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Final Production

CL 6

The Final Production is an oral presentation which is aimed to demonstrate your mastery of the
contents learnt in the current level.

On the day of the presentation you will be given ONE topic from the list below; your teacher will
give you three minutes to get ready to talk about it. Remember this is an oral presentation so
reading is not allowed.

The assessment criteria are included in the chart at the end of this document, your teacher will
give you feedback after the presentations are finished. Remember it is important to participate
actively during your classmates’ presentations by making relevant questions or comments as this
interaction will also be considered for the evaluation.

Topics CL6

1. If you had the chance to turn your district, town or city into a tourist
destination, what would you do? What would you do to improve it?
What kinds of activities would you like visitors to be able to do?
2. How can we improve our health? Have healthy habits in our country
changed? How? Why? What can we do to improve the quality of our
3. How have means of transport changed in the last 20-30 years? What
kind of transport do you use? In your opinion, which is the safest and
the most dangerous means of transport? What are the advantages
and disadvantages of driving to work or study in Lima?
4. How have medical treatments changed throughout the years? Is it
more difficult to keep healthy now than in the past? Why? What can
people do to keep healthy nowadays?
Practice tips for final production

To get ready for your final production, generate ideas with the help of a graphic organizer.
Create graphic organizers for the different topics as a way of practice. Graphic organizers help
you organize the main ideas and details connected to a topic. Explore these different options.

Option 1: Cluster

Write your topic in the center circle and details in the smaller circles. Add circles as needed.

Detail 1 Detail 1

Main topic
Idea 1 Idea 2
Detail 2
Detail 2

Detail 3 Detail 3
Option 2: Idea Wheel

Label each section. Then write or draw ideas in each section.

Option 3:

Problem-Solution Chart
List story problems in the first column. List solutions in the right column.
Option 4: Persuasion Map

Write your goal in the first box. Write three reasons in the next boxes. List facts and examples
in the branching boxes.

Academic Coordination CIDUP

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