. How long did it take Leonardo da with well-known sculptors and quickly
Vinci to paint The Last Supper? learned the Gothic style. Before he
a. one weekend was 20, he was receiving commissions
b. one year for his work. Over his career, he
c. three years developed a style of lifelike, highly
d. ten years emotional sculptures and a reputation
second only to Michelangelo's.
Which family controlled Florence?
a. da Vinci Donatello was born Donato di Niccolo
b. Tudors di Betto Bardi in Florence, Italy,
c. Hapsburgs sometime in 1386. His friends and
d. Medici family gave him the nickname
“Donatello.” He was the son of Niccolo
di Betto Bardi, a member of the
The Mona Lisa is a Florentine Wool Combers Guild. This
half-length portrait gave young Donatello status as the
painting by the son of a craftsman and placed him on
Italian artist a path of working in the trades.
Leonardo da Vinci. Donatello was educated at the home
It is considered an of the Martelli's, a wealthy and
archetypal influential Florentine family of bankers
masterpiece of the and art patrons closely tied to the
Italian Medici family. It was here that
Renaissance, and Donatello probably first received

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artistic training from a local goldsmith. The Penitent Magdalene is a

He learned metallurgy and the wooden sculpture of Mary Magdalene
fabrication of metals and other by the Italian Renaissance sculptor
substances. In 1403, he apprenticed Donatello, created around 1453–1455.
with Florence metalsmith and sculptor The sculpture was
Lorenzo Ghiberti. A few years later, probably
Ghiberti was commissioned to create commissioned for the
the bronze doors for the Baptistery of Baptistery of Florence.
the Florence Cathedral, beating out The piece was
rival artist Filippo Brunelleschi. received with
Donatello assisted Ghiberti in creating astonishment for its
the cathedral doors. unprecedented
realism. It is now in
He died of unknown causes on the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo in
December 13, 1466, in Florence and Florence.
was buried in the Basilica of San
Lorenzo, next to Cosimo de' Medici. Michelangelo
1475 - 1564
David Rome, Italy
1440-1460 bronze Michelangelo, in
Perhaps full Michelangelo
Donatello’s di Lodovico
landmark work – Buonarroti Simoni,
and one of the (born March 6,
greatest 1475, Caprese,
sculptural works Republic of
of the early Florence [Italy]—
Renaissance – died February 18,
was his bronze 1564, Rome,
statue of David. Papal States),
This work Italian
signals the Renaissance sculptor, painter,
return of the architect, and poet who exerted an
nude sculpture in the round figure, unparalleled influence on the
and because it was the first such work development of Western art.
like this in over a thousand years, it is
one of the most important works in Michelangelo was considered the
the history of western art greatest living artist in his lifetime,
and ever since then he has been held
# Donatello's later David was the first to be one of the greatest artists of all
freestanding bronze cast statue of the time. A number of his works
Renaissance era as well as the first in painting, sculpture,
nude sculpture of a male since the and architecture rank among the most
classical sculptures of ancient Greece. famous in existence.

A side effect of Michelangelo’s fame in

his lifetime was that his career was
Penitent Magdalene more fully documented than that of

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any artist of the time or earlier. He Facts about Michelangelo’s David

was the first Western artist
whose biography was published while # Towering a height of 5.16 meters
he was alive. (almost 17 feet, a shy short at 16 feet
and 11.15 inches)
He was most famous on the following
works, the frescoes on the ceiling of # It is made of one single block of
the Sistine Chapel (1508–12) in the marble from the quarries in Carrara in
Vatican, which include the iconic Tuscany, one of the whitest in the
depiction of the creation of Adam world.
interpreted from Genesis, are probably
the best known of Michelangelo’s # It weighs 5,660 kg or 12,478.12
works today, but the artist thought of lbs!!! He is made out of solid marble ;
himself primarily as a sculptor. His
famed sculptures include the David # The sling on his left shoulder and
(1501), now in the Accademia in tree trunk behind his right leg were
Florence, and the Pietà (1499), now in covered with gold leaf? Being outdoors
St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. in Piazza della Signoria in the
elements for over 400 years washed
the gold leaf away.

