MGN251 Assignment

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Lovely Professional University

Course title: Workshop on excel modelling

Course Code: MGN251

Assignment: 2

Section: Q1921

SUBMITTED BY: Prableen Kaur

UNIQUE ID: 11915941


Question1: Create a data of your own choice (5 columns and 40 rows). Show that how sorting
and filtering can help you to fetch information out of it. Write questions that what information
you are fetching and then after doing filtering and sorting answer must be written in front of

Answer: Sorting: Sorting option in excel can be used to sort a set of data in a defined order,
maybe in the form of single column or a set of columns. In this we can arrange data A to Z series
and arrange numbers either in increasing or decreasing order. It helps to arrange data as we want
data to be displayed in excel sheet.
1. In order to arrange sales person name in alphabetical order A to Z?
I selected the entire column and then double click on right side then various options are
available among them I selected Sort option then from it various options are available
either to arrange data in A to Z or Z to A.

Now to arrange in Z to A order:

2. In order to arrange order number from smallest to largest or largest to smallest:
I had arranged order number from smallest to largest by clicking on sort option.
Now to arrange order number in largest to smallest:
Filters can be used to narrow down the data in our worksheet and hide parts of it from view.
Filtering is different because it allows us to qualify and display only the data that we want to
In this to filter I had selected the entire column and then that cell of which I want to see
data. In this I had selected $400 and then double click on this column after it filter option is
QUESTION 2: Assume yourself as a professional or working somewhere. Firstly write about
what type of work you do and also explain that how group and ungroup will help you out to
make your work presentable. (step by step procedure must be written by taking suitable

Answer: As I am from commerce background in which I have studied five different

subjects and among them I am interested in learning about marketing and want to build my
future in this line only. As we know nowadays everything is on online portal. So it is essential
to know how to operate computer and store data in it for record purposes and even for
representing data in form of presentation to the manager or shareholders of the company.
Besides being interested in business I am also good in calculations. I love to play with
numbers. So I would like to work in multinational company under the marketing head of
that company as I am interested in such part. I like to look after the sales of company and
represent that data in excel form to have proper record.

Role of group and ungroup of data in my job:

In order to make my data presentable I can use options in excel sheet of group and
ungroup. For example: I am recording sale of January, February and March month then total
sale of these three months. Now if I want to display only total sale of these months in spite
of showing sale of each month then I can group the data which will help me to display only
total sales of these month. Similarly, I can use ungroup option to make my work
presentable as I want it to be displayed.


Step 1: To open excel sheet and write information over it.

Step 2: Select the entire row or column which you want to disable.

Step 3: Click on Data option.

Step 4: After clicking data option various options are available among them from outline
bar select any option either group or ungroup.

Step 5: Select any option according to your wish how you want to represent data.

To explain this concept I had record data i.e. sales of company in month of Jan, Feb, march,
April, May and June.
To group data in excel:

Step 1: Select row or column we want to group.

Step 2: On the data tab, in the outline group, click the group command.

Step 3: In the Group dialog box, select Rows or Columns and click OK.
Now performing this function:

As we can see minus sign is visible above D column. Now after clicking it this column will
disappear. I have perform group task in excel by clicking over group option. From below
screen shot of my task it is clear I had perform group cell as D, E, and F is not seemed now
and in place of it now we can see plus sign above and after clicking that sign all the three
columns will again appear on excel sheet.

Now performing same thing with rows. Use of group cell:

Now here also this minus sign is visible after clicking these rows will disappear.
Now disappearing another rows too in order to see total sales:
So this helps to decrease the data to limited and to show only total sales. This is how group
function in excel works. In order to get all details click on plus sign available there data will
be visible there as it was organized before.

This is how data will available.


Step 1: select row or column which you want to ungroup.

Step 2: On the Data tab, in the Outline group, click the ungroup command.
Step 3: In the Group dialog box, select Rows or Columns and click OK.

Now performing function of ungroup practically.

So this is how these functions are performed in excel sheet.
QUESTION 3: What is the relevance of count function in excel. Write explanation about
different variants of count like count, count if, countifs, count blank with example.

Answer: The Count Function is an Excel Statistical function. This function helps to count the
number of cells that contain a number, as well as the number of arguments that contain
numbers. It will also count numbers in any given array. Moreover the formula of count
function in excel is COUNT(value1, value2….), where value 1 refers to (required argument) –
The first item or cell reference or range for which we wish to count numbers and value 2
stands for (optional argument) – We can add up to 255 additional items, cell references, or
ranges within which we wish to count numbers.


After writing formula result appears as 1. This is how count function work in excel
worksheet. After writing data and applying formula result appears like this.
There are five variants of count function:



The COUNT function returns the count of numeric values in the list of supplied arguments.
Arguments can be individual items, cell references, or ranges up to a total of 255 arguments.
All numbers including negative values, percentages, dates, fractions, and time are counted.
Empty cells and text values are ignored. Its purpose is to count numbers. The formula used
is =COUNT (value1, [value2] where value1 - An item, cell reference, or range and value2 -
[optional] An item, cell reference, or range.
COUNTA: The Excel COUNTA function returns the count of cells that contain numbers, text,
logical values, error values, and empty text (""). COUNTA does not count empty cells. Its
purpose is to count the number of non-blank cells. The formula used to calculate value is
COUNTA (value1, [value2] where value1 - An item, cell reference, or range and value2 -
[optional] An item, cell reference, or range.
COUNT BLANK: The COUNTBLANK function is used to count blank cells in a range, where
the word blank means empty. For example, COUNTBLANK(A1:A10) will count the number of
blank cells in the range A1:A10.

Cells that contain text, numbers, errors, etc. are not counted.

Formulas that return empty text ("") are considered blank and will be counted.

Cells that contain zero are considered not blank and will not be counted.

Usage of count blank function in excel:

Now performing this task:
COUNT IF: COUNTIF is an Excel function used to count cells in a range that meet a single
condition. COUNTIF can be used to count cells that contain dates, numbers, and text. The
criteria used in COUNTIF supports logical operators (>,<,<>,=) and wildcards (*,?) for partial
matching. Its purpose is to count cells that match criteria. It is calculated as COUNTIF
(range, criteria) where range is the range of cells to count and criteria - The criteria that
controls which cells should be counted.

Practically performing this function in excel sheet

After performing COUNT IF function results appears like this.


The Excel COUNTIFS function returns the count of cells that meet one or more criteria.
COUNTIFS can be used with criteria based on dates, numbers, text, and other conditions.
COUNTIFS supports logical operators (>,<,<>,=) and wildcards (*,?) for partial matching. Its
purpose is to count cells that match multiple criteria. Formula is COUNTIFS (range1,
criteria1, [range2], [criteria2].
After applying formula the result is:

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