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Board Briefs for Feb.

2, 2011
Communication & Community Resources

800 South Taft Avenue ł/RYHODQG&2ł Office (970) 613-6077 ł Fax (970) 613-6087

Dinner Meeting:
x Executive session pursuant to CRS-24-6-402 (4)(f)
x Personnel – Superintendent evaluation

Public Participation:
x Superintendent Ron Cabrera remarked about the closure of schools for the past two days for
the unusual reason of the extreme cold; mentioned that the severe cold weather created major
concerns both about students walking to school and those waiting for the bus; recognized
TVHS senior Molly Markow, for her artwork being selected to be displayed at the Denver
Museum of Art; and he commented on the excellent instruction of TVHS art teacher Lia Devine.
x Lucille Steiner stated she had received an invitation for the board to attend the robotics
competition at BHS this Saturday, where 33 teams from across the state will be competing.
x Leonard Sherman said he had visited Mary Blair Elementary, Con Ball Middle School and BHS.
At BHS he was able to attend a presentation of a 49-star American flag that had been in BHS
before the consolidation and was presented back to BHS.
x Public comment: A parent commented on disagreeing with the decision not to close schools on
Monday. Because of this, he came unannounced to visit with Dr. Cabrera and was met cordially
and able to express his concerns in a comfortable fashion. He was also pleased with the
decisions around closing the schools the past two days.

The board took the following action:

x Approved a consent agenda including:
o Personnel and extra duty/coaching recommendations
o Gifts and donations
o Early graduation requests
o Adoption of standards in reading, writing and communicating
x Approved a proclamation for Career and Technical Education Month
x Approved the 2010-11 District Improvement Plan

During the discussion portion of the meeting, the board:

x Heard an update and discussed the District Accountability Advisory Committee (DAAC) mid-
year update.
x Discussed adoption of the new state math standards
x Reviewed and discussed proposed changes to board policies and regulations: IJOA and IOJA-R
regarding field trips and student travel
x Received and discussed a report on the replacement of the roof at Namaqua Elementary

Coming up … “Stepping Up” is streamed and available for download on the website at, and will air on Comcast Cable Channel 14 Feb 4-11 at noon and 8 p.m.
The show addresses the many partnerships our schools have with the community. The program this
week is about the partnership between the district and Human-Animal Bond in Colorado (HABIC)
program, sponsored at Edmondson Elementary School by the Embassy Suites. Guests are Tom Dwyer
from Embassy Suites, Sarah Baily, from Colorado State University and HABIC; Georgianna Dawson,
principal at Edmondson; Edmondson 4th grader Nick Kingdom and Chief, the dog. … Kid TV, featuring
Coyote Ridge Elementary School, will air Feb. 5-11 at 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. on week days and
additionally at 3 p.m. on weekends. It can be streamed from the district web site at … The next Board of Education meeting is Feb, 16 at 7 p.m. in board
room at the district Administration Building, 800 S. Taft Ave.

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