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• Vol. XIII, Number 8 Narberth, Pa.

, 8atw'day, November 27,1926 PRICE THREE CENTS

• SHINGLE HEARING Weather Report for Week
November 20.
CLUB GIVES DANCE. Decision Alfects 'Narberth BREAKS; WIN 27-0
High Low
• Ordinance WauId Abolish Barometer 30.48 29.61 Speechmaking and Awards of The United States Supreltue Constitution, in that it deprived Green L. M. Tearn Goes Down
Wood Roofing. Foes to Temperature 70 28 Cups Feature Annual Din- Court handed down a decision t lis them of liberty and property with- to First Defeat in Four
• Voice Views. Precipitation, 1.72 of an inch. ner Dance. week with reference to the zoning out due process oLlaw and, furth- Years.
Total since Nov. 1, 3.57 inches. of business and residence property er, that it denied them the equal
Temperature deficiency since which undoubtedly wiII have a di- protection of the law.
SEEK LOW FIRE RATE X ov. 1. 46 degrees. DEC. J5 IS NEXT DATE recto bearing upon the. N arblerth GAME FULL OF THRILLS
For same time last year, defici- zonl11g ordinance, espeCially t lOse The Supreme Court sustained
the zoning ordinance and denied
• The public hearing with refer- ency 4~1 degrees. The annual dinner dance of the phases of the local ordinance the petition of the realty company. As 10,000 people watched, Low-
which prevent the development of
ence to the l)rOposed anti-shingle Narberth Tennis Association, held. "[ The written decision states that er lVlerion High for the first time
busmess along Iv. ontgomery ave-
• ordinance will be held by the Ordi- thiS year for the first time 111 the nue. In that decision, the United the segregation of residence, busi- in four years was toppled from its
nance and Law Committee of the PLAY WITH ALUMNI' .J\,rerion Tribute House, on 'vVednes- States Supreme Court sustained ness and industrial buildings in- perch as ruler of Main Line schol-
• Borough Council, in Elm Hall, at day evening, N~velllber 17,. proved! unCJt~alifiecIly the right of .mu~lici- creases the security of home life, astic football, and Radnor, anci~nt
tends to prevent street accidents,
8 o'clock Monday evening, t h e . . . to be a very enjoyable affair. Try pabtles to enact and enfOl ce 20n- especially to children; decreases rival, emerged to assume the
• 29th. It is to the interest of all BIg D omgs PramIse d When . as tIley may. f uture entertall1ment . mO'
b '1
laws. I' I th S noise and other conditions which crown taken from it in 1922.
property owners to make it a point I L .M. an d R a d nor G ra d s. ... . 1 le case on w 1lC 1 e upreme
commIttees Will have a hard Job to Court O'ave this rulinO' was in produce or intensify nervous dis- The occasion was the twenty-
to be present or to be represented, Meet. N
se.I.e~t a mOl:e s~litable place for .an some re~pects, similar t~ the ar- orders and preserves a more favor- fourth annual gridiron classic
and either to express their opin- aftaIr of tIllS kll1e!. The homehl~c berth situation. It came to the able environment in which to rear staged between the two schools
e' ions on this ordinace or to listen TO SCRAP IN ARDMORE atmosphere of .the lounge, the arcl;l- Court on an appeal by the village the young. The decision says Saturday afternoon at Wayne and
to the discussion for and against tectural beauties of the I.n~monal of Euclid, a suburb of Cleveland, also, "The ordinance now under the sad news, that mournful dirge
it. This ordinance will come up hall ~nd the perfect qualIties and O. The Federal Court for the reyiew and all similar laws and which runs in the ears of loyal
for possible passage in Borough College stars and football players roomll1ess of the dance floor aln;ost Northern District of Ohio on a pe- regulations find their justification L. M. rooters is "Lower Merion,
Council soon and the members of of the first rank will meet tomorrow assure t~le su~ccss of ~ny ga~hermg. tition of the Ambler Realty Com- in some aspect of the police power 0; Radnor, 27.
• Council wiII be strongly influ- afternoon on the Lower Merion The remllS ASSOCIatIOn IS very pany had held that the zoning asserted for the public welfare." Four touchdowns and three
enced by the manifestations of High School Athletic Field in Ard- fortunate ~? .have been able to s~- ordinance passed by the village Undoubtedly this decision wiII points after touchdown that was
public opinion which are revealed more and rekindle old rivalries. cl;lre the I nbute House for their council was void. exercise a powerful influence on Radnor's margin of victory.
at this public hearing. Cousins will battle cousins, fraternity dmner dance and. the other dances The Euclid village council had all decisions in cases bearing upon Score Belies Struggle.
T his ol-dinance, if adopted, men WI'11 fi gIlt WIt . I1 brotIler Gree I,s to I be held Ilater 111 the. 1 year.fNot t classified the realty company's local zoning ordinances.
,,'ould be an amendment of certain But while the Maroon and
I I per e~ holdings
Officers of the borough have
and mates on college teams will fi n d Ion y tlwere. I
t le s.urroun(
t If mgs as residential lots,
sections of the zonine- ordinance I I . . . f JUt le (mner Ise ane t le musIc whereas the company wanted recently been informed that a law VVhite lost there was no disgrace
~ eac 1 ot ler gOll1g mto actIOn rom II I IlIt d d
• and if it should be passed, it is the opposite side of the line. were a t lat cou ( )e expec e an them zoned as business lots. The suit against the borough to attack attendant upon it. Going up to
Wayne with the odds against
claimed that it would prove to be The occasion will be the first foot- more. realty company asserted that its the Narberth zoning ordinance
• a sound and valid law which could At the conclusion of the dinner property was worth $10,000 an was contemplated, although defi- them and with impartial observ-
be enforced and sustained agamst . ball ~(Tame ever staged between the P reSI( . Ient "B'II" I l~~vans ca II eeI upon acre 1'f used as l '
lusmess .
SItes, b ut nite indications of such procedure ors predicting a runaway for Rad-
all attacks. It is not the disposi- alumni of Lower Merion High 'iVaIter Cowin, chairman of the not more than $2500 an acre for have not yet become apparent. nor, Coach Adams warriors fought
tion of Council to impose serious School and the grads of Radnor Board of Trustees, who delivered a residential purposes. The realty one of the gamest battles that a
'" Lower Merion eleven has ever
restrictions upon property in the High. 'fhe game will be for the very inspiring talk on many sub- company based its action on the Jean Gowland will lead the
Borough, but Council insists that benefit of the scholarship funds of jects. He was followed by :Mr. O'rounds that the zoning ordinance Ltither league meeting tomorrow staged. 1'hree times did they have
it is also chan~'ed wit I1 t Ile respon- the respective alumni associations P au I G']I) b ons, presl(. Ien t 0 f tlle PI'I 11 - lwas
11l derogatlOn