# The story of David and Goliath is a

biblical one, found in Book 1 Samuel.
The teenage David had to defeat the
giant Goliath, he could not be
defeated by strength since David was
smaller. It took cunning and skill to
David is a defeat someone bigger than him, and
masterpiece of he did so with the slingshot.
sculpture created Many statues before Michelangelo’s
in marble between that portray this story always show
1501 and 1504 by David AFTER he has defeated the
the Italian artist giant, with the head by his feet.
Michelangelo. Michelangelo decided to go against the
David is a 5.17- current and portray his David BEFORE
metre marble the battle. You can see in his face the
statue of the concentration of him thinking how he’s
Biblical figure going to do it, the rock hidden inside
David, a favoured subject in the art of his right palm, the slingshot seemingly
Florence. at rest on his shoulder and him
Michelangelo crafted David between waiting for the right moment
1501- 1504 (restored in 2003-2004) – pretending to be at ease. He could
he started the work when he was just only defeat the giant if he caught him
26 years old! by surprise – and he did!

It is located at the museum called the

Accademia Gallery, in Florence, Italy

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# Michelangelo was best known for

three artistic talents. Which one is .
NOT one of his talents. 2. What two famous sculptures did
a. sculptor c. painter Michelangelo make?
b. potter d. architect a. Pieta
b. Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
c. Goliath
PIETA d. David
Pietà, as a theme
in Christian art,
depiction of the Raphael
Virgin Mary
supporting the
body of the dead Raphael,
Christ. Some Italian in full
representations of Raffaello
the Pietà include Sanzio or
John the Apostle, Raffaello
Mary Magdalene, Santi, (born
and sometimes April 6,
other figures on 1483,
either side of the Virgin, but the great Urbino,
majority show only Mary and her Son. Duchy of
The Pietà was widely represented in Urbino [Italy]—died April 6, 1520,
both painting and sculpture, being one Rome, Papal States [Italy]), master
of the most poignant visual painter and architect of the Italian
expressions of popular concern with High Renaissance. Raphael is best
the emotional aspects of the lives of known for his Madonnas and for his
Christ and the Virgin. large figure compositions in the
Vatican. His work is admired for its
Since its creation in 1499, clarity of form and ease of
Michelangelo's Pietà has inspired composition and for its visual
emotion, faith, and imitation achievement of the Neoplatonic ideal
through its elegant depiction of the of human grandeur.
Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. Yet
few know the secrets that are still The Sistine Madonna, probably
being uncovered about this painted in 1513, is different from all
centuries-old statue . other Raphael Madonnas. It’s
majestic; the standing figure is the
apex of a triangular group of figures,
1. What famous Painting did
including St. Barbara on the right, in
Michelangelo Make?
the beautiful colors of gold, blue, and
green; and St. Sixtus on the left, with
a. Pieta
a red-lined cloak.
b. Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
c. David
d. The Last Supper

