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Amna Hussain

Do we need art?
In a recent conversation about the role of art in society and school, I learned
that art has not been given that much attention. This is due to the fact that art
is considered very rarely productive and not very helpful for the economy.
However, intelligent and highly educated people think different. Their open
minds show much satisfaction as to what art is all about. These people think
that art brings calmness to the mind and allows one to think. I used to think
that art is of no use until I spoke to my teacher and had a slight argument. That
is when I realized that art really isn’t about the society or about what other
people have in mind. Art is about how it makes you feel, what you as an
individual learn, whether by swaying a paintbrush on a canvas, strumming the
string of a guitar or rhyming poetic words. Art can be anything. I figured that
art allows me the freedom to express myself in any form. Often times it helps
one to feel relieved from the burden they carry on their shoulders. It is
peaceful and gives one an open mind. I agree with the fact that art should be
available everywhere. In societies, schools etc. This way people can get a
chance to express themselves, even in schools. Art is not only mesmerizing
when making it but also very satisfying to watch what other people have
expressed. This helps one to think more far and openly and outside the box.
This is why I would definitely agree that art should be performed and everyone
willing should be free to make art.
[276 words]

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