0 fA' rtlC Ie I 0 f night. the ball within Radnor's six-yard
The topic will be "The
sibility of promoting greater sa e- f of the two schools. I I'
ade p l1a ane I ]). . L 1" F
Istnct awn enl1lS the ~ourteenth Amendment of tIe Flaws." I line and at every stage of the game
tv and security so far as the fire In view of the beating which Rad- Association, and "Dick" Fenno, did they force the big Red eleven
liazard is concerned. nor handed Lower Merion in the an- vice-president of the club. of "T ayne to go the limit for a
• Opposition to the proposed or- nual gridiron match last week a Following the speeches cups were REJUVENATED LEGION TO I COMMUNITY CLUB TO victory. It was a battle every inch
dinance has been voiced in "Our large crowd is expected to turn out presented to the only two winners GO AFTER NEW MEMBERS of the way.
MEET NEXT TUESDAY The score belies the intensity
Town" by T. Noel Butler, life- for the fray. Lower Merion fol- present, I-Tarold Lane and Thorny
long opponent of anti-wooden lowers see in this game a chance for Grugan. There was also displayed Enthusiam at Meeting Tuesday Prom- To Hear Mrs. H. K. Kelly, of Cyn- of the struggle, and it is best ex-
shingle laws. and by VVilliam D. vengence. the \,r arner cup given by Fred 'iVar- ises Future Activity. wyd, on Books. plained when it is stated that
Smedley and S. Haws. All such Duffy Myers, Lower Merion, '17, ner, a former champion of the club The Harild D. Speakman Post, Radnor made it by the breaks of
The Community Club will meet
objectors will have an opportunity and Brown star, will be one of those many times. This beautiful cup has No. 35 6, of the American Legion is in Elm Hall Tuesday, November the game. Not one of those touch-
to air their views at Monday's taking part in the battle. Among to be won three times for perma- on its toes and al set for a period 30, at 2.30 P. M. Mrs. Henry K. downs was scored by a consistent
meeting. other college lights who wiII appear nent possesion. Harold Lane has of community work. Kelly, J r., of Cynwyd, will re- drive down the field and through
In order that all citizens may be will probably be Don Singer, Penn the peculiar honor of being the This was shown Tuesday night view some recent books and also Lower Merion territory. This is
CONTINUED ON THE SECOND PAGE end; Folwell Scull, Penn end; toh?vehis naI~le. engrav~d _tlPOI~ 't·l,wbenthe first formal meeting in Christmas books, maybe not so
attested to by the statistics of the
fuk$ Prevost, Penn ,State ·star and . As usual dancll1g f<;>llowed U1;tll several years was held at the post new. Mrs. Kelly is known as an contcst wllich show but six first--
STRUCK A TARTAR Radnor High coach, and perhaps midnight, to. the strams of Mike home in the Community House. The entertaining speaker. Mrs. J. B. downs for the 'vVayne eleven. to
Paul Scull. brilliant back of Lou , I I t eight for Lower Merion.
Crazed Man Keeps Several Policemen
Fischs versatl e orc les ra. meeting followed closely the success- Hipwell, Jr., will sing. But when it is claimed that Rad-
Young's Red and Blue eleven. The members of the Narberth ful banquet two weeks ago. The press chairman regrets the nor won on "breaks" of the game,
If everybody gets around who has 'tennis .,\ssociation and their friends The Tuesday meeting also in- omission of the names of those
Officer Emil Piquet, of the Nar- signified intentions of doing so, there are remmded that the next dan~e, eluded the first formal initiation cer- who served tea at the meeting of let there be no inference that it
berth police, made the acquaint- will be two cousins, Frank Mc- which will. be the fir~t of a sel:les emony ever held by the local post. November 16. Apology is due to was a victory unearned nor by any
ance of an interesting personality Grad v , '18, of Lower Merion, and f f means a fluke. Radnor got the
.J 0 our, WI 11 1)e Ile I(I 111 tl·le Ivr e ron
I Five new members were taken in at Mrs. George B. Suplee, the host- breaks, but Radnor engineered
last Friday, whom he proceeded to rvIcGrady, of Radnor and later a Tribute House on 'Ved,n,~sday eve- that time, the result of personal ess, and to Mrs. William Balling- those breaks and was alert and on
introduce to several of his broth- player at Villanova, facing each nil?g, December 15. llckets for membership work by the veterans. all, Mrs. Joseph Barclay, Mrs. T. its feet to take advantage of them
er officers. other. Also on one side of the line thiS one or all four da~ces can be A quiet but continued member- Noel Butler, Mrs. E. S. Deubler,
Late in the afternoon a man there will be Don Singer, Penn end, secured from E. J. Mach.. ay, Ronal:1 ship campaign is now under way, Mrs. J. S. Ketcham, Mrs. C. W. when they occurred. Thereby
stopped Piquet and stated that he who will play for Radnor, while on or H. C..Fenno, of the entel- with the he_De of reaching 100 in Munro and Mrs. Dunstan Smith. hang's the tale which reads-two
was ill. The cop was suspicious the other witl be Paul and Folwell tou~hdowns on blocked kicks, one
of the nature of the illness and Scull, teammates at Penn, playll1g . tall1ment commIttee. membershill earlv .J
in the year. At By all reports the dinner-dance on an 80-yard run back of a kick
walked into John Caldwell's of- fOI" Lo\,rer Merion. NE the next meeting, to be held Decem- on November 19 proved to be all off, and a fourth touchdown on an
fice to phone headquarters for a DIRECTORS 01 ber 20, a turkey will be awarded to that anticipation could have paint- intercepted forward pass, which
The annual dinner of the direc- the man bringing in the greatest ed it. "A delicious dinner and a was thrown by Lower Merion as
patro!. JR. COMMUNITY CLUB tors and oHi.cers of the Narberth number of new members. ripping good time" is the usual a final desperate bid for a score
But, in the meantime, the cus-
tomer became wild, and seemed Mrs. Robert F. 'iVood was the Building and Loan Association The resumption of regular meet- enthusiastic comment. Hudson while within its own 15-yard line.
on the verge of destroying some speaker at the November 18th was held 'l'uesday night at the igns in the new home has led the \iVagonseller's orchestra is a real Wonder Not Higher.
scenery. Instead of waiting for meeting of the Junior Community Manufacturers' Club, Philadel- committee to make special efforts to toe-tickler and the artists, whose Considering everything it is a
the reserves, 'Vayne Burnside, of Club, held in the home of Mrs. phia. have the gatherings interesting. names follow, seemed inspired matter of wonder that the score
the postoffice force, volunteered as Wallis Boileau, Jr., 210 Wayne Present were the 13 officers and Tuesday ·night a four-reel film, "The thereby: against the Ardmore eleven was
chauffeur and the three started for avenue. Narberth. Her subject directors, in addition to the solici- Crack of Doom," by O. Henry was Miss Ruth Hollar-Toe dance not run up higher. Coach Adams
Ardmore. was "Dinners in Modern Kit- tor, Fletcher '.iV. Stites, and Bur- shown to the delight of atl present. and eccentric dance. in his invasion of Wayne took
By the time the car reached chens." ~ess Henry A: Frye. Other such features are planned. Miss Mary :Megee, of Narberth with him a green eleven; one that
Lancaster pike the stranger was The next meeting of the club After the dmner, the group at- A big ratly meeting, to which the -Charleston.
kicking up a large row, and Piquet will be held Thursday, December tended "A Night in Paris." whole town will be invited, is Master Jackie Smith, 7-year-old
was perched on top with a 2, at the home of Mrs. S. B. Die- planned for some time in January. star-Sailor's h 0 r n pip e and KNUTZEN-JONES
strangle grip on the lunatic's fendorf, 301 Windsor avenue. The ELECTION EXPENSES An executive committee meeting
Charleston. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Charles
throat. At that point Officer Al- speaker will be Miss vValban, of Edward S. Haws, Narberth, Monday evening wiII get plans un- Mr. Henry Hillard, amateur Jones announce the marriage of
bany joined the expedition and the Main Line Federation of Democraic candidate for Assem- der way for this affair, and for Charleston champion of the U. S. their daughter, Miss Lipian Scott
rendered welcome help. Churches. bly, spent $110.73, according to his others which, it is hoped, will make -Charleston plus.
, expense account filed in the office 1927 the banner year for the local
Jones, to Mr. Thomas Egil
At Ardmore the man gave his The Board of Directors are to Knutzen, son of Mr. and Mrs.
name as Tony Risco, no home, METHODIST CHURCH BAZAAR of Clerk of Courts Bechtel. post. be congratulated on the success of George Knutzen, of 202 Forrest
age 35. He was taken before Just one more week and then their careful planning and hard avenue, Narberth.
Magistrate McLaughlin, who the Ladies' Aid Bazaar. Don't work. The marriage was performed by
made out commitment papers. In forget the date-December 4-a?d
the meantime a straightjacket and do not fail to come. All the ladles
e · h W as zn
Mzss S mzt · "C·zrcu Ia lon, t
" Don't forget the luncheon and Rev. Norman G. Oliver at the
card party in Elm Hall December home of the bride's parents, 735
handcuffs were called in play at are busy and everyone is talking
the Lower Merion jail, where the bazaar. You'll be able to buy all
But She Explained It Readily 8. Tickets at 75 cents may be had Concord avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa.,
from any of the hospitality com- at 5.30 Thanksgiving evening. A
man was giving- several policemen the cakes and pies you want at the
a battle. home bake table, Christmas pres- I
Few readers of .. Our 'fown" partment as "advertising;" the
With Lieutenant AI Miller at ents from the fancy table and the know that while it is printed circulation department as "circu- of Club Classes, is organizing a riage by her father and attended
Mrs. E. H. Cockrill, chairman
dinner reception followed.
The bride was given in mar-
the wheel, and Sergeant Vander- miscellaneous table will have just on the 1\1 ain Line at \Vayne, the lation;" the society department as gymnasium class. A preliminary by her sister, Miss Margaret
veur and Officers Piquet and Kel- the thing you've been looking for. "metal" for its forms is set or "society," and so on. meeting at the house of Mrs. Jones, as maid of honor. Mr.
ley holding the man, the trip to There'll be a large assortment of linotyped in the composing room On this particular day a woman Robert Nash, Narberth and Price Philip Knutzen, brother of the
Norristown was started. On the engraved Christmas cards and of "The Philadelphia Record.;' called "The Record" city room and avenues, is set for Thursday, De- bridegroom, was best man, and a
way the crazed man kicked holes calendars, none costing more than That information is of no particu- asked the reporter who answered cember 2, at 9.30 A. M. The sister, Miss Cecilia Knutzen, play-
in the side curtains and tried to five cents each. lar news value, but it provides the the phone if he could tell her week after Thanksgiving is an ap- ed the wedding march.
kick a hole in the back of Miller's You can buy your lunch and background and the explanation where Miss-well, let's say Smith propriate time to start reducing. Mr. Knutzen is a member of the
head. The car swerved close to a dinner there, too. The aprons for an amusing story, which was -was. vVithout thinking, the re-
sales staff of the Narberth Coal
tree, but in due time the man was are prettier and cost less than picked up last week while "ye de- porter replied, "Oh, she's in circu- ERRATUM Company. He served in the Radio
safely lodged in the State Hos- ever before and think of it-you mon newshound" was idling time lation. Just a minute and I'll see In reporting the attempted bur- Corps of the Naval Reserve dur-
pital. can bring your market basket with away for Foreman Sam Edwards if I can get her for you." glarly of the Oddity Shop last week, ing the war, earning the rank of
you this year and buy your to clean up some final copy. The woman didn't know what Our Town's news sleuth confused chief petty officer. He is also a
L. L. AID MEETS TUESDAY groceries for the next couple of First, let it be explained that the reporter was talking about, the llanies in his account. It was member of the local American
, The Ladies' Aid SoCiety of the weeks ahead. 'iVe earnestly hope workers on a newspaper refer to but "Miss Smith" expl:llned when Mrs. Lacey, anl! not Mrs. Nash, Legion Post.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church will the ladies wiII all keep this in the various departments of their she came on the wire. Likewise, who figured in the episode, in Upon their return from a trip
meet on Tuesday evening at the mind and make this new table well organization by one word. Thus an inquirer might be toid, Miss so which an eccentric clad in overcoat. Mr. Knutzen and his bride will
home of Mrs. H. E. Metius, 408 worth the effort put forth to make the sporting department is spoken <J,nd so was in society when she hat and bedroom slippers, attempted reside at 57 North Brighton ave-
An~hwyn road. it a success. of as "sports;" the advertising de- might not be at all. to make away with some gift cards. nue, Kirklyn, Pa.

' WN \'~st
O U R TO ,
brick, concrcte, tile. or slate; or high-
trade of tin roofing, or of asbestos
shingles, or built up roofing felt with
A t:o,OPElRATIVlll COMMUNITY NlllWBP..u>IllR gravel or slag surface, or of built up gil'
. I
A card party for the Narberth
scouts WI
asbestos roofing; or othcr roofing of Mothers' Association \Vednesday
'11 b .
e gIven ))'
1 tl
Just'ce of tl'e Peace
Owned by the Narberth Clvlc .Assoclatlon. like grade which includes: December 8, at 2.15 P. M. It ,will F're Insurance~Best Companies
Published every Saturday at Narberth, Po.. CLASS A, Roof coverings which b e Ile Id a t tlle scou t lIse lOt. .on \Vmd -, p 1 215 Haverford Ave.
Bditor and PUbU811er
are effectivc against sevcre firc expo- sor avenue. The admissIon of 50 hone 1749W
stires. Under such cxposurc roof CO\'- cents will include prizes and re- ===============
crings of this class are not readily
Bulrille88 Manager
f1ammablc and do not carry or com- freshments.
municate firc; do not slip from posi-
tion; posscss no flying brand hazard FOUND GUlL.TY
Thomas E. Knutzen
D ,.
SUIISCRIPTION PRICD ~nd do not re9uir,e frequcnt rep~irs Joseph :McCourt, of Narberth, 10c-15c-20c of Forrest Ave., Narberth, well and favorably Imown
One Dollat Dnd Fitty Cents Per Year 1n.&4_ ~n order to, mamtam theIr fire rCSlst- I' '0' d 1 f . 'J Ic)'
Illg propcrtles. I C )e .ole uc ~e
. WOODCUTS: HANDPAINTED throughout this Community, who has joined our •
CLASS B. Roof covering's which \\"lth operatIng' .a motor :'~!l1cle R. L. Dothard sales staff.
are cffcctivc against moderate firc cx- while under the 1l1fiuence ot lIquor U7 Haverford Rd. Nar. 2692 Mr. Knutzen's former connection with the Le- •
posur~s. Under suc I1 exposure r~o f and resisting an officer, was founcI __============== high Valley Coal and Navigation Company has sup-
CO\'enngs of thIS class are .not readIly uilt' with a recommendation of - plied him with a fund of information about coal and
flammable and do not readIly carry or g ), IJ I F THE NOOK
communicate fire; afford a moderatc: mercy. Attorne): ,1. • • ox I~ep-
degree of hcat insulation to the roof resented the detendant.
deck: ~Io not slip from position: posess man Casey, of the Lower Merion
pohce- 104 Forest Ave., Narberth
its uses.
He will be able to tell you much about this as

he makes his daily rounds, for, like the Doctor, he is
lr14.Entered at theDBPost
OfficeclSSB matter. oetober
at Narberth, U. no. fl YI,ng 1Jran d had'
Pa.. 1IJI4U az, ~ .? I ut n1a y re - I force arrested t'le I de f enc\ant. Art needlework, infants' and going to be, always "on the call"-visiting our nu-
the act nt March 8, 181Il. q11lrc Illfrequent repaIrs m order to I '
maintain their fire rcsisting properties, - - - - - - children's wear, lingerie and merous friends in this and neighboring Communities. "
(b) Frame buildings: (c) Buildings 1_-:..::....-=----------:--
hosiery. So save up your heating problems-and your
not exceeding' two stories or 30 fc~t SEWING i\lACHIN]<~S-All makps re-
HATS coal orders-for our new salesman will take care of •I
RADNOR VETERANS MAKE in height, and 2~00 Isquar<; feet m p,lirpll. Liberal
and not used for factoncs. ware- chines for new ~in;.:er. Phone Meriou
allowances on old lua- them in short order.
BREAKS AND WIN 27-0 area. houscs or mcrcantile purposcs. 1145S.~I. (tL)
Piano Teacher
, 1 J
Thc quality of roofing for all dwell-
ings and other buildings exemptcd in LIGHT HAULING of all kinds. local Studio Over Garage at NARBERTH
had becn shot to pieces )y une paragraph ahove. shall be as thcrein or out of to\\'II. Quick and efficient ser\··
graduations and which spccified, or may be of a grade not ice. Sabie Censore, 2-l~ HllD1pde!~.,a\';'
moulded into the semblance of Its lowcr than the following: luue, Narberth. Phone ~arberth 1 1l0-". lIlARGARET D. SHUIP '"
old self this fall was again hit CI~ASS C. Roof co\'crings which (I. f.) llELEX Ill. SHIMP Telephone, Narberth 375
when a five-year player rule was arc effecth'e against light fire expos- FOR SALI<r.-Cbristllllls artie1es; lilli'
.. t ' ures, Undcr such cxposures ro.of sl'll'(';il\u of earlls. \\Tapping palH'r. seals,
en forced to cI eprtve It a cap am rovering's of this class arc n~t reachl" ,<I riug. ta;.\'s. l'ibbon. attrllctin' stationl'ry,
and thrce other \·cterans. It was Aal11mable and do not reachly carry 1V) Hoeldaud 'l\·enue. Pholll' :\llrl)('rtll
an cleven with wcak ends and a or comunicate fire: afford at least a :{OJ-~l.
slow hackfield and one in such a slight degrec of hcat insulation to the
I ,
' OF
I d roof dcck: do not slip from position: BUICI{-K-15 roadster. sIx-cylmt!e r,
shape that a Iinesman, Scott, 1a posses no flying brand hazard: and for sale. lj:l:!:i, :Karberth Ii:!\). ~et~\'.:eu 103 Dudley A venue Are You Entered?
to be put into the backfield to add may rCQuirc occasional rcpairs or re- U aIHI i 1:', M. ,,1·2, Phone: NARBERTH 2229
strength there. ncwals in order to maintain their firc FOlt RENT-Ill uttraetiH home. onl'
Fifteen beautiful, unbreakable Walking and Talking
Against this aggregation there res1stling propertifis, f I t I t O ; ' two rooms 1lI1l1 Jlrh'ute bath. furllislwli
was a well balanced team with .,",- ayler ,or Irool .nk~· c t If 1 cas lone or uIlfurllislll'el. 1"'lIone :K:I\'bNth li:{j·"·. Dolls will be given away at our store at 10 o'clock
,'xteent 1 mc I t lIe' sila d Je p acc I 1:!--l-:!U Visit The Ne1() Christmas morning to that many lucky girls of Nar- •
many veterans in its line up an d hetween mctal roofing- and the sup- _
with a pair of ends that are among porting woodwork. The purposes of
FOR SALE-Christmu" llrticles; liIle, berth.
the fastest an(l the best that have the fel.t is to prev~n. t QUiC.k ignition ~pl~'et'oll of ea,rds, \\'r,aJlJliIl~ ,pal,)~r" Sl'll~"1
T • of thc woodcn dcekmg' when the roof ~Irlllg. ta;.:s. rlhholl, attractl\ l' ~t,lllonpI"
in the
will be given with each purchase. to be placed
ballot box between November 27 and Decem-

been produced at \'\ ayne 111 sev- is exposcd to burning hranrls or radi- ~I. .J. ArmonI'. 1l:{ Uoeidulld ,I\'elllll'.
eral years. ' a t e r ! hcat, ['hout' :"arherth :lOi-~[ I tf ber 24. ,."

