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Hadith of The Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon Him

 Uthman (Radiyallahu Anhu) Says That Rasullullah (S.A.W)

Said : “Best Among You Is The Person Who Learns The

Quran And Teach Others”

 Umar Ibn Al-Khathab Says That Rasulallah (S.A.W) Said :

“Allah Ta Ala Brings Honour Bring Honour To Many

People Because Of This Book (The Quran) , And He Brings

Digrace To Many Others Because Of It

 Abdduallah Ibn ‘Abbas ( Radiyallahu Anhu) Has Narrated

The Saying Of Raasulullah (S.A.W) : “ He In Whose Heart

There Is No Part Of The Quran Is Like A Deserted House”

 Abu Hurayrah ( Radiyallahu Anhu ) Reports That

Rasuluallah (S.A.W) Said : “Whoever Recites Ten Ayat In A

Night , Is Not Within Amongst The Nelectfull”

 Ata Ibn Abi Rabah ( Rahmatuallah Alahi ) Says That

Rasulullah (S.A.W) Is Reported To Have Said , “ Whoever

Read The Surah Yasin In Ther Beginning Of The Day , All

His Needs For That Day Are Fulfilled”

 Rasuluallh Said : “ On The Day Of Qiyamah No Intercessor

Will Have A Greater Status In Front Of Allah,Ta‘ Allah

Than The Quran Neither A Nabi Nor Anyone Else”

 Hudhayfah (Radiyaliahu Anhu) says that whenever

rasuluallah (s.a.w) happened to face any difficulty , he

wanted at one report to salah

 Nawfal ibn mu’awiyah (radiyallahu anhu) narrates that he

hear the nabi (s.a.w) saying , “a person who is has missed

one salah is like one who has lost all his family and wealth
 Abu hurayrah (raadiyaallahu anhu) narrates that he heard

rasuluallah (s.a.w) saying : “there is no place in islam for a

person who does not say his salah , and there is no salah

without wudu” , in another hadith the nabi (s.a.w) is

reported as ssaying “there is no islam in a person when

there is no salah the position of salah in islam is that of

the head in the body

 Abdduallh ibn umar (radiyallahu anhu) narrated that he

heard rasulullah (s.a.w) saying: “ A salah with jama’ah is

twenty-seven times superior to salah performed


 Abu hurayah (ridiyallahu anhu) narrates that he heard

rasuluallah (s.a.w) saying : “ I wish I could ask the boys to

collect a huge quantity of firewood for me, and then I

would go around and set fire to the houses of those who

say their salah at their own houses without any excuse”

 Sahl ibn said (radiyallahu anhu) narrates that he heard

rasuluallah (s.a.w) saying : “ give good news to those who

go to the masjid often during hours of darkness , for they

will have perfect nur on the day of qiyamah” the dhiker

of allah ta ala provides satisfaction to the to the hearts .

 Rasuluallah (s.a.w) said “there are many people who do

dhiker of allah ta ala and for this they will be rewarded

with the highest positions in jannah by allah ta ala”

 Rasulullah (s.a.w) said : “those who are admitted into

jannah will not report over anything of this world , except

the time spent without dhiker in their lives”

 Rasuluallah (s.a.w) sad: “when you pss the gardens of

jannah gaze to your heart’s content, someone asked : “ o

rasuluallah (s.a.w) what is meant by the garden of

jannah ? He repelied “gatherings for performing dhiker”

 It has been reported by abu hurayrah (radiyallahu anhu)

that the nabi (s.a.w) said : “whoever conceals his sins of a

muslim , allah will conceals his sins in this world and in

the akhirath , and allah helps his servant so long as he

helps brother muslims”

 Ibnn abbas (radiyallahu anhu) narrates I heard rasulullah

(s.a.w) saying ; “ if a person in spite of hearing adhan

does not go to the maslid (and he prefers to say his salah

at home) without strong exuse, then his salah is not

accepted ; when the sahabas inquired as to what would

be a strong excuse he replied “illness or fear”

Who is Allah?
The First Nothing Is Before Him. The Last
Nothing Is After Him. The Highest Nothing Is
Above Him. The Most High Nothing Is Beyond
His Reach. He Beget Not, Nor Was He Begott en,
The Creator, Provider, And The All Rich, The All
Knower, The All Seer. He Is One And Self
Suffi cient. He Is Not Nature Or Any Part Of It.
He Ascended Above His Throne, High Above
The Seven Skies, No Vision Can Encompass
Him, But His Grasp Is Over All Vision…. This Is
Our Real And The Only One Great Allah.

Knock And He Will Open The Door Vanish,

Knock And He Will Make You Shine Like The
Sun Fall, Knock And He Will Raise You To The
Heavens Become Nothing, Knock And He Will
Turn You Into Every Thing”

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