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Sistine Madonna
Raphael did not paint the ceiling with
They’re Michaelangelo in the Sistene Chapel,
presented in a but he was commissioned to do
coup de theatre tapestries for the Chapel.
revealed by Giovanni Boccaccio
drawn curtains; the Humanist
a curtain rod at
the top Giovanni
completes the Boccaccio
illusion, as Italian: 16 June
though the 1313 – 21
curtain is being drawn back to reveal December 1375)
this vision. The cloud-filled space they was an Italian
inhabit is meant to be infinite, writer, poet,
indicated beautifully by the irresistible correspondent of
little angels at the bottom, who lean Petrarch, and an
their arms on the lower edge of this important
opening “like children in a swimming Renaissance
bath,” as an English writer once put it. humanist.
They’re charming; it is Raphael’s Boccaccio wrote
graceful skill that keeps the charm a number of notable works, including
just this side of saccharine. The Decameron and On Famous
Women. He wrote his imaginative
Common Questions About Raphael’s literature mostly in Tuscan vernacular,
Madonna as well as other works in Latin, and is
Q: Who is the Madonna in Raphael’s particularly noted for his realistic
paintings? dialogue which differed from that of
his contemporaries, medieval writers
The Madonna in Raphael’s paintings is who usually followed formulaic models
the Virgin Mary appearing with an for character and plot.
infant Jesus.
Q: What symbolism does the Madonna The Decameron.
represent? It was probably in the years 1348–53
that Boccaccio composed the
The Madonna and the colors she bears Decameron in the form in which it is
are a symbol of virtue, virginity, read today. In the broad sweep of its
innocence and purity of spirit. range and its alternately tragic and
Q: What is Raphael most famous for? comic views of life, it is rightly
regarded as his masterpiece.
Raphael is most famous for his unique Stylistically, it is the most perfect
style in the paintings of the Madonna, example of Italian classical prose, and
particularly for the Sistene Madonna its influence on Renaissance literature
for the Palace of the Vatican. throughout Europe was enormous.
Q: Was Raphael involved in the
painting of the Sistene Chapel?

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Name_____________________ Instructor_______________________
Date______________________ 8. Considered a Renaissance Man
because he was a sculptor, inventor,
architect, and painter. He was also famous
Instructions: Encircle the letter of the for painting the Mona Lisa and Last
correct answer. Use blue pen. No
a. Raphael c. Machiavelli
b. Gutenberg d. Davinci
9. Invented the movable type printing
1. Who had a major influence on A More c. Holbein
Boccaccio's work and life? b. Petrarch d. Gutenburg
a. Shakespeare c. Chaucer 10. Who made this
b. Petrarch d. Heath Ledger a. Donatelo
2. . Which work is largely considered b. Michelangelo
Boccaccio's masterpiece? c. Davinci
a. Filocolo c. Decameron d. Petrarch
b.Teseida d. Elegia di Madonna 11. What is humanism?
3. What does Decameron mean? a. The thought of an educated rebirth
b. The thought that humans are the most
a. Decameron's life during the Black important thing on Earth
Death c. The thought that humans should be
b. Black Death in Italy equal
c. Ethical and fulfilled life d. The thought that all thin
d. 10 days' work TRUE or FALSE.. Write the word VIRUS if
4. Which theme does Decameron follow? the statement is TRUE and write the word
a. A story about the moral and religious COVID if the statement is false, if false
significance of the Black Death change the underlined word/phrase to
b. A story about the dehumanizing of make it true. Write your answer on the
Florence's society space provided before each number.
c. A story about Italian traders losing
their battle to a Mongolian army ___________1. . Petrarch was the first
d. None of these apply. Western artist whose biography was
5. What famous Painting did Michelangelo published while he was alive.
Make? ___________2. The Middle Ages and
a. Pieta c. David modern ages are of crucial importance in
b. The Last Supper European history.
d. Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel ___________3. Medici is the clan that
6. Michelangelo was commissioned to controls the entire Florence.
make a statue of a crucified Jesus lying ___________4. Michelangelo and
across the knees of his mother, Mary. This Donatelo are the creator of David.
statue is called _____ ___________5. Madonna visual
a. Pieta c. David expressions of popular concern with the
b. The Last Supper emotional aspects of the lives of Christ
d. Ceiling of the Sistine Chape and the Virgin Mary.
7. Who is the youngest of the four
turtles? ESSAY: Write Your answer at the back of
a. Michelangelo c. Raphael this page.
b. Donatello d. Leonardo
8. He traveled widely in Europe, and has 1. Discuss briefly why renaissance is
been called “the first tourist”. considered as the bridge between middle
a. Donatelo c. Davinci ages and the modern ages.
b. Michelangelo d. Petrarch

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