It was these two ends, perform- I

The woodcn planking sheathing of FOH SALE. CHEAP-Refrigerator. HENRIETTA B. FRICK Call at the Stol'e fol' Full Details
inn' hrilliantly for Radnor, who roofs shall not in any case he extended eXI'l'l:t'lIl eonllitil\ll, PhOIll'. ~leriou lOW';,
a;e Lowcr l\1erion the most trott- across sidc or p~rty \yalls,. Fon RE~T-First flool' allartmpnt: GLASS :: POTTERY :: BRASS
ble and were responsible a 11110st
An" roof havlIIg pItch over flO de-
0 ' . I' 11<'\\'1\'
f grees. placed on any btlll( mg O\'cr 40 :\arl;I'l'th l(jj:)-\\"~
lh'f'ol'atl'll' l·I\Il\·,'nH'llt to Will,
t' '
f 11
singlc handed for the down a 0 fcct hIgh. except towers or church __ - - - Narberth and Haverford A venues
the Ardmore eleven. One was that spiers, shall be constructed of iron or FOR SALE-DiuiIl;': 1'01\11\ suit,·, ('all 10 Montgomery Avenue

! I Phone 1620 We Deliver Anywhere

colored Hash. little Seth Brown, steel framcs fillcd with fireproof m<i- at :iO:.! HI)['!;a\'OIl road. ~ll'rioll. Pa, ! !

' '11t \\'1'11" f(ll' 1~,·I(\11e"ll·. ,,'110 ,,'as,.. 11lchcs
tcrial not lessand
than three and one-half .' (C, Montgomery AJ'cade)
thick shall he coyered \vith FOR Sf\LE-~PWlllg' mae I'IltH\; llPl'-
rl :'o-.
~t'll' ~~~ll1ab~, Pbol~. :\a~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.I
.:--... "
' . \'
tl1C 11]( 1Vl( , ~, "111'11 ('I!' tllC f 1'a,- and t"'I.',t e,'Ollllithlll',
I "
'11· ajJ!)ro\"Cd roofing IJPrth li:!j,.!. l:!·ll·:.!(i
who was persllna11 y reSpOnSl) e All flashings shall he metal properly
for one touchdown and the starter ;lJcorporated with the roofing' matcrial. SE:KIOR I1ir,h ~ehool Bo,' \\':lllt,; a job
of a march for another one. The Conner flashings are recommcnded. for Friday llftpruOolls 111111 ~l1t11r,l>l'·S'
The top ami sidcs of dormer win- F, B. L .. Box n:l:!, :\arbl'rth, 1~-lt-:.!G

Save half your coal bill

other boy was his capab 1e mate. dows shaH be 1)1'otected samc as the
_alllley', 'at left end. who scored roof,
I ~. _
~IA~L:RE for 'all', PhOlll'. X':ll'bl'rlh
:·;nli. W, l:!-ll-:.!U
one of Radnor's other six pointers This scction shaH not be constrtlerl
and who was constantly breaking to rcnairing of a wooden shingle roof. LOST-Wirp·hniretl fox t<'l'l":er: 11 II
'd I tl I 'ld' , t' ase I ·,\'III·tt' \\"1 tIl I) lie!; tail. :\muetl "HapIJY."
'( 1110'11
,... Lower 11erion's de f ense nrO"1 C( le Jill 1Ilg' IS no mcre ( •
in height. but the' rcnewal of "uch ('hilell'I'Il'" ]lPt: 1'1'\\'lll'll. H, F. Ste\'(·IlS. I
to harry the backfield men. a roof is forhiddcn. No existing -!:!Il Ha\'l'rfor<1 :1\'1'11111',
Both these ends were fast; Lowcr woodcn shing-I- roof shall be rcpaired
l\j ~rion couldn't sccm to stop them, more than fifteen per cent. at anyone
and rcpeatedly they got down the field timc or in any onc year with othcr
on Radnor punts to drop the Lower than approved roofing as spccified in
Merion man, receiving tl~em before he paragraph 2,
Bids for the collection of garhage from 11\1
houses apartments and stores lu the UorouJ:h
Nnl~lwrth. for -Uw yenr lH27, are hereh)'
and 2-3 on oil!
had time to stir out of hIS tracks, Sci- On or hefore Junc 1, 1H46. every roof of
dom werc thcse two takcn out by thc covcred with wooden shinglcs shall he Secrl'tun' reqlll'stell. 'fhl' bids will be received by the
of thl' BOl'ough Council up to 8
ends playing opposite th~m. Most of replaced with apphoved fircproof ma- i" ~i, )iOUllll,', Dcel'mbel' 13, 1926, lit whiph
thc time the Lower Mcnon backs had terial correspc:-sJng with the require- tl,,1I' II rl'J:ullir 1ll1'I'ting of the Borough COlln·
cll eonvenes nnd the opeulug of the bids wiIl
Save labor---save time---maintain an
to attcnd to the job, and it was seldom ments for ncw huildings,
tuke pillce.
that they were successful. ' All buildings shall he proddcd to Contract wl11 be awarded to the lowest •
Lowcr Merion's inability to cover with propcr 11letal guttcrs and leaders responsible bltlder and thl) Couucll resel'\'pS
thcse flashy ends and the slowness of which shaH bc connectcd to the sewer. tlousright the to reject nny Dr 1111 bills. Collpc-
will be required in lIecordauce with thl'
even temperature In coldest weather
its back field in providing inte1'feren~e and where thcre are no sewers such followlllg schedule:
for thc man handling the ball explam leadcrs shaH be connected by pipes Thrce coIlections a week daring the months
in a large manner why the "breaks" below the surface and under the side- October.
which went to Coach Prevost's big Red \\,,,11.:: of the street gutter or a cesspool.
of l\la~', June, Jul)'. August, September nIH!
1;wo collections a week Ilm'ing the 1110nth'
with a Kunkel Combustion System.
elcvcn. I in such manner as will protect the of NoYcmber, December, JunUllf)", FebruUl'Y.
For the Ardmore team, Litchfie d, walls and foudations from damage. and Murch Dnd April,
Kindl)' forwlIrd ~'our bid for above work,
who came into the fray as a substitute shall not 111cnace the hcalth or comfort J, R. HALL, You can cut your coal bill in half with a
quarterback in the early 'part. of the of thc puhlic. Chail'lllUn Wllter, Light and Hellith
third. quarter, was one ghttermg per- Upon the roof of evcry building Committee, Kunkel Combustion System, because with it
former. His first act was to take the fl' I I.. (2,;~-26) you can burn buckwheat coal at $7.50 a ton,
ball on a forward pass-the only one- more than 15 cct llg 1, w llch IS not
and slip around the left part of Rad- required to have stairs' and bulkhead
nor's linc for a brilliant run of :15 yards, leading thcreto, therc shall be a scut-
=============== Phone Narberth 672
instead of burning larger coal at $15 to $16
a ton-or oil at $18.70 a ton.
And on the very next play thc Lower tIc with stairs or substantial stationarv
l\lerion stands, steeped in deep gloom step-ladder leading to same which shall
since Brown's So-yard run for a touch- be easily accessible at all times to all
Narberth TaXl. Cab Co. You can also eliminate about 75 per cent.
down at the opening of the half, were occunants without the usc of keys, All of the labor in connection with your furnace
Walter Roser operation-because the Kunkel Combustion
electrified to see Litchfield s bIg nU111- non-fire-proof scuttles shall. he cov-
ber 10 go through the Radnor hnc for ('rcd on thc top and edge With sheet nonG~ REDAN~ FOR HIRE Sy:tem controls automatically the desired
another fifteen yards.
I metal. or other approv,cd fireproof
A serics of trick plays. patterned matenal. The roof openll1gs s!lall. be
aftcr those of Pcnn's four magacians, at least two feet by thrce fcet 111 sIze.
ont.·..: :':1~ Illl\'.. rtord Ave.
temperature in your home. No more run-
ning to the cellar-no more worry about
drafts and dampers,
mixed tip with linc bucks and a couple =============-==~===============
of off tackle plays, directed at Captain
Harkness in the left side of Radnor's MARGARET and KATHERINE McDOWELL The Kunkel Combustion System is not a
line, thcn brought the pikskin to within carburetor, not a trifling something that's
the shadow of the \Vayne goal posts, and
"attached" to your furnace. It is a complete
Thcre the Maroon and \Vhite offensive HELEN JONES DEACON
stoppcd when Adam's proteges failed combustion system which operates as an
by a matter of inches to put the oval ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF integral part of your heating plant and
over the linc. Radnor took the ball makes it possible to burn buckwheat coal
on downs and kicked to safety. That
took the heart Ollt of the team, and
THE TREASURE SHOPS without changing your grates or altering
at Na1'be1'th, Pa, your fu:nace in any way.
from that time on while it still con-
tinued to fight gamely, Lower Merion Whe~'e a wider vari~ty of carefI;1l1y selected articl~s of decorative v,alue are
never scriously threatcned to score. on dIsplay. Also gIfts apprepriate for all occaSIOns and particularly for
I The Kunkel Combustion System has been
Lower Merion had twice before had the holiday shopping. tested and approved by General Electric
chances to scorc and both times failed.
Reasons lor burning coal Company, Philadelphia Electric Company,
rrhis was in the verv first Quarter when Montgomery and Woodbine Avenues 303 Chestnut Avenue 1. Only 6 years' visible supply of oil. the Fire Underwriters and by eminent heat-
the Maroon and White started hostili- Narberth, Pa. Telephone 341-R Narberth-Phone 2789
ties likc a world beater. Then, as dur- 2. Oil is expensive. ing engineers.
ing the third quarter drive. loyal root- 3. Oil prices have increased yearly.
ers who had at the best hoped for a ""I~ascsm:5C5"2!:iC!i2S~~:!5i!522~~i2.5~i!.Si!5i!25C.!X!iaS25i~ ~ Many homes in and near Philadelphia are
scoreless tie, had visions of a touch- " 4. Coal is cheaper than oil. now using it with complete satisfaction.
down. HEADQUARTERS FOR G. E. 5. Coal is safe?'.
6. Coal is more dependable.
Let our heating engineers tell you what
the Kunkel Combustion System can do for

("ONTT:"T'F:n "'Rn~1 THP: "'IR~T !'Alli'

