Whitehat Coding ADV-144-new-classes PDF

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Page 2 of 4 : Detailed Curriculum

FOUNDATION Basics + Core Programming Concepts + Blockly + Native Apps


Mobile App Basics Mobile App
T App Design and Code Design and Code

Times Loop Patterns Repeat do Solve Puzzle

1 Sequence Solving Maze 17 Iterative Conditional Loop Recursive Thinking Skill 33 Repeat do Conditionals Logical Thinking Skill
Procedural Programming Paradigm Critical Thinking Skill

Count Loop Solve Puzzle OnEvent Function Mobile App

Creating & Applying Algorithms
Sketch Art 18 Iterative Conditional Loop Recursive Thinking Skill 34 Interactive Design Components Critical Thinking Skill
Algorithmic Thinking Skill

Nested Loops Complex Patterns Parallel Functions Mobile App

Algorithms to Program
Pixel Art Pattern
Logical Thinking Skill
19 Recursive Looping Recursive Thinking Skill 35 Interactive Design Components Parallel Thinking Skill

Game Design Create Advanced Mobile App Design

App Design Create Mobile App 20 GUI Design and Code Game with UI Design 36 GUI Design and Code
App Entrepreneur
GUI Design and Code Design and Code

App Design Basic Native App Chatbot Development AI Chatbot

Data Variables
Manipulate Variable Values
Double Player Game
Abstract Thinking Skill
21 GUI Design and Code Design Thinking Skill 37 Small Talk Services Critical Thinking Skills

App Design Basic Native App Chatbot Development AI Chatbot

OnClick Event Double Player Game 22 GUI Design and Code 38 Chatbot Intents Abstract Thinking Skills
6 Trigger an Event on Click Parallel Thinking Skill
Design Thinking Skill

App Design Basic Native App Chatbot Development AI Chatbot

Story Animation Story Board 23 GUI Design and Code 39 Chatbot Knowledgebase Critical Thinking Skills
7 Animate Sprites with Code Creative Thinking Skill
Design Thinking Skill

Chatbot App AI Chatbot

GUI Design and Code Create Arcade Game 24 Publishing App 40 Native Chatbot App Abstract Thinking Skill
GUI Design and Code Design and Code

Touch Event Mobile App Advanced Chat App Communication Apps

While Loop
Iterative Conditional Loop
Solve Puzzle
Recursive Thinking Skill
25 Trigger code on Touch Creative Thinking Skill 41 Algorithm Design Algorithmic Thinking Skill

While-do Solve Maze Advanced Chat App Communication Apps

Start Event Complex Game 26 Conditional Programming Logical Thinking Skill 42 Chat App Prototype Critical Thinking Skill
9 Trigger an Event at Start Structured Thinking Skill

If-do Solve Puzzle Advanced Chat App Communication Apps

Repeat Loop
Iterative Conditional Loop
Snow Art
Recursive Thinking Skill
27 Conditional Programming Logical Thinking Skill 43 Cloud Integration Algorithmic Thinking Skill

App Design Create Commercial-Ready Advanced Chat App Communication Apps

App Design Create Complex Mobile App 28 GUI Design and Code Mobile App 44 Database Integration Analytical Thinking Skill
GUI Design and Code Design and Code

If-else Solve Puzzle Advanced Logic Cloud Based Game

Stop Event
Trigger an Event at Stop
Complex Game
Structured Thinking Skill
29 Conditional Programming Logical Thinking Skill 45 Game Rules Critical Thinking Skill

Costume Property Sprites Advanced Logic

Until Loop
Iterative Conditional Loop
Fractal Design
Recursive Thinking Skill
30 Control Object Appearance Creative Thinking Skill 46 Game Rules
Cloud Based Game
Critical Thinking Skill

Color Property Sprites Advanced Logic

For Loop
Iterative Conditional Loop
Critical Thinking Skill
31 Control Object Appearance Creative Thinking Skill 47 Database Integration
Cloud Based Game
Analytical Thinking Skill

