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Kristina Peters
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2009 DENeic@gmail.com

Campus | Event
campus briefs
’Yes we can’ shows emotion communications major, wrote one of
Emergency sirens to be
tested today
Eastern and the Coles County
the poems, “The Motivation of Proc- Emergency Management Agency
lamation.” will test their emergency sirens
Robert Hawkins, a junior at at 10 a.m. today. The singular,
Charleston High School, shared his continuous tone would be used
experience in Washington D.C. dur- to notify the community about
ing Obama’s Inauguration. He showed severe weather conditions in the
a PowerPoint presentation including immediate area.
pictures he took while there. At 10:30 a.m, the university will
A few of the YouTube videos test the pulse-tone siren, which
included “Homer Simpson Tries would be used to alert the univer-
To Vote For Obama,” “An Obama sity about potentially dangerous
‘Love Story,’” and Beyonce’s rendi- non-weather related threats.
tion of “’At last,’ Barack and Michelle Outside of monthly testing, the
Obama’s First Dance at the Neighbor- students, faculty and staff should
hood Inauguration.” check their Eastern e-mail or visit
EIU’s Unity Gospel Choir per- Eastern’s homepage for informa-
formed where other students joined in tion on the emergency.
and felt empowered and proud.
“It [the program] was very insight- Professor to present at
ful because it displayed different views
Karolina Strack | The Daily Eastern News
and opinions of our 44th president,” exhibition opening
Ava Coleman, a senior history major, watches a YouTube video titled “Barack and Michelle’s Love Story” play on Robert Petersen, associate pro-
said Shir’Mond Burroughs, a fresh-
a screen at the “Yes We Can,” event on Monday in 7th Street Underground. fessor of art, will present “Kente in
man business management major.
Context,” the keynote address for
Khalan Todd, a freshman commu-
the national traveling exhibition
By KRISTIN JORDING Underground last night. videos and Obama’s presidency. nications major, said the program was
“Wrapped in Pride: Ghanaian
Staff Reporter The celebration kicked off the Afri- “To see where we are going makes informational and that it had more
Kente and African-American
can-American Heritage Month, which me proud,” said Ava Coleman, a emotion than just one speaker would
Students reflected, sang, read helped celebrate Barack Obama’s pres- senior history major. imagine. The opening program for the ex-
poems and watched YouTube videos idency and his mark in history. Students read poems; some that hibit begins at 7:30 p.m. Thursday
at “Yes We Can: A Celebration of His- It included a variety of videos from were self-written, some previously- KristinJordingcanbereachedat581- in Booth Library’s West Reading
tory in the Making,” in the 7th Street YouTube and student’s reactions to the penned. Stephen Tyler, a corporate 7942 or at kejording@eiu.edu. Room. The exhibition will be on
display through March 10.
Campus | Lecture Admission is free and open to

Discussion turns racial lens around

the public.
“Wrapped in Pride” examines the
art and symbolism of kente cloth
in Ghana and the expression of
identity in African-American com-
By EMILY ZULZ “His argument has been that one “He’s the most often cited and well is a common white tendency to see munities.
Associate News Editor needs to understand how white power know figure in the field,” Engles said. Obama as president as an end to rac-
structure works in order to make any Roediger has written five books. ism. ­­— Compiled by News Editor Matt
David Roediger turns the racial racial progress,” Abo said. His lecture will be based on his newest “It will survive yet again,” Engles Hopf
lens around. He said when Roediger speaks of book, “How Race Survived US His- said.
Instead of focusing on African- the white power structure he is not tory: From Settlement and Slavery to He said Roediger is especially relat-
Americans, he looks at the white pow-
er that creates racial problems.
referring to the extremes like the Ku
Klux Klan.
the Obama Phenomenon.”
Engles, who has read his latest
able to students because he connects
historical continuity to contemporary
As part of African-American Her- “That’s not really what he’s talk- book, said in each chapter Roediger realities. An activated fire alarm, be-
itage Month, David Roediger, histo- ing about,” Abo said. “He talks more talks about moments in American his- He said Roediger shows the idea lieved to be an intentional false
alarm, was reported at 4:53 p.m.
ry professor at University of Illinois about fundamental structures of the tory where racism was threatened and that racism is not just a thing of the
Thursday in the Physical Science
at Urbana-Champaign, will present U.S. that have historically been dom- seemed like it might die out. Roedi- past.
Building, University Police Depart-
“Hope and History: The Obama Pres- inated by white males.” ger then shows how racism perpetual- “Race and racism are still very
ment said.
idency and the Fate of Racism.” He said through Roediger’s presen- ly survives in our history. much pervasive factors in American
The public lecture will begin at 5 tation, people would begin to have an Engles said many think Obama’s life,” Engles said.
p.m. today in 1255 Coleman Hall.
Klevor Abo, professor in African-
understanding of structures that have
led to racial inequality and injustice.
rise shows that racism is over. Like
many of the events Roediger illustrates
He said Roediger brings whites
into the discussion of race, which is
American Studies, suggested bring- “It’s only by understanding that we in his book, the moment Obama important on Eastern’s predominately Robert Petersen’s name was mis-
ing Roediger to campus because of his can move forward,” Abo said. came in to power was an event where white campus. spelled in Monday’s edition of The
work in Critical Whiteness Studies. Tim Engles, a professor of English, it appeared racism was on the decline. Daily Eastern News.
Critical Whiteness Studies address- has been involved in the field related However, Engles said, Roedi- EmilyZulzcanbereachedat581-7942
es how white is a race as well. to Roediger’s. ger says racism will thrive. He said it or at eazulz@eiu.edu. The DEN regrets the error.

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