All Kinds and Colors
Round ball frosted for side brackets, flame tint
familiar with the exact proposals
of this ordinance. the section bear-
twisted for candle sticks, inside frosted for table Combustion Division
and floor lamps. This is a new lamp that will
~ng upon shingle roofs is printed
eliminate glare and last longer. It is the best lamp
In full as follows:
Every building hereafter erected
within the fire limits of the borough
shall have a fire-resistive roof cover-
ing, and no existing wooden shingle
ever made and costs less.
Light up the dark spots and make your home
bright and cheery
roof within sail limits. if damaged
more than ten per centum (10%) shall E. J. LYONS ORers the ~ost complete ceal service
be renewed or repaired with other than
a fire-resistive roof coveriIag, 2 t t Haverford Ave.
All buildings outside of fire limits, Narberth, Pa. 63rd and Market Sb. Phone Boulevard 888
ex~pt as given below. shall have roof ~ Phone 2277 We deliver
covering of IItandard quality approved gl
by Underwriters Labratories, such as .·:,&!Si!52~5C!5i.!i2S~i!.5i!Si!!5i!.2!i2!i2!iia5CS:i!.5i!5i!SC25i.!i2SiC5i!.5i!5i!SC2!i2!rnia5~c.
November 11, /926
- I
Poem written by Mrs. R. Hcn- N. R. PEACOCK
derson Farley.
On this a day of holy memory,
Interior aDd Esterior PalDtfng
When Dillatisfied Try
We gather here to lay a stone, 407 Essex Ave., Narberth, Pa.
To lay it with fair colors, for a
To our high visions, to our bright
Phone. Narberth 2fI3'T
Once, in our ignorance,
We thought of stones as ,"atter, Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers
.. dead, inert;
But now we know each one a uni. 234 Haverford Avenue 'Phone, Narberth 1254
A little world complete;
The truth of science is the truth We Call for and Deliver
.,• of God;
All truth is one, and we are kin
To all creation.
So let this stone, a vibrant, living
Cement our lives in bonds un-
• Today, as we look back
Along the vista of the Past,
Our minds are peopled with a
• sleeping company, A GaragE' can be more quickly constructed with lumber, and,
Radiant, glorious. Lord, may we properly lined inside, will prove a good insulator in protecting
not forget I your car from the winter elements.
I like to think
That gracious spirits who have
labored here
Are now aware
Of this, the consummation of their
Ane may their lingering radiance
not lend
A special beauty to this senient
August our yesterdays; yet must
we look ahead;
We build for shining, glorious to-
It has been said that brick and
stone congeal
In frozen music;
Then let the inner harmonies
Ring through these walls; a harp'
of many strings
Making melodious this meeting
I see the sunlight's golden dust
Lighting these windows, and thes
gracious walls;
The sunset's wild, red rose, iIlumi. Ther(' :Ire manr attractive Garage designs and plans in our
ning Lumber Library at ~'our disposal any day bet\veen 7 A. M.
Each pane with rainbow coloring; and 5.30 P. M., Saturday until 12 noon, or any evening by
Moonlight, like hoarfrost, resting appointment.
on this roof; Fir, White Pilw, Yellow Pille and Cypress arc adaptable fo/'
Now, from these walls, may stone outside wO/'k alld we would be glad to tell 110U approximately
and brick cry out what the material for u Guru-ge of yom' design wendd cost.
Our high remembrance, and our
And may the living stone we lay SHULL LUMBER COMPANY
Be symbol of the New Com- 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd
munity, CYNWYD 662
Where Truth and Beauty wed in

Where To Shop In West Philadelphia

Automobiles- Automobile Radiators! Automobile Tops. Confectioners Ladies' Wearing Apparel I Sporting Good.
New and Used Cars
AUTO RADIATOR SERVICE 1;::- :'A'74.. J. CHRl,orOmeNrlYI"S'itTEhPierRee.Arrow

"Prompt and l!1[ftclent" "Within Sound of Bells and Bosun's
WhlsUe" will Intere6t you. The history of Smart Frock8
Radiators, Auto Bodies and Fenders -.4uto Tops S li7J Cotlers this famous candy shop is traced with a at
list of the varieties ollered.
Repaired. Welding and Brazing. GIClss Enclosures MAY RINGE Reasonable Prices
Metal Work of all kinds. ~. N. Curn..r 40th ""11 I.udlo,," St•. Est. 18..0 3603 Chestnut st. EVELYN HARRIS JEFFERIES
540 North 52d Street 8('c(wd I'loul' 116 S. 40th St. Eve, 4738 420 S. 52d St. OPEN EVlDBY
Auto Sales Company
Phone: Belmont 6461
Brake Service
Electrical Equipment
1 AsbU1'7 Park Newark
A Relwllle store lor
:New Brunswlok
Tires and Tubes
Automobile Repairing Depclldable Merohandl8e
5220·26 Baltimore Avenue ACE TIRE JOBBERS

Authorized Service 33 8. 40th STREET A complete stock of new and used tlrell
CHRYSLER R USC 0 Electric Power and Light Installations and tubes. Vulcllnlzing ODd retreading.
Cut this lid ,'ut. It Is good for 10% on
We Specialize in
Service and Repai1's Brllke Lining Electric Fixtures and Appliances nil ~lre8 und :::i')'o on all vulcanizing work.
Reconditioned Used Cars Hydraulic Brakes
Store No 1-5530 Lancnster Ave.
Stops Qulcker-Raln or Shine Phone: Evergreen 11263
1>2<1 and Chestnut sts.
Store No. 2·-4851 I,llDcaster Ave.
Women's and Misses' Wearing Apparel
Garage Supply & Equipment Co. Stationers,
hELL: ,1LLll.tlHENY 4400 E. J. BERRY 1>338-42 LnuC/l8ter Ave. Belmont 0938 Footwear Sherwood 8984
'Vomen's and Misses' Wearing Apparel
Office Supplies

Belmont 0433

Automotioe Electric Beauty Parlors 5526 Lansdowne Avenue SCHOOL SUPPLIF.s
Seroice Fine AKIA Footwear It's real fun buying school supplies
Foot Troubles Relieved here because we have such a big
MIRIAM L FARREN assortment and such low prices. And,
SULLIVAN BROS. Beauty Salon BElLlIIONT 6121-W 27 and 29 S. 52d St.
Sherwood 7614
besides, you get personal and courte-
Open Evenings ous attention.
Willard Edmunds' Process of Permanent Gas Ranges Come and get ac-
Waving. All Waving done by :Miss - - - - - _ quainted.
Open ·~ues. and Fri. Eves., 7 until 9
Starting Lighting Ignition
Choice of the Day 445 North G3d St.
Farren without any danger or dis-
LET US CALL Dieckhaus
See Granite 8100
Hotel Pennsylvania
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 3Utb &: Chestnut Sts, Evergreen IHijl)
and explain the merits of our RITA The West Philadelphia Stationer
All-White Porcelain Kendezvou8 for Smort Women Wholesalo and Retail
HOOD MOTOR SALES Delco-KIaxon-Remy GAS RANGE Go1Dmr Ready to Wear or to Onkr 210 South 52d St.
nlrect Fllctory nelller Bosch and Splitdorf MARINELLO SYSTEM WHITE STAR GAS RANGES 8906 Ohestnut MIllinery nnd Hosiery 0l,en E"er,\' F."enlnA'
Genuine Parts and Service "A Beauty Aid fo)' Every Need" St, Eve. 3014
53 N. 52d ST. Allegheny 4416
Exide Batteries and I'ERl\IANENT lIlARCELL Tea, Colfee and Spices
1449-51 N. 52d St. King Radios WITH AIR ONLY Optometrists and Opticians
l'iJOncs: 1kllmolll S83:1-8834 5505 Lansdowne Ave.
Gas Seroice Stations Viqueira & Guerin
lU10 WALNUT ST. Granite ~f8 HARVEY'S Dir('ct from Plantation to You
Automobile Glass Al1cghcn~' 76(\j
Evergreen 7455
We Sell Utied Cars on a com- Cars Called for, Gl'eal;ed and :IS s. :;::" ST. Allegheny 8US
PAULINE'S Delivered, $1.00 and $1.50
)o"'"e I,..livery
mission basis and have won-
derful values.
AUTO GLASS A C/·isp Ma1'cell T/za.t Lasts 53th and Lancaster Ave. Belmont 10218

NESTLE rERMANENT WAVIN(. Hardware and Radios and Equipment Upholsterers

The best for jU8t (( little less. InstaUed While You Wait
Housefurnishings ---- -------
Lancaster Ave., Lansdowne Ave. We deliver and install window
MILLER Manufacturel' of High-Grade
and Peach S1.

o3rll nnll 54th
Uclmont 102113
glass in your home,


Done b)~
Mr. Ritter
Hardware CO.
1480 N. 52nd St.
With Other Radios Yon Han Oeurd
Moderate In Prlee-,.Soper Beeeptlon

513 S. 52nd St.
Rc},ulrl:l of Every Dcscrlptlcm
122 N. 1>2c1 lS'l'UEET
IJell PllOllC, Allcgllellll 3410
1467 N, 52nd St. Ladies' HaIr Clltting-Male Belmont 0949
Operators Window Shades
Belmont 3912 :11:: s. :;::<1 S'l'. Allelrlten~' 11I09.~08
Sporting Goods ---

Automobile Painting WINDOW SHADES

Baring 7477 ·------:Nlckel Platliiir PAIN~'S-OILs-GLASS
Met,,1 Work
Til/ilk uj U. Wllell 111 tllV Market
[01' a Good Pain t Job
4240 Market Street
O,'crbrook \S106
SERVICE STATION Meats, Groceries and Watchmakers
8878 B.Uma teo Furnl.hed Provisions SULLIVAl'i BROS_ PHILIP H. WEISS
Automobile Painting
Official West Philadelphia Service Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry
of the Better ClaB8
Granite 31 03 FRUIT~VEGElTABLES NORTHEAST All Kinds of American and SwiSH Watches
Jr. E. Corner 40th IUld Luillow Bt•• anti Clockll ltelJalred.
S_nd Floor We Dellt'fll' Aft1Illlhlll"ll
11196 N, 634 St. On, oaat-Cll8ll
445 North 63rd St. 6148 Market Street
GrRDlte 8100 Phone Granite 8624.

, Justice '01' Peace,

.=============~====================c High Ollicer
With Judge's Powers atOne ,Time
LAMPS When mention is made of the I Governor appointed the trustees.
• fact that such men of note in early
times of Montgomery County as
Then from 1779 until 1788 they
were commissioned by the Su-
OF ARDMORE, PENNSYLVANIA Table Frederick A. Muhlenberg, Frede-
rick Antes, Zebulon Potts or Rob-
preme Executive Council. After
J7HO the' were again appointed by
ert Loller held the office of justice the, Governor, and later' on the ....
Junior of peace, 'it may seem as though
that were a small office for men
office was made elective.
According to the act creating
of such calibre to hold. But the Montgomery county, in 1784, any
Bridge office of justice of the p~ace was
no minor one in the eighteenth
three of the justices of the peace
of the county could hold court.

century. The justice of the peace The court of justices had juris-
Boudoir prior to the Revolution and for
some years afterward had powers
diction in virtually all kinds of
cases except felonies punishable
equivalent to those which the by death, Their term w~ ~even •
This Bank solicits deposits on the strength In fact, a complete judges of the courts 110W exercise~
Immediately upon the founding
years. Judges of the Supreme
Court made circuit tours and visit-
of its 6.nancial resources, on the high standing •
stock of Lamps••• of the government of Pennsylva-
nia, in 1682, justices of the peace
ed each county twice a year to
hear cases requiring their atten-
of its officers and directors, and on that highly were appointed. It is an English tio11. J

valued asset-the friendship and good will of every one new and offi~e, the justices in that country 'J'he commission which the Su-
havll1g been chosen from among preme Executive Council issued
its customers. of the latest pat- th~ "most efficient k,:ights, es,~
ql1lres and gentlemen ot the law.
join~ly to Henry Scheetz, of
WhItemarsh and JohnRichards,
The Pennsylvania justices ,of of New Ha~en, in 1784 may be
terns .",
the peace were not necessarIly quoted to ilustrate the power com-
men learned in the law. But they mitted to justices of the peace in
SOlD ON EASY wcre men who possessed the con- those days. It reads thus:
fidence of their fellow-citizens and "Reposing special trust and con-
PAYMENT TERMS werc esteemed for their probity lidcnce in your patriotism, pru-
THE MAIN UNE BANKING INSTITUTION and sound common sense, dcnce, integrity and abilities,
Could Hold Court. know that we have assigned you,
;\ bout the time of the Revolu- and each of you, justices of the
4%' Int8'1'est Paid on Savings Deposits THE COUNTIES GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. tion the justices had authority to
bold courts of C01111110n pleas,
peace in the county aforesaid to
keep all laws made for the g;ood of
....... ;

quarter sessions and general pail the peace and for the conservation
Ardmore 17 Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47 delivery. Numerous other duties of the same to keep and cause to
=c~c====~==~=~c=~=c===~==== were, also imposed upon them. Ai: ~e kept, and to chastise and pun-
=========================== lone time, in an endeavor to check
extortion among' I iquor dealers,
Ish all persons offending; against
the same within the said county;
justices were by law directed to giving' hereby and granting unto
lix the price of liquor periodically, you, the said John Richards and
and also the price of provender for Henrr Sc\1eetz, and to each of

~el~e,:"- .
horses, The latter provision sug- you, tuB power and authority to
~'ests that the hostlers at the tav- execute and perform all the sev-

erns had been cmulating the man eral acts and things which and

behind the bar. C justice of the peace in the county
Up to the time of the Revolu- aforesaid, by the constitution and
t inll, the Goyernor or Lieutenant laws of this commonwealth law-

ND ~i::sl~~n:n~~Il~/ ~l~~~~t;e~:d t;r~:;~
fully can, mayor ought to do, both
in the Courts of General Quarter