Game Design Create Commercial-Ready

Game Design Create Complex Arcade Game
Design and Code
32 GUI Design and Code Mobile Game 48 Advanced Logic
Database Integration
Cloud Based Game
Analytical Thinking Skill
GUI Design and Code
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UI / UX Design Advanced Native Skill Space Technology Native Reference App Space Technology Native Simulation Apps
49 App Components VIsualBUILDING
Thinking Skill SKILLS 65 Milky Way Critical Thinking Skill 81 Gravitational Waves Analytical Thinking Skill

UI / UX Design Advanced Native Skill Front End Development Responsive Web App Front End Development Advanced Web Pages
50 App Color Scheme Design Thinking Skill 66 HTML Images Logical Thinking Skill 82 Javascript Statements Critical Thinking Skill

UI / UX Design Advanced Native Skill Space Technology Native Reference App Space Technology Utility Widgets
51 App Font Scheme Design Thinking Skill 67 Andromeda Critical Thinking Skill 83 International Space Station Analytical Thinking Skill

UI / UX Design Advanced Native Skill Front End Development Responsive Web App Front End Development Advanced Web Pages
UI / UX Design
User Journey Visual Thinking Skill 68 HTML Links Critical Thinking Skill 84 Javascript Strings Critical Thinking Skill
App Font Scheme

UI / UX Design Advanced Native Skill Space Technology Native Reference App Space Technology Utility Widgets
53 App Iconography Creative Thinking Skills 69 Stars and Planets Critical Thinking Skills 85 Hubble Telescope Analytical Thinking Skills

UI / UX Design Advanced Native Skill Front End Development Responsive Web App: Front End Development Interactive Web Game
54 App Theme Visual Thinking Skills 70 HTML Multimedia Critical Thinking Skills 86 Javascript Functions Critical Thinking Skills

UI / UX Design Advanced Native Skill Space Technology Native Simulation App Front End Development Interactive Web Game
55 App Logo Design Creative Thinking Skills 71 Gravitation Laws Critical Thinking Skills 87 Javascript Objects Critical Thinking Skills

Front End Development Hybrid Apps Front End Development Hybrid Apps Front End Development Interactive Web Game
56 HTML Doctype Logical Thinking Skills 72 CSS Text Style Creative Thinking Skills 88 Javascript Boolean Critical Thinking Skills

Space Technology Native Simulation App Space Technology Native Simulation App Front End Development Interactive Web Game
57 Universe Critical Thinking Skill 73 General Relativity Critical Thinking Skill 89 Javascript Conditionals Critical Thinking Skill

Front End Development Hybrid Apps Front End Development Advanced Web Pages Front End Development Twitter for Kids
58 HTML Body Logical Thinking Skill 74 CSS Box Style Creative Thinking Skill 90 Javascript Events Critical Thinking Skill

Space Technology Native Simulation App Space Technology Native Simulation App Front End Development Twitter for Kids
59 Local Group Critical Thinking Skill 75 Space-Time Curvature Critical Thinking Skill 91 HTML + CSS + Javascript Design Thinking Skill

Front End Development Hybrid Apps Front End Development Advanced Web Pages Front End Development Twitter for Kids
60 HTML Structure Logical Thinking Skill 76 CSS Animation Creative Thinking Skill 92 HTML + CSS + Javascript Design Thinking Skill

Space Technology Native Simulation App Space Technology Native Simulation Apps Front End Development Twitter for Kids
61 Clusters Critical Thinking Skill 77 Black Holes Critical Thinking Skill 93 HTML + CSS + Javascript Critical Thinking Skill

Front End Development Hybrid Apps Front End Development Advanced Web Pages Front End Development Personal Portfolio Website
62 GUI Design and Code Logical Thinking Skill 78 CSS Effects Creative Thinking Skill 94 HTML + CSS + Javascript Critical Thinking Skill

Space Technology Native Simulation App Space Technology Native Simulation Apps Front End Development Personal Portfolio Website
63 Galaxies Critical Thinking Skill 79 Black Holes Critical Thinking Skill 95 HTML + CSS + Javascript Critical Thinking Skill

