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The Food Festival 2021 project will take place on Week 15, 19 January 2021 (Groups 1-3) & 20
January 2021 (Groups 4-6). The theme for this year is bakeries. Proposed venue is the Level 1
Lobby of Block E.

Practical Preparation 1: Grouping & Menu Planning

Group Development
The things that students need to do are as follows:

1. Identify group & group members.

2. Appoint group members for the following positions:
a. Manager : 1 person
b. Assistant Manager [Production] : 1 person
c. Assistant Manager [Marketing] : 1 person
d. Treasurer : 1 person
e. Leader for each menu item : 1 person
f. Assistant for each menu item : Accordingly as necessary
g. Marketing Assistant : Accordingly as necessary
3. Identify the tasks of each group member.
a. The tasks of each group member are clearly stated
4. Name the group (Cafeteria). After this the group will be known by the chosen name.
5. Plan budget and financial resources.
a. The group should discuss the capital required based on each member’s
b. All expenses are fully borne by the group.
c. 5% of the sale is to be given to the Program [laboratory / electrical / water usage

Menu Planning
1. Each group must identify 2 bakery items:
[cakes/cupcakes/muffins/buns/pastries/cookies etc]
2. It is encouraged to have more than 2 proposed items for selection during presentation

Presentation on the followings:

1. Cafeteria name and organisational chart.

2. Proposed menus.
3. Financial resources.

Election on the following posts for Food Festival 2020 will also be conducted: Director, Assistant
Director, Head of Treasury, Head of Promotion Comittee.
Practical Preparation 2: Food Costing, Promotion & Marketing

1. Confirmation of the menu of each group.

a. Review the menu references and recipes that will be used.
b. Determine the nutrient composition of each menu.

2. Determination of food budget.

a. Group members to determine the budget for each menu.
b. Ensure production costs do not exceed the capital.
c. Determine the selling price for each menu.

3. Promotional strategy development with the Promotion Committee.

a. Identify advertising techniques: update Food Festival Facebook page, Instagram,
Twitter, flyers, announcement through ewarga, email circulation, VIP e-invitation
card etc.
b. Develop food ordering form (to include option for making dedication).
c. Write a letter requesting for tables, chairs, poster boards etc.
d. Prepare the tentative for the opening ceremony.
e. Identify marketing strategy: discount, combo etc.
f. Plan and identify due dates for each task.

4. Transaction flow development with Treasurers.

a. Plan on how payment should be made by customers: online transaction, cash,
coupons etc. (work with BookWorm Cafe to use 1 cash register).
b. Develop the SOP for food collection and on site purchase.

Presentation on the followings:

1. Recipes.
2. Food costing & selling price.
3. Head of Promotion Comittee – updates on things discussed in (3).
4. Head of Treasury – updayes on the things discussed in (4).
Dry Run 1 (At home)

1. Perform dry run on each menu for

a. Actual measure of raw ingredients needed
b. Sensory testing (by at least 2 persons) & improvement
c. Determining portion size
d. Take photos of food items for promotional purpose.

2. Determination of food packaging.

a. Determine the appropriate packaging method for each menu (Individual
slice/piece and also whole cake).
b. Plan for the purchasing of food packaging: boxes, customised stickers, ribbons,
plastic cutting knives etc.

3. Confirmation of production cost and selling price.

a. Confirmation of production costs [raw materials, packaging etc.]
b. Confirmation of selling price

Presentation on the followings:

1. Video/photos during dry run.

2. Sensory testing report & improvement to be done.
3. Proposed idea of food packaging.
4. Updates on food costing & seling price.
Dry Run 2 (Mass Catering Kitchen)

1. Perform dry run on each menu for

a. Sensory testing & improvement
b. Confirmation on portion size
c. Take pictures of food items for ordering form
d. Taking orders for mini bake sale on Dry Run 3

2. Confirmation of food packaging.

a. Packaging trial & improvement.

3. Confirmation of selling price.

4. Meeting with the project’s Director, Assistant Director, Head of Treasury & Head of
Promotion Commitee for updates on:
a. Invitation to the VIPs for the opening ceremony
b. Promotional activities, ordering forms
c. Payment method and SOP for food collection and on site purchase

Dry Run 3 (Mass Catering Kitchen)

1. Perform final dry run and bake sale.

2. Meting with group members:

a. Final check on all the food items prepared and packaging.
b. Final discussion on the preparation for event day.
c. Venue checking.

3. Meeting with the project’s Director, Assistant Director, Head of Treasury & Head of
Promotion Commitee for final briefing on:
a. Decorations
b. The opening ceremony
c. Flow of event - SOP
Post event discussion
1. Carry out event post mortem.
a. Check profits / losses from sales
b. Identify problems / limitations faced
c. Provide improvement suggestions for the next session

2. Report writing

The contents of presentation should be similar to report writing. Refer to the report writing

Please use the following guide to prepare the report. All information provided should be based
on the group’s experience while conducting the practical project and not from lecture notes.
Each group needs to submit only ONE (1) REPORT via UKM Folio. DUE DATE for submission is
5 FEBRUARY 2021. Late submission of report WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED or EVALUATED.

Contents of Report

1. Establshment of cafeteria (group)

a. Describe the process of forming your cafeteria.
b. What is the concept of your cafeteria?
c. Why did you choose the name of the cafeteria?
d. Does the name chosen reflect the concept of the cafeteria.

2. Cafeteria Organisation
a. Draw the organisational chart of your cafeteria.
b. List down all the positions and assignments for each position in your cafeteria
i. Assignments during the preparation phase.
ii. Assignments during the day of sale.

3. Financial Resources
a. State the financial resources for your cafeteria.
b. How did you determine the appropriate capital for your cafeteria.

4. Menu Selection
a. State all the menus that have been selected along with recipes, pictures and
nutrient composition.
b. How did you choose the appropriate menu? Does it reflect the concept of your
c. What were the sources of ideas for the menu?
d. Describe the dry run activities you have run
i. menu
ii. comments
iii. improvement done
5. Promotion
a. Describe promotional activities conducted to market your product
b. In your opinion, did the promotion run successfully attract customers? Discuss.

6. Equipment
a. List the equipment used in the preparation of each menu.
b. List the equipment needed during the day of sale.

7. Costing & Pricing

a. Detail out on the process of cost determination for each menu.
b. Explain how you determine the selling price for each menu.

8. Activities on the day of sale

a. Describe the activities performed during the day of sale.

9. Profit /Loss
a. State the quantity prepared for each menu and the cost of production.
b. State the quantity sold/ not sold for each menu.
c. Calculate and explain the profits / losses incurred.

10. Problems & Limitations

a. State the problems you encountered during this practical project and explain how you
solved them.
b. List any limitations you face in carrying out this practical project.

11. Comment
a. Give your overall comment on the practical project that has been conducted.

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