Sessions of the Peace and Jail De-

~ so long ago . .. and hold such power and authority

for seven years, you behaving
yourself welL"
There were about that time
your every out-oj-town call MILK AN 0 CREAM
eight districts in the county, which
had.o,ne justice of the peac~, and in
adclttlon there were portions of
waJ met luith the reJponse: BRYN MAWR.
two other districts which extend-
ed ~eyond th~ county limits.
liThe operator tuiZI call yott.)J Upper :Menon and Lower Mer-
iOlI. together with Blockley town-
ship, in Philadelphia, were a dis-
AND YOU hung up the receiver. PLAY The justices of the peace formed
at the Y. M. C. A. the cuunty courts until the adop-
The greater the distance, the longer you waited. tion of the State constitution of
.Toill NoH' and Enio?! These l i~)(), which created a separate
P1'ivileges: judiciary and restricted the pow-
Today, your calls to nearby points are handled like Gymnasium ers of the justices to their districts.
local calls, You stay on the line until the called tele- Swimming Pool
Shower Baths
phone answers. Billiards
And connections with distant points, too, are made Circulating Library
Reading Room
with a speed unheard of a tew years ago. Millinery and Interior
Decorating Classes SILVER on Worn, Brassy Parts, Re-
Every month reaches a new goal.
Scientific research; amazing inventions; better equip-
Living Rooms
Clubs IHectors, Radiators, Bathroom Fau-
cets, etc., so that they
Good Fellowship LOOK LIKE NEW _.'
ment and better methods; the addition of tremendous , F01' Men, W vmen, Boys and
Gir~:: 3-oz. Trial Size 50c; liz-pint $1.00;
amounts of new plant- Rates Fit Your Purse Pint $1.65
Sec Demonstration
All are contributing to a service of ever-increasing Main Line Christian
Association E. J. Lyons: H. Ricklin
facility and value. 116 W. Lascaster Ave. H. F. Cotter
Ardmore, Pa. A. R. Justice Co., 904 Walnut St.,

- W .,1Ot ... .:Ao . . . . . . . . .. u .......


Simply as a part of the scenery, it is pleasant to view
the building at the west end of Haverford A venue.
A brick colonial structure, dignified, friendly, strong,

Appearance, of course, is but a part of an institu-

tion's duty to the community it serves. Back of the
white-painted doorway there must be a friendly wel-
come, and the capacity to serve.

These, we think, you will find here. The strength of

the National Banking System is at your command,
and the courtesy which comes only through genuine
neighborly contact.


Open Frit:lay Evenings-7 1tntil 9

.============= Justice of' Peace, High Officer

With Judge's Powers atOne ,Time
LAMPS 'When mention is made of thej Governor appointed the trustees.
• fact that such men of note in early Then from 1779 until 1788 they
times of Montgomery County as were commissioned by the Su-
OF ARDMORE, PENNSYLVANIA Table Frederick A. Muhlenberg, Frede- preme Executive Council. After
rick Antes, Zebulon Potts or Rob- J7HO the' were again appointed by
ert Loller held the office of justice the. Governor, and later' on the
Junior of peace, 'it may seem as though office was made elective.
that were a small office for men According to the act creating
of such calibre to hold. But the Montgomery county. in 1784, any
Bridge office of justice of the peace was three of the justices of the peace
no minor one in the eighteenth of the county could hold court.
century. The justice of the peace The court of justices had juris-
Boudoir prior to the Revolution and for diction in virtually all kinds of
some years afterward had powers cases except felonies punishable
equivalent to those which the by death. Their term was seven •
This Bank solicits deposits on the strength In fact, a complete judges of. the courls now exerc~se~ years. Judg;s ?f the S~pren1~
Immedtately upon the foundmg Court made clrctut tours and visit-
of its nnancial resources, on the high standing •
stock of Lamps.·· o~ t~e govert~me~t of Pennsylva- ed each county. twice a year to
ma, m 1682, JustIces of the peace hear cases reqUiring their atten-
of its officers and directors, and on that highly were appointed. It is an English tion. ..,
valued asset-the friendship and good will of every one new and offi~e, the justices in !hat country 'J'he conlJl1ission which the Su-
havt~~· been chC?sen lro~l1 among .pr~me Executive Council issued
its customers. of the latest pat- th~ most efficient kmghts, es- J01l1tly to Henry Scheetz of
ql11res and gentlemen of the law." \Vhitemarsh and John Rich~rds,
The Pennsylvania justices .of of New Ha~en, in 1784 may be
terns the peace ,,:ere not necessanly quoted to ilu!:itrate the power com-
men learned 111 the law. But they mitted to jU!:itice!:i of the peace in
SOlD ON EASY were men who possessed the con- those days. It reads thus'
lidencc of their fellow-citizens and . "Repo~ing special trust ~nd con-
PAYMENT TERMS were esteemed for their probity tidence in your patriotism, pru-
THE MAIN UNE BANKING INSTITUTION and sound common sense. dcnce, integrity and abilities,
Could Hold Court. know that we have assigned you,
:\ !lOut the time of the Revolu- and each of you, justices of the
4% Interest Paid on Savings Deposits THE COUNTIES GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. tion the justices had authority to peace in the county aforesaid to
hold courts of COll1mon pleas, keep all laws made for the good of
quarter sessions and general pail the peace and for the conservation
Ardmore 17 Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47 delivery. Numerous other duties of the same to keep and cause to
=-=-=============-=-=-=-= QoQ eel ==-=-=-= ===
==~ ~ onewere, also impo!:ied upon them. At ?e kept, and to chastise and ]lun~
time, in an endeavor to check Ish all persons offending against
extortion among- liqnor dealers, tl~e. same within the said county;
justices were by law directed to gl\"ll1g hereby and granting unto
lix the price of.liqnor periodically, you, the-, said John Richards and
and also the prIce of provender for Henry Scheetz, and to each of ....
horses. The latter provision sug- you, full power and authority to
~'ests that the hostlers at the tav- execute and perform all the sev-

erns had been emulating" the man eral acts and things which and
behind the bar. C justice of the peace in the county
Up to the time of the Revolu- aforesaid, by the constitution and
tin\l, the Governor or Lieutenant laws of this commonwealth law-
fully can, mayor ought to do, both
in the Courts of General Quarter
Sessions of the Peace and Jail De-
~ so long ago . .. HIGHLAND livery and of special and private
sessions and elsewhere, to have

and hold such power and authority
for se\'en years, you behaving
yourself well."
There were about that time
your every out-oj-town call MILK AND CREAM eight districts in the county, which
had one justice of the peace, and in
758 LAN CASTER AVE. addition there were portions of
was met zuith the response: BRYN MAWR. two other districts which extend-
ed beyond the county limits.
"'The operator tuiZl call yott. Upper Merion and Lower Mer-
ion, together with Blackley town-
ship, in Philadelphia, were a dis-
AND YOU hung up the receiver. PLAY 'rhe ju:'ticl's of the peace formed
at the Y. M. C. A. the cut11lty courts until the adop-
The greater the distance, the longer you waited. .Toin Now and Enjoy These
tion of the State constitution of
l lBu, which created a separate
Privileges : judiciary and restricted the pow-
Today, your calls to nearby points are handled like Gymnasium ers of the justices to their districts.
local calls. You stay on the line until the called tele- Swimming Pool
Shower Baths
phone answers. Billiards
And connections with distant points, too, are made Circulating Library
with a speed unheard of a few years ago. Reading Room
Millinery and Interior
Decorating Classes SILVER on Worn, Brassy Parts. Re-
Every month reaches a new goal.
Scientific research; ama~ing inventions; better equip-
Living Rooms
Clubs I
flectors, Radiators, Bathroom Fau-
cets, etc.. so that they
Good Fellowship
ment and better methods; the addition of tremendous , For Men, \V vmen, Boys and LOOK LIKE NEW'"
Gir1:: 3-oz. Trial Size 50c; yz·pint $1.00;
amounts of new plant- Rates Fit Your Purse Pint $1.65
Sec Demonstration
All are contributing to a service of ever-increasing Main Line Christian
Association E. J. Lyons : H. Ricklin
facility and value. 116 W. Lascaster Ave. H. F. Cotter
Ardmore, Pa, A. R. Justice Co., 904 Walnut St.,


Simply as a part of the scenery, it is pleasant to view
the building at the west end of Haverford Avenue.
A brick colonial structure, dignified, friendly, strong,

Appearance, of course, is but a part of an institu-

tion's duty to the community it serves. Back of the
white-painted doorway there must be a friendly wel-
come, and the capacity to serve.

These, we think, you will find here. The strength of

the National Banking System is at your command,
and the courtesy which comes only through genuine
neighborly contact.


Open Friday Evenings-7 until 9
November 11, 1926 Curtailu and Cushions E. J. NEIGER
:MADE TO ORDER General Contractor N.R.PEACOCK
Poem written by Mrs. R. Hen-
derson Farley.
On this a day of holy memory,
Circulating Library Jobbing a Specialty Interior and Exterior Painting
When Diuatisfied Try
We gather here to lay a stone, HEMSTITCHING SHOP The Overbrook Hardware Co. 407 Essex Ave., Narberth, Pa.
To lay it with fair colors, for a 318 DUDLEY AVE. Phone Overbrook 5106 '
witness NARBERTH 2510 6227 Lancaster Avenue
Phone, Narberth 2637 HEWIT'S
To our high visions, to our bright
ideal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~¥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers
= =
Once, in our ignorance,
We thought of stones as '#latter,
dead, inert;
Schedule of Montgomery Bus Co., Inc. 234 Haverford Avenue 'Phone, Narberth 1254

But now we know each one a ani.
A little world complete;
The truth of science is the truth
of God; !0>
MontgomerY Avenue Line until 3.80 P. M.
Then 3.45 P. M. and every 15 min,
Starting at 5T.3UR O ADA.YMS.
! We Call for and Deliver

All truth is one, and we are kin ~ 'Eastbound until ,10.30 P. M. Then every 20 min. until 9.10 A. M. ~
To all creation. W Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until Then 9.50 A. M. and every 40 min.
So let this stone, a vibrant, living w... (,eaving AndeArson uaesnd Montgomery 12.:W A. M. Thuntil1212.30pPM·M. d 20' ~ ~~===:Z::=======================:I\\
W ven Then 1.00, 2.00 and 300 A M en.50 • • an every mm. ~
Cement our lives in bonds un-
Starting at 5.30 A. M. SATURDAYS
nntil 10.10 P. M.
'r.len 10.50 P. M. and 11.30 P. M.
' ~
A H FiT" Coat lOT
• Today, as we look back ~
w Then every 15 ml·n. until 9.00 A. M. Starting at 6.00 A. M.
Then every 15 min. until 9.30 A. M.
Then 12.30 A. M. YOUT CaT
Along the vista of the Past, w... Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min. SUNDAYI!I ~
Our minds are peopled with a W 3.00 P. M. until 12.30 P. M. Starting at 5.30 A. M. ~ A Garage can be morC' quickly constructed with lumber, and,
• sleeping company, !0>. Then 3.15 and every 15 min. until Then 12.45 P. M. and every 15 min. Then every hour until 9.30 A. M. ~ properly lined inside, will prove II good insulator in protecting
Radiant, glorious. Lord, may we W 1000 P M t'l 1030 P M Then 10.10 A. M. and every 40 min. ~
not forget I w...
W Th en. 10'
.20 an• d every 20'mm. until Then
un I10.50• P. M.
and every 20 min. un t'l

P • "'1
" •
your cal' from the winter elements.
I like to think w...
1200 P M
• •• d AM t'l 1230 A M
Then 1,10 P. M. and every 20 min. ~
t'l8 M ~
That gracious spirits who have
labored here ~ Then 12.30,1.30 an 2.30 . • Then 100, $2.00 and 4.00 A. M. Th~~ 19.3:0p~~I. ~nd every 40 min, ~
Are now aware ~ S;\TURDAYS SUNDAYS until 11.30 P. M. ~
Of this, the consummation of their w... Starting at 5.30 A. M. Starting at 6.00 A. M. Then 1230 A M
.. dream;
Ane may their lingering radiance
not lend
Then every 15 min. until 9.00 A. M. Then every %-houl" until 9.30 A. M.
Then 9.20 and evel'y 20 min. until
12.00 A. M.
until 1.30 P. M.
Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min.
Leaving 54th and City Line
A special beauty to this senient Then 12.15 and every 15 min. until Then 1.45 P. M. and every 15 min. WEEKDAYS ~
hour? w... 10.00 P. M. until 10.30 P. M. ~ tarting at 5.50 A. M. ~
August our yesterdays; yet must It Then 10.20 and ever~' 20 min. until Then 10.50 and every 20 min, until Then every 20 min. until 9.30 A. 1\1•.~
we look ahead;
We build for shining, glorious to-
12.00 P. M. ,
Then 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M.
12.30 A. M.
Then 1.00, 2.00 and 3.00 A. AI.
Then 10.10 and every 40 min. until ~
4.10 P. M.
Then every 20 min. until 8.30 P. M. ~