Front End Development Responsive Web App Front End Development Advanced Web Pages Front End Development Personal Portfolio Website
64 HTML Inline Elements Logical Thinking Skill 80 Javascript Syntax Critical Thinking Skill 96 HTML + CSS + Javascript Critical Thinking Skill
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Natural Language Processing Speech to Text Deep Learning Image Recognition Machine Learning Training Prebuilt Mode
97 Speech Analytical Thinking Skill 113 Trained Net Models Analytical Thinking Skill 129 Test Image Data Critical Thinking Skill

Natural Language Processing Text to Speech Deep Learning Image Recognition Feature Extract Reading text from image
98 Speech Critical Thinking Skill 114 Trained Net Models Critical Thinking Skill 130 Image Data Critical Thinking Skill

Natural Language Processing Translation Deep Learning Image Identification Feature Extract Reading text from image
99 Speech Critical Thinking Skill 115 Trained Net Models Analytical Thinking Skill 131 Image Data Critical Thinking Skill

Natural Language Processing Realtime Translation Deep Learning Image Identification Feature Extract Reading text from image
100 Speech Analytical Thinking Skill 116 Trained Net Models Critical Thinking Skill 132 Image Data Critical Thinking Skill

Neural Networks Predictive Analysis Natural Language Processing Language Identification Feature Extract Reading text from image
101 Models Critical Thinking Skills 117 Sentiment Analysis Analytical Thinking Skills 133 Image Data Critical Thinking Skills

Neural Networks Predictive Analysis Natural Language Processing Speech Processing Feature Extract Reading text from image
102 Models Critical Thinking Skills 118 Sentiment Analysis Analytical Thinking Skills 134 Image Data Critical Thinking Skills

Neural Networks Training Models Natural Language Processing Text Processing Machine Learning AI Board Game
103 Weights Critical Thinking Skills 119 Sentiment Analysis Analytical Thinking Skills 135 Pattern Recognition Critical Thinking Skills

Neural Networks Training Models Natural Language Processing Sentiment Classification Machine Learning AI Board Game
104 Weights Critical Thinking Skills 120 Sentiment Analysis Analytical Thinking Skills 136 Pattern Recognition Critical Thinking Skills

Neural Networks Training Models Natural Language Processing Sentiment Classification Machine Learning AI Board Game
105 Biases Critical Thinking Skill 121 Sentiment Analysis Analytical Thinking Skill 137 Pattern Recognition Critical Thinking Skill

Neural Networks Training Models Natural Language Processing Sentiment Classification Machine Learning AI Board Game
106 Biases Critical Thinking Skill 122 Sentiment Analysis Analytical Thinking Skill 138 Training Model Critical Thinking Skill

Neural Networks Predictive Analysis Natural Language Processing Sentiment Classification Machine Learning AI Board Game
107 Graphs Analytical Thinking Skill 123 Sentiment Analysis Analytical Thinking Skill 139 Training Model Critical Thinking Skill

Neural Networks Predictive Analysis Machine Learning Training Prebuilt Mode Machine Learning AI Board Game
108 Graphs Critical Thinking Skill 124 Training Image Data Critical Thinking Skill 140 Training Model Critical Thinking Skill

Deep Learning Image Processing Machine Learning Training Prebuilt Mode Machine Learning AI Board Game
109 Trained Net Models Analytical Thinking Skill 125 Training Image Data Critical Thinking Skill 141 Training Model Critical Thinking Skill

Deep Learning Image Processing Machine Learning Training Prebuilt Mode Machine Learning AI Board Game
110 Trained Net Models Analytical Thinking Skill 126 Training Image Data Critical Thinking Skill 142 Training Model Critical Thinking Skill

Deep Learning Image Classification Machine Learning Training Prebuilt Mode Machine Learning AI Board Game
111 Trained Net Models Analytical Thinking Skill 127 Test Image Data Critical Thinking Skill 143 Training Model Critical Thinking Skill

Deep Learning Image Classification Machine Learning Training Prebuilt Mode Machine Learning AI Board Game
112 Trained Net Models Critical Thinking Skill 128 Test Image Data Critical Thinking Skill 144 Training Model Critical Thinking Skill

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