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Hassan Raza Khan (009) Human Computer Interaction Asad Rehman (044)

Assignment # 2
Group Members:
Hassan Raza Khan (01-131172-009) and Asad Rehman (01-131172-044)

Question 1:
Pick any of the human disability and read at least two research papers write paragraph for each
paper about its impact on interface designing and its guidelines proposed by authors. Give an
exemplary interface you find best in the light of designing rules and user category for that
particular disability!!


The user interface for blind people involves some specific usability requirements, the task has
to be adequate given the capabilities of blind users (task adequacy), the user interface has to
provide a balance between the 2D access of sighted people and the 1D access of blind people
(dimensional trade-off), the user interface has to provide specific access for blind people to all
the relevant user interface objects (behavior equivalence), the user interface has to avoid
losing relevant semantic information (semantic loss avoidance) and the interface has to deal
with a wide variation in the functionality and programming of the assistive technologies for
blind people (device-independency). These requirements have an impact on all the models
used in human-computer interface (HCI) development: the task, domain, dialog, presentation,
platform and user models. This HCI model involves creating a number of user interface
components. They include the task model, the domain model, the dialog model, the
presentation model, the platform model and the user model. The task model gives
a structured representation of what activities the software user may want to perform.
The domain model describes the syntactic sequence of the interaction and is implemented as a
sequence of windows. The dialog model describes the interaction between the different
objects making up the interface. The presentation model describes the user interface’s visual
appearance. The platform model describes the various computer systems that may run a user
interface. The user model describes the characteristics of the user or user group.
Hassan Raza Khan (009) Human Computer Interaction Asad Rehman (044)


The main application of the system

must provide a method for the
computer to load into the system or
When user opens .exe application in Windows. It can be log on to screen or prompt selection
screen. This will be made in audible format and also voice recognizer on startup before the
interface loads. Application has main menu and icon that must link to fundamental folders.
Application runs when icons are pressed. It will help the user to browsing the web, copying
files, sending emails and playing files for blind people. Application will provide instruction to
users when it starts. Presentation layer is the main form in the application, where the user
will spend most of the time interacting with the computer. In the main menu form the blind
user will be able to scroll through all the applications installed and also through the folders.
The main menu will serve as the focal point for all the application interaction. The user will
scroll through each application and or folder and choose which one to activate. The basic
method used to date by the blind for interaction is the keyboard through the use of arrow keys,
tab, and other shortcuts and keys but an alternate method could be the one presented in
figure which describes the possible blind user interaction with the interface by using the mouse
to execute the basic tasks illustrated.
Hassan Raza Khan (009) Human Computer Interaction Asad Rehman (044)

Question 2:
An article “OK-Cancel or Cancel-OK? The Trouble With Buttons” was written in 2008 on
Application design by Jakob Neilson study about this issue and give your view on this in one

Actually, it’s a debatable issue between different users of different devices or software that OK
button comes first or CANCEL button in dialog boxes. I think it depend on the number and type
of users what they want, because Apple use OK button at last of the dialog box while Windows
use first. My personal viewpoint on this issue is OK button comes first in dialog box due to
certain reasons. First, majority of users prefer to go to next tab or submit application as
compared to cancel or exit. Second, it is nature that we use Yes/OK first in our daily gossips.
These are the reasons that’s why I think OK button comes first in dialog boxes.

The main application of the system

must provide a method for the
Hassan Raza Khan (009) Human Computer Interaction Asad Rehman (044)

computer to load into the system or


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