It has been said that brick and Starting at 5.30 A. M. Leaving 54th and City Line 5 min- Then 9.10 P. M. and every 40 min, ~
stone congeal Then very lL-hour until 9.00 A. M. utes later than the above-men- un t'l
11 .1 0 P . 1\I • ~
In frozen music;
Then let the inner harmonies ~ Then 9.20 and"' every 20 min, until Le' tioned times.
P l '
avmg enn8Y vama . . R R St a-
The n 120
. 0 andt.O 0 A.""I. .~
~ 1.00 P. M. tion in Narberth 19 minutes later SATUIUMYl'
Ring through these walls; a harp' ~ Then 1.15 and every 15 min. until than the above-mentioned times. Starting at 5.50 A. lH. ~
of many strings lirJl' 10.00 P. M. Then every 20 min. until 9.30 A. M. ~
Making melodious this meeting ~ Then 10.20 P. M. and every 20 min, Narberth Short Line Then 10.10 and every 40 min. until ~
place. w... until 12.00 P. 1\1. 12.50 }? M. .~
I see the sunlight's golden dust W Then 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M. Eastbound rhen 1.10 P. 1\1. lind every 20 min. ~
Lighting these windows, and thes ~ Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- until 10.30 P. M. ~
gracious walls; ~ tion in Narberth 7 minutes later I.ea,"in~ Penna. R. R. Station, Then 11.10 P. 1\1., 12.50 A. 1\1. and .~ Ther(' arc many attractive Garage desig11s and plans in our
The sunset's wild, red rose, illumi- than the above-mentioned times. Narberth 1.00 A. 1\1. ~ Lumber Library at your disposal any day between 7 A. M.
ning ~. Leaving 54th Street and City Line 'UEEKDA""S ~ and 5.30 P. 1\1., Saturday until 12 noon, or any evening by
Each pane with rainbow coloring; ~ 21 minutes later than the a b o v e - ' A SUNDA\"i, ~ appointment.
Moonlight. like hoarfrost, resting ~ mentioned times. Starting at 5.30 A. M. Starting at 6.00 A. 1\1. ~
w Then every 20 min. until 9.10 A.!W. Then every hour until 9.00 A.!I. ~ Fil', White Pille, Yellow Pille and Cypress ure adaptable fo)'
on this roof j
Now, from these walls, may stone w... Westbound Then 9.50 A. M. and every 40 mm. Then 9.50 A. M. lind every 40 niin. ~ outside 1VOl'I.; and we would be glad to tell 1101t approximately
and brick cry out W d d L A until 3.50 P. 1\1. until 1.10 P. M. ' ~ lVhat the material lOl' a Gal'age of 110m' design wOllld cost.
~ Leaving 63 an ancaster "eRue Then 4.10 P. M. and every 20 min. Then 1.30 P. 1\1. and every 20 min. ~
'Our high remembrance, and our
And may the living stone we lay
Starting at 6.00 A. M.
Then every 15 min. until 9.30 A.1\I.
until 8.10 P. M. until 9.10 P. 1\1.
Then 8.50 P. M. and every 40 min. Then 9.50 P. M. lind every 40 min.
until 11.30 P. M. until 11.50 P. 1\1.
29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd
Be symbol of the New Com- ~ Then 9.50 A. 1\1. and every 20 min. I Then 12.30 A, M. I Then 1.00 A. IU.
• munity,
Where Truth and Beauty wed in ~ . ~
. Fellowship.
-...-..<:::='"'-=-===~===~=========" ,-,-, =====-= - ~===========

Where Tn Shop In West Philadelphia '-'

New and Used Cars
Automobile Radiators (
Automobile Tops Confectioners
Ladies' Wearing Apparel I Sporling Good.

"Within Sound of Bells and BOSUD'S
"Prompt and EI/lCfent" A Whistle" will Interest you. The history of
this famous Candy shop Is traced with a
Smart Frocks

Radiators, Auto Bodies and Fenders 'Auto Tops Slip Cut'ers list of the varieties offered.
Repaired. Welding and Brazing. Glass Enclosures Reasonable Prices
BIDDLE Metal Work of all kinds.
540 North 52d Street
~. E'. C'orll~r 41)1h 1I11t! I,udlow
Sb, E.t. 18110
____ ,
11111 S. 40th St. Eve. 4788 420 S. 52d St. OPEN EVERY
Phone: Belmont 6467 Electrical Equipment
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Asblll'7l'ark Newark New Brunswlok
Auto Sales Company Brake Service A Reliable store lor Tires and Tubes
Automobile Repairing JOHN J. L. GROSS Dependable Merchandise

5220-26 Baltimore Avenue
Authorized Sel'vice 33 S. 40th STREET complete stock of new and used tires
R USC 0 Electric Power and Light Installations and tubes, Vulellulzing aud retreading.
CHRYSLER Cllt tlliH lid oot. It iH good tor 10% on
1111 t,lres lind 211% on nit VUlcanizing work.
We Specialize in Service and Repai1's Brake Lining Electric Fixtures and Appliances
Reconditioned Used Cars
Hydraulic Brakes
Storage Batteries·
I S/Oi'H Qul,.ker-Rain or Shine
Garage Supply & Equipment Co.
Phone: E"ergrel'll 1l:l4l3 ri2d an,l Chestnut Sts.
Women's and MIBsl's' 'Wearing Apparel
Shenvood 8984
Store No l-titiaO LRncaster Ave.
Store Nu, 2·-4857 I,RneaBter Ave.
HELLI ALLr.tlHENY 4400 E. J. BERRY 1>338-42 Lancaster Ave. Belmont 0938 Footwear Office Supplies
Belmont 0433
Automotive Electric 5526 Lansdowne Avenue
It's real fun buying school supplies
Service Fine AKIA Footwear
here because we have such a big
MIRIAM L. FARREN Foot T?'oubles Relieved assortment and such low prices. And.
BIllLr.IONT G121-W
SULLIVAN BROS. Beauty Salon 27 and 29 S. 62d St.
Sherwood 7614
besides, you get personal and courte-
OpeD Evenings ous attention. Come and get ac-
Willard Edmunds' Process of Permanent Gas Ranges quainted.
Waving. All Waving done by Miss Open '~ues. aud Fri. Eves.. 7 uutll 9
Starting Lighting Ignition Farren without any danger or dis. LET US CALL Dieckhaus
Choice of the Day 445 North G3d St.
Granite 8100
Hotel Pennsylvania
and explain the merits of our RITA The West Philadelphia Stationer
Wholesale and Retail
See 39th &: Chestnut 8/s. Evergreen MliO All.White Porcelain Rendezvous tor Smart WODlen
HOOD MOTOR SALES Delco-Klaxon-Remy
GAS RANGE G1J1I1n8 Ready to Wear or to Order 210 South 52d St.
MARINELLO SYSTEM Millinery and Hosiery Ollen E,·er.,' F,,'ellln~
Dlr~"t Fllc/ory Dewer Bosch and Splitdorf WHITE STAR GAS RANGES 8906 Ohestnut St, Eve. 8014
Genuine Parts and Service "A Beauty Aid fOI" Eve,'Y Need" 113 N. G2ci ST. Allegheny 44'16
Exide Batteries and pERlIlANENT MARCELL Tea, Coffee and Spices
1449·51 N. 52d St. King Radios WITH AIR ONLY
Gas Service Stations Optometrists and Opticians Viqueira & Guerin
Plaooes: Dehnolll '"83:1-8834 5505 Lansdowne Ave.
5110 WALNUT ST. Granite 82'18 HARVEY'S Dir(·et from Plantation to You
111 S. 40tb St, EvergTeen 7455 Service Station FlU:l'lI UOASTEIJ IJAILY
CLEARVIEW SAIAES Automobile Glass .'\l1cghen~· 7667 GAS 20c TEAS :ind SPICES
Cars Called for, Greased and :l.."i ~. :12<1 ST. Allegheny 8123
41 'NORTH 52'!!' STRE&1"
We Sell Used Cars on a com- PAULINE'S Delivered, $1.00 and $1.50 )0'1"'0 \)elivery

mission basis and have won-

derful values.
AUTO GLASS A Cl'isp llfQ1'cell That Lasts Mth and Lancastcr Ave. Belmont 10218

___upholst_e_r_e_rs _
NE8TLE PERMANENT WAVIN(i Radios and Equipment
The best just little less.
Installed While You Wait
- I
Come in and Compare the

RITTER'S BEAUTY SHOP l\lnnufllcturl'l' uf Hlgh·Grade
Lancaster Ave., Lansdowne Ave. We deliver and install window MILLER
glass in your home. Hardware Co. With Other Radios You Have Hellrd
and Peach St. Moderate lu Prlee--Super Reeeption Ul'pnlrs of E"ery Drsl'rlption
(Dc/Wl'ell 5ard nnd 54th Sts,)
8~'EAl\1 Done by PAINTS AND GLASS Cam
or P •L• SMITH Casb
or 122 N. r.::tl Sl'REET
OIL Mr. Ritter Bell P/,olle. AlleyllCny 3~IO
,'..,,"'. Uelmollt 10:ui3 1480 N, 52nd St. Terms 513 S. 52nd St. TermH
1467 N. 52nd St. Ladies' Hair Cutting-Male Belmont 0949
Operators Window Shades
.~ Belmont 3912 m:: :-;, r,::d 1S1'. AI1~gllt'n~' 11109-289S
Sporting Goods
Restaurants ---
I Automobile Painting THE BLACK CA-;;T~CA~FE=­ WINDOW SHADES

8i\riiiii7:r.r--- - Nlokell'1&tJDlr PAIN1.'S-OIL8-GLASS AND RESTAURANT
Metal Work
T1ICnk ul Ub II'/llill /11 tilt' Market
Dinners, 75c to $1.25
for' a Good Paint Job OVERBROOK HARDWARE 5148 Walnut Street
QUILLIN'S QUALITY Sunday Dinners $1.00 and $1.25
AUTO PAINTING COMPANY 11112 Market St. Phone, Alleglleny 0'190 _
4240 Market Street O,'erbrook GI06
SERVICE STATION Meats, Groceries anCl Speedometer Ser,vice Watchmakers
ETe, 8818 E.Umllle. F'urnlsbed
Official West Philadelphia Service Diamond8, Watche8, Jewelry
MEATS-{;ltOCEUl.lllS .\11 Kinds of American aUII Swiss WateheB
of the Better Cla88 Granite 3103 I~RUI1.·S-YEGETABLES NORTHEAST amI Clocks UeIJRlred.
Eo COrner 40th and Ludlow 8ts.

Seoond Floor lVe DcUt'cr A~loheru 445 North 63rd St. 6148 Market Street
1996 N, 68d st. Ow. oalIi-oaaG Gl'tUllte 8100 Phone Granite 8624


J C'bbing Carpenter
Mr. and 1\lrs. Albert r.ongbottom,
All Saints' Church.
Baptist Church of the Evangel Storm JJ:nclosures-ScreeDS \Vynnewood, Pa. Parishioners Pay Tribute to Popular of Elmwood avenue, are now occu-
Made-·Erected-Rcmoved f Rector, Rev. Gibson Bell. Curate. pying their new home at 440 Syca-
Robert E. Keighton, Minister Phon.) Narberth 1671 I 8 A. M.-Holy Communion. Last Monday evening a testi- more avenue, lVlerion.
10 A. M.-Church school.
!b======~ 11 A. l\I.-J\Iorning prayer and
monial reception was accorded
... "Genesis and the Modern Man" mon.
Benedicite-Mark Andrews.
ser- Rev. T. A. Brady, until recently
assistant rector of St. Margaret's is the guest of her daughter, J\tIrs.
Mrs. Mary Daniel, of Gratz, Pa.,
A Series of Evening Sermons DAVIS' Anthem-"And the Glory of the Catholic Church. The parish hall C. A. Speakman, at. 243 Hampden
Lord," from Handel's Messiah." was crowded by the presence of avenue.
Tomorrow Evening THE OLDEST STORE the numerous friends which the
. "A Universal Catastrophe" IN NARBERTH
First Church of Christ, Scientist. young curate had made in his
\Vomen's Club Building, Ardmore, Pa. two years' residence in Narberth, Mrs. John Whitten has returned
Sunday services, 11 A. M. and as an appreciation of the high to Huntington, \i\T est Virginia, after
Wednesday evening - Testimonial
~=====m~~~~~~~"'~~~~~~ Piano Teacher meeting, 8 o'clock. esteem in which he is held a hand- visiting her daughter, Mrs, Adolph
oOOC ===-= ===-= =CQoQo=-= OOC = ==-= =
e::-::-c:-:: Qo. =-= ===
MISS MARIE MIESEN Reading room, 10 \Vest Lancaster some radio set was presented to Vogel, at 215 Avon road.
avenue, open daily, 10.30 A. 11. to 4.30 him by the members of the con-
Narberth Beauty Shoppe Studio at
P. M.
The subject for the Bible lesson ser-
Commander Charles H. Shaw, U.
N., who has returned from a
Narberth, Pa. mon for November 28 is "Ancient and The evening's exercises were ten weeks' cruise near Hayti and
Marcel Waving, Facial Massage, Scalp Treatments Phone Narberth 1673-M Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmer- uncler the direction of Henry P.
Manicure, Permanent Waving ism and Hypnotism, Denounced." Cuba, expects to be in Narberth
Carr, president of the Holy Name
• Society, who recountered the
until after January 1,

CHARLES B. WAFER The Presbyteriar:a Ch~r~h.
Rey. John VanNess, Ml111ster.
:Meet1l1gs for November 2 8 : ,
manner in \vhich Father Brady
had endeared himself to St Mar- A. lIf.-Bible schobl. A wel- garet s people and he expressed days, visiting his parents at 300
Mr. Jack Maguire, of Pittsburgh,
is home over the Thanksgiving holi-

'. Open Evenings by Appointment 111 Narberth Avenue come for all. The Bible classes repair the extreme regret which aCCOIl1-
to t!1Cir resp.ective roon~s after the panied the announcement of his Grayling avenue.
103 Essex Avenue :: Phone, Narberth 2565 open1l1g exercises ~t 10 0 cl<;>ck;, transfer to St. Joseph's Church at
11. A. M.-Morn1l1g worshIp, Hold- C 11' d I Edwin :Martin of "'layne road has
::-c == =-=-= =
~ ==-= ==
c:::x:::x:= =-= =
:x:x: ::x:x:= c:: = = ==-= Light Hauling ing Forth the Torch of Life.' 0 mg a e.
11 A. l\I.-Juuior church for chil- Father Brady stated that he College for the Thanksgiving holi-
returned home from Penn State
dren. . \\'ould always have a warm affec- days.
j LEAVE Specialty on Packages and
. 6.45 P. M.-SenlOr Endeavor meet- tion for the friends he had made
1I1~:00 P. r.I.-Junior Endeavor meet- in Narbert~ and that he .felt he
inn' conducted by Miss Furber. had been sIgnally favored 111 hav- avenue. is on his way to Florida,
Mr. Jefferson Yowell, of Winsdor
YOUR T1'Unks .7:45 P. M.-Ev~J1ing worship, "The ing the opportunity to spend part where he expects to remain all win-
Cities of Refuge.' . of his priestly career in a commu- ter.
At the Prayer 1l1eetll1g next \Vcelnes-.
evening the subject for considera-
'1 . 1 h
~1Ity \'Ii 1IC 1 ad ~o much to. offe.I
tiOll will be "The First of All the COI11- 111 the way of stImuh1S and II1Spl- Miss Clarissa Endicott, of Mont:.
NOW PACKAGES-I0c mandments." A number will partici- ration for spiritual service. He gomery avenue, is visiting friends in
pate. lauded the cordial and effective Atlantic City over the week-end.
for Hauling in Town co-operation which he had always
Specialty-$4.00 Methodist Episcopal Church. received and declared that it was
Christmas Fruit Cake up Rc\'. \\". Sheridan Dawson, Minister. his fond hope that he would con-
!\' o\'ember 28, 10:2G.
Mr and Mrs. Jesse S. Harris, of
135 .Merion avenue, are entertain!ng
TRY OUR DELICIOUS Are You Going to Move? n.45 A. M.-Bible school. Hon. tinue to be reQ'arded as an integral the Tames F. Donnellys, of PhIla-
Fletcher \\T. Stites, Superintendent. part of St. Margaret's Parish and delphia and Atlantic City, formerly
Let Me, Move You. 11.00 A. M.-l\lorning worship. privileged to participate in its af- of Narberth.
Pumpkin and Mine Pies Sermon by Re\'. C. :M. Boswell, D. D. fairs as far as his other duties
Phone, Narberth 2202- W of Philadelphia.
NUT CANDIES This will be our annual Harvest would allow him. Father Brady Robert Harris is visiting friends
Home and Hospital Day. Children was given an enthusiastic ovation at East Orange over the week-end.
fresh every day BERT S. SMITH and adults are asked to bring' thank at the conclusion of his address.
offering of canned fruit. jellies, fruit Rev. Robert F. Haves, the ne\\' Francis 1\1. Lambert, son of ::.'dr.
Butter-Eggs-Delicatessen or \·egetables. pastor of St. Margaret's, also ex- and Mrs. A. Leslie Lambert, of
WHITE'S SWEET SHOP Delivered at your door
This offering will he sent to the
IVlethodist Episcopal Hospital, in Phil- pressed in his own behalf, and for :! I (j lIampden avenue, has been
adelphia. the parish. his high' I'egard for elected to the honorary society of
Phone, Narberth 1242-J 1\.4;) P. l\L-Epworth League devo- Father Bradv's endeavors. and for Sigma Pi at Rensselaer Polytech-
219 Haverford Avenue-Phone Narberth 1705 tional meeting. his notable' personal qualities. nic Institute, Troy, N. Y. Elec-
7.4;) P. l\1.-Evening worship. Ser- F
"Our <ather Hayes stated that it was tion to this society is the highest
~r:a;e:e:e:er:a;e:a:ro:J:a:e::e:a:fco:e::o:rol:fm~P3:8::e:ro~:op~~ JAMES R. COLE 1110n by
Royal Visitor."
the pastor. Theme:
a keen disappointment to him honor that can come to a student
~ Rear of 250 Haverford Ave.
l8::a:a~OV'OClO'O'CB:8JCA:£~OP.~ House and Deco1'(ltive Painting :Monday-Business and social meet- when Father Brady was trans- at the Institute.

Mail Orders and Jobbing Promptly ing of the Epworth League. ferred, but that there was nothing Lambert graduated from Nar-
Tuesday-Business and social meet- he could do to retain him in Nar-
Attended to in" of the Sunshine Bible Class. 011 berth in face of the great scarcity berth High School with the class
NARBERTH.RESTAURANT CO. Phone, Narberth 339.W lClrayer and Praise Service
\Vednesday evening at 8 o'clock. of priests at the present. The new 1'01· technic the following Sep-
of 1923 and entered the Troy
The Ladies' Aid Society will hold pastor revealed that livinQ' in the tember in the Department of J\'1e-
222 Haverford Avenue
WHERE TO BUY IN their annual bazaar in the Y. M. C. A. coal country apparently imposed
huilding, on Saturday, December 4. no inhibitions on a fine sense of l1'ain'ained an excellent scholastic
cl1<ll1lcal Engineering. He has
NARBERTH! A welcome awaits you at all the exquisite humor. because. as record at the institute and will be
We serve regular dinners YE ODDITY SHOPPE services of the church. Michael Collins Dut it. not even fa(lUated next June.
The Gift Shop of Na1'berth Baptist Church of the Evangel. Frank Fogarty himself could tell
from 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. Exclusive Importations from
Europe. Robert E. Keighton, Minister. them better. The pity is, as HACKETT-BURLEIGH
Apropos of the Gift Season. Services for the week of November Michael says, too, it wouldn't be The marriage of Miss Anna
')8 .
including Stunning New Creations from - 9.45 A. M.-Church school. right at all to have the priest in Frances Burleigh, of Narberth, to
"Everywhere." 11 A. M.-Morning worship. Ser- the Minstrel Show. Mr. Ernest A. Hackett, of Phila-
Soup, rolls and butter, Order your Christmas Cards 1110n: .. A Moving Rock." Father O'Donnell, of St. Col- delphia, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
now, while selections are complete. 7,00 P. M.-Young People's Dcvo· man's. was also on hand to voice P. Hackett, of Canton, Pa., took
Meat, with two vegetables, 104 Forest Ave. tional Service.
Open Fl'iday Evening 7,45 P. M.-Evening worship. Ser-
his warm regard for Father Brady, place last Saturday morning in St.
Dessert, coffee or tea. mon: "A Universal Catastrophe." and to say a thing or two about ]\11 t' CI I '1'1
the res. ectiye 111el~its of }\1'(1,11"I"P 1 argare s 1urc 1. 1e ce:e-
This sermon concludes the series on d N Pb th A h th I t mony was performed at a Nuptial
SOc FYR.·FYTER "Genesis for the Modern Man." It is an ar er. s e was e as M ss the Rev. Dr. Clune of-
a presentation of the Flood Story. speaker. however.. he probably felt I. fi cia ';l. t"111 0'
EXTINGUISHERS There has been a decided increase in pressed for time, and therefore
the attendance at these evening serv-
I b' • . , •
Approved Bom'd Unde1'w1'iters ices, which indicates that the Bible for did not have the opportunitv to The bnde was. gIven 111 marnage
JOHN L. JENKINS the modern man is being sought by explain why it was that Narberth by h~r brother-m-lav;r, Mr. Leon
Full course supper, 75c many! had a fine church years and years B. Elchengreen, of ~ arberth, and
201 Price Avenue \Vednesday, December 1: before such was the case in Ard- was attended .by MISS Marga~et
== ,taO P. M.-The Crusaders. more. Maybe he will on the next Coope~. as mald of ho.nor. M1SS

General Cont1'actor
8.00 P. M.-Covenant Prayer serv- occasion.
ice. Topic: "Peace Through Com-
\Ve have found these Covenant
. A progTam of 111terestmg vaude-
Jane Elchengreen, •.a mece of the
bride, was flower gIrl.
Mr. William H. Dickel was
.Jobblng R Specialty
Services of unusual helpfulness in pre- ville followed the addresses and best man for Mr. Hackett, and the
OVERBROOK HARDWARE paring us for the Communion Service ref~eshments were. served by the ushers were Mr. C. Arthur Bul-
COMPANY of the following Sunday. ladles of the Sodaltty. lock. Yr. Eric Senville, Mr. Sam-
6227 Lancaster Avenue Friday, December ;{: w~1 11 o\\'e and Mr. Thomas
Phone Overbrook 5106 P. M.-Young people's evening BOWL 3 STRAIGHT WINS
at the church. Kearny.
The young people of today must A breakfast followed the cere-
GEO. W. BOTTOMS have a social time. 'rVe have been Meteors and Lions Triumph In Inter- mony at the Bellevue-Stratford.
saying that such an occasion ought church League.
to be under the supervision of the Upon their return from a wed-
On Friday evening, November
ding trip, Mr. Hackett and his
Conlraclor <5- Builder church. Here is our opportunity
take advantage of a real social occa- th;ee
to 19 the Methodist Meteors won bride' will live at 737 Old Lancas-
sion under church direction. games from the Baptist Boost-
ter road, Bryn Mawr, where they
NARBERTH. PA. ers and 011 Monday evening. No-
will be at home after December
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church ve~1ber 22, the Lutheran Lions led
Narberth, Pa. the Methodist Marathons a merry 15.
M. E. Linn, Pastor. chase, taking all three games.
For Permanent Regular services, Sunday, Novem- Friday Evening, November 19th.
ber 28: Mrs.
Annie Addison Fox, of 10
REYER will never make Satisfaction 0.45 A. M.-Sunday school. R"lll'r
172 139
Simpson road, Ardmore, died
but one grade of ice cream. BUY A
11 A. M.-Preaching
Theme: "Sent of the Lord."
7 P. 1L-Luther League.
Slllith •.....•..•.........•••. 9~
service HI'Ilrl1
1'11rl'ln~ •.•••.•.••••.•••••••• _3
ioiil 130 Wednesday at the home of her
07 132
178 son. Dr. Charles D. Fox. '"
Every quart of Breyers is exactly 7.45 P. ~L-Evening service. Theme:
Sl)l'lIl'pr •••• '!" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ...:..:.:
She was the widow of the late
1117 7117 Charles D. Fox, and is survived
alike in quality and purity.
Smedley "The Thoughts We Think." This will
be every member canvass day. In- Mlcht'IIl'r
1~~) lJ.l
1~~ by three sons, Walter Addison
This policy benefits the seller stallation of canvassers. Interesting Wetherbee I':IIII\JIl
137 100
120 127 130 m
Fox, of Merwyn road, Merion;
and the buyer of Breyers in
equal measure. Built Home services all through the day. We l"nt'lupr •.••....•••.•..••..•.. ·126 1211
want good attendance. • II'f~lll1orf ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... 113 107 Clifford S. Fox, of Flushing,
11111 ,.77 597 N. Y., and Dr. Charles D. Fox, of
Served to the makers of
WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY BLIND WILL SING Humphries 142
137 Ardmore.
Disston Saws ! The public is invited to visit the Mllrra)' 191
•••.• • • • • . • • • • . • • • •• 1 no
lr):.! Funeral services were held yes-
H~ terday at 11 A. M. from the
= Lutheran Church Friday evening, Itohprt!olon
, a English Type House .December 3, and see what others !!Inmrhenhnupt
Rlpllf'r •••••••••••.•.•.•••••.•.••
Alhert '"
. 122
funeral parlors of Oliver H. Blair.
can do who do not have their sight. Wels"
TIRED OF JAZZ? For Sale The BoyS' Glee Club of the Penn- '1"" 7 641 01
Tune in on Brever Hour sylvania Institution for Instruction C. L. Jenkins 140 163 148 Louise Ricklin, son of Mr. and
of the Blind, of Overbrook, will en- Ewell 101 I~ Mrs. Hyman Ricklin, of Narberth,
Half-acre. Five bed- • .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. • .. 113 107
n,-",er 131
Every Friday-9 to 10 P. M. rooms and 3 baths. tertain with popular songs, solos, ~lllrtill nil
~~? was married Thanksgiving Day to
Stations WJZ-WRC All stone construction. bells and recitations. The entertain- I\lnke ~~~;~;:ere":::::::::::::::::::::.~~ ·Sit i:ili Miss Katharine Searcus, of Phila-
•••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• 1··)0)
ment will represent four features of 636 delphia. The ceremony was per-
563 579
1866 oflJood.....
SIzeJ Ye.... 19'''6 GEORGE R. MARKLE the musical department of the ---- formed at the \~Tnnefield Symi-
M Standing of the Teams.
Builder school. Won Lost P.e. gogue.
No admission will be charged. Lutheran Lions 18 :! till, The bridegroom is a graduate of
National Bank Building The public is. cordially invited to I'rl,.byt"r1nn Pilots •.•••.••••••• 8 6 .~ the local public and hi~h schools,
BII\ltlst Buttle... 9 1I

NARBERTH 2287 hear the boys. A silver offering will ~Iethodl.t Meteors ••••••••••••• 6 9 :~ and is associated ~ith hiS father in
~I.thodl.t MarathoDs .... ....... ~ T
==============================5 ===================1 I be lifted. Time, 8.15 o'clock.
IIlIptlst BOO8tel'8
Presbyterlan.pep Jlo7& • • • • • • • • a_ 9
1I 9
:2~ the hardware busmess.

Narberth Electric Shop ESTATE OF JOHN S. DIA1\lOND, DE-

CEASED. Letters of .Administration on the
above Estate have been granted to the
undersigned. who requests all persons hav-
ing elatms or demands against the Estate
of the decedent to make known the same,
NOVEMBER BOOK LIST oilers and all persons indebted to the decedent to
make pa~'ment, without delay, to
.t' r

The following books were purchased 219 ESSeX .Ave.,
by the Narberth Community Library Narberth, Pa.
during the month of November and Or to his Attorney.
are now ready for distribution: JOHN GILROY.
Allbrights-Archibald Marshall. A
delightful story of the life of an old
211 Essex .Ave.,
Narberth, Pa. (12·4-26) CALL NARBERTH 1635
English family.
Dancing Floor-John Buchan. An ESTATe: NOTICE
Englishman and his exciting experi-
ences in the islands of Greece.
Dark Dawn-1Iartha Ostenso. The
lato of Narbortll, Deceased. Letters of
Admintstration e. t. a. on tbe above Estate
eternal conflict· between man and bavlng been granted to The Merion TltJe
woman. and 1'rust Company of .Ardmore, aU per- 302 Haverford Avenue
Dead Ride Hard-Louis Joseph sons indebted to said Estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and thOSe hav- NARBERTH 1635
Vance. Budapest before the Red ter- ing legal claims t() present the same, with-
ror gave way to the white. out delay, at the office of said Compa·ny,
Deputy Was King-G. B. ~tern. No.5 East Lancaster llvenue• .Ardmore, Pa.

ctea'r as
Carrying on the fortunes of T011l, the HARRY C. BARE.
(12-4-26) Vice President.
heroine of the Matriarch.
Early Autumn-Louis Brom~eld.
Life in an old New England fanuly.
Flame of Courage-George Gibbs.
Historical fiction of thc seige of
Gabrielle-W. B. 1Iaxwcll. A story
of marriage and divorce in London.
Galahad-John Erskine. Fiction

-the Startling Shrill of the Morning Bird
- Without the Faintest Murmur of a Leaf
Those full clear tones of
the New Apex "Six"-how
the vast realm of radl0, will
reveal a world of untold
Brookhurst and Montgomery Avenue
Little Chats About Your Health, No.5

founded upon the life of Sir Galahad. ',\ C:2/icately they accentuate pleasure created {or you by
Golden Key-Henry Van Dyke. A the harmony of music, the the progress of science. GREASE :: OIL :: ACCESSORIES Publication Suggests
collection of stories. ~ pOWer of human voicel Truly, the New Apex "Six"
Harmer John-Hugh \Valpole. A • True enjoyment. Natural to
an un ~1nny degree, devoid
has combined the greatest
achievements of the day. It
True Death Certificates.
story in which the hero typifies the i
true spirit of Christianity. of ali ,:lstortion. To herald has encompassed every ad- Drive in and get your car oiled
Joanna Godden Married and Other those [eet sounds, a mile vanced feature made pos- and greased while you wait. The London Life Maga- "Good health is a luxury
Stories-Sheila Kaye-Smith. More of or " thousand miles away, sible through years of con-
at the turn of a single dial scientious research. Allow zine prophecies that some that all of us can enjoy it
"J oanna Golden" plus nine short Agent fOI" Good1lear Tires and Tubes day we will get the truth in we are willing to play the
stories. ,vill bring that superlative us to give yot.l an actual
Preface to Life-Zona Gale. How thrill of radio known only demonstration - in your death certificates and that game on a long law of aver
the ambitions of a young man of the to the Apex owner. To own home if you wish. the reports will read some- ages." ,j
sit back, then, and The satisfaction de-
:rvriddle \Vest are affected by circum-
stance. hear those mellow rived will prove be- HARRY B. WALL thing like this: By carefully avoiding th€
Proper Place-O. Dauglas. A tale harmonics - to yond compare. "Died after thirty years causes which were respon·
of happiness. fhut youl" eyes Come in today Plumbing. Gas Fitting of overeating." sible for the above "certifi
Red-Haired Girl-Carolyn Wells. and dwell in and hear it. and Heating "Smothered himself to cates" and by getting yoUl
A detective story. death; worked and slept in doctor's advice whenevel
Shot Towers-John T. McIntyre. NARBERTH, PA.
A novel of old Philadelphia with many PHONE, NARBERT££ J52-M unventilated rooms." such help is needed you cal'
interesting and friendly characters. "Poisoned by wrong cook- go a long way toward livin!!
Tides-Ada and Julian Street. Fol- ing methods." a long and happy life.
lows an American family in their climb
from log cabin to prominence in New rara -
218 N.13q.. S!;phila.
"Burned out; slept only
six hours a night."
We can help whenevel
prescriptions are to b(
Time of :Man-Elizabeth :Madox ~lJ Phone, Spruce 38-00 and SS-In
"Killed by high living." filled.
Roberts. A novel of the Kentucky
back woods.
Tish Plays the Game-lIary Rob- The NEW APEX "SIX'} Keystone I'llone, Race 70-154
erts Rhinehart.
More Tish adven- For Beauty - For Clarity - Fur Performance GARAnteed Roofs NARBERTH
\Vest of the Moon-Anna Robeson 1267 Deliver
Burr. A young girl's search for a
seemingly hopeless and mysterious
Narberth Electric Shop "BeNJlcfl ICI'"

a 8,,"le"

adventure. Sales and Repairs

With Eastern Eyes-Ernest Poole. 258 Haverford Avenue Eledrical Conlradar 238-40 Haverford Avenue
An American matrimonial tangle
viewed through Russian eyes. 703 S. Bowman Avenue NARBERTH
'j ....
BALANCE SHEETS 1IIIt'mal... F"mC.lIfl4

Issued Show Finances of Fathers' ~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Association. ~ . ~
Balance sheets showing the For Every ~ ~
financial condition of the Fathers' ~ ~
Association of the local Boy Scout Radio Need.
D. c. 20lA $2.00
~ ~
troops have recenly been issued.
The figures were compiled by D. C. 199 $2.25 ~ ~
E. T. \Volf, who acted as treas- Rex. $l.0t
D. C. 112 $4.S0
~ And Now Comes ~
urer during the illness of E. K. D. C. 120 :S2.St ~ ~
]\'Ionnington. A statement show- D. C. 200A $4.00 ~ ~
ing the standing of the association
to the close of the current year
will be prepared by the presi(!ent
of the Fathers' Association, E. P.
D. C. 210 $9.IlC
D. C. 216B $7 S'
D. C. 171 $4 5~
~ ~
The figures follow: ~ ~

= ~
Jan. 1. 111:::;'-'''LI1. I, 111:111
Cash Bulunce .Tan. I, Ill25 .... $217.45
= =
Contrihutions ..... $071.00
lIIinstrel Show 474.77
l\liscdlaneous 102.11
where the apothecary has held
Camp Delmont
1111 !l2
Re-create the actual performance.
Distance with volume.
Volume without distortion.
Packed in cushioned boxes.
:I forth for the last quarter-century
Hepalrs anl! Alterations . aS7.011
In a handy ca,·ton of five.
~ ~
lIIiscellaneous . Ask for MAGNATRONS.
ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. ~ In our own home town, where we have been ~
A' A!l Goocl Dealer. ~ privileged to help serve you for 12 years, we now set sails ~

Bulanee .Tew. 1, It12\\ .....••.. $2\\5.US NARBERTH ELECTRIC SHOP ~ on our own individual business career, and trust to have ~
,Jnn. 1, In::O--Juue :-10, lO::U
Cash Balanee .Tun. 1. 1lI21i .... $2\\:;.\\8
Magnatron Distributors
258 HAVERFORD AVE. Narberth, Pa.
the opportunity to merit your patronage. We promise to
do our best, and with the experience which we have had
$57Ka lr==========:::::==========~===:==::::::Q)
~ ~
:\Jovie Show
CoJjl'etioll~ :.!4S.H7
2.03 in learning what you want and how you want it, we feel
$830.31 ~ that you may be assured that our service shall be every" :if
$1,095.99 ~ thing it ought to be everything you want it to be. :;
Interest On :llortgages . $120.00
~ ~
I i
1\lo\'le Show l'~xlJl'Jlses •...•... UO.Olt
Hepairs 111111
. U:{.•jii
Floor Lamps, Complete $13.50
~ ~
Bulunee ,Tllne :{O, llJ20 $711I.Uli
Bridge Lamps 12.00
EXPENDITURES Boudoir Lamps 2.50 ~ Cigars for the men and ice cream for the ladies :;
Fancy Table Lamps
~ ~
}'erlo(l t;lldlng .June :~O, lU2f1
Cash Bolance Jan. 1. 11125 .... $217.4:; 9.85 and the children-all on us-on
~ ~
ContributiOnS $1,2411.a SPECIAL
~ ~
:lUnstrel Show 723.74
l\I1scdluneous 104.74
Five-tube radio set, complet with all accessories. $225
Value, while our small shipment lasts
Fancy Tree Outfits
$1.50 It Saturday, November 27, 1926
Interest On l\Iortgages
Minstrel Show Expenses
Alovie Show Expenses
Camp Delmont Expl'nses
Hepnirs nnl! Altl'rntlons
; Please do come in and see us

$l.ti75.lJ8 TIME PAYMENTS ~ ~

~ ~

I I.:1

November 30, 2.30 P. M.-Club R. C. A., Apex, Crosley, Atwater Kent, Garod (works
meeting. Mrs. Henry Kelly. Cur- right from lighting socket). No charge for installation.
Free service for one year.
rent literature and some Christ-
mas books. Songs by Mrs. J. B. ~ . 220 Haverford Avenue
~ ~
1, 9.30 A. M.-Exec-
~ ~
utive ,Board. Monthly meeting. . WALTER G. CASE

:qecember 2, 9.30.A.. M.-Gym-__ --""

naSlUm class. Prehmmary m.eet.: ~-250 Haverford Ave. Narberth 2282
ing Mrs. Robert Nash, Narberth / '
and Price avenues. j ===::;;;;=====::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;====::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;======::;;;;::;;;